• Title/Summary/Keyword: Electricity Generation Mix

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Fuel Mix of Electricity Generating System Considering Energy Security and Climate Change Mitigations : Focusing on Complementarity between Policy Objectives (에너지 안보 및 기후변화 대책을 고려한 발전구성비의 도출 : 정책 목표간의 상호보완성을 중심으로)

  • Ryu, Hanee;Kim, Kyunam;Kim, Yeonbae
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.761-796
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to derive fuel mix of electricity generating system with the lowest cost considering energy security and climate change mitigations as the target of energy policy. Energy Security Price Index(ESPI), based on the measure of market concentration in fossil fuel market and political risk of exporting countries, is chosen to assess the level of energy security. The methodology of Energy Conservation Supply Curve(CSC) is applied to fuel mix to meet the carbon emission mitigation through increasing the alternatives participation and introduction of new technologies. These also represent an improvement on the level of energy security, having the complementarity between two objectives. The alternative measure for improving energy security is exploration and production(E&P) of fossil fuel for energy sufficiency. Fuel mix of electricity generating system to achieve certain objectives in 2020 can be derived with the lowest cost considering energy security and carbon emission mitigations.

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Analysis of the Emission Benefits of Using Alternative Maritime Power (AMP) for Ships

  • Kim, Kyunghwa;Roh, Gilltae;Chun, Kangwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.381-394
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    • 2019
  • The marine industry contributes a large proportion of the air pollutant emissions along coastal regions, and this air pollution has been strongly linked to cardiovascular diseases and other illnesses. To alleviate the problem, many ports have installed alternative maritime power (AMP) facilities that enable onboard marine auxiliary engines with generators (gensets) to be shut down while a ship is at berth. This study compared the emissions from conventional gensets with those from AMP facilities, focusing on four emission types: greenhouse gases (GHG), sulphur oxides (SOX), nitrogen oxides (NOX), and particulate matter (PM). Both direct (combustion / operation) and indirect (upstream) emissions were considered together for the emission comparison. The results showed that AMP has lower emissions than conventional onboard gensets, and this benefit is highly dependent on the electricity generation mix onshore. On average, GHG emissions could be reduced by about 18.3 %, while the other emissions (SOX, NOX, and PM) would decrease more dramatically (88.4 %, 90.1 %, and 91.5 %, respectively). Additionally, future benefits of the AMP would increase due to the expansion of renewable energies. Thus, this study supports the potential of AMP as a promising solution for environmental concerns at ports worldwide.

Electricity mix scenarios simulation for Korean carbon neutrality in 2050

  • Pilhyeon Ju;Sungyeol Choi;Jongho Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.8
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    • pp.3369-3377
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    • 2024
  • As the realization of carbon neutrality has been a main assignment for coping with the global climate change, it became necessary to analyze upcoming changes in electricity mix with economic and technical viewpoints. This paper presents a newly-developed simulation model that reflects the daily intermittency of renewable energy by applying daily average power supply-demand patterns for each season. Also, the paper provides an economic analysis in the viewpoint of investment cost, annual cost and power generation cost by utilizing the calculations from the simulation model. Four scenarios are selected for the analyses, one based on the Korean Government's 2050 Carbon Neutrality Scenario and three Nuclear Power Build-up scenarios, which are newly suggested by the authors. The simulation results show that the increase of nuclear energy from 5.7% of Government's Scenario to 37.7% of the proposed Nuclear Power Build-up Scenario leads to the decrease of about 704 billion US$ in investment cost and about 181 billion US$ in annual cost; with reduction in the increase of 2050 expected generation cost from 3.1 to 1.6 times compared with the referenced 2021 average cost. Further, this study has significance in performing the economic analysis with the expected daily power supply-demand patterns in 2050.

Climate Change Policy Analysis Considering Bottom-up Electricity Generation System (발전부문 하이브리드 모형을 사용한 기후변화 정책효과 분석)

  • Oh, Inha;Oh, Sang-Bong
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.691-726
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    • 2013
  • We develop a hybrid model which allows the change in electricity generation mix by adding the electricity-sector components of bottom-up model to the conventional CGE model. The electricity sector is represented as a sum of separate generation technologies, each of which has the form of DRTS (Decreasing Returns to Scale) production function, unlike the conventional CGE model. We compare the effects of the 30% emission reduction target using the hybrid model with those using the conventional CGE model. The cost of meeting the target is lower with the hybrid model than the conventional CGE. It is consistent with previous studies in that adding the bottom-up components to the top-down model reduces the cost of emission reduction. In an extra analysis we find that an additional regulation like RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) increases the cost.

Development of System Dynamics model for Electric Power Plant Construction in a Competitive Market (경쟁체제 하에서의 발전소 건설 시스템 다이내믹스 모델 개발)

  • 안남성
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes the forecast of power plant construction in a competitive korean electricity market. In Korea, KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation, fully controlled by government) was responsible for from the production of the electricity to the sale of electricity to customer. However, the generation part is separated from KEPCO and six generation companies were established for whole sale competition from April 1st, 2001. The generation companies consist of five fossil power companies and one nuclear power company in Korea at present time. Fossil power companies are scheduled to be sold to private companies including foreign investors. Nuclear power company is owned and controlled by government. The competition in generation market will start from 2003. ISO (Independence System Operator will purchase the electricity from the power exchange market. The market price is determined by the SMP(System Marginal Price) which is decided by the balance between demand and supply of electricity in power exchange market. Under this uncertain circumstance, the energy policy planners such as government are interested to the construction of the power plant in the future. These interests are accelerated due to the recent shortage of electricity supply in California. In the competitive market, investors are no longer interested in the investment for the capital intensive, long lead time generating technologies such as nuclear and coal plants. Large unclear and coal plants were no longer the top choices. Instead, investors in the competitive market are interested in smaller, more efficient, cheaper, cleaner technologies such as CCGT(Combined Cycle Gas Turbine). Electricity is treated as commodity in the competitive market. The investors behavior in the commodity market shows that the new investment decision is made when the market price exceeds the sum of capital cost and variable cost of the new facility and the existing facility utilization depends on the marginal cost of the facility. This investors behavior can be applied to the new investments for the power plant. Under these postulations, there is the potential for power plant construction to appear in waves causing alternating periods of over and under supply of electricity like commodity production or real estate production. A computer model was developed to sturdy the possibility that construction will appear in waves of boom and bust in Korean electricity market. This model was constructed using System Dynamics method pioneered by Forrester(MIT, 1961) and explained in recent text by Sternman (Business Dynamics, MIT, 2000) and the recent work by Andrew Ford(Energy Policy, 1999). This model was designed based on the Energy Policy results(Ford, 1999) with parameters for loads and resources in Korea. This Korea Market Model was developed and tested in a small scale project to demonstrate the usefulness of the System Dynamics approach. Korea electricity market is isolated and not allowed to import electricity from outsides. In this model, the base load such as unclear and large coal power plant are assumed to be user specified investment and only CCGT is selected for new investment by investors in the market. This model may be used to learn if government investment in new unclear plants could compensate for the unstable actions of private developers. This model can be used to test the policy focused on the role of unclear investments over time. This model also can be used to test whether the future power plant construction can meet the government targets for the mix of generating resources and to test whether to maintain stable price in the spot market.

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Portfolio Analysis on the New Power Generation Sources of the Sixth Basic Plan for Long Term Electricity Demand and Supply (포트폴리오 이론을 활용한 제6차 전력수급기본계획의 신규전원구성 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Juhan;Kim, Jinsoo
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.583-615
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    • 2014
  • Including the rolling black out in 2011, Korea has suffered from rapid increase of electricity consumption and demand forecasting failure for last five years. In addition, because of the Fukushima disaster, high fuel prices, and introduction of new generation sources such as renewables, the uncertainty on a power supply strategy increases. Consequently, a stable power supply becomes the new agenda and a revisino of strategy for new power generation sources is needed. In the light of this, we appraises the sixth basic plan for long term electricity demand and supply considering the changes of foreign and domestic conditions. We also simulate a strategy for the new power generation sources using a portfolio analysis method. As results, a diversity of power generation sources will increase and the share of renewable power generation will be surged on the assumptions of a cost reduction of renewable power sources and an increase of fuel costs. Particularly, on the range of a risk level(standard deviation) from 0.06 and 0.09, the efficient frontier has the most various power sources. Besides, the existing power plan is not efficient so that an improvement is needed. Lastly, the development of an electricity storage system and energy management system is necessary to make a stable and efficient power supply condition.

Analysis of Pool Price and Generators Revenue from Capacity Margin in Competitive Market (경쟁시장에서 설비예비율에 따른 Pool가격과 발전사업자 수익분석)

  • Kim, Chang-Su;Baek, Yeong-Sik;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.269-275
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    • 2002
  • Recently, Korea's electric industry has experienced substantial changes in its structure and function including the introduction of competition in the generation sector. Korea is in the early stages of market competition where the market price is determined by generation costs. In the future, the market Price will be determined by generators'bids. Therefore, the generators'profit is determined by market pool price, the prospects of pool price are very important for new capacity investment decision made by generators and IPPS. This study analyzes hourly marginal costs and LOLP considering basic generation mix and characteristics develops the relationship of pool price and Profit by generation-type using the change in reserve margin, and proposes basic direction for profits variation and supply-demand analysis in the electricity market in future.

China's Fossil Fuel Market and IGCC (중국의 석탄 에너지 시장과 IGCC)

  • Zhang, Yanping;Ku, Jayeol;Um, Shingyoung;Kim, Suduk
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.137.2-137.2
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    • 2010
  • With current real economic growth of more than 10% per year, the Chinese energy consumption is rapidly increasing. Coal supply consists of the vast majority of China's total energy consumption requirements in 2008. China, the largest energy consumer, is expected to be heavily dependent on coal for future power generation, too (IEA,2009). A growing concern on global warming, on the other hand, drives Chinese government to declare her commitment to the reduction of CO2 emission by 2020. In this paper, China's energy market is examined for the current and future primary energy mix. Coal is found to be the biggest part accounting for 68.7% of total primary energy consumption while coal-fired power accounts for over 80% of the total power generation. The importance of Clean Coal Technology is being discussed based on the findings of the importance of coal in China's economy and its sustainable development. Among the technologies involved, a brief investigation of IGCC(Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) technology with a review on current IGCC projects in China are provided from the perspective of environmental benefits. Studies on regional Chinese power market is also conducted. It is found that the regulated power tariff in electricity system makes the power suppliers suffer from financial loss and changes in the electricity price system is under serious consideration by Chinese government. Even though Chinese power market system causes difficulties of commercialization for IGCC technology, the potential benefits will be high due to China's huge requirements of power generating capacity and its heavy reliance on coal if the electricity price system can be changed smoothly.

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Analysis of Determinants of Carbon Emissions Considering the Electricity Trade Situation of Connected Countries and the Introduction of the Carbon Emission Trading System in Europe (유럽 내 탄소배출권거래제 도입에 따른 연결계통국가들의 전력교역 상황을 고려한 탄소배출량 결정요인분석)

  • Yoon, Kyungsoo;Hong, Won Jun
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.165-204
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    • 2022
  • This study organized data from 2000 to 2014 for 20 grid-connected countries in Europe and analyzed the determinants of carbon emissions through the panel GLS method considering the problem of heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. At the same time, the effect of introducing ETS was considered by dividing the sample period as of 2005 when the European emission trading system was introduced. Carbon emissions from individual countries were used as dependent variables, and proportion of generation by each source, power self-sufficiency ratio of neighboring countries, power production from resource-holding countries, concentration of power sources, total energy consumption per capita in the industrial sector, tax of electricity, net electricity export per capita, and size of national territory per capita. According to the estimation results, the proportion of nuclear power and renewable energy generation, concentration of power sources, and size of the national territory area per capita had a negative (-) effect on carbon emissions both before and after 2005. On the other hand, the proportion of coal power generation, the power supply and demand rate of neighboring countries, the power production of resource-holding countries, and the total energy consumption per capita in the industrial sector were found to have a positive (+) effect on carbon emissions. In addition, the proportion of gas generation had a negative (-) effect on carbon emissions, and tax of electricity were found to have a positive (+) effect. However, all of these were only significant before 2005. It was found that net electricity export per capita had a negative (-) effect on carbon emissions only after 2005. The results of this study suggest macroscopic strategies to reduce carbon emissions to green growth, suggesting mid- to long-term power mix optimization measures considering the electricity trade market and their role.

Analysis of Gas Turbine Competitiveness and Adequacy of Electricity Market Signal in Korea (한국 전력시장에서의 가스터빈(GT) 발전기 경쟁력 및 시장 미진입 적정성 분석)

  • Kim, Eun Hwan;Park, Yong-Gi;Park, Jong-Bae;Roh, Jae Hyung
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.8
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    • pp.1172-1180
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed competition in peak load plants between CCGT and GT instead of competition between base and peak load plants like in previous studies. In common overseas power markets, CCGT and GT claim certain market shares as peak load plants with the latter boasting a high utilization rate as reserve plants. In South Korea, however, there has been no introduction of GT in the market that opened in 2001 with no analysis cases of GT's economy as a peak load plant. The current power market of South Korea is run on the cost-based pool, which allows for no price spikes. Since the capacity payment criteria for compensations for missing money are set based on GT generators, the power market uses GT generators as marginal plants. The purposes of this study were to analyze the competitive edge of GT generators as peak load plants in the domestic power market of South Korea and identify the causes of GT's failure in market entry, thus assessing the adequacy of market signals in the domestic power market.