• Title/Summary/Keyword: Egg plant

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Antifungal Activities of Equisetin, Zearalenone, and 8'-Hydroxyaearalenone Isolated from Fusarium Species against Plant Pathogenic Fungi. (Fusarium속 균주로부터 분리한 Equisetin, Zearalenone 및 8'-Hydroxyzearalenone의 식물병원곰팡이에 대한 항균활성)

  • 김진철;박중협;최경자;김흥태;최용호;조광연
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.339-345
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    • 2002
  • Antifungal substances were isolated from solid cultures of Fusarium equiseti FO-68 obtained from arrowhead and Fusarium sp. FO-510 obtained from egg plant, and then their antifungal activities were investigated against plant pathogenic fungi in vitro and in vivo. An antifungal substance was purifed from rice solid cultures of F. equiseti FO-68 and identified as equisetin. In addition, two antibiotic substances were isolated from solid cultures of Fusarium sp. FO-510 and their chemical structures were determined to be zearalenone and 8'-hydroxyzearalenone. in vitro, equisetin and zearalenone inhibited mycelial growth of most of the plant pathogenic fungi tested, whereas 8'-hydroxyzearalenone hardly inhibited fungal growth. In vitro, equisetin effectively controlled the development of tomato gray mold and tomato late blight. Zearalenone exhibited in vivo antifungal activity against rice blast, rice sheath blight, tomato gray mold, and tomato late blight. However, 8'-hydroxyzearale-none did not control the development of plant diseases except tomato gray mold. This is the first report on the antifungal activities of equisetin, zearalenone, and 8'-hydroxyzearalenone.

AC Recordings of Antennal Responses in The Rice Brown Planthopper to Common Plant Volatile Chemicals (식물 휘발성 물질에 대한 벼멸구 촉각의 전기생리학적 반응)

  • 윤영남;장영덕
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 1994
  • Electrophysiological recordings of antennal responses to common plant volatile chemicals in the rice brown planthopper, Niloparuota lugens (Homoptera: Delphasidae}, were examined. Volatile plant chemicals were generally credited with a major role In host plant location for food or egg laying by many insects feeding on plants as adults and/or as larvae. An mitial examination of extracellular responses has been conducted. Acton potentials recorded from the plaque organs were initially positive-going, biphaslc spikes and the background firing rate of the cells recorded ranged from 1 ~22 impulses/sec. A wide range of responses to changes in concentration of the test chemical was observed. The commonest response was a relatively small increase in exitation with increasing concentration beween 1 J.lg and 100).\g on the filter paper in syringe. Adtivity either peaked at 100 $\mug$ and remained virtually saturated at 1000 f19 or tended to decrease at the highest concentration.

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Vegetation Characteristics in Ecological Forest Site on the Mt. Jangsan (장산 생태숲 조성부지의 식생특성)

  • Kim, Seok-Kyu;Nam, Jung-Chil;Park, Seung-Burm
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2012
  • The research has analysed the targeted land situation, the composition of species, legally controlled plants, vegetation distribution, dominance, species diversity, and the similarity to evaluate the plant characterization of the eco forest in Jangsan, Busan. The results of the research is as following. The number of the plants that belongs to the area is 63 families, 126 genuses, and 163 species. Among them the fern plants : 4 families, 5 genuses, 5 species, and the egg species : 5 families, 8 species, 10 species, and angiospermae : 54 families, 113 genuses, 148 species have been checked. Monocotyledoneae of angiospermae : 7 families, 20 genuses, 22 species (13.5%) and dicotyledoneae : 47 families, 93 genuses, 126 species (77.3%) have been totally checked. The endangered wildlife species by the standard of the Ministry of Environment and the rare plants by the standard of IUCN evaluation realesed by the Bureau of Forest and National Plant Institution has never been checked but one species of Weigela subsessilis has been checked as an approving plant in being delivered abroad, the 8 imported plant by the standard of National Plant Institution checked, some disturbing ecosystem plants released by the Ministry of Environment (2009) not emerged. The succession into the oak trees is occurring to the biodiversity of the researched area, the number of species and their species diversity.

Development and evaluation of a model for management of plant pests in organic cucumber cultivation

  • Ko, S.J.;Kang, B.R.;Kim, D.I.;Choi, D.S.;Kim, S.G.;Kim, H.K.;Kim, H.J.;Choi, K.J.;Kim, Y.C.
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.spc
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    • pp.263-266
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    • 2011
  • Crop protection strategies in organic horticulture aim to prevent insect pest and plant disease problems through utilization of non-chemical based control means. In order to develop a model for management of plant diseases and insects in organic cucumber cultivation, we compared efficacies between chemical pesticide spraying system and biological control means in semi-forcing and retarding cucumber cultivation during 2005 and 2006. Conventional chemical spray program using various chemical pesticides was applied 5 - 10 days intervals, while two different non-chemical pesticide application programs using two formulated biopesticides Topseed$^{TM}$ and Q-fect$^{TM}$, Suncho$^{TM}$, and Sangsungje$^{TM}$ (biocontrol agents 1) and using egg-yolk and cooking oil(EYCO), Bordeaux mixture, Suncho$^{TM}$, and Sangsungje$^{TM}$ (biocontrol agents 2) were applied 5 - 7 days intervals during entire cucumber cultivation period. Efficacy of both biocontrol agents programs was effective to comparable to conventional chemical pesitice spray program to control plant diseases such as powdery mildew and downy mildew as well as insect pests such as aphids and thrips which are known as major threats in cucumber organic cultivation. In this study, we established and evaluated an effective and economic crop protection strategy using various biological resources can be used to control plant diseases and pests simultaneously in organic cucumber cultivation field.

Analysis of Life Cycle on Spodoptera exigua by Various Temperatures and Larval Susceptibility against Two Pesticides in Quarantine Pest Research Facility (검역해충실험동에서 파밤나방의 온도별 생활사 및 2종 살충제에 대한 유충 감수성 조사)

  • Lee, Jieun;Park, Youngjin
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2021
  • A Quarantine Pest Research Facility (QPRF) had been build in Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency and designed to ensure alien pests are safety contained inside the laboratory. Functions of QPRF including insect rearing, research, and physical containment facility were verified to check suitability as a research laboratory using the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua. As insect rearing and laboratory facility, S. exigua completed its development for 32.2 days at 25℃. Egg hatching, pupation, and adult eclosion showed 80, 86.6, and 90%. Two pesticides, fluxametamide and hydramethylnon showed high susceptibility against S. exigua larvae by spraying and dipping methods. As physical containment facility, male adults, which were artificially released from laboratory, did not capture in delta trap installed sex pheromone lure during winter season. Based on these results, QPRF will be used for study on alien insect species.

Control of Powdery and Downy Mildews of Cucumber by Using Cooking Oils and Yolk Mixture

  • Jee, Hyeong-Jin;Shim, Chang-Ki;Ryu, Kyung-Yul;Park, Jong-Ho;Lee, Byung-Mo;Choi, Du-Hoe;Ryu, Gab-Hee
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.280-285
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    • 2009
  • Powdery and downy mildews caused by Sphaerotheca fusca and Pseudoperonospora cubensis are the most common and serious diseases of cucumber worldwide. In spite of the introduction of highly effective systemic fungicides, control of these diseases remains elusive. Hence, this study aimed to develop an alternative method to chemicals in controlling the diseases by using different types of cooking oil. Egg yolk, which contains a natural emulsifier, lecithin, was selected as a surfactant to emulsify the oils. Among the different cooking oils used, soybean, canola (rape seed), safflower, sunflower, olive, and corn oils showed over 95% control values against powdery mildew of cucumber in a greenhouse test. In particular, 0.3% canola oil emulsified with 0.08% yolk (1 yolk and 60 ml canola in 20 l spray) was found to be the most effective. The treatment resulted in 98.9% and 96.3% control efficacies on powdery and downy mildews, respectively, of cucumber in the field. Canola oil exhibited direct and systemic effect, wherein powdery mildew of cucumber was suppressed only on treated leaves but not on non-treated leaves in a plant, while mycelia and conidia of the pathogen were severely distorted or destroyed by the treatment. The prospect of using the canola oil and yolk mixture as a natural fungicide is highly promising because of its effectiveness, availability, low cost, simple preparation, and safety to humans and the environment. The use of the canola oil and yolk mixture is expected to be an effective fungicide for use in organic farming and home gardening.

Development of a Bioassay Method Using Aluminium Foil Sheet for Screening Ovicidal Activity Against Diamondback Moth Egg, Plutella xylostella L. and Selection of Plant Extracts with High Ovicidal Activity (알루미늄호일 이용 배추좀나방(Plutella xylostella L.) 살란활성 검정법 개발 및 살란활성 식물추출물의 선발)

  • Kwon, Min;Kim, Ju-Il;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Lin, Mei-Ying
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.194-200
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    • 2011
  • Diamondback moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella L.) is known as the most destructive pest of cruciferous crops worldwide. As most insecticides targeted to mainly larval stage, new insecticides which have hatching-inhibitory or ovicidal activity could be more efficient to control DBM. Therefore, we developed an easy and efficient method for screening ovicidal activity of DBM eggs using aluminum foil. The aluminum foil ($4{\times}12$ cm) coated with filtered juice of chinese cabbage leave (hereinafter called oviposition foil) exposed to 300 newly-emerged adults for 24 hours inside the rearing container. The oviposition foils were replaced every 4 days consecutively after mating, but it was better to discarded over then. Oviposition foil were divided into 6 to 12 pieces depending on egg mass volume. After dipping into test solutions for 10 seconds using faucet, oviposition foil pieces were placed into common petri dish, and then investigated hatchability. The effect of methanol solvent (50%) for 10 seconds dipping on the toxicity against DBM eggs was negligible. In addition, whether covering the petri dish or not should be dependent on nature of active compounds tested. With applying the new bioassay method, methanol extracts from 50 plants were tested the ovicidal activity to DBM eggs. Among them, four plant extracts; Angelica tenuissima root, Lycium chinense root, Cnidium officinale root and Polygala tenuifolia root, showed high ovicidal activity of over 90% control efficacy, against DBM eggs.

Biological Control of Root-Knot Nematodes by Organic Acid-Producing Lactobacillus brevis WiKim0069 Isolated from Kimchi

  • Seo, Hye Jeong;Park, Ae Ran;Kim, Seulbi;Yeon, Jehyeong;Yu, Nan Hee;Ha, Sanghyun;Chang, Ji Yoon;Park, Hae Woong;Kim, Jin-Cheol
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.662-673
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    • 2019
  • Root-knot nematodes (RKNs) are among the most destructive plant-parasites worldwide, and RKN control has been attempted mainly using chemical nematicides. However, these chemical nematicides have negative effects on humans and the environment, thus necessitating the search for eco-friendly alternative RKN control methods. Here, we screened nematicidal lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from kimchi and evaluated their efficacy as biocontrol agents against RKNs. Of 237 bacterial strains, Lactobacillus brevis WiKim0069 showed the strongest nematicidal activity against the second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria, and M. hapla and inhibited the egg hatch of M. incognita. The culture filtrate of WiKim0069 had a pH of 4.2 and contained acetic acid (11,190 ㎍/ml), lactic acid (7,790 ㎍/ml), malic acid (470 ㎍/ml), and succinic acid (660 ㎍/ml). An artificial mixture of the four organic acids produced by WiKim0069 also induced 98% M. incognita J2 mortality at a concentration of 1.25%, indicating that its nematicidal activity was derived mainly from the four organic acids. Application of WiKim0069 culture filtrate suppressed the formation of galls and egg masses on tomato roots by M. incognita in a dose-dependent manner in a pot experiment. The fermentation broth of WiKim0069 also reduced gall formation on melon under field conditions, with a higher efficacy (62.8%) than that of fosthiazate (32.8%). This study is the first report to identify the effectiveness of kimchi LAB against RKNs and to demonstrate that the organic acids produced by LAB can be used for the RKN management.

Isolation and molecular characterizations of canine distemper virus from a naturally infected Korean dog using Vero cells expressing dog signaling lymphocyte activation molecule

  • Yang, Dong-Kun;Kim, Ha-Hyun;Lee, Siu;Yoon, Yoon-Seek;Park, Jungwon;Oh, Dongryul;Yoo, Jae Young;Ji, Miryeon;Han, Bokhee;Oh, Subin;Hyun, Bang-Hun
    • Journal of Veterinary Science
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.64.1-64.14
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    • 2020
  • Background: Canine distemper virus (CDV) infection results in high morbidity and mortality in dogs. There has been no report about Isolation of Korean CDV since 1980 in Korea. Objectives: To investigate the biological properties and the genetic characterization of Korean CDV. Methods: Vero cells expressing dog signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (dSLAM) gene named as Vero/dSLAM were used to isolate CDV using 17 samples. Diagnostic methods such as cytopathic effects, immunofluorescence assay, peroxidase linked assay, electron microscopy, rapid immunodiagnostic assay, and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction were used to confirm the Korean CDV isolate as a CDV. The genetic analysis was performed through cloning and sequencing of hemagglutinin gene of CDV isolate. Results: A virus propagated in Vero/dSLAM cell was confirmed as CDV (CD1901 strain) based on the above methods. The CD1901 strain showed the highest viral titer (105.5 50% tissue culture infectious dose [TCID50]/mL) in the Vero/dSLAM cells at 4 days post inoculation, but did not form a fork on chorioallantoic membrane of 7-day-old egg. Ribavirin, a nucleotide analogue anti-viral agent, inhibits moderately the Korean CDV propagation in the Vero/dSLAM cells. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the H gene of CD1901 strain were compared with those of other CDV strains. The CD1901 strain belonged to Asia 1 group and had the highest similarity (99.9%) with the BA134 strain, which was isolated in China in 2008. Conclusions: We constructed successfully Vero/dSLAM and isolated one Korean CDV isolate (CD1901 strain) from a naturally infected dog. The CD1901 strain belonged to Asia 1 genotype.

Varietal Differences in Ovipositional Preference of the Striped Rice Borer Moths (Chilo suppressalis W.) (이화명나방 산란선호성의 수도품종간차이)

  • Choi S. Y.;Lee H. R.;Lee J. O.;Park J. S.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.15 no.1 s.26
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 1976
  • Screenhouse experiments were conducted to find out the varietal difference in ovipositional preference of the striped rice borer moths (Chilo suppressalis W.) on eight varieties of rice and its association with several plant morphological characters. The results indicated the strong preference of the moths for ovipositing on several varieties. The varieties Tongil (Suweon 213-1), Yushin, Jinheung and TKM-6 had comparatively more egg masses and more eggs than the varieties IR-26, IR-747, Rexoro and Juckna. The strong ovipositional preference of moths of Tongil, as compared to the resistant variety TKM-6 and the susceptible variety Rexoro, was. always consistent in this study whenever the number of tillers were uniformed and each two varieties were paired. It could be concluded that the moths definitely preferred Tongil among the test varieties. There was not any significant correlations between the ovipositional preference and the plant characters; such as number of tillers per plant, plant height, external diameter of stem, and size of leaf. The cause of strong perference of the moths for ovipositing on short type varieties Tongil and Yushin were still suspectable.

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