• Title/Summary/Keyword: Effective pixels

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Anatomical variations of trabecular bone structure in intraoral radiographs using fractal and particles count analyses

  • Amer, Maha Eshak;Heo, Min-Suk;Brooks, Sharon L.;Benavides, Erika
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : This study was performed to evaluate possible variations in maxillary and mandibular bone texture of normal population using the fractal analysis, particles count, and area fraction in intraoral radiographs. Materials and Methods : Periapical radiographs of patients who had full mouth intraoral radiographs were collected. Regions of interest ($100{\times}100$ pixels) were located between the teeth of the maxillary anterior, premolar, and molar area, as well as the mandibular anterior, premolar, and molar areas. The fractal dimension (FD) was calculated by using the box counting method. The particle count (PC) and area fraction (AF) analyses were also performed. Results : There was no significant difference in the FD values among the different groups of age, gender, upper, and lower jaws. The mean FD value was $1.49{\pm}0.01$. The mean PC ranged from 44 to 54, and the mean AF ranged from 10.92 to 11.85. The values of FD, PC, and AF were significantly correlated with each other except for the upper molar area. Conclusion : According to the results, patients with normal trabecular pattern showed a FD of approximately 1.5. Based on these results, further investigation would be recommended if the FD value of patient significantly differenct from this number, since the alteration of this value indicates microstructural modification of trabecular pattern of the jaws. Additionally, with periapical radiographs, simple and cost-effective, PC and AF could be used to assess the deviation from the normal.

The Applicability for Earth Surface Monitoring Based on 3D Wavelet Transform Using the Multi-temporal Satellite Imagery (다중시기 위성영상을 이용한 3차원 웨이블릿 변환의 지구모니터링 응용가능성 연구)

  • Yoo, Hee-Young;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.560-574
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    • 2011
  • Satellite images that have been obtained periodically and continuously are very effective data to monitor the changes of Earth's surface. Traditionally, the studies on change detection using satellite images have mainly focused on comparison between two results after analyzing two images respectively. However, the interests in researches to catch smooth trends and short duration events from continual multi-temporal images have been increased recently. In this study, we introduce and test an approach based on 3D wavelet transform to analyze the multi-temporal satellite images. 3D wavelet transform can reduce the dimensions of data conserving main trends. Also, it is possible to extract important patterns and to analyze spatial and temporal relations with neighboring pixels using 3D wavelet transform. As a result, 3D wavelet transform is useful to capture the long term trends and short-term events rapidly. In addition, we can expect to get new information through sub-bands of 3D wavelet transform which provide different information by decomposed direction.


  • Lim, Beom-Du;Sung, Hwan-Kyung;Karimov, R.;Ibrahimov, M.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • Understanding of the basic characteristics of an astronomical instrument is a prerequisite to obtaining reliable data from the instrument. We have analyzed more than 1,000 calibration images from the Fairchild 486 CCD (hereafter the Maidanak 4k CCD system) attached to the AZT-22 1.5m telescope at Maidanak Astronomical Observatory in Uzbekistan. The Maidanak 4k CCD system supports three readout modes through 1, 2, or 4 amplifiers. In most cases observers use 4-amplifier readout mode to save time. We have tested the stability and seasonal variation of zero levels and confirm that two quadrants of the images (Amp 1 & 2) show no appreciable seasonal variation. but the other two quadrants (Amp 3 & Amp 4) show an evident seasonal variation in the bias level. The Cryo Tiger, the cooling system used at the Maidanak 4k CCD system, maintains the CCD temperature at -108'E, and effectively suppresses the dark electrons. The mean value versus the variance plot of the flat images does not show the expected relation for an ideal Poisson noise distribution and this is attributed to the large variation in quantum efficiency between different pixels. In addition, we confirm that there is no appreciable difference in gain between readout amplifiers, but there is a large variation in quantum efficiency across CCD chip especially in U. Due to the finite length of shutter opening and closing time, the effective exposure time varies across the science images. We introduce two parameters to quantify the effect of this uneven illumination and present a method to remove these effects. We also present a method to remove the interference patterns appearing in the images obtained with longer wavelength filters and investigate the spatial variation of the point spread function.

Detection of Yellow Sand Dust over Northeast Asia using Background Brightness Temperature Difference of Infrared Channels from MODIS (MODIS 적외채널 배경 밝기온도차를 이용한 동북아시아 황사 탐지)

  • Park, Jusun;Kim, Jae Hwan;Hong, Sung Jae
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2012
  • The technique of Brightness Temperature Difference (BTD) between 11 and $12{\mu}m$ separates yellow sand dust from clouds according to the difference in absorptive characteristics between the channels. However, this method causes consistent false alarms in many cases, especially over the desert. In order to reduce these false alarms, we should eliminate the background noise originated from surface. We adopted the Background BTD (BBTD), which stands for surface characteristics on clear sky condition without any dust or cloud. We took an average of brightness temperatures of 11 and $12{\mu}m$ channels during the previous 15 days from a target date and then calculated BTD of averaged ones to obtain decontaminated pixels from dust. After defining the BBTD, we subtracted this index from BTD for the Yellow Sand Index (YSI). In the previous study, this method was already verified using the geostationary satellite, MTSAT. In this study, we applied this to the polar orbiting satellite, MODIS, to detect yellow sand dust over Northeast Asia. Products of yellow sand dust from OMI and MTSAT were used to verify MODIS YSI. The coefficient of determination between MODIS YSI and MTSAT YSI was 0.61, and MODIS YSI and OMI AI was also 0.61. As a result of comparing two products, significantly enhanced signals of dust aerosols were detected by removing the false alarms over the desert. Furthermore, the discontinuity between land and ocean on BTD was removed. This was even effective on the case of fall. This study illustrates that the proposed algorithm can provide the reliable distribution of dust aerosols over the desert even at night.

Image Quality Enhancement by Using Logistic Equalization Function (로지스틱 평활화 함수에 의한 영상의 화질개선)

  • Cho, Yong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a quality enhancement of images by using a histogram equalization based on the symmetric logistic function. The histogram equalization is a simple and effective spatial processing method that it enhances the quality by adjusting the brightness of image. The logistic function that is a sigmoidal nonlinear transformation function, is applied to non-linearly enhance the brightness of the image according to its intensity level frequency. We propose a flexible and symmetrical logistic function by only using the intensity with maximum frequency in an histogram and the total number of pixels. The proposed function decreases the computation load of an exponential function in the traditional logistic function. The proposed method has been applied for equalizing 5 images with a different resolution and histogram distribution. The experimental results show that the proposed method has the superior enhancement performances compared with the source images and the traditional global histogram equalization, respectively.

Defect detection based on periodic cell pattern elimination in TFT-LCD cell images (TFT-LCD 셀 영상에서 주기적인 셀 패턴 제거 기반 결함검출)

  • Jung, Yeong-Tak;Lee, Seung-Min;Park, Kil-Houm
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, an algorithm for detecting defects in thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) cell images is presented. TFT-LCD cell images typically contain periodic cell patterns that make it difficult to detect defects. We propose an efficient and powerful algorithm for eliminating the cell patterns using magnitude spectrum analysis. The first step was to obtain a spectrum for a cell image using the Fourier transform while eliminating larger coefficients using an adaptive filter. Next, an image without the cell pattern was obtained by using the inverse Fourier transform. Finally, the defect pixels were detected using the STD algorithm. The validity of the proposed method was investigated using real TFT-LCD cell images. The experimental results indicate that the proposed technique is extremely effective for detecting defects in TFT-LCD cell images.

Fast Motion Estimation Algorithms Through Adaptive Application of the Hadamard Transform (하다마드 변환의 적응적 적용을 이용한 고속 움직임 예측 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Hyuk;Kim, Jong-Ho;Jin, Soon-Jong;Jeong, Je-Chang
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.8C
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    • pp.712-719
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose a new, effective, fast motion estimation algorithms using $4{\times}4$ pixels Hadamard transform. The Hadamard transform has the advantage of simplicity because it uses only addition and subtraction. Motion estimation is composed of three stages. First, it should be decided whether to terminate the search early and use a previous motion vector with DC(Direct Current) coefficients. Then the adaptive matching scan order for motion estimation should be determined according to the image complexity using AC(Alternating Current) coefficients. Experimentally, we adapted this algorithms to MVFAST and PMVFAST algorithms, and the proposed algorithms turn out to be very efficient in terms of computational speed while remaining almost the same in terms of PSNR(Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) compared to MVFAST and PMVFAST algorithms.

A study on correlation-based fingerprint recognition method (광학적 상관관계를 기반으로 하는 지문인식 방법에 관한 연구)

  • 김상백;주성현;정만호
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.493-500
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    • 2002
  • Fingerprint recognition is concerned with fingerprint acquisition and matching. Our research was focused on a fingerprint matching method using an inkless fingerprint input sensor at the fingerprint acquisition step. Since an inkless fingerprint sensor produces a digital-image-processed fingerprint image, we did not consider noise that can happen while acquiring the fingerprint. And making the user attempt fingerprint input as random, we considered image distortion that translation and rotation are included as complex. NJTC algorithm is used for fingerprint identification and verification. The method to find the center of the fingerprint is added in the NJTC algorithm to supplement discrimination of fingerprint recognition. From this center point, we decided the optimum cropping size for effective matching with pixels and demonstrated that the proposed method has high discrimination and high efficiency.

Comparative Analysis of LPF and HPF for Roads Edge Detection from High Resolution Satellite Imagery (고해상도위성영상에서 도로 경계 검출을 위한 고주파와 저주파 필터링 비교분석에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Hyun;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.14 no.3 s.37
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2006
  • The need for edge detection about topography data from the high resolution satellite imagery is happening with increasing frequency according to many people utilize the its imagery as various fields recently. Many experts is recognizing of other GIS will make use of the road detection from the high resolution satellite imagery, including ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) and urban planning. This paper is comparative analysis of LPF (Low Pass Filtering) and HPF (High Pass Filtering) for roads edge detection from high resolution satellite imagery. As a result, LPF and HPF can be highlight selective pixels at edge area about input data. In case or applying to other techniques such as LPF for the same purpose, they aye more effective for wide road width which often cause the slight distortion of boundary or overall change of brightness values on the whole Image. Whereas, HPF has ability to enhance selectively detailed components in a target image.

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Real-time Detection Technique of the Target in a Berth for Automatic Ship Berthing (선박 자동접안을 위한 정박지 목표물의 실시간 검출법)

  • Choi, Yong-Woon;;Kim, Young-Bok;Lee, Kwon-Soon
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.431-437
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    • 2006
  • In this paper vector code correlation(VCC) method and an algorithm to promote the image-processing performance in building an effective measurement system using cameras are described far automatically berthing and controlling the ship equipped with side-thrusters. In order to realize automatic ship berthing, it is indispensable that the berthing assistant system on the ship should continuously trace a target in the berth to measure the distance to the target and the ship attitude, such that we can make the ship move to the specified location. The considered system is made up of 4 apparatuses compounded from a CCD camera, a camera direction controller, a popular PC with a built-in image processing board and a signal conversion unit connected to parallel port of the PC. The object of this paper is to reduce the image-processing time so that the berthing system is able to ensure the safety schedule against risks during approaching to the berth. It could be achieved by composing the vector code image to utilize the gradient of an approximated plane found with the brightness of pixels forming a certain region in an image and verifying the effectiveness on a commonly used PC. From experimental results, it is clear that the proposed method can be applied to the measurement system for automatic ship berthing and has the image-processing time of fourfold as compared with the typical template matching method.