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Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Wave Reduction and Prevention Erosion of Nourishment Sand Using the Cell Group (Cell Group을 이용한 파랑저감 및 양빈사 유실방지에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Sang Kil;Park, Hong Bum;Kim, Young Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2017
  • Recently, a submerged breakwater has been installing to prevent the erosion of shoreline everywhere. Artificially submerged breakwater is made to minimize the loss of nourishment sand beach erosion. For this reason, it has been indiscriminately constructed submerged breakwater that is planned in the country throughout. However, maintenance purposes to keep the shoreline of the beach is a method that is quite a few problems. There are also disadvantages such as expensive construction costs, ocean space utilization, water pollution and shoreline modification. In addition, person of utilizing the space of the ocean leisure does not like that because of the disconnection of ocean space. The beaches such as Gwanganri are artificially supplying nourishment sand to maintain the beach. The flexible construction method refers to a structure that is installed as a flexible material instead of submerged breakwater to prevent the loss of nourishment sand. In order to develop a new method to mitigate shoreline erosion, this study was carried out a hydraulic model experiment by installing a cell group as an example of the flexible method. Namely, in order to prevent the loss of nourishment sand, we decided to develop a new method that can mitigate the degree of beaches erosion by using cell group instead of submerged breakwater. In the two dimensional fixed hydraulic experiment, was carried out the effect reducing of wave height and the rate of low reflection due to the installation of the cell group. In movable bed experiment, the capture rate of the nourishment sand and the erosion prevention rate of the nourishment sand was performed for stability of shoreline. Therefore, according to the results of the hydraulic tests, it was possible to maintain the stable beaches due to installing the cell group on the erosion beaches, due to the effect of reducing wave height, the low reflection, the erosion prevention rate of nourishment sand, the high capture rate of nourishment sand.

Preliminary Post-closure Safety Assessment of Disposal Options for Disused Sealed Radioactive Source (폐밀봉선원 처분방식별 폐쇄후 예비안전성평가)

  • Lee, Seunghee;Kim, Juyoul;Kim, Sukhoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.301-314
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    • 2016
  • Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRSs) are stored temporally in the centralized storage facility of Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) and planned to be disposed in the low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste (LILW) disposal facility in Gyeongju city. In this study, preliminary post-closure safety assessment was performed for DSRSs in order to draw up an optimum disposal plan. Two types of disposal options were considered, i.e. engineered vault type disposal and rock cavern type disposal which were planned to be constructed and operated respectively in LILW disposal facility in Gyeongju city. Assessment end-point was individual effective dose of critical group and calculated by using GoldSim code. In normal scenario, the maximum dose was estimated to be approximately 1×107mSv/yr for both disposal options. It meant that both options had sufficient safety margin when compared with regulatory limit (0.1 mSv/yr). Otherwise, in well scenario, the maximum dose exceeded regulatory limit of 1 mSv/yr in engineered vault type disposal and the exposure dose was mainly contributed by 226Ra, 210Pb (daughter nuclide of 226Ra) and 237Np (daughter nuclide of 241Am). For rock cavern type disposal, even though the peak dose satisfied regulatory limit, the exposure doses by 14C and 237Np were relatively high above 10% of regulatory limit. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude 14C, 226Ra and 241Am for two type of disposal options and additional management such as long-term storage and development of disposal container for those radionuclides should be performed before permanent disposal for conservative safety and security.

Soil Salinity and Vegetation Distribution at Four Tidal Reclamation Project Areas (4개 간척 지구에 분포하는 식생과 토양 염류농도)

  • Lee, Seung-Heon;Ji, Kwang-Jae;An, Yeoul;Ro, Hee-Myong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2003
  • This research was conducted to present reference data to be used as newly reclaimed tidal land management. We investigated vegetation succession at 4 reclaimed/reclaiming project areas and discussed relationship with soil and vegetation trhrough investigation and analysis soil chemical characteristics at 2 areas. 14 families 58 kinds were investigated. Vegetation were variou at Dea-Ho conservation polt and Seok-Mun National Industrial Area which are maintaining naturally. Vegetation were simple at Hong-Bo and Dongjin and MinKyong river areas which effected sea water. Common species that were investigated at 9 sites were Suaeda asparagoides, Aster tripolium, Phragmites australis, Suaeda maritima, Suaeda japonica, Carex scabrifolis. As soil desalinization progressing, soil classified at first saline-soidc soil, the nest saline soil and then normal soil. Chenopodiaceae revealed at about 30 dS/m of soil ECe and existed to 10 dS/m of soil ECe. At about 20 dS/m of soil ECe. Aster tripolium, Calamagrostis epigeios, and Sonchus brachyotus revealed and then non-halophytes and common plants at inland revealed at low soil ECe of about 10 dS/m. However it was not to progress vegetation sucdession and soil desalinization at the same time, owing to input of seeds or plants ect from out-ecosystem. So for promotion of vegetation at newly reclaimed tidal land, we proposed that it was very effective to plant artificially halophytes or suitable species through soil test.

Development of a Mobile Application for Promoting Risk Communication on Food Additives Based on the Information Needs of Parents (학부모의 정보요구도에 기초한 식품첨가물 위해정보전달 스마트폰 애플리케이션의 개발)

  • Kim, Suna;Kim, Ye jee;Kim, Ji-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Weon
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and information needs about food additives from the parents of elementary school children, and to develop a smartphone application (App) providing information about food additives, and finally to assess its educational effects. A survey was conducted in April 2013 by using a self-administered questionnaire, and total 358 responses were collected from the parents living in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. While purchasing processed foods, parents considered safety (40.5%) as the most important factor, and first checking item except production and expiration dates was origin labelling (35.4%), and chose foods with less food additives (63.1%). Parents recognized food additives as the most dangerous (42.7%), and 75.1% responded the level of danger as 'very dangerous'. However, 82.4% of parents didn't have experiences to get educations about food additives. Based on their information needs including the safety, legal standards and the foods containing food additives. a smartphone App designated as 'Catch up Food Additives' consisting of the definition, safety, food labelling guideline, management, animation about food additives was developed. When the App was exposed to the parents (n = 27), their negative perceptions on food additives were improved significantly. These results showed that providing information and education about food additives using smartphone App was very fast and effective for the promotion of risk communication on food additives with the parents.

Evaluation of Disaster Resilience Scorecard for the UN International Safety City Certification of Incheon Metropolitan City (인천시 UN 국제안전도시 인증을 위한 재난 복원력 스코어카드 평가)

  • Kim, Yong-Moon;Lee, Tae-Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 2020
  • This study is a case study that applied 'UNDRR's Urban Disaster Resilience Scorecard', an evaluation tool necessary for Incheon Metropolitan City to be certified as an international safe city. I would like to present an example that the results derived from this scorecard contributed to the Incheon Metropolitan City Disaster Reduction Plan. Of course, the Disaster Resilience Scorecard can't provide a way to improve the resilience of every disaster facing the city. However, it is to find the weakness of the resilience that the city faces, and to propose a solution to reduce the city's disaster risk. This is to help practitioners to recognize the disaster risks that Incheon Metropolitan City faces. In addition, the solution recommended by UNDRR was suggested to provide resilience in areas vulnerable to disasters. It was confirmed that this process can contribute to improving the disaster resilience of Incheon Metropolitan City. UNDRR has been spreading 'Climate Change, Disaster-resistant City Creation Campaign', aka MCR (Making Cities Resilient) Campaign, to cities all over the world since 2010 to reduce global cities' disasters. By applying the disaster relief guidelines adopted by UNDRR, governments, local governments, and neighboring cities are encouraged to collaborate. As a result of this study, Incheon Metropolitan city's UN Urban Resilience Scorecard was evaluated as a strong resilience field by obtaining scores of 4 or more (4.3~5.0) in 5 of 10 essentials; 1. Prepare organization for disaster resilience and prepare for implementation, 4. Strong resilience Urban development and design pursuit, 5. Preservation of natural cushions to enhance the protection provided by natural ecosystems, 9. Ensure effective disaster preparedness and response, 10. Rapid restoration and better reconstruction. On the other hand, in the other five fields, scores of less than 4 (3.20~3.85) were obtained and evaluated as weak resilience field; 2. Analyze, understand and utilize current and future risk scenarios, 3. Strengthen financial capacity for resilience, 6. Strengthen institutional capacity for resilience, 7. Understanding and strengthening social competence for resilience, 8. Strengthen resilience of infrastructure. In addition, through this study, the risk factors faced by Incheon Metropolitan City could be identified by priority, resilience improvement measures to minimize disaster risks, urban safety-based urban development plans, available disaster reduction resources, and integrated disasters. Measures were prepared.

Comparing Farming Methods in Pollutant runoff loads from Paddy Fields using the CREAMS-PADDY Model (영농방법에 따른 논에서의 배출부하량 모의)

  • Song, Jung-Hun;Kang, Moon-Seong;Song, In-Hong;Jang, Jeong-Ryeol
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.318-327
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    • 2012
  • BACKGROUND: For Non-Point Source(NPS) loads reduction, pollutant loads need to be quantified for major farming methods. The objective of this study was to evaluate impacts of farming methods on NPS pollutant loads from a paddy rice field during the growing season. METHODS AND RESULTS: The height of drainage outlet, amount of fertilizer, irrigation water quality were considered as farming factors for scenarios development. The control was derived from conventional farming methods and four different scenarios were developed based combination of farming factors. A field scale model, CREAMS-PADDY(Chemicals, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems for PADDY), was used to calculate pollutant nutrient loads. The data collected from an experimental plot located downstream of the Idong reservoir were used for model calibration and validation. The simulation results agreed well with observed values during the calibration and validation periods. The calibrated model was used to evaluate farming scenarios in terms of NPS loads. Pollutant loads for T-N, T-P were reduced by 5~62%, 8~37% with increasing the height of drainage outlet from 100 mm of 100 mm, respectively. When amount of fertilizer was changed from standard to conventional, T-N, T-P pollutant loads were reduced by 0~22%, 0~24%. Irrigation water quality below water criteria IV of reservoir increased T-N of 9~65%, T-P of 9~47% in comparison with conventional. CONCLUSION(S): The results indicated that applying increased the height of drainage after midsummer drainage, standard fertilization level during non-rainy seasons, irrigation water quality below water criteria IV of reservoir were effective farming methods to reduce NPS pollutant loads from paddy in Korea.

Study on the Indoor Environment and Status of Facilities and Equipments of Home Economics Practice Rooms of Middle Schools in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (제주특별자치도 중학교 가정실의 실내환경 및 시설.설비 현황에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Min-Hye;Kim, Bong-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the study is to identify and understand problems existing in the middle school home economics practice rooms in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. The findings are based on the examination and the analysis of the indoor environment and the condition of the facilities and equipment. Study method employs on-site research and a survey. The on-site research was conducted about temperature, humidity, intensity of illumination, and status of teaching instrument in 10 out of 41 middle schools in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province from August 16 to September 30, 2006. Meanwhile, the survey was implemented by mail for 95 teachers in charge of manual training and home economics education in 41 middle schools in Jeju from November 1 to 23, 2005. 64 questionnaires out of total 95 were collected, including those collected during the period of on-site research. Finally, 61 questionnaires which were effective among the answered ones were used for analysis. Collected materials were analyzed with the SPSS Win.12.0 program for frequency, percentile analysis. In conclusion, the study determines that the condition of the home economics practice rooms of the middle school in JSSGP in terms of temperature, humidity, lighting and ventilation is very inadequate. The structure of the practice room represents an inefficient work flow pattern. Further, the facilities and equipment are in a very poor condition because the facilities are old and the retention rate of teaching tools is low. Therefore, to address these problems, the study suggests that improvements on the facilities and equipment should be made and teaching tools should be replenished in accordance with the industry standard.

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Legal Aspects on ICAO SARPs Regarding Alternative Fire Extinguishing Agent to Halon Fire Extinguishers

  • Lee, Gun-young;Kang, Woo-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.205-226
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    • 2018
  • For sustainable development of air transport, the establishment and application of international standards of environmental protection area is significant. The development and use of alternative fire extinguishing agent to Halon, which is used for the fire extinguishing systems of engine nacelles/APU and cargo compartments, has been requested in order to protect the ozone layer. The ICAO has been active in preparing international standards and recommended practices (SARPs); however, certification of alternative fire extinguishing agents has been postponed due to technical readiness problem.. Consequently, the implementation of SARPs has also been postponed by two years from the end of 2016. to the end of 2018. As such consequences have caused confusion among Member States regarding its implementation, it is necessary to discuss and pay more attention to this issue. ICAO Council and Air Navigation Commission should consider between setting the implementation time frame earlier or giving enough time for mature readiness and preparedness. Also in order to minimize the unnecessary discharge of Halon owned by Member States, it is necessary to consider efficient management methodologies; for example, requesting fire extinguisher manufacturers to recharge in professional ways. For the successful implementation of the SARPs, ICAO developed an implementation task list as including notification of differences, establishment of a national implementation plan, drafting of the modification to the national regulations and means of compliance, adoption of the national regulations and means of compliance. Member States can develop their own rule making process in reference with the ICAO implementation task list. This issue was presented and discussed during the 54th Conference of Directors General of civil aviation, Asia and Pacific Regions which was held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in 2017 with significant attention among participated Contacting States. In this regards, ICAO Council and Air Navigation Commission should consult with Legal Bureau lawyers regarding SARPs preparing process to eliminate difficulties and confusions for proper implementation within effective date.

Effects of Intracavitary Urokinase Instillation in Complicated Pleural Effusion (합병성 흉막 삼출에 대한 국소적 Urokinase 주입치료 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn, Dong-Hyun;Yoon, Su-Mi;Kim, Chung-Mi;Park, Ik-Soo;Sohn, Jang-Won;Yang, Seok-Chul;Yoon, Ho-Joo;Shin, Dong-Ho;Park, Sung-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.357-364
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    • 2000
  • Background : Complicated exudative pleural fluid collections have traditionally been treated by either closed tube thoracostomy drainage or by open surgical drainage. Complete drainage is important in order to control pleural sepsis, restore pulmonary function, and entrapment. Recently intracavitary fibrinolytic therapy has been advocated as a method to facillitate drainage of complicated exudative pleural effusion and to allow enzymatic debridemant of the restrictive fibrinous sheets covering the pleural surface. The purpose of this study is to prospectively evaluate the effects of image-guided catheter drainage with high dose urokinase(UK) instillation in the treatment of complicated pleural effusions. Patients : Twenty complicated pleural effusion patients that poorly respond to image-guided drainage were allocated to receive UK. There were 8 pneumonia and 12 tuberculosis. Methods : Drugs were diluted in 250 mL normal saline and were infused intrapleurally through the chest tube or pig-tail catheter in a daily dose of 250,000 IU of UK. Response was assessed by clinical outcome, fluid drainage, chest radiography, pleural ultrasound and/or computed tomography. Results : The mean UK instillation time was 1.63±0.10. The mean volume drained UK instillation was 381.3±314.4mL, and post-UK was 321.6±489.5mL. The follow up duration after UK therapy was mean 212.9±194.5 days. We had successful results in 19 cases (95.0%). There were 12 pleural thickenings (60.0%), 2 markedly decreased effusions (10.0%) and 5 cases of no thickening or effusion. There was recurrence after treatment in only one patient(5%) with complicated pleural effusiondue to tuberculosis. Conclusions : Image-guided drainage with high dose UK instillation (250,000 U/day) in complicated pleural effusion is a safe and more effective method than closed thoracostomy drainage. And this management, in turn, can obviate surgery in most cases.

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Clinical Effects of Prothinoamide, Cycloserine, Para-Aminosalicylic Acid, Ofloxasine in Retreatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (폐결핵 재치료 환자에서 Prothionamide, Cycloserine, Paraminosalicylic acid, Ofloxasine을 이용한 경구 4제 요법의 임상 효과)

  • Hong, Jae-Rak;Yoo, Min-Kyu;Jeong, Jae-Man;Kim, Young-Jun;Son, Mal-Hyeon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.693-700
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    • 1996
  • Background : Antituberculous therapy is set a short-term therpy used isoniazid(INH), rifampin(RFP), ethambutol(EMB), pyrazinamide(PZA) from 1970s' and treatment rate has been very improved. But drug interruption or irregular medication due to side effects and resistance of drug are serious problem to retreatment cases, specially. Ofloxasine(OFX), developed from Quinolone at 1980's is effective not only other respiratory infectious disease but also pulmonary tube rculosis. And this is useful drug instead of injection agents for retreatment patients who have side effects to other drugs, lived far distance from medical clinics. So, we will evaluate theffectiveness as four oral drugs involving OFX. Method : A retrospective study was made through the regular follow up of smear positive cases,who treated by four drug, namely, prothionamide (PTA) cycloserine(CS), OFX, paraminosalicylic acid(pAS). Results: 1) Out of 66case with positive sputum AFB smear, 42(64%)cases achieved the negative conversion. 2) Considering the negative conversion in all group, 34 case (52%) of sputum conversion occured within first 6 months, on the extent of diease was minimal, moderate, far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis, sputum AFB smear negative response to treatment was 100%, 78%, 46% respectively. 3) The roentgenological improvement occured in 38(58%), extent of diease was minimal, moderately, far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis, Roentgenological improvement to retreatment was 75%, 64%, 46%. 4) When the drnation of patients illness was less than 1 year, 1 to 3 years, 3 10 5 years and more than 5 years, sputum AFB smear negative response to retreatment was 100%, 88%, 80%, 52 %. 5) On side effects, major problems are gastrointestinal troubles, mild liver function abnormality, psychotic problemes, and skin problem(urticaria, itching sensation). Conclusion : The duration & extents of patients illness was shorter & minimal, sputum AFB smear negative response rate was better. Radiologic response is better as shorter duration and minimal extent of diease. But, as diease is longer duration & far advanced, sputum negative conversion & Roentgenological improvement is poor and limited. The adverse reaction was mainly observed gastrointestinal troubles(indigestion, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) and are well controled by symptomatic management in most patients, as regard to tolerance to the secondary drugs.

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