• Title/Summary/Keyword: Effective Area

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The Change of the Vital Sign by the Variables of Stimulated Areas in Interferential Current Treatment (간섭 전류 치료의 자극부위에 따른 활력징후의 변화)

  • Park, Young-Han
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2009
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to have examined the influence on the blood circulation by comparing the differences between stimulating the sympathetic ganglion and the muscle group among the stimulation variables in interferential current stimulation. Method: The object of the study is the twenties(M=8, F=12), who are in great condition and have no pathological report for the blood circulation influence. The intensity of the inferential current stimulation is the medium degree, 100 bps constant current, which is the comfort and degree to confirm the muscle contraction. The areas stimulated are the stellate ganglion area in the seventh cervical vertebrae and the forearm muscle area. Results: We have made sure that there is no change in blood pressure and pulse and that the change in the skin temperature occurred highly. Conclusion: In considering the change of the blood circulation in case of stimulation area by the inferential current stimulation, we have seen that stimulating the sympathetic ganglion area is more effective than stimulating muscle area directly.

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A Study on the Visual Resource Management for Soraksan National Parks and Adjacent Area (국립공원 및 인접지역 경관관리 방안에 관한 연구 - 설악산 국립공원을 중심으로 -)

  • 임승빈;신지훈
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest visual resource management methods for the national parks and adjacent areas, where visual impacts by high rise buildings such as hotel, condominium, etc. become serious problems. In this study Soraksan National Park has been selected as a case study for landscape management planning. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Comprehensive landscape management planning for National Parks and adjacent areas is necessary to solve visual impact problems by high rise buldings such as hotel, condominium, etc. 2) It is suggested to investigate visual resources and conceptual landscape management ideas, to select landscape control points and lines, landscape management areas, and to prepare building height control plan for proper landscape management plan. 3) In case of Soraksan national park, the landscape management plan includes three landscape management areas : Landscape preservation area, General landscape management area, and special landscape management area. 4) In the part of special landscape management area, it is necessary to introduce landscape impact assessment system to more effective landscape management.

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A Study on forest landscape improvement in rural area (농촌의 산림경관 유지를 위한 개선방안 연구)

  • Jeong, Wook-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to find a way to improve damaged forest in rural area in terms of both landscape . quality and regulation. Mountain and forest cover 65% of total land in Korea, and the shortage of areas for developing housing, road and facilities made us to use forest area for above purposes. This led various types of damages on the sensitive rural landscape visually and ecologically. There are rules and regulations for decreasing damaging effect by constructions on forest area, but it was not so effective because theses rules focused on quantitative issues only. This study will consist of three phases, 1. analyse landscape damage types by development tendencies in forest area 2. find diminution plan on each damage types 3. set improvement on rules and regulations both qualitatively and quantitatively. This study will meet the goal of improving and managing rural and forest landscape by providing objective standards, rational procedure and amelioration plan.

Improving the Thermal Environment of Balcony in Apartment House (공동주택 발코니의 열환경 향상방안)

  • Park, Sun-Hyo;Bae, Sang-Hanw;Hong, Cheon-Hwa
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2003
  • In recent days, it is usual case to extend the dwelling area to the balcony which is provided by service area. But the use of the extended area can be arisen discomfort with a view point of thermal environment by excessive heat accumulation in summer and excessive cold draft in winter. In this study, the skills were reviewed to improve the thermal environment of the extended area and evaluations were carried out. Additional heat supply by heat-convector installed at the lower end of the curtain wall can improve the thermal environment of the extended area and also arise surface temperature of the curtain wall surface. And aluminum plate installed under the floor could not improve the thermal environment but it was effective to shortening the initial heating time.

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The Application of Equivalent Area to the Volume Velocity for Using the Vibro-acoustical Reciprocity (진동-음향 상반 원리에 이용되는 음원의 유효 면적 측정)

  • 고강호
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.943-948
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    • 1999
  • This paper proposes a feasible and effective method for measuring the mechanical-acoustic transfer function by the application of equivalent area and velocity transfer function, a manifestation of the vibro-acoustical reciprocity principle. On the contrary to the volume velocity used in traditional method, the equivalent area is a peculiar raidation characteristics of sound sources and not influenced by any input signal for driving sound source. This invariant property of equivalent area can get rid of boresome works to measure the volume velocity of a sound source every time the driving signal is changed. Moreover, this method has a remarkable advantage to use a general loudspeaker as an accoustic exciter without the assumption of point source and can be applied to all kinds of sound sources even if they are not omni-directional sources.

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A Study of Comparison Between Green Building Certification Criteria and Ecological Area Rate System in Apartment Housing (공동주택을 중심으로 친환경 건축물 인증제도와 생태면적율 제도에 대한 비교연구)

  • Kim, Chul;Lim, Tae-Sub;Kim, Byung-Seon
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1291-1296
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    • 2008
  • Recently, ecological area rate system become effective due to enlargement of recognition and high intellectual standard and for ecological circulation in urban areas. Ecological area rate system is to control environmental quality of life what has grown worse in urban districts and corresponds to purposes of green building certification criteria for environmentally sound and sustainable development. Therefore, purposes of this study are to present suggestions through research of theory and comparison between ecological area rate system and green building certification criteria.

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Development of Area Traffic Control Model by Using High Level Architecture (상위체계구조를 이용한 지역교통망 통제모형 개발)

  • Lee Sang-Heon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.3-7
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    • 2004
  • There are some limitations in the analysis and evaluation for area traffic control systems. The area traffic is consist of several intersections interconnected which are very complicated and many traffic strategy are adopted for the control system. This paper features an effective area traffic control system by High Level Architecture(HLA) which is a new developed simulation tool. In this paper, we discuss the design of HLA-based area traffic control simulation. We describe technical motivations for the HLA, the key elements of the architecture and how they are minimum and essential to the goal of reuse and interoperability in simulation arena.

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Change detection of typhoon damaged area using multitemporal Landsat/TM data

  • Kajisa, Tsuyoshi;Murakami, Takuhiko;Yoshida, Shigejiro
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.718-719
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    • 2003
  • It is very important to monitor change of a forest. We compare the different seasonal remote sensing data to detect forest damaged by typhoons and build a method to detect the area damaged by typhoons. Study site is located in western Oita prefecture. The multitemporal satellite dataset of this study were consisted of four Landsat TM scenes taken before and after the typhoons. As compared with non-damaged area, it was shown that the reflective characteristic of the damaged area becomes high by band 3, band 5, and band 7. These bands are effective in extracting the typhoon damaged area.

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The Integration of GIS with LANDSAT TM Data for Groundwater Potential Area Mapping(II) - Suitablility Mapping for Groundwater Exploration Using the Geographic Infornation System - (지하수 부존 가능지역 추출을 위한 LANDSAT TM 자료와 GIS의 통합(II) - 지하정보시스템에 의한 지하수 부존 가능성의 suitability map 작성 -)

  • 지광훈
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 1992
  • The study is aimed at extraction of the groundwater potential area using the Geographic Information System. The study was to develop techniques of the thematic mapping such as slope map, geologic map, soil map and suitability mapping for grotential area. There thematic maps were combined and weightages were given to produce suitability map for groundwater potential area. The results of this study are as follows. 1) The 78% of cased wells have releation to lineament coincided with the appraisement point of the suitability map. 2) The 9 sites of 18 test sites produced over than 200 m$^3$/day. The with the highest appraisement point of the suitability map. 3) Suitability map is effective to extract groundwater potential area which can not be extracted from the remotely sensed data. The developed suitability mapping techniques are expected to do as an important tool for exploration and development of the newable and unnewable resources such as groundwater, petroleum etc.

An examination of architectural preference of elderly houses for effective development in Rural Area (효율적인 농촌지역 노인양로시설 개발을 위한 건축계획적 선호도 조사)

  • Min, Kyung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2003
  • Though there are high needs for the development of elderly house in rural area, there is not carried out at all. So, the purpose of this study is to provide the criteria to develop the architectural mode of elderly elderly house in rural area. The facts found in this study can be summarized as follows ; The elderly house in rural area. is increasingly being located near town. This is derived from the fact that the brand-new generation of the aged has the great likelihood to participate in social activities. So, Paid Elderly Home needs to be developed in town or suburbs. Medical facilities are indispensable in elderly house in rural area. So it is necessary that elderly house in rural area is closely connected with hospital and medical treatments. Inmates want small-sized rooms, thus one room shaped home should be built for these demands. And the flexibility of the spaces which can make two units into one should be applied to the plan and the design of the elderly house in rural area. The Home's medical facilities should be planned by considering the relationship with the Hospital. Factors for architectural planning of elderly house in rural area is movement pattern, safety facilities, and preferred subsidiary facilities through considering the physical and psychological characteristics.

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