• Title/Summary/Keyword: Edible Coating

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Chitosan/whey Protein (CWP) Edible Films Efficiency for Controlling Mould Growth and on Microbiological, Chemical and Sensory Properties During Storage of Göbek Kashar Cheese

  • Yangilar, Filiz
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.216-224
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    • 2015
  • The objective of present study was to evaluate the effects of the application of chitosan and chitosan/whey protein on the chemical, microbial and organoleptic properties of Göbek Kashar cheese during ripening time (on 3rd, 30th, 60th and 90th d). Difference in microbiological and chemical changes between samples was found to be significant (p<0.05) during ripening period. Cheese samples with edible coating had statistically lower mould counts compared to the uncoated samples. Furthermore the highest and lowest mould counts were determined in control (4.20 Log CFU/g) and other samples (<1 Log CFU/g) at 60th and 90th d of storage. All samples exhibited higher levels of water soluble nitrogen and ripening index at the end of storage process. At the end of 90 day storage period, no signicant dierences in salt and fat values were observed among the cheeses studied. The edible coatings had a beneficial effect on the sensory quality of cheese samples. In the result of sensory analysis, while cheese C and the chitosan coated cheese samples were more preferred by the panellists, the chitosan/whey protein film-coated cheese samples received the lowest scores. This study shows coating suggests could be used to improve the quality of cheese during ripening time.

Consumption of Edible Oil Food Service Institutions in Inchon (인천지역 집단급식소의 식용유 소비실태)

  • Hong, Mi-Ye;Choe, Eun-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 1998
  • Consumption of edible oil at food service institutions in Inchon was surveyed to provide basic data for continuous education of dietitians. Manufacturing industry was the major food service institution(78.8%) in Inchon followed by schools, hospitals and social welfare service centers. Most dietitians were at the age of twenties and college graduates with professional careers of 1-5 years. Oil was purchased on the basis of its quality within 1-3% of total food costs four times a month. Proper frying temperature was determined by dropping salt or food coating materials into the oil. Soybean oil was the most frequently used and commercial frying mix powder and flour and eggs in water were the most common food coating materials. Fish and commercial frozen foods were the most frequently used materials for frying. Fried foods were stored with covers in a basket and consumed within 30 minutes after cooking. Frying oils were used one more time after filtering and color was the index for determination of re-use.

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Effect of chitosan and chitosan-nanoparticles on post harvest quality of banana fruits

  • Lustriane, Cita;Dwivany, Fenny M.;Suendo, Veinardi;Reza, Muhammad
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we evaluated the effect of different concentrations of chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles as edible coating in extending shelf life and maintaining the quality of banana fruits (Musa acuminata AAA group). The fruit treated with 1.15% chitosan, 1.25% chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles then store at ambient temperature ($25{\pm}1^{\circ}C$). The shelf-life of banana, starch content, weight loss, pulp to peel ratio, total soluble solid, surface morpholgy of banana peel and sensory evaluation were analysed. Molecular analysis on the effect of chitosan was also conducted. Results showed that the application of chitosan nanoparticles and chitosan could extend shelf-life and maintain quality of banana fruits.

The Effects of Edible Coating and Hurdle-Technology on Quality Maintenance and Shelf-Life Extension of Seafood (식용 코팅 및 허들기술이 수산물의 품질 유지와 저장성 연장에 미치는 영향)

  • Baek, Ji Hye;Lee, So-Young;Oh, Se-Wook
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2020
  • Foodborne diseases occur frequently and have various being related to the intake of contaminated foods. Seafood products are susceptible to contamination due to higher water content and microorganisms, which combine to give them a short shelf-life. Various approaches have been applied to overcome this problem. Edible coatings that are also biodegradable and biocompatible have been discussed as one of the applicable solutions. These coatings can actually help to maintain seafood quality by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms and delaying the loss of moisture. This paper presents the effects of various natural bio-polymers, antimicrobial substances and physical sterilization techniques such as gamma irradiation, ultraviolet (UV) sterilization, and light-emitting diode (LED) sterilization on seafood coatings.

Effect of Multilayer Edible Coatings on the Lemon Quality Changes during the Storage (Multilayer 식용코팅의 레몬 저장성에 대한 효과)

  • Choi, Jin Wook;Lee, Seung Ju
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2010
  • Multilayer edible coatings was applied to lemon with beeswax-hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (BW-HPMC), soybean oil-carboxymethyl cellulose (SBO-CMC), and carnaubawax-shellac-locust bean gum (CW-SL-LBG), respectively. The multilayer was composed of two layers of the same material, but the outer layer only contained vitamins C and E as antioxidants. Coating amounts built on lemon peel were measured to be large in the order of CW-SLLBG> BW-HPMC> SBO-CMC. The coated lemons were stored at 30${^{\circ}C}$ for 12 days. CW-SL-LBG showed the least change during the storage in weight loss, rotten rate, firmness, and browning. Whereas SBO-CMC had the least change in pH, soluble solid amount, and titratable acidity. In a sensory test, CW-SL-LBG was evaluated to be the best in the attributes such as spoilage, glossiness, color, firmness, and flavor. Overall CW-SL-LBG was judged to be the best for multilayerd coating with vitamin C and E on lemon.

Edible Coating Effects on Storage life of ‘Niikata’ Pear (신고배의 저장성에 미치는 가식성 코팅제의 효과)

  • 양용준
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.216-220
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    • 2002
  • In this study, edible coatings for ‘Niikata’ pears have been applied in order to provide an alternative way to control and extend market quality and shelf life during cold storage. Fruit treated with edible coatings had better effects on maintaining some quality features such as fresh weight, firmness and SSC content than non-coated fruits. However, non-coated fruits in terms of overall quality were better evaluated than fruit with edible film. It may be caused by various factors such as film thickness effect oil emulsion on fruit skin, unknown reactions between the fruit skin and functional groups in the chitosan structure and so on.

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Changes on the Quality of Safflower Seed Products Coated with Edible Films during Storage (가식성 필름 코팅에 따른 홍화씨 가공제품의 품질 변화)

  • Kim Nam-Woo;Ju Eung-Young
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2005
  • This study analyzed the change of physical and chemical characteristics on the safflower seed produce coated edible film. L and a value of safflower seed product coated edible film were slowly increased during storage, while b value decreased. Moisture content were increased during storage. Acid valus welt less increased when edible film was ased. Peroxide values were also increased during storage, but peroxide value in products coated sodium caseinate or k-carraggenan was $50\%$ in the control after 30 days of storage. The value of sensual test was higher in products coated sodium caseinate or k-carraggenan than those of control. Coating with sodium caseinate or k-carraggenan was effective for acidification retardation and quality improvement of safflower seed products.

Understanding the Effects of Different Edible Coating Materials on the Storability of 'Bing' Sweet Cherries

  • Park, Su-Il;Zhao, Yanyun
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2006
  • 'Bing' sweet cherries (P. avium L.) were coated with four different coating materials at 1% concentration ($Semperfresh^{(R)}$, calcium caseinate, chitosan, or TIC $Pretested^{(R)}$ colloid 911)and stored at $2.0^{\circ}C$ and 88% RH up to 35 days. The influence of different coating materials on the storability of fresh cherries was investigated. $Semperfresh^{(R)}$ coatings significantly improved overall quality of fresh cherries by decreasing weight loss and improving color stability, and chitosan-based coatings were effective in controlling mold incidence. However, colloid 911 and calcium caseinate coatings did not show significant benefit in preventing quality deterioration of fresh cherry during storage, probably due to their hydrophilic nature leads to exacerbated weight loss and shriveling with the possible interactions between coating materials and cherries epidermal layers.

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Effects of Medicinal Herb Extracts and Heat and Coating Treatments on the Browning Degree of Fresh-Cut Apples (한약재 추출물, 가열 및 코팅 처리가 신선절단 사과의 갈변도에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Hun-Sik;Lee, Joo-Baek;Moon, Kwang-Deog
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.813-817
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    • 2012
  • The effects of dip treatments of chemicals (ascorbic acid, cystein, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, histidine: 1% solution) and medicinal herbs (Pueraria thunbergiana, Angelica gigas, Dioscorea japonica, Lindera strychifolia, Cnidium officinale, Astragalus membranaceus: 1% extracts), heat shock ($40-60^{\circ}C$ water), and edible coating (albumin, dextrin, sucrose poly ester, whole soy flour: 0.5-4% solution) on the browning degree of fresh-cut 'Fuji' apples were studied. Among the each treatment methods, the surface browning of fresh-cut apples was best retarded by calcium chloride dip, Astragalus membranaceus dip, $45-50^{\circ}C$ heat shock, coating with 3% dextrin or 1% whole soy flour. The results suggest that the treatments of medicinal herbs extracts, heat shock, and edible coating can be used as alternative for the use of chemical agents for the antibrowning of fresh-cut apples.

Extending Shelf-life of Rice Cake Using Coating Agent Containing Soy Protein Isolate (찹쌀떡의 보존기간 연장을 위한 대두단백질 코팅제의 특성)

  • 박상규;조지미;이유석;이종욱
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 2001
  • The objective of this study is to determine the effect of soy protein isolate (SPI) film coating on the color, firmness, viscosity and weight loss of Rice Cake stored at 15, 20 and $25^{\circ}C$ (RH 50%) for 30 days. Raw materials mixed with SPI and cocoa powder (10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7, w/w) were prepared. After adding sugar and shortening to raw materials, the mixture were refined to 25 micron of particle size. Coating of Rice Cake were carried out at $65^{\circ}C$. SPI coated Rice Cake had higher internal and external firmness comparing to the control at $25^{\circ}C$. SPI coated Rice Cake showed smooth surface morphology and had 0.71-1.01 mm of thickness. SPI coated Rice Cake showed less weight loss for 30 days compared to controls. SPI coating solution was successfully coated on Rice Cake and extended shelf-life over 15 days at room temperature.

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