• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ecosystem process

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Development process and limitations of science and technology manpower policy, and suggestions for future direction (과학기술인력정책의 발전과정과 한계, 미래 방향에 대한 제언)

  • Seongmin Hong;Eunhye Hwang
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.111-138
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this paper is to summarize the development process of major science and technology manpower policies and to derive desirable future policy directions in the policy environment of a paradigm shift in supply and demand. To this end, first, the development process of the science and technology manpower policy, which was promoted in earnest from the 2000s, with the topic of resolving the phenomenon of avoidance of science and engineering majors, was examined, focusing on the basic plan for supporting science and engineering majors. Next, we summarized the main contents and implications of the change in demand for science and technology personnel caused by digital transformation and the supply shock of demographic decline, that is, the paradigm shift in the supply and demand of science and technology talents. Based on this, the core direction of the future science and technology manpower policy was suggested to create a human-centered science and technology research ecosystem that promotes the continued growth and inflow of human resources, so that can be the foundation for the training and utilization of excellent science and technology talents.

The "open incubation model": deriving community-driven value and innovation in the incubation process

  • Xenia, Ziouvelou;Eri, Giannaka;Raimund, Brochler
    • World Technopolis Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2015
  • Globalization, increasing technological advancements and dynamic knowledge diffusion are moving our world closer together at a unique scale and pace. At the same time, our rapidly changing society is confronted with major challenges ranging from demographic to economic ones; challenges that necessitate highly innovative solutions, forcing us to reconsider the way that we actually innovate and create shared value. As such the linear, centralized innovation models of the past need to be replaced with new approaches; approaches that are based upon an open and collaborative, global network perspective where all innovation actors strategically network and collaborate, openly distribute their ideas and co-innovate/co-create in a global context utilizing our society's full innovation potential (Innovation 4.0 - Open Innovation 2.0). These emerging innovation paradigms create "an opportunity for a new entrepreneurial renaissance which can drive a Cambrian like explosion of sustainable wealth creation" (Curley 2013). Thus, in order to materialize this entrepreneurial renaissance, it is critical not only to value but also to actively employ this new innovation paradigms so as to derive community-driven shared value that stems from global innovation networks. This paper argues that there is a gap in existing business incubation model that needs to be filled, in that the innovation and entrepreneurship community cannot afford to ignore the emerging innovation paradigms and rely upon closed incubation models but has to adopt an "open incubation" (Ziouvelou 2013). The open incubation model is based on the principles of open innovation, crowdsourcing and co-creation of shared value and enables individual users and innovation stakeholders to strategically network, find collaborators and partners, co-create ideas and prototypes, share their ideas/prototypes and utilize the wisdom of the crowd to assess the value of these project ideas/prototypes, while at the same time find connections/partners, business and technical information, knowledge on start-up related topics, online tools, online content, open data and open educational material and most importantly access to capital and crowd-funding. By introducing a new incubation phase, namely the "interest phase", open incubation bridges the gap between entrepreneurial need and action and addresses the wantpreneurial needs during the innovation conception phase. In this context one such ecosystem that aligns fully with the open incubation model and theoretical approach, is the VOICE ecosystem. VOICE is an international, community-driven innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem based on open innovation, crowdsourcing and co-creation principles that has no physical location as opposed to traditional business incubators. VOICE aims to tap into the collective intelligence of the crowd and turn their entrepreneurial interest or need into a collaborative project that will result into a prototype and to a successful "crowd-venture".

Geospatial Assessment of Frost and Freeze Risk in 'Changhowon Hwangdo' Peach (Prunus persica) Trees as Affected by the Projected Winter Warming in South Korea: I. Determination of Freezing Temperatures (겨울기온 상승에 따른 복숭아 나무 '장호원 황도' 품종의 결과지에 대한 동상해위험 공간분석: I. 월동기간 중 동해유발온도 결정)

  • Chung, U-Ran;Kim, Jin-Hee;Kim, Soo-Ock;Choi, Mi-Hee;Hwang, Kyu-Hong;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.206-212
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    • 2009
  • We investigated the patterns of freeze injury in dormant 'Changhowon Hwangdo' peach fruit by observing the extent of browning and germination of the branches that were treated with freezing temperature sets simulating the process of natural freezing incidences in orchards. Under the treatment of freezing temperature of $-15^{\circ}C$, the browning ratios were 15% for flower bud and less than 3% for both leaf bud and cambium. Under the $-20^{\circ}C$ treatment, the browning ratios were 40% for both flower and leaf buds and 1% for cambium. The browning ratios were 86%, 68% and 40% respectively for flower bud, leaf bud, and cambium under the $-25^{\circ}C$ treatment. All the samples showed 100% browning ratio under the $-30^{\circ}C$ treatment. The budburst ratios of leaf buds were 85%, 66%, 32%, and 0% under the -15, -20, -25 and $-30^{\circ}C$ treatments, respectively. The branches of peach fruit treated with the same freezing temperature showed different responses depending on the sampling date. In January the browning ratio was low and the budburst ratio was high whereas in February the opposite was the case, showing vulnerability of peach trees to low temperature after endo-dormancy release.

A Game Theoretic Analysis of Social Commerce Ecosystem at the Crossroads (소셜커머스 생태계의 게임 분석)

  • Kim, Dohoon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.67-86
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    • 2013
  • This study first provides a stylized model that captures the essential features of the SC (Social Commerce) business and the competition process. The model focuses on the relationship between key decision issues such as marketing inputs and market value. As more SCs join the industry, they are inevitably faced with fierce competition, which may lead to sharp increase in the total marketing and advertising expenditure. This type of competition may lead the industry away from its optimal development path, and at worst, toward a disruption of the entire industry ecosystem. Such being the case, another goal of this study is to examine the possibility that the ToC (Tragedy of the Commons) may occur in the SC industry. We build game models, each of which assumes homogeneity and heterogeneity of SC providers, respectively, and derive explicit equilibrium solutions from both models. Our basic analysis presents Nash equilibria in both models and shows that SC providers are inevitably faced with fierce competition, which may lead to sharp increase in the total marketing expenses. We also compare the game outcomes with one with a hypothetical social planner who determines the total marketing level that optimizes the entire market value. Then, ToC can be defined to describe the situation where the total marketing efforts exceed the socially optimal level of marketing efforts. In both models, we examine the possibility of the ecosystem disruption and specify the conditions under which ToC may occur. However, the chance of avoiding ToC is higher with heterogeneous players than with homogeneous players. To supplement our analytical results, we develop a simulation model which incorporates a market dynamics based on the gap between actual marketing efforts and socially optimal marketing level. Simulation experiments present some lessons and insights which also confirm out findings from equilibrium analysis. For example, heterogeneity in SC providers alleviates the severity of ToC and makes it faster for survivors to escape from the ToC trap. As a result, the degree of industrial concentration tends to increase, which also explains the 'rich-get-richer' phenomenon observed in some empirical studies on the SC industry. Lastly, based on our analytical and experimental results, we come up with some measures to avoid ToC and overcome the shortcomings intrinsic to the current business model. And further discussions provide strategic implications and policy directions to overcome the possible trap of ToC in this ecosystem, and eventually help the industry to sustainably develop itself toward the next level. To name a few examples of policy measures, regulations on the marketing activities so that the overall marketing expenses cannot go beyond the socially optimal level; institutional guidelines and rules to straightening up the distortions in the way that SC providers view the marketing costs (the current marketing costs are underestimated, thereby encouraging SC providers to increase marketing expenditure); and so on.

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The Environmental Impact Assessment - An Instrument of Environmental Policy in Germany (독일 환경정책 수단으로서의 환경영향평가의 의미)

  • Bechmann, Arnim
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 1993
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) serves to identify a project's possible effects on the environment early enough sufficiently allowing for them to be taken into account in the decision-making process. The EIA in Germany is an instrument of environmental Policy which considers nature as an integrated system (ecosystem). In the german process of developing environmental policy, the EIA has been one of the instruments which introduced by law rather late. This means that the German Law of EIA has been made in 1900, 20 years after the beginning of the environmental policy in Germany. In the following paper I intend to ${\cdot}$ explain the basic concept of the EIA in Germany ${\cdot}$ describe the process of law building for EIA ${\cdot}$ give a short overview of applications and experiences with EIA ${\cdot}$ show the links between EIA and general environmental policy in Germany.

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Biotop Design for an Urban Area Based on Citizen Input (참여형 도시 소생물권 설계)

  • Lee, Gwan-Gyu;Kim, Cheol-Min;Han, Seon-A
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2005
  • This work was designed for the Green Fund Aid 2004 of Korea Forest Service. It won the prize and has been constructed. We can have an opportunity to play a leading role in improving partnership with participation of local communities, promoting environmental education, and enhancing the environmental quality by constructing biotops in urban areas where energy flow in the ecosystem is not balanced. This design includes 'citizen participation process' and 'local community partnership' that is expected to promote local community participation in the process of design. This work suggests that biotope construction with citizen involvement and community partnership plays an important role not only in design items but also in the revitalization of local community. This sort of design process could not be fully achieved without cooperation with stakeholders - environmental specialists, local authorities, relevant societies, schools, teachers, parents of students.

Comparative Policy Analysis on ICT Small and Medium-sized Venture Using Cognitive Map Analysis (인지지도를 활용한 ICT 중소벤처 지원정책 비교분석)

  • Park, Eunyub;Lee, Jung Mann
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze each government's ICT SME support policies to cope with changes in the ICT ecosystem paradigm. In particular, the core policies and policy trends of the Moon's government are presented through keyword network analysis and cognitive map analysis. As a result, core technologies such as ICT(Information Communication Technology), AI(Artificial Intelligence), Big Data, and 5G, which have high values of betweenness centrality and closeness centrality, are major keywords with high propagation power. The cognitive map analysis shows that the opportunity factors for the 4th industrial revolution are being activated through the ICT infrastructure circulation process, the domestic market circulation process, and the global market circulation process. This study is meaningful in terms of cognitive map analysis and utilization based on scientific analysis.

Analysis of Land Suitability and Ecological Environment Using GIS Focused on the Evaluation Model for Designating of Natural Ecological Preservation Zone (지리정보체계를 이용한 생태환경분석 및 적지분석: 자연생태계 보전지역 설정 및 평가 모형을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Myungwoo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.61-80
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    • 1997
  • This study tried to propose the guidelines for the ecological preservation zoning in Korea. So some related laws and regulations were inspected, which were Natural Environment Preservation Act, Nature Park Act, Cultural Asset Conservation Act, Forest Act and Urban Planning Act. In these acts, I could find several concepts related to the ecosystem that are described as the protection area. But there aren't detailed and practical characteristics in those concepts. So for making the practical concept of ecosystem preservation, I considered Multiple Use Module, Wildlife habitat model, and Environmental evaluation model. Thorough this step, the process and methodology was established for evaluating and analysing. The potentiality of the GIS system was inspected. So the TM5 scene of the site was acquired and processed by ER-Mapper, Idrisi, Arc/Info and Arcview. And several digitized data were input by scanning and vecterizing. The Erdas format was mostly exchangeable to any program. The site is the Byonsan Peninsula National Park. The forest stand information and topographic data were digitized, types of which are forest year, DBH, density, slope, aspect etc. And also the watershed boundary, roads and paths, natural and cultural resources were mapped and analysed. Modelling of preservation suitability found the dispersed patterns for the best suitable zone through all the site. And the development potential areas were checked on downwatershed. This patterns are thought to result from the forest location for the wildlife habitat and the low altitude and no-steep slopes for developing. And Early warning system concept was introduced by overlapping these two patterns on the both potential area. As the conclusions, I proposed that the preservation zone be assigned according to the watershed unit as the main ecosystem zone. This main area should be linked by the eco-corridor through the point type eco-system. Finally, I thought the comprehensive information system should be established for making the rational and efficient decision making in natural area.

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TIPEX (Tropical Indo-Pacific water transport and ecosystem monitoring EXperiment) Program (태평양-인도양 해양순환 연구 프로그램)

  • Jeon, Dongchull;Kim, Eung;Shin, Chang Woong;Kim, Cheol-Ho;Kug, Jong Seong;Lee, Jae Hak;Lee, Youn-Ho;Kim, Suk Hyun
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.259-272
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    • 2013
  • One of the factors influencing the climate around Korea is the oceanic-atmospheric variability in the tropical region between the eastern Indian and the western Pacific Oceans. Lack of knowledge about the air-sea interaction in the tropical Indo-Pacific region continues to make it problematic forecasting the ocean climate in the East Asia. The 'Tropical Indo-Pacific water transport and ecosystem monitoring EXperiment (TIPEX)' is a program for monitoring the ocean circulation variability between Pacific and Indian Oceans and for improving the accuracy of future climate forecasting. The main goal of the TIPEX program is to quantify the climate and ocean circulation change between the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. The contents of the program are 1) to observe the mixing process of different water masses and water transport in the eastern Indian and the western Pacific, 2) to understand the large-scale oceanic-climatic variation including El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)/Warm Pool/Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)/Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), and 3) to monitor the biogeochemical processes, material flux, and biological changes due to the climate change. In order to effectively carry out the monitoring program, close international cooperation and the proper co-work sharing of tasks between China, Japan, Indonesia, and India as well as USA is required.

RnD Service and innovation in the IT Industry - Focus on IT commercialization companies in Daejeon (정보기술산업에서 RnD Service와 혁신 - 대전의 IT사업화 전문기업을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jae-Sue;Park, Jung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.674-682
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    • 2015
  • RnD Service firms are the innovative company that supports innovation, determines the healthy ecosystem in the high tech business sector. RnD service also brings up a regional innovation through the business ecosystem. This study conducted a case study RnD Service firms leading to the activation of high tech industry. We analyze the role of the RnD Service firms through reports and interviews with corporate managers. We understand the growth process was RnD Service firms, and identify the cost of organizing. RnD Service firms are independent economy, but was also a problem that appears is dependent on universities and research institutions sometimes. When the subject of a regional innovation take place the RnD Service sector, It should be noted that the emergence of innovative business. RnD Service model should not be developed by universities and public institutions, it should be a technology development model that occur between companies.