• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ecosystem process

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Derivation of Creative SW HRD Policy Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (계층분석을 활용한 창의적 SW인재양성 정책방향 도출)

  • Lee, Jung Mann;Rim, Myung Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2013
  • The paradigm of SW industry has been rapidly changing into mobile and cloud technology environment. Research model based on PEST-SWOT analysis was employed to derive internal and external factors connected with PEST factors through analyzing the current status and problems of SW HRD system in Korea. Survey was conducted by 20 experts who are involved in SW companies, university, and R&D research institute using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) model. The empirical result showed that SW fusion HRD, creativity-oriented university education in the field of software, global education and exchange, and revitalization of SW venture ecosystem are derived as policy visions of SW HRD for smart industry ecosystem. Another findings are that SW fusion HRD, revitalization of SW venture ecosystem, Job Creation through revitalization of SW start-up, Creation of coexistence between SW large enterprises and SMEs, creativity-oriented university education in the field of software, and global education and exchange are presented in order in terms of the importance of policy priority.

The Impact of Air Temperature During the Growing Season on NEE of the Apple Orchard (사과 생육기의 기온이 사과원의 NEE에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Gun-Yeob;Lee, Seul-Bi;Lee, Jong-Sik;Choi, Eun-Jung;Ryu, Jong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1211-1215
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    • 2012
  • Terrestrial ecosystem are a strong sink of carbon. Forest ecosystem, one of them, has been expected to play an important role in climate changing process by absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide. On the other hand, agricultural ecosystem that consists mainly of annual crops is regarded as poor contributor to carbon accumulation, because its production (carbon hydrate) is decomposed into carbon at a short period, which is emitted to the atmosphere. However, it is thought that fruit tree plays a great role in decreasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, same as forest. Net ecosystem exchange of $CO_2$ (NEE) was measured to estimate carbon fixation capacity using an eddy covariance (EC) system method in 2 years from 2005 to 2006 at an apple orchard in Uiseong, Gyeongbuk. Average air temperature values were higher in 2006 than in 2005 during the dormant season, and lower by about $5^{\circ}C$ over the growing season causing visible cold injuries. Accordingly, we investigated long-term exchange of carbon to determine how much difference of carbon fixation capacity was shown between 2006 and 2005 in terms of environmental and plant variables such as NEE, leaf area index (LAI), and Albedo. NEE was $4.8Mg\;C\;ha^{-1}yr^{-1}$ in 2005 and $4.7Mg\;C\;ha^{-1}yr^{-1}$ in 2006, respectively. Low temperature after July in 2006 decreased LAI values faster than those in 2005. Meanwhile, Albedo values were higher after July in 2006 than in 2005. These results show that the low temperature after July in 2006 apparently affected apple growth.

Analysis of Relative Importance of Socio·Economic Factors in Establishing Diagnosis Systems for Impaired Stream Ecosystem (국내 수생태계 훼손 원인 진단체계 구축을 위한 사회·경제적 특성의 상대적 중요도 분석)

  • An, Kyung-Jin;Kim, Su-Yeon;Lee, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2018
  • The restoration of the impaired stream ecosystem is an important part of river policies in Ministry of Environment (MoE). However, the diagnosing the impairment sources of stream ecosystem has been omitted on the current river projects and policies. This phenomena lead the remaining impairment sources keep influencing on negative effects on streams. Hence, it is critical to construct a diagnosis system of impairment sources in order to increase the efficiency of various river restoration projects and policies. Moreover, it is also important to understand the relative impact of socio-economic factors of the impairment of stream ecosystems so as to build a domestic diagnosis system in place. Therefore, the study aims to analyse the relative effects of socio-economic factors which are the source of the stream ecosystem impairments through implementing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). In order to achieve the goal, a list of socio-economic factors influencing the stream health has been derived. On the basis of the derived causes list, AHP questionnaire were carried out to the experts of aquatic ecology. The study results could be implemented to analysing the relative influence of socio-economic impairment causes in domestic stream environments. In addition, more case study investigation is needed to cross-check if the derived impairment causes and weights are applied in the field as well as to develop more reliable indicators.

New Firm of Korean Movie Industry, Next Entertainment World's Strategy (한국 영화 산업의 신생 기업, N.E.W.의 성장 전략)

  • Han, Jae Hoon;Chung, Jee Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.62-72
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to discuss new entrants' role in a business ecosystem and to analyze growth strategies of a new entrant in the movie industry. When participants of a business ecosystem complement one another with their own unique capabilities, they can coevolve and develop the business ecosystem. Especially, new entrants armed with competitive advantages are the key success factor for improving robustness of business ecosystem. Korean movie industry is dominated by a few large enterprises and thereby threatening fair trade. In an effort to encourage new entrants in the industry, this study analyzed success factors of a film distributor, Next Entertainment World(NEW). The success factors include unique criteria in selecting scenarios, quality management, rapid decision making process, and competent management team. Implications for the results and the future study are discussed.

Spatial Analysis on Mismatch Between Particulate Matter Regulation Services Supply and Demand in Urban Area - A Case Study of Suwon - (도시녹지 미세먼지 조절 서비스 수요와 공급의 공간적 차이 분석 - 수원시를 대상으로 -)

  • Kang, Da-In;Kwon, Hyuk-Soo;Choi, Tae-Young;Park, Chan;Kim, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2021
  • Urban green spaces supply ecosystem services (ESs), which are consumed by city residents and generate demand, to improve air quality. It is important to determine supply and demand for ESs and reduce the gap for efficient management. This study proposed a method to use the concept of supply and demand for ESs in the decision-making process for urban planning or management. PM10 concentrations were converted to weight for demand assessment on PM10 reduction, and PM10 absorption capacity of all green spaces including the forests, and that of urban green spaces excluding forests, was calculated for each supply assessment. The differences in the calculated supply and demand were analyzed to derive the mismatched regions in Suwon. As a result, regions with big forested areas showed sufficient supply, indicating that the degree of mismatch among administrative neighborhoods (dong) varied greatly depending on whether they had a forest. An analysis of only urban green spaces showed that all neighborhoods lacked supply. Forests with high PM10 absorption capacity had a great effect, but urban green spaces can be considered a key element in reducing PM10 in daily life. Considering the mismatch of supply and demand, spatial distribution, and population distribution, it is possible to prioritize the supply of urban green spaces to reduce PM10 and, furthermore, support decision making for priority zones subject to forest conservation and designation and cancellation of green spaces, which gives significance to this study.

Integrated Platform on the Basis of Heterogeneous Data to Support the Establishment of an Innovative Ecosystem for National High-Performance Computing: Focusing on Life Science & Public Health Area (국가 초고성능컴퓨팅 혁신 생태계 구축 지원을 위한 이종데이터 기반 통합 플랫폼: 생명·보건분야를 중심으로)

  • Do-Yeon Lee;Myoung-Ju Koh;Jae-Gyoon Hahm;Keun-Hwan Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2023
  • To secure national future competitiveness, the Korean government announced the 『National Ultra-High Performance Computing (HPC) Innovation Strategy (2021.5.28.)』 and set three innovation strategy goals throughout establishing an innovation ecosystem. This study presented a heterogenous data-based strategic support framework that allowed to understand both the current status of domestic & foreign R&D areas and domestic industrial economy areas in terms of strategic fields related to ultra-high performance computing, and the empirical research was conducted in the life science and public health area. The HPC innovation ecosystem platform based on the connection of heterogeneous data (domestic R&D project-technology-industry-overseas R&D project) presented in this study provided useful and essential information that allowed establishing a specific action plan for the national HPC innovation strategy and contributing to vitalizing the innovation ecosystem. Since the evidence-based policy assumes that a more reasonable consensus is reached through a non-biased decision- making process among stakeholders, the proposed platform may contribute to enhancing policy momentum by increasing legitimacy and trust of planning of the national HPC strategy.

An Analysis of the Convergence Factors, Convergence Passes, and Convergence Types in Content Industries (콘텐츠의 융합요소 및 융합경로와 융합유형 분석)

  • Rim, Myung Hwan;Lee, Jung Mann
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.20 no.3_spc
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    • pp.295-314
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    • 2013
  • These days a great mix of traditional and digital contents such as movie, broadcasting, advertisement, e-books, music, game, animation, cartoon, character, knowledge information, and art performance are widely available. Many more are yet to come, with improved quality and added features. It is expected that all these contents will be evolved into a new breed of convergence content through the process of consolidation, expansion, integration, and recreation. Across the digital ecosystem, a new formula is being added to the industrial structure : 'Information/Content-Platform/Device-Goods/Service.' In the near future, as a result of technological innovation and convergence, the business sector will lose its boundaries as well, as businesses will be forced to look beyond the product itself and focus more on multi-functionality. Especially, in the era of creative economy, more policies need to be crafted in order to procure a new growth engine for the future with the agenda for convergence between humanities and technology. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept, factors, elements, types, and cases of convergence, which are the essence of content convergence. This analysis, with its focus on the convergence process, will help identify the effects and limits of content convergence as well as the prospects for convergence contents in the smart ecosystem under the creative economic system.

Institutionalization of the Value of Ecosystem services (생태계 서비스 가치의 제도화)

  • Hwang, Eun-Ju;Chun, Jae-Kyong
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.337-343
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    • 2017
  • This study is going to contribute the activation of ecosystem services written in the 3rd National Basic Plan for Nature Conservation(2016~2025) in Korea. Meanwhile we considered the benefits that the nature has given to the humankind as free goods or services which we may consume traditionally without due payment therefore. But on account of the expansion of cities and expedition of development, as the carrying capacity of the nature has been breached, people have come to try to restore and enhance artificially such vulnerable capacity. It is necessary to compensate the opportunity cost which the land owners or occupiers have to pay for conservation and maintenance of natural capitals which yield the ecosystem services. Therefore the institutionalization of ecosystem services should be established that the consumers who enjoy such services should share the interest from enjoying services with the land owners or occupiers who produce the ecosystem services, under the legal system which will make it possible to connect the benefit sharing with the conservation of environment. However it is the first task that the present legal system could not realize the fair and equitable benefit sharing between the producers and consumers of ecosystem services. And the second task in such legal system is that the value of ecosystem services could not be fully considered in the process of development planning. According to the analysis of this study, the institutionalization of ecosystem services in the government side and the civilian side could be realized to somewhat extent, although not sufficient. Especially the transactions of ecosystem services through the private contract among stakeholder are possible in the course of development planning or without any relevancy to a development project. The final task in the institutionalization of ecosystem services is how to assess the ecosystem services and to value the economic benefits therefrom on the basis of what kinds of procedures relating to some development processes. To overcome such difficulties, it is necessary that the state, trend and change of ecosystem services confronting with a developing project should be assessed concretely at the threshold of development. It is possible to integrate the ecosystem services into the environmental impact assessment(IEA), not by way of the Act of IEA, but by way of the Decree thereof.

The Functional Selection for the Assessment of Ecosystem Service at Pond Wetland in Agricultural Landscape (농업경관 내 연못형습지의 생태계서비스 평가를 위한 기능 설정 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Shin, Min-Ji;Shin, Ji-Hoon;Kang, Dong-Hyeon;Kang, Banghun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.319-325
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    • 2014
  • A lot of Pond Wetland (Palustrine Wetland) are distributed in agricultural landscapes, Korea. These wetlands are evaluated as important resources for conservation of biodiversity. However, the study of Pond Wetland is rarely conducted except type classification in Korea. In this study, the function of pond wetland as ecosystem services is studied for conservation and utilization of wetland. Research was conducted in three steps; functionality analysis, functionality derivation, and importance analysis. A total of 22 features were derived by analyzing the previous studies. As a result of expert survey, 4 features were selected by each in the field of biological, environmental, and socio-culture among the 22 features. Importance was calculated by conducting a cross-functional features using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Finally, 10 ecosystem service functions of pond wetland were derived through expert survey; (1) Water Storage & Irrigation, (2) Vegetation Diversity, (3) Amphibian & Reptile Habitat, (4) Water Purification, (5) Aquatic Insect Habitat, (6) Nutriments Control was derived, (7) Groundwater Recharge, (8) Fishery Habitat, (9) Eco-Experience & Education, and (10) Aesthetic landscape. It is expected that this study is able to utilize in evaluation of pond wetlands ecosystem services by further study on analysis of functional importance and economic value index.

Suggestion of the Scientific Argumentation PCK Developmental Model for Preservice Earth Science Teachers through an Instructional Design Program Using Argumentation Structures (논증구조 수업설계 프로그램을 통한 예비 지구과학 교사의 과학논증 PCK 발달 모델 제안)

  • Park, Won-Mi;Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.76-90
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    • 2022
  • In this study, after applying the argument structure class design program for 20 preservice earth science teachers, we conducted individual in-depth interviews, analyzed the data, and derived a scientific argumentation PCK development model. The scientific argumentation PCK development model consists of three dimensions: Scientific argumentation PCK, PCK ecosystem, and reflective practice. Scientific argumentation PCK is demonstrated in the process of designing or executing classes using argumentation structures as an instructional reasoning tool. PCK ecosystem, consisting of the existing conventional PCK components, is a dimension surrounding the scientific argumentation PCK, and these two dimensions develop by interacting with each other. Reflective practice regulates each dimension and develops it in various ways by mediating the two dimensions of the scientific argumentation PCK and the PCK ecosystem. The conclusions drawn based on the results are as follows: First, preservice science teachers can demonstrate scientific argumentation PCK in the process of design and implementation of lessons using argumentation structures as a pedagogical reasoning tool. Second, it is necessary to develop the PCK for pedagogical reasoning tools such as scientific argumentation PCK in advance for the development of science teachers' PCK, since the scientific argumentation PCK can develop various components of the PCK ecosystem. Finally, it is necessary to use scientific argumentation PCK to support the preservice teacher's reflective practice, seeing that the scientific argumentation PCK promotes the development of PCK ecosystem components by inducing reflective practice.