• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth system model

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Classification of Flow Regimes in Urban Street Canyons Using a CFD Model (CFD 모형을 이용한 도시 도로 협곡에서의 흐름 체계 분류)

  • Kim, Jae-Jin;Baik, Jong-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.525-535
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    • 2005
  • Using a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model with the $k-{\varepsilon}$ turbulence closure scheme based on the renormalization group theory, flow regimes in urban street canyons are classified according to the building and street aspect ratios. The transition between skimming flow (SF) and wake interference flow (WIF) is determined with the size of double-eddy circulation generated behind the upwind building. The transition between WIF and isolated roughness flow (IRF) is determined with the flow reattachment distance from the upwind building. The critical aspect ratios at which the flow transition occurs are found and compared with those in previous studies. The results show that the flow-regime classification method used in this study is quite reasonable and that the values of the critical aspect ratios are generally consistent with those in fluid experiments or large-eddy simulation. The regression equation describing a relation between the building and street aspect ratios at the flow-regime transition is presented.

The Impact of Southern Ocean Thermohaline Circulation on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Transport

  • Kim, Seong-Joong;Lee, Bang-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.291-299
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    • 2006
  • The observed ocean barotropic circulation is not completely explained by the classical wind-driven circulation theory. Although it is believed that the thermohaline forcing plays a role in the ocean barotropic circulation to some degree, how much the thermohaline forcing contributes to the barotropic circulation is not well known. The role of thermohaline circulation driven by changes in temperature and salinity in the Southern Ocean (SO) water masses on the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) transport is investigated using a coupled ocean - atmosphere - sea ice - land surface climate system model in a Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) context. Withthe implementation of glacial boundary conditions in a coupled model, a substantial increase in the ACC transport by about 75% in 80 years of integration and 25% in the near LGM equilibrium is obtained despite of the decreases in the magnitude of wind stresses over the SO by 33% in the transient time and 20% in the near-equilibrium. This result suggests that the increase in the barotropic ACC transport is due to factors other than the wind forcing. The change in ocean thermohaline circulation in the SO seems to play a significant role in enhancing the ACC transport in association with the change in the bottom pressure torque.

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Experimental studies on mass transport in groundwater through fracture network using artificial fracture model

  • Tsuchihara Takeo;Yoshimura Masahito;Ishida Satoshi;Imaizumi Masayuki;Ohonishi Ryouichi
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.676-683
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    • 2003
  • A laboratory experiment using artificial fracture rocks was used to understand the 3-dimensional dispersion of a tracer and the mixing process in a fractured network. In this experiment, 12cm polystyrene foam cubes with two electrodes for monitoring electric conductivity (EC) were used as artificial fractured rocks. Distilled water with 0.5mS/m was used as a tracer in water with 35mS/m and the difference of EC between the tracer and the water was monitored by a multipoint simultaneous measurement system of electrical resistance. The results showed that even if the fracture arrangement pattern was not straight in the direction of the flow, the tracer did not diffuse along individual fractures and an oval tracer plume, which was the distribution of tracer concentrations, tended to be form in the direction of the flow. The vertical cross section of the tracer distribution showed small diffusivity in the vertical direction. The calculated total tracer volume passing through each measurement point in the horizontal cross section showed while that the solute passed through measurement points near the direction of hydraulic gradient and in other directions, the passed tracer volumes were small. Using Peclet number as a criterion, it was found that the mass distribution at the fracture intersection was controlled in the stage of transition between the complete mixing model and the streamline routing model.

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Molecular Biology of Secondary Growth

  • Han, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2001
  • Trees have the ability to undergo secondary growth and produce a woody body. This tree-specific growth is affected by the secondary vascular system and the developmental continuum of secondary phloem and xylem. Secondary growth is one of the most important biological processes on earth. Considering its economic and environmental significance, our knowledge of tree growth and development is surprisingly limited. Trees have received little attention as model species in plant science, as most Plant biology questions can be best addressed by using herbaceous model species, such as Arabidopsis. Furthermore, tree biology is difficult to study mainly due to the inherent problems of tree species, including large size, long generation time, large genome size, and recalcitrance to biotechnological manipulations. Despite all of this, one must rely on trees as models to study tree-specific questions, such as secondary growth, which cannot be studied effectively in non-woody model species. Recent advances in genomics technology provide a unique opportunity to overcome these inherent tree-related problems. Several groups, including our own, have been successful in studying the biology of wood formation with a variety of hardwood and softwood species. In this article, 1 first review the current understanding of tree growth and then discuss the recent attempts to fully explore and realize the potential of molecular biology as a tool for enhanced understanding of secondary growth.

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Finite element modeling of reinforced concrete beams externally bonded with PET-FRP laminates

  • Rami A. Hawileh;Maha A. Assad;Jamal A. Abdalla; M. Z. Naser
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2024
  • Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) have a proven strength enhancement capability when installed into Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams. The brittle failure of traditional FRP strengthening systems has attracted researchers to develop novel materials with improved strength and ductility properties. One such material is that known as polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This study presents a numerical investigation of the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams externally strengthened with PET-FRP systems. This material is distinguished by its large rupture strain, leading to an improvement in the ductility of the strengthened structural members compared to conventional FRPs. A three-dimensional (3-D) finite element (FE) model is developed in this study to predict the load-deflection response of a series of experimentally tested beams published in the literature. The numerical model incorporates constitutive material laws and bond-slip behavior between concrete and the strengthening system. Moreover, the validated model was applied in a parametric study to inspect the effect of concrete compressive strength, PET-FRP sheet length, and reinforcing steel bar diameter on the overall performance of concrete beams externally strengthened with PET-FRP.

Unified Systems on Surveying and Geoinformation Management in Korea - New Conceptual Design of Korean NSDI Model - (우리나라 측량·공간정보관리에 관한 통합시스템 연구 - 새로운 국가공간정보기반(NSDI) 모델의 도입 -)

  • Lee, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.179-194
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    • 2014
  • In this study, it aims to research for unified system of "the surveying and geospatial information management" and new National geoSpatial Information Infrastructure(NSDI) as new paradigm against the strategy of "global geospatial information management". The country's existing NGIS projects and the policies of spatial information were examined in this paper, then it was defined newly by modification of NSDI's data coverage with bottom-up method. The new NSDI strategy is based on large scale digital map which was influenced by the local and global trend such as open data, e-Government, Earth observation, etc. (refer to Fig. 1). It was also suggested with new concept of NSDI model that the public-private sharing data can be added to digital map on equal term with spatial core data. (refer to Fig. 2) It is proposed the institutional model of MOLIT(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) as new concept of NSDI which was applied(refer to Fig. 4). The new model is improving localization and reinforcing cooperation system with not only the other departments within the MOLIT but also the other ministries(forestry, environment, agriculture, heritage, etc.) from independent operation system as a part informatization of land, infrastructure and transport. At the new SDI institutional model of the MOLIT, the spatial information is reorganized as common data infrastructure for all applications, Goverment 3.0 can be feasible according to common data related to government agencies and local government's data vertically or horizontally. And then, it can be practical strategy model to integrate and link all the map and the register which are managed by the laws and institutions if this unified system as a common data can include all spatial core data(digital map), such as base map data of NGA(national gespatial agency), land data and facility data of local government.

Development of an Emissions Processing System for Climate Scenario Inventories to Support Global and Asian Air Quality Modeling Studies

  • Choi, Ki-Chul;Lee, Jae-Bum;Woo, Jung-Hun;Hong, Sung-Chul;Park, Rokjin J.;Kim, Minjoong J.;Song, Chang-Keun;Chang, Lim-Seok
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.330-343
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    • 2017
  • Climate change is an important issue, with many researches examining not only future climatic conditions, but also the interaction of climate and air quality. In this study, a new version of the emissions processing software tool - Python-based PRocessing Operator for Climate and Emission Scenarios (PROCES) - was developed to support climate and atmospheric chemistry modeling studies. PROCES was designed to cover global and regional scale modeling domains, which correspond to GEOS-Chem and CMAQ/CAMx models, respectively. This tool comprises of one main system and two units of external software. One of the external software units for this processing system was developed using the GIS commercial program, which was used to create spatial allocation profiles as an auxiliary database. The SMOKE-Asia emissions modeling system was linked to the main system as an external software, to create model-ready emissions for regional scale air quality modeling. The main system was coded in Python version 2.7, which includes several functions allowing general emissions processing steps, such as emissions interpolation, spatial allocation and chemical speciation, to create model-ready emissions and auxiliary inputs of SMOKE-Asia, as well as user-friendly functions related to emissions analysis, such as verification and visualization. Due to its flexible software architecture, PROCES can be applied to any pregridded emission data, as well as regional inventories. The application results of our new tool for global and regional (East Asia) scale modeling domain under RCP scenario for the years 1995-2006, 2015-2025, and 2040-2055 was quantitatively in good agreement with the reference data of RCPs.

Development of Climate & Environment Data System for Big Data from Climate Model Simulations (대용량 기후모델자료를 위한 통합관리시스템 구축)

  • Lee, Jae-Hee;Sung, Hyun Min;Won, Sangho;Lee, Johan;Byu, Young-Hwa
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we introduce a novel Climate & Environment Database System (CEDS). The CEDS is developed by the National Institute of Meteorological Sciences (NIMS) to provide easy and efficient user interfaces and storage management of climate model data, so improves work efficiency. In uploading the data/files, the CEDS provides an option to automatically operate the international standard data conversion (CMORization) and the quality assurance (QA) processes for submission of CMIP6 variable data. This option increases the system performance, removes the user mistakes, and increases the level of reliability as it eliminates user operation for the CMORization and QA processes. The uploaded raw files are saved in a NAS storage and the Cassandra database stores the metadata that will be used for efficient data access and storage management. The Metadata is automatically generated when uploading a file, or by the user inputs. With the Metadata, the CEDS supports effective storage management by categorizing data/files. This effective storage management allows easy and fast data access with a higher level of data reliability when requesting with the simple search words by a novice. Moreover, the CEDS supports parallel and distributed computing for increasing overall system performance and balancing the load. This supports the high level of availability as multiple users can use it at the same time with fast system-response. Additionally, it deduplicates redundant data and reduces storage space.

Fading channel modeling for non-geostationary orbit mobile satellite communication systems (비정지궤도 이동위성통신시스템에서의 페이딩 채널 모델링)

  • You, Moon-Hee;Park, Se-Kyoung;Lee, Soo-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.35S no.11
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 1998
  • In non-geostationary orbit(NGSO) satellite communication links, satellite's elevation angle at terminal is changed continuously because of the satellite movement relative to earth surface. Therefore the characteristics of the fade-effected signal received by a terminal from a NGSO satellite is also varied continuously even if the terminal is operated at fixed location. In this paper, we determine a general statistic model for the fading characteristics over NGSO satellite communication links and set up the parameters of the fading model in terms of the elevation angle according to various propagation environment and find the parameter values using the data of fading margin for commercial NGSO mobile satellite communication systems. And the fading charateristics for each environment are analyzed using this model. These results can be applied to develop the compensation algorithm and to analyze the performance of the transmission schemes for NGSO mobile satellite communication systems.

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Use of large-scale shake table tests to assess the seismic response of a tunnel embedded in compacted sand

  • Zhou, Hao;Qin, Xiaoyang;Wang, Xinghua;Liang, Yan
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.655-665
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    • 2018
  • Shield tunnels are widely used throughout the world. However, their seismic performance has not been well studied. This paper focuses on the seismic response of a large scale model tunnel in compacted sand. A 9.3 m long, 3.7 m wide and 2.5 m high rigid box was filled with sand so as to simulate the sandy soil surrounding the tunnel. The setup was excited on a large-scale shake table. The model tunnel used was a 1:8 scaled model with a cross-sectional diameter of 900 mm. The effective shock absorbing layer (SAL) on the seismic response of the model tunnel was also investigated. The thickness of the tunnel lining is 60 mm. The earthquake motion recorded from the Kobe earthquake waves was used. The ground motions were scaled to have the same peak accelerations. A total of three peak accelerations were considered (i.e., 0.1 g, 0.2 g and 0.4 g). During the tests, the strain, acceleration and soil pressure on the surface of the tunnel were measured. In order to investigate the effect of shock absorbing layer on the dynamic response of the sand- tunnel system, two tunnel models were set up, one with and one without the shock absorbing layer of foam board were used. The results shows the longitudinal direction acceleration of the model tunnel with a shock absorbing layer were lower than those of model tunnel without the shock absorbing layer, Which indicates that the shock absorbing layer has a beneficial effect on the acceleration reduction. In addition, the shock absorbing layer has influence on the hoop strain and earth pressure of the model tunnel, this the effect of shock absorbing layer to the model tunnel will be discussed in the paper.