• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth system model

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Enhancement of Aerosol Concentration in Korea due to the Northeast Asian Forest Fire in May 2003

  • In, Hee-Jin;Kim, Yong-Pyo;Lee, Kwon-H.
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • Enhancement of aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and surface aerosol mass concentration in Korea for an active forest fire episode in Northeast Asia were estimated by Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. MODIS/TERRA remote detects of fires in Northeast Asia for May 2003 gave a constraint for estimation of wildfire emissions with an NDVI distribution for recent five years. The simulated wildfire plumes and enhancement of AOT were evaluated and well resolved by comparing multiple satellite observations such as MODIS, TOMS, and others. Scatter plots of observed daily mean aerosol extinction coefficient versus $PM_{10}$ concentration in ground level in Korea showed distinctively different trends based on the ambient relative humidity.

Hydraulic Model Test of a Floating Wave Energy Converter with a Cross-flow Turbine

  • Kim, Sangyoon;Kim, Byungha;Wata, Joji;Lee, Young-Ho
    • International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.222-228
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    • 2016
  • Almost 70% of the earth is covered by the ocean. Extracting the power available in the ocean using a wave energy converter has been seen to be eco-friendly and renewable. This study focuses on developing a method for analyzing a wave energy device that uses a cross-flow turbine. The motion of the ocean wave causes an internal bi-directional flow of water and the cross-flow turbine is able to rotate in one direction. This device is considered of double-hull structure, and because of this structure, sea water does not come into contact with theturbine. Due to this, the problem of befouling on the turbine is avoided. This study shows specific relationship for wave length and several motions.

The effect of gravity and hydrostatic initial stress with variable thermal conductivity on a magneto-fiber-reinforced

  • Said, Samia M.;Othman, Mohamed I.A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.74 no.3
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    • pp.425-434
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    • 2020
  • The present paper is concerned at investigating the effect of hydrostatic initial stress, gravity and magnetic field in fiber-reinforced thermoelastic solid, with variable thermal conductivity. The formulation of the problem applied in the context of the three-phase-lag model, Green-Naghdi theory with energy dissipation, as well as coupled theory. The exact expressions of the considered variables by using state-space approaches are obtained. Comparisons are performed in the absence and presence of the magnetic field as well as gravity. Also, a comparison was made in the three theories in the absence and presence of variable thermal conductivity as well as hydrostatic initial stress. The study finds applications in composite engineering, geology, seismology, control system and acoustics, exploration of valuable materials beneath the earth's surface.

Implementation of ESGF Data Node for International Distribution of CORDEX-East Asia Regional Climate Data

  • Han, Jeongmin;Choi, Jaewon
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2021
  • As the resolution of climate change scenario data applied with regional models increased, Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) was established around major climate-related organizations to jointly operated and manage large-scale climate data. ESGF developed standard software to provide model output, observation data management, dissemination, and analysis using Peer to Peer (P2P) computing technology. Roles of each institution were divided into index and data nodes. Therefore, ESGF data node was established at APEC Climate Center in Korea on behalf of Asia to share data on climate change scenarios of CORDEX-East Asia (CORDEX-EA) to study climate changes in Eastern Asia. Climate researchers are expected to play a large role in researching causes of global warming and responding to climate change by providing CORDEX-EA regional model data to the world through ESGF data node.

Seismic stability of MSE walls with stepped reinforcement arrangement subjected to vertical and horizontal accelerations

  • Weichao Liu;Peng Xu;Guangqing Yang;Miren Rong
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.503-512
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    • 2024
  • The stepped reinforcement arrangement in mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls is more complicated than the common uniform arrangement design.Afinite element limit analysis (FELA) method combining the advantages of finite element (FE) and limit analysis (LA) methods was used to investigate the influence of stepped reinforcement arrangements on the seismic stability of MSE subjected to vertical and horizontal earthquakes. The pseudo-static FELA method was validated against results from model tests and the limit equilibrium-based (LE) method. The validated numerical model was then used to investigate the seismic stability and failure mechanisms of MSE walls with stepped reinforcement arrangements. Results indicate that multiple slip planes form in reinforced zone and backfills. The stepped reinforcement arrangement can help improve seismic stability. However, excessive increases in reinforcement length toward the top of the wall could have a negative influence on seismic stability, especially in cases of walls with wide reinforcement spacing.

Comparison of Sea Level Data from Topex/Poseidon in-situ Tide-Gauges in the East Sea (한반도 동해상에서의 Topex/Poseidon 고도자료와 현장 조위계 관측 자료의 비교연구)

  • Youn, Yong-Hoon;Kim, Na-Young;Kim, Ki-Hyun;Hwang, Jong-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2002
  • In an effort to properly assess the validity of spaceborne radar altimeter measurements, we made a direct comparison of two different sea surface heights (SSH) acquired by both Topex/Poseidon (T/P) satellite and in-situ tide-gauges (T/G). This comparative analysis was conducted using the data sets collected from three locations along the eastern coast of Korea which include: Ulleungdo, Pohang, and Sokcho. In the course of the analysis of satellite altimeter, information of SSH was extracted from the T/P MGDR data sets through the application of both atmospheric and geophysical corrections. To compare the T/P data sets in parallel basis, the T/G data sets were averaged using the measured values within the peripheral radius of 55km. When compared among different locations, the compatibility between the two methods was much more significant in an offshore location (Ulleungdo) than the two onshore locations (Pohang, Sokcho). If the low-pass filtered results were compared among the sites, the offshore site exhibited the best correlations between the two methods (correlation coefficient of 0.91) than those of the onshore sites. These large differences in the strength of correlations among different locations are due to the deformation of M2, S2, and K1 tidal components used in the tidal model. In case of the offshore location, the compatibility of the two different methods were improved systematically by the low-pass filtering with an increase of the filtering duration such as up to 200 days.

A Suggestion for Surface Reflectance ARD Building of High-Resolution Satellite Images and Its Application (고해상도 위성 정보의 지표 반사도 Analysis-Ready Data (ARD) 구축과 응용을 위한 제언)

  • Lee, Kiwon;Kim, Kwangseob
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.1215-1227
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    • 2021
  • Surface reflectance, as a product of the absolute atmospheric correction process of low-orbit satellite imagery, is the basic data required for accurate vegetation analysis. The Commission on Earth Observation Satellite (CEOS) has conducted research and guidance to produce analysis-ready data (ARD) on surface reflectance products for immediate use by users. However, this trend is still in the early stages of research dealing with ARD for high-resolution multispectral images such as KOMPSAT-3A and CAS-500, as it targets medium- to low-resolution satellite images. This study first summarizes the types of distribution of ARD data according to existing cases. The link between Open Data Cube (ODC), the cloud-based satellite image application platforms, and ARD data was also explained. As a result, we present practical ARD deployment steps for high-resolution satellite images and several types of application models in the conceptual level for high-resolution satellite images deployed in ODC and cloud environments. In addition, data pricing policies, accuracy quality issue, platform applicability, cloud environment issues, and international cooperation regarding the proposed implementation and application model were discussed. International organizations related to Earth observation satellites, such as Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), are continuing to develop system technologies and standards for the spread of ARD and ODC, and these achievements are expanding to the private sector. Therefore, a satellite-holder country looking for worldwide markets for satellite images must develop a strategy to respond to this international trend.

Development of Inquiry Activity Materials for Visualizing Typhoon Track using GK-2A Satellite Images (천리안 위성 2A호 영상을 활용한 태풍 경로 시각화 탐구활동 수업자료 개발)

  • Chae-Young Lim;Kyung-Ae Park
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.48-71
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    • 2024
  • Typhoons are representative oceanic and atmospheric phenomena that cause interactions within the Earth's system with diverse influences. In recent decades, the typhoons have tended to strengthen due to rapidly changing climate. The 2022 revised science curriculum emphasizes the importance of teaching-learning activities using advanced science and technology to cultivate digital literacy as a citizen of the future society. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the temporal and spatial limitations of textbook illustrations and to develop effective instructional materials using global-scale big data covered in the field of earth science. In this study, according to the procedure of the PDIE (Preparation, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model, the inquiry activity data was developed to visualize the track of the typhoon using the image data of GK-2A. In the preparatory stage, the 2015 and 2022 revised curriculum and the contents of the inquiry activities of the current textbooks were analyzed. In the development stage, inquiry activities were organized into a series of processes that can collect, process, visualize, and analyze observational data, and a GUI (Graphic User Interface)-based visualization program that can derive results with a simple operation was created. In the implementation and evaluation stage, classes were conducted with students, and classes using code and GUI programs were conducted respectively to compare the characteristics of each activity and confirm its applicability in the school field. The class materials presented in this study enable exploratory activities using actual observation data without professional programming knowledge which is expected to contribute to students' understanding and digital literacy in the field of earth science.

The Effect of Project Based Learning Using Earth Science Data on Middle School Students' Knowledge-information Processing Competency, Communication and Collaboration Competency (지구과학 데이터 활용 프로젝트 학습이 중학생의 지식정보 처리 역량 및 의사소통과 협업 역량에 미치는 영향)

  • SuJin Ju;JaHeon Noh;JongHee Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.137-152
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a project-based learning program utilizing Earth science data and to evaluate its effects on students' knowledge-information processing competency and communication and collaboration competency. To achieve this, the ADDIE instructional design model was employed to create the program, which was then implemented with 75 second-year middle school students. The program's effectiveness was assessed using paired sample t-tests on the results of tests measuring knowledge-information processing competency and communication and collaboration competency. Additionally, reflection journals were analyzed to identify students' interest in and difficulties with the program. The study's conclusions are as follows: first, the Earth science data-based project learning program comprises three themes: 'Journey through the Planets of the Solar System,' 'I am a Marine Expert,' and 'Planning a Tidal Flat Experience Program.' Second, following the program's implementation, there was a significant improvement in the overall students' knowledge-information processing competency. Third, the program also led to a significant enhancement in students' communication and collaboration competency. Based on these findings, the study suggests the need for specific and continuous teacher support to provide students with successful experiences through the program, overcoming challenges in program implementation through collaboration with the information subject, and conducting research that microscopically analyzes students' interactions.

Wind Field Estimation Using ERS-1 SAR Data: The Initial Report

  • Won, Joong-Sun;Jeong, Hyung-Sup;Kim, Tae-Rim
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1998.09a
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    • pp.286-291
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    • 1998
  • SAR has provided weather independent images on land and sea surface, which can be used for extracting various useful informations. Recently attempts to estimate wind field parameters from SAR images over the oceans have been made by various groups over the world. Although scatterometer loaded in ERS-1 and ERS-2 observes the global wind vector field at spatial resolution of 50 Km with accuracies of $\pm$2m/s in speed, the spatial resolution may not be good enough for applications in coastal regions. It is weil known the sea surface roughness is closely correlated to the wind field, but the wind retrieval algorithms from SAR images are yet in developing stage. Since the radar backscattering properties of the SAR images are principally the same as that of scatterometer, some previous studies conducted by other groups report the success in mesoscale coastal wind field retrievals using ERS SAR images. We have tested SWA (SAR Wind Algorithm) and CMOD4 model for estimation of wind speed using an ERS-1 SAR image acquired near Cheju Island, Korea, in October 11, 1994. The precise estimation of sigma nought and the direction of wind are required for applying the CMOD4 model to estimate wind speed. The wind speed in the test sub-image is estimated to be about 10.5m/s, which relatively well agrees to the observed wind speed about 9.0m/s at Seoguipo station. The wind speed estimation through the SWA is slightly higher than that of CMOD4 model. The sea surface condition may be favorable to SWA on the specific date. Since the CMOD4 model requires either wind direction or wind speed to retrieve the wind field, we should estimate the wind speed first using other algorithm including SWA. So far, it is not conclusive if the SWA can be used to provide input wind speed data for CMOD4 model or not. Since it is only initial stage of implementing the wind field retrieval algorithms and no in-situ observed data is currently avaliable, we are not able to evaluate the accuracy of the results at the moment. Therefore verification studies should be followed in the future to extract reliable wind field information in the coastal region using ERS SAR images.

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