• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth Systems

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Evaluation of Flexural Behavior of Hollow Prestressed Concrete Pile for Continuous Pile Wall (주열식 벽체용 중공 프리스트레스트 콘크리트 파일의 휨거동 평가)

  • Lee, Young-Geun;Jang, Min-Jun;Yoon, Soon-Jong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2014
  • In the construction site, various earth retaining systems are developed and applied to maintain stability of excavated area and structures. Among the methods, the underground continuous wall and the column-type diaphragm wall methods are especially used in construction site nearby buildings or roads. However, these methods have some disadvantages such as the difficulty of quality control and long curing time because these methods need to cast fresh concrete at the construction site. In addition, these methods are usually applied to the site for the temporary purpose. In this paper, we suggest precast hollow prestressed concrete pile for continuous pile wall system. To investigate the structural behavior of suggested pile, which is the main member of the suggested system, tests pertaining to the structural behavior and prestressing force applied in the pile are conducted. From the test results, it was found that the prestressing force measured is sufficient compared with the value obtained by the design equation and the cracking moment measured is 34% higher than the design value. In addition to the above, this precast hollow prestressed concrete pile has an additional safety margin that the maximum moment is 59.2% higher than the cracking moment which is one of the serviceability limits for the design of the system.

Ultrastructure of Oocytes During Oogenesis and Oocyte Degeneration Associated with Follicle Cells in Female Sinonovacula constricta(BIVALVIA: PHARIDAE) in Western Korea

  • Chung, Ee-Yung;Ko, Cheol-Hwan;Kang, Hee-Woong;Choi, Ki-Ho;Jun, Je-Cheon
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.313-319
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    • 2008
  • The ultrastructure of oocytes during oogenesis and oocyte degeneration associated with follicle cells in female Sinonovacula constricta(Lamarck, 1818) were investigated by electron microscope observations. Ovarian follicles are surrounded by a matrix of vesicular connective tissue cells(VCT cells). VCT cells contain large quantities of glycogen particles and several lipid droplets in their cytoplasm. It is suggested that VCT cells act as a source of nutrients for vitellogenesis during oogenesis. In early vitellogenic oocytes, several coated vesicles, which appear at the basal region of the oocyte, lead to the formation of membrane-bound vesicles via endocytosis. The uptake of nutritive materials in coated vesicles formed by endocytosis appears through the formation of coated pits on the oolemma during vitellogenesis. During the late stage of oogenesis, yolk precursors(yolk granules), mitochondria and lipid droplets are present in the cytoplasm of late vitellogenic oocytes. In particular, proteinaceous yolk granules containing several different components are intermingles and form immature yolk granules. In the mature oocyte, small immature yolk granules are intermingled and form large mature yolk granules. Vitellogenesis occurs through a process of autosynthesis, involving combined activity of the Golgi complex, mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm of vitellogenic oocytes. The process of heterosynthesis is where extraovarian precursors are incorporated into oocytes by endocytosis at the basal region of early vitellogenic oocytes before the formation of the vitelline coat. Follicle cells appear to play an important role in vitellogenesis and oocyte degeneration. The functions of attached follicle cells to the oocyte during oocyte degeneration are phagocytosis and digestion of phagosomes originating from oocyte degeneration. After digestion of phagosomes, it is assumed that the function of follicle cells can permit a transfer of yolk precursors necessary for vitellogenesis and allows for the accumulation of glycogen and lipid during oocyte degeneration, which can be employed by vitellogenic oocytes. Follicle cells of S. constricta may possess a lysosomal system for induction of oocyte breakdown and might resorb phagosomes in the cytoplasm for nutrient accumulation during oocyte degeneration.

Site Investigation for Pilot Scale $CO_2$ Sequestration by Magnetotelluric Surveys in Uiseong, Korea (이산화탄소 지중저장 Pilot 부지 선정을 위한 의성지역 MT 탐사)

  • Lee, Tae-Jong;Han, Nu-Ree;Ko, Kwang-Beom;Hwang, Se-Ho;Park, Kwon-Gyu;Kim, Hyung-Chan;Park, Yong-Chan
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 2009
  • A magentotelluric (MT) survey at the Uiseong area has been performed for the site investigation of pilot scale $CO_2$ sequestration. The purpose of the MT survey is to delineate deeply extended fracture systems that can act as a leakage path of injected $CO_2$ Plume. Since the target area is extremely noisy in electromagentic sense, low frequency data below 1 Hz cannot be used for inversion. Two- and three-dimensional interpretation of the MT data showed a very clear conductive anomaly, which has the direction of $N55\sim65^{\circ}W$ and is extended roughly down to 1.6 km. It have the same direction with the strike-slip faults, the Gaeum and Geumcheon Faults. On the contrary, the eastern part of the survey area shows relatively homogeneous to the depth of 2 km though some small fractures at shallow depths can be found. Test drilling and high-definition borehole surveys should be followed at the eastern part of the survey area and hydraulic fracturing is required for injection of $CO_2$, because mean porosity of the sedimetary rock in the area is only 1.47%.

Application technique on thrust jacking pressure of shield TBM in the sharp curved tunnel alignment by model tests (축소모형실험을 통한 급곡선 터널에서의 Shield TBM 추진 압력 적용 기술에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Si-on;Kim, Hyeob;Kim, Yong-Min;Kim, Sang-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.335-353
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents the application technique on thrust jacking pressuring of shield TBM in the sharp curved tunnel alignment by model tests. Recently, the application of shield TBM method as mechanized tunnelling is increasing to prevent the vibration and noise problems, which can be occurred in the NATM in the urban area in Korea. However, it is necessary to plan the sharp curved tunnel alignment in order to avoid the building foundation and underground structures, to develop the shield TBM operation technique in the shape curved tunnel alignment. Therefore, the main operation parameters of shield TBM in the curved tunnel alignment are reviewed and analyzed based on the case study and analytical study. The results show that the operation of shield jacking force system is the most important technique in the shape curved tunnel alignment. The simplified scaled model tests are also carried out in order to examine the ground-shield TBM head behaviour. The earth pressures acting on the head of shield TBM are investigated according to two different shield jacking force systems (uniform and un-uniform pressure) and several articulation angles. The results obtained from the model tests are analysed. These results will be very useful to understand the shield TBM head interaction behaviour due to the shield jacking operation technique in the shape curved tunnel alignment, and to develop the operation technique.

Structure and Sequence Stratigraphy in the Southwestern Area of the South China Sea (남중국해 남서부 지역에서의 지구조 분석 및 순차층서학적 연구)

  • Lee, Eung Gyu;Lee, Gi Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.179-190
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    • 1999
  • The overall structural framework was studied using the regional 2D seismic data, followed by the sequence stratigraphic study on the 3D seismic and well- log data in the margin of the South Con Son basin of the South China Sea. This research contributes to delineate depositional stratigraphy, depositional environment and geologic history in the 3D seismic area of highly complicated faulting. Eight Miocene sequences were indicated on the 3D seismic and well-log data, in which the structural maps of each sequence boundary and the isochron maps for the corresponding sequence were made. The seismic facies were analyzed for each sequence volume and sequence boundary surface. The 3D seismic area is characterized by coal beds deposited in the transgression environment (transgression systems tract) and channel distributions just above the sequence boundaries. During the Early Miocene, the coals and thick shales deposited in the mangrove swamp representing the lower coastal plain environment. During the Mid to Late Miocene, thick clastic sediments deposited in the coastal to shallow shelf by regional subsidence and marine transgression. The isochron maps and structural patterns indicate that the sediments were transported from west to east or from northwest to southeast.

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Late Quaternary Transgressive Stratigraphy and its Depositional History in the Southeastern Continental Shelf, Korea (한국 남동해역 대륙붕 후 제4기 해침퇴적층서 및 퇴적역사)

  • Yoo, Dong-Geun;Lee, Chi-Won;Kim, Seong-Pil;Park, Soo-Chul
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 2010
  • Analysis of high-resolution seismic profiles acquired from the southeastern continental shelf of Korea reveals that the late Quaternary transgressive deposits consist of six seismic units created in response to sea-level rise. These units with different seismic facies and geometry can be grouped into two distinct depositional wedges (paralic and marine) bounded by a ravinement surface. The paralic component underlying the ravinement surface consists of the sediment preserved from shoreface erosion and contains incised-channel fill, ancient beach-shoreface deposit and estuarine deposit. The top of paralic unit is truncated by a ravinement surface and overlain by marine component. The marine component consists of the sediment produced through shoreface erosion during landward transgression and contains mid-shelf sand sheet, mid-shelf sand ridge and inner shelf sand sheet. Such transgressive stratigraphic architecture of six sedimentary units is controlled by a function of lateral changes in the balance among rates of relative sea-level rise, sediment input and marine processes at any given time.


    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.665-669
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    • 2015
  • The Kepler mission has shown that small planets are extremely common. It is likely that nearly every star in the sky hosts at least one rocky planet. We just need to look hard enough-but this requires vast amounts of telescope time. MINERVA (MINiature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array) is a dedicated exoplanet observatory with the primary goal of discovering rocky, Earth-like planets orbiting in the habitable zone of bright, nearby stars. The MINERVA team is a collaboration among UNSW Australia, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Penn State University, University of Montana, and the California Institute of Technology. The four-telescope MINERVA array will be sited at the F.L. Whipple Observatory on Mt Hopkins in Arizona, USA. Full science operations will begin in mid-2015 with all four telescopes and a stabilised spectrograph capable of high-precision Doppler velocity measurements. We will observe ~100 of the nearest, brightest, Sun-like stars every night for at least five years. Detailed simulations of the target list and survey strategy lead us to expect $15{\pm}4$ new low-mass planets.

Using the Gyeong-in Ara Waterway to Revitalize Coastal Shipping (연안해운 활성화 측면에서의 경인아라뱃길 활용 방안)

  • Lee, Choong-Hyo;Sun, Il-Suck
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2016
  • Many countries are developing transportation technologies aimed at reducing environmental pollution and the environmental burden. For example, environmentally friendly transportation routes and methods are being used to improve inland waterways in Europe. Against this backdrop, a case study was conducted on special cargo (weight cargo, earth and sand, etc.) on Korea's Gyeong-In Ara Waterway, an inland waterway connecting the Han River and the West Sea, serving a distribution function. The results of the analysis showed that coastal shipping could be promoted using the waterway, including a positive synergy among environmental, economic, and social aspects. That is, by shifting from overland transportation to marine transportation, it is possible to reduce environmental pollution, ease traffic congestion, decrease traffic accidents, and shorten the licensing period for the weight cargo demand of the northern area of the Han River. In this respect, the Gyeong-in Ara Waterway could become an environmentally friendly transportation route, promoting coastal shipping in Korea. However, for this to occur, support systems such as subsidies for marine transportation and using the inland waterway are required, as happens in the EU. Furthermore, existing policies to promote coastal shipping should be improved and applied more broadly.

An Experimental Study on Frost Heaving Pressure Characteristics of Frozen Soils (동결토의 동상팽창압 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 신은철;박정준
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2003
  • Most of land reclamation projects are being implemented along the south and west coastal lines of the Korean Peninsula. The earth structures and in-ground LNG tank, and buildings can be constructed using artificial freezing method on the reclaimed land to control the uplift pressure caused by capillary forces. In this study, upon freezing a saturated soil in a closed-system from the top, a considerable frost heaving pressure was developed. Decomposed granite soils, silty soil, and sandy soil were used in the laboratory freeze test which is sometimes subjected to thermal gradients under closed-systems. A major concern has been the ability to predict the frost heaving pressure over the results of relatively short-term laboratory tests. The frost heaving pressure arising within the soil samples and the temperature of the samples inside were monitored with time elapse. The degree of saturation versus heaving pressure curve is presented for each soil sample and the maximum pressure is closely related to this curve. TDR apparatus was used to measure the volumetric water content by the measurement of unfrozen water contents of frozen soils. Unfrozen water increased in soils containing a high percentage of fine-grained particles. In fine-grained soils with strong attractive farces between soil grains and water molecules, additional water is attracted into the pores leading to further volume changes and ice segregation.

Separation of the Heavy Metals by macrocycles- mediated Emulsion Liquid Membrane Systems (거대고리 화합물을 매질로한 에멀존 액체막게에 의한 중금속이온의 분리)

  • 정오진
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 1993
  • Result of this study indicate that two criteria must be met in order to have effective macrocycle-mediated transport in these emulsionsystem. First, one must effective extraction of the post transition metals, $Cd^{2+}$. $Pb^{2+}$ and $Hg^{2+}$ , into toluene membrane. The effectiveness of this extraction is greatest if log K values for the metal-macrocycle interaction is large. Second, the ratio of the log K values for the metal ion-receiving phase to the metal ion-macrocycle interaction must be large enough to ensure quantitative stripping of the metal ion at the toluene phase interface. Control of the first step can be obtained by appropriate selection of macrocycle donor atom, substituents, and cavity radius. The second step can be controlled by selecting the proper complexing agent for inclusion in the receiving phase. The order of the transport, when using the several $A^-$ species such as $SCN^-$, $1^-$, $Br^-$ and $Cl^-$ is the order of the changing degree of solvation for $A^-$ and the transport of the metals is also affected by the control of concentration for receiving species because of solubility-differences. In this study, we can seperate each single metal ion from the mixture of $Cd^{2+}$, $Pb^{2+}$, and $Hg^{2+}$ ions by using the toluene membranes controlled by optimized conditions. Transport of the single metal is also very good, and alkaline and alkaline earth metals as interferences ions did not affect the seperation of the metals in this macrocycle-liquid membrances but transition metal ions were partially affected as interferences for the post transition metal ions.

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