• Title/Summary/Keyword: Earth Care

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Christian Challenges to Overcome the Environmental Crisis (환경 위기 극복을 위한 기독교적 과제)

  • Bong, Won Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.456-465
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    • 2021
  • A recent report cited environmental issues, including climate change, as the most likely threat to Earth in the 2020s. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that environmental problems today are not just problems of any particular region or country, but also problems of the future, and problems of the present day in which we live. Various interests and research on environmental issues have been conducted within Christianity based on the Christian worldview based on creation, degradation, and restraint. This interest began mainly in the Catholic camp in the early days, but gradually efforts have been made to link global care to Christian responsibility in evangelical Christian camps, including the World Council of Churches (WCC). At a time when interest in earth care is growing, the study suggested as follows for the Christian community: First, it is necessary to change from environmental protection and ecological preservation to life theology. Second, there is a need for a change of understanding of ecology that looks at nature. Third, at the Christian level, there should be a genuine recovery movement that is differentiated from secular environmentalism. Fourth, the church should be able to realize a society that can realize a true community with the world of creation while looking forward to the kingdom of God.

Active Earth Pressure Acting on the Cylindrical Retaining Wall of a Shaft (원형수직구의 흙막이 벽체에 작용하는 주동토압)

  • Chun, Byungsik;Shin, Youngwan
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2006
  • It is well known that earth pressure on the cylindrical open caisson and cylindrical retaining wall of a shaft is less than that at-rest and in plane strain condition because of the horizontal and vertical arching effects due to wall displacement and stress relief. In order to examine the earth pressure distribution of a cylindrical wall, model tests were performed in dry sand for the care of constant wall displacement with depth. Model test apparatus which can control wall displacement, wall friction, and wall shape ratio was developed. The effects of various factors that influence earth pressure acting on the cylindrical retaining wall of a shaft were investigated.

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Improving the Workplace Experience of Caregiver-Employees: A Time-Series Analysis of a Workplace Intervention

  • Ding, Regina;Dardas, Anastassios;Wang, Li;Williams, Allison
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.296-303
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    • 2021
  • Background: Rapid population aging in developed countries has resulted in the working-age population increasingly being tasked with the provision of informal care. Methods: An educational intervention was delivered to 21 carer-employees employed at a Canadian University. Work role function, job security, schedule control, work-family conflict, familywork conflict, and supervisor and coworker support were measured as part of an aggregated workplace experience score. This score was used to measure changes pre/post intervention and at a follow-up period approximately 12 months post intervention. Three random intercept models were created via linear mixed modeling to illustrate changes in participants' workplace experience across time. Results: All three models reported statistically significant random and fixed effects intercepts, with a positive coefficient of change. Conclusion: This suggests that the intervention demonstrated an improvement of the workplace experience score for participants over time, with the association particularly strong immediately after intervention.

Evaluation of Visiting Nursing Care Using Geographical Information System(GIS) Technology (Geographical Information System 기법을 이용한 방문간호 중재 평가)

  • Lee, Suk-Jeong;Park, Jeong-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.1042-1054
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Previous evaluation studies of the visiting nursing program explained an average change of the participants' health status, without considering socio-ecological characteristics and their impacts. However, these factors must affect individual health problems and lifestyles. For effective and appropriate community based programs, the Geographical Information System(GIS) can be utilized. GIS is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing things that happen on earth, and integrates statistical analysis with unique visualization. The purpose of this study was to evaluate visiting nursing care and to advocate the usefulness of planning and evaluating visiting nursing programs using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis(ESDA) with GIS technology. Methods: One hundred eighty-four elderly participants with cerebrovascular risk factors who lived in 13 areas of one community received visiting nursing care. The data analyzed characteristics of pre-post change and autocorrelation by ESDA using GIS technology. Results: Visiting nursing care showed an improvement in the participants' lifestyle habits, and family management ability and stress level, while the improvements were different depending on the regions. The change of family management ability and stress level correlated with neighborhoods (Morgan's I=0.1841, 0.1675). Conclusions: Community health providers need to consider the individual participant's health status as well as socio-ecological factors. Analysis using GIS technology will contribute to the effective monitoring, evaluation and design of a visiting nursing program.


  • Shimoda, Haruhisa
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 2006
  • Four programs, i.e. TRMM, ADEOS2, ASTER, and ALOS are going on in Japanese Earth Observation programs. TRMM and ASTER are operating well, and TRMM operation will be continued to 2009. ADEOS2 was failed, but AMSR-E on Aqua is operating. ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) was successfully launched on $24^{th}$ Jan. 2006. ALOS carries three instruments, i.e., PRISM (Panchromatic Remote Sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping), AVNIR-2 (Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer), and PALSAR (Phased Array L band Synthetic Aperture Radar). PRISM is a 3 line panchromatic push broom scanner with 2.5m IFOV. AVNIR-2 is a 4 channel multi spectral scanner with 10m IFOV. PALSAR is a full polarimetric active phased array SAR. PALSAR has many observation modes including full polarimetric mode and scan SAR mode. After the unfortunate accident of ADEOS2, JAXA still have plans of Earth observation programs. Next generation satellites will be launched in 2008-2012 timeframe. They are GOSAT (Greenhouse Gas Observation Satellite), GCOM-W and GCOM-C (ADEOS-2 follow on), and GPM (Global Precipitation Mission) core satellite. GOSAT will carry 2 instruments, i.e. a green house gas sensor and a cloud/aerosol imager. The main sensor is a Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) and covers 0.76 to 15 ${\mu}m$ region with 0.2 to 0.5 $cm^{-1}$ resolution. GPM is a joint project with NASA and will carry two instruments. JAXA will develop DPR (Dual frequency Precipitation Radar) which is a follow on of PR on TRMM. Another project is EarthCare. It is a joint project with ESA and JAXA is going to provide CPR (Cloud Profiling Radar). Discussions on future Earth Observation programs have been started including discussions on ALOS F/O.

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A Study on the Sequence Impedance Modeling of Underground Transmission Systems (지중송전선로의 대칭분 임피던스 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Young-Rok;Kim, Kyung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2014
  • Power system fault analysis is commonly based on well-known symmetrical component method, which describes power system elements by positive, negative and zero sequence impedance. The majority of fault in transmission lines is unbalanced fault, such as line-to-ground faults, so that both positive and zero sequence impedance is required for fault analysis. When unbalanced fault occurs, zero sequence current flows through earth and ground wires in overhead transmission systems and through cable sheaths and earth in underground transmission systems. Since zero sequence current distribution between cable sheath and earth is dependent on both sheath bondings and grounding configurations, care must be taken to calculate zero sequence impedance of underground cable transmission lines. In this paper, EMTP-based sequence impedance calculation method was described and applied to 345kV cable transmission systems. Calculation results showed that detailed circuit analysis is desirable to avoid possible errors of sequence impedance calculation resulted from various configuration of cable sheath bonding and grounding in underground cable transmission systems.

A Study on the Composition and Planning Guidelines of Outdoor Play Environment at Child Care Centers in Seoul (서울지역 어린이집의 실외놀이 환경 구성과 개선방향에 관한 연구)

  • Byun, Hea-Ryung;Choi, Mock-Wha
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.209-225
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to research the actual condition of environment and management of outdoor play at child care centers in Seoul, and to present a planning guideline for outdoor play environment. For this purpose, data were collected by a structured questionnaire and subjects were 164 directors of child care centers located in Seoul. The contents of the questionnaire were composed of general facts about the respondent and facility, environmental condition, managerial condition, and director's understanding about outdoor play. The data were then analyzed using the frequency, percentage, mean and crosstab. The major results have shown the following: 1) Most child care centers in Seoul had some space for outdoor play. 62% of them used front yard and 11 % a rooftop. 2) The space usually included fixed play instruments such as slide and complex unit structures, sand play area, and open area. It also had many natural elements as shrubs and earth. 3) 78% of the centers had a schedule for outdoor play. The schedule operates flexibly according to each center's own day schedule. Generally, a time for outdoor play was 21 to 30 minutes. 4) The directors of child care centers thought highly of outdoor play for it contributes to the balanced development of children. They answered that equipments and spaces, program devices, and teacher's understanding are some of the important factors for active outdoor play. 5) Most of them wanted wood-working area (construction activity area), water play area, and cages.

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Removal of a synthetic broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, triclosan, in wastewater treatment systems: A short review

  • Lee, Do Gyun
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2015
  • Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) including endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care product chemicals (PPCPs) have recently received more attention because of their occurrence in water bodies and harmful impacts on human health and aquatic organisms. Triclosan is widely used as a synthetic broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent due to its antimicrobial efficacy. However, triclosan detected in aquatic environment has been recently considered as one of CECs, because of the potential for endocrine disruption, the formation of toxic by-products and the development of cross-resistance to antibiotics in aquatic environment. This comprehensive review focuses on the regulations, toxicology, fate and transport, occurrence and removal efficiency of triclosan. Overall, this review aims to provide better understanding of triclosan and insight into application of biological treatment process as an efficient method for triclosan removal.

A study on the Discussion on Life and Death of Oriental Medicine (동양의학(東洋醫學)의 생사론(生死論) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, In Rak;Hong, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.3
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    • pp.1-150
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    • 1989
  • Oriental medicine thinks life and death as the following. 1. The universe seems to be a kind of organism which is divided into 3 branches, as Heaven, Earth and Man. Man is not created from nihil by the Creator. Heaven and Earth by their interaction operate to produce man. This is similiar that zygote is not created from nihil, and that sperm and ovum are transformed into zygote by their interaction. The symbolic meaning of sperm is Heaven, and that of ovum is Earth. Mind and body, as well as spirit and body, are not the real, but artificial words for the purpose of observing and expressing one man. So there is not spiritual substance as distinct from body. The expected life span of man is subjected to change, and is always becoming through life. Fate, the Creator and the world to come cannot be said to be. 2. After one's death, man is transformend into Heaven and Earth. Dying is this process of transformation. Although man comes into existence and closes one's life, the total life of the universe does not change. The criteria of determination of death is not in cell death, but in somatic death. Somatic death divided into 2 branches, one is heart-lung death, the other is brain death. For the standard of health changes ceaselessly as time goes by, aging and dying is not the process of losing health. Because of mind cannot be seperated from body, we'll feel at ease bodily and mentally in healthy dying. The completion of lifetimes is the value of healthy dying. 3. From the viewpoint of these, we must think to let a person die healthily is the right medical ethics. The way to let a person die healthily is divided into 3 branches, one is treatment, another is prevention and the other is promotion of health. We should treat and prevent death of sickness, but take care of healthy dying.

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