• Title/Summary/Keyword: Early labor market

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Changing Industrial Structure and Employment of Older Males in the United States: 1880~1940 (미국 산업구조의 변화가 고령 남성의 고용에 미친 영향: 1880~1940)

  • Lee, Chulhee
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2003
  • This article examines the employment status of older male workers in the era of industrialization, focusing on the questions of how the extent of pressure toward retirement varied across different occupations, and how it changed over time. A comparison of hazard of retirement across occupations shows that men who had better occupations in terms of economic status and work conditions were less likely to retire than were those with poorer jobs. This result tends to reject the recent view that retirement was more voluntary than forced as early as a century ago. The difficulty faced by older workers in the labor market, as measured by the relative incidence of long-term unemployment, was relatively severe among craftsmen, operatives, and salesmen. In contrast, aged farmers, professionals, managers, and proprietors appear to have fared well in the labor market. The pattern of shifts in the occupational structure that occurred between 1880 and 1940 suggests that industrialization had brought a growth of the sectors in which the pressure toward departure from employment at older ages was relatively strong.

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A Reversal in Retirement Ages and the Future of Social Policy in the United States (미국인의 조기퇴직 역전현상과 고령자 사회정책의 미래)

  • 전광희
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.115-141
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this paper is to describe a long-term trend toward earlier retirement and its reversal since 1985 in the United States, together with changes in socioeconomic conditions and social-policy programs which have contributed to this new development. The American people's recent propensity to retire at relatively younger ages was mainly a result of secular increase in individual wealth that had made it possible for them to enjoy higher standard of living without their participation in labor market activities at older ages. In addition to the introduction of compulsory retirement system, both social security retirement pension program and corporate pension system have also contributed significantly to the declining retirement age and its reversal around the mid-1980s. This paper pays full attention to the set of social policy programs which are currently being used to sustain the recent reversal in ages at retirement. The basic question to be raised here, however, is about whether or not the U. S. government will ave to continue to implement the social policies and programs used to discourage the elderly from retiring at relatively younger ages in the future. In this paper, it is argued that labor productivity growth and improvement in work attitude prior to retirement will help the elderly find little difficulties in having higher standard of living, despite their further lengthening of life expectancy at birth and post-retirement survival chances, the latter being often called the "third life". Most American people hope that the social-policy programs that have promoted early retirement will remain unchanged in the first part of the 21st century while they will put significant financial burden on their future descendants who have to work in the paid labor market. Taking this observation in consideration, this paper concludes that the U. S. government has to focus more on developing the programs that improve work propensity and labor productivity among the currently working-age population rather than continuing to implement the programs that sustain the recent reversal in retirement ages.ment ages.

The New International Division of Labor:Re-evaluation (신국제노동분업의 재평가)

  • 고태경
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.79-91
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    • 1995
  • As an exit to solve the economic depression of the development countries in the early twentieth century, the 'old international division of labor' developed. The economic crisis(i.e., under-consumption crisis) was due to the absence of the mode of regulation compatible with the extensive regime of accumulation(i.e., "Fordist" regime). The crisis was solved by the state intervention through the creation on institutions in order to increase the level of consumption. Until the late 1960s when "high Fordism" reached(i.e., a harmonious relation between the monopoly mode of regulation and the intensive accumulation of capital), the developed core countries enjoyed a remarkable economic growth. The external market was not a necessity for the economic growth because there were increases in labor productivity and proportional increases in real wages and thus increases in consumption level. In the 1970s, however, the core faced with economic crisis again. Due to the breakdown of the postwar "Fordist" regime of capital accumulation and the post 1973 world depression, the core needed the Third World as a solution for their internal and international economic crisis. Thus the 'new international division of labor'(NIDL) arose. The "Fordist" method of production(i.e., the divisions of production process) led to the territorial division of labor and to the detailed division of labor. The aim of the NIDL is to exploit reserve armies of labor on a world scale and thus to reduce production costs. According to the NIDL model, the Third World countries have been developing by the core countries' investment on mainly labor-intensive industries and thus have been playing an important role in the global economy. And the NIDL theorists argue that multinational corporations have increasingly invested in the Third World nations and contributed to the economic growth in those regions. Tables presented in the paper show that the global trend since the 1970s does not follow the argument exactly as the NIDL theorists predicted. On the contrary, the core countries focus on developing technology, adopting the automation of production process, and trading within the core countries rather than on investing in the periopheral countries. The continuing investment of multinational corporations into the periphery is not because of cheap labor force but because of the market potentials in the regions. Majority of corporations of the core tries to reduce production costs by investing in technological development more intensively and also by changing regional strategies (i.E., investment from metropolitan areas to medium - or small - size cities, focusing on agglomeration economy, boosting regional diversification, etc.) within their own countries. The main purpose of the paper is to review and to criticize the NIDL theory based on some empirical data.IDL theory based on some empirical data.

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Make and Use of Leading Indicator for Short-term Forecasting Employment Fluctuations (취업자 변동 단기예측을 위한 고용선행지수 작성과 활용)

  • Park, Myungsoo
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.87-116
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    • 2014
  • Forecasting of short-term employment fluctuations provides a useful tool for policy makers in risk managing the labor market. Following the process of producing the composite leading indicator for macro economy, the paper develops the employment leading indicator(ELI) for the purpose of short-term forecasting non-farm payroll employment in private sectors. ELI focuses on early detecting the point of time and the speed in phase change of employment level.

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Development of Bottom Irrigation System and Management Method for Cultivation of Bonsai (분재(盆栽)의 대량재배(大量栽培)를 위한 관수(灌水)시스템과 관리방법(管理方法)의 개발(開發))

  • Lee, Ki-Eui;Jeong, Jin-Hyung
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.48-68
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    • 2003
  • There have been some problems of high labor. low productivity in the existing systems of bonsai cultivation. This study was conducted to cultivate a large quantity of hig-quality bonsai through the development of bottom irrigation system and management method. Bonsai placed on the FRP bed were grown very well by bottom irrigation system compared with direct watering and sprinkler system. It was concluded that bottom irrigation system was possible to reduce considerable manual labor and produce mass production of high-quality bonsai within shorter periods. This research was finally found that the growth was significantly better and earlier production was certain in the vinyl house, had another advantage which could cultivate less cold-resistant species and therefore broadened a range of species selection for market supply. Cultivation techniques by the use of vinyl house and bottom irrigation system developed was quite effective for early production of bonsai as well as for high productive and value added. This project developed a new practical techniques and systems which can make mass and early production of bonsai with high quality through input of less labor. Interest in bonsai is now expanding in landscape horticulture and other fields concerned, and bonsai export of our country is also increasing. Results from this research will make a great contribution to enhancing of bonsai cultivator's competitive position in world markets and to improving of their annual income.

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Labor Transition of Middle-aged and Elderly and the Effects of Perceived Job Stability on Poverty Exit (중·고령층 고용변화 추이와 고용안정성이 탈빈곤에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Sung-Ho;Jo, Joon-Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2016
  • This study analyses labor transition of middle-aged and elderly in Korea utilizing Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing(KLoSA). Then it estimates the effects of perceived job stability for the middle-aged and elderly on poverty exit based on the age group simulation. The outcomes suggest that mid-50s and over are highly vulnerable to early retirement and they suffer from unstable employment and low possibility of re-employment. The logit analysis that simulates the effects of perceived job stability on poverty exit shows that mid-50s are more likely to get off the poverty than 65 and over when they have stable jobs. These implies that labor market policies should be designed in a tailor-made manner in consideration of the age group and its characteristics. This study also suggests the introduction of progressive labor policy measures that extends retirement age, that provides with job opportunities to middle-age and elderly, and that links employment and welfare under the umbrella of income security plan for the middle-aged and elderly.

A Cohort Study of Mental, Physical and Behavioral Impacts of Early(at Age 55) Compulsory Retirement in Korea (조기 정년퇴직자의 정신. 육체. 행위적 경향연구)

  • Duk-Sung Kim;Sae-Kwon Kong;Kong-Kyun Ro
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.204-229
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    • 1988
  • This paper documents and discusses trends and differentials in youth's participation in the labor force and employment. Youth in this study is defined asthe young aged 15-29. Youth passes through a series of life-course transitions,which include school completion own family formation(marriage and childbirth) .mandatory service in the army (by males) , and their economic activities are affectedby those life-course events. Accordingly we show how and to what extent youth'slabor force participation and employment varies with age and how the age patternhas changed over time.Throughout the 1980's and 1990's, youth's labor force participation showeddifferent trends by age group Labor fDrce participation rate of the 15-19 agedsteeply decreased, while that of the 25-29 steadily increased during the twodecades, the rate fsr the 20-24 aged showing not much variation. The former is dueto the increased rate of school enrollment among the age group, while the lattercould be attributed, in part, to the young women s increased and more steadyparticipation in the labor force over time.While labor force participation could be considered as a result of one's choicesand preferences, employment opportunities are more or less restricted by labormarket structure and institutions . This study documents how the structuralconstraints have interacted with individual and group attributes to differentiateemployment opportunities between individuals (educational background) and groups(especially sex diffrences) . One of the most salient feature of youth's em[ploymentstructure is the recent high unemployment rate of the college graduates. We discusshow that is related to the'credential society'in which one's educational credentials and it's social status play major role in determining who gets what in terms of job opportunities. Also is discussed the discordance between school and labor marketsupply and demand system, which is apparent in the prolonged oversupply of thecollege graduates, which is due to the consistently high rate of college entranceobserved since the early 1980's. Theoretically the job market for college graduates isviewed not as the'neoclassical'wage competition market but as job competition market in which one's (good) job opportunity is determined by one s position in thejob queue, which is in turn heavily dependent on from which college one get shis/her college degree as well as one's sex.

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Dual Earner Couple's Interdependent Retirement Decision - Focusing on Spouses'Involuntary Retirement - (부부은퇴의 상호의존성 연구 - 배우자의 은퇴여부 및 은퇴자발성을 중심으로 -)

  • Ham, Sunyu;Hong, Baegeui
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.67 no.3
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    • pp.281-303
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the interdependent retirement decision between husbands and wives. Since most of retirees in Korea retired by involuntary reasons such as health problems, it purposes to test whether the involuntary retirement of husbands(wives) influences the retirement decision of wives(husbands). Using data from 4th Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing Panel, it conducted probit and multivariate probit analysis on 1,038 dual-earner couples aged 51~76 to test interdependence of couples' retirement. The results showed that husbands who have retired wife were more likely to retire. It also proved that involuntary retirement of spouse is a significant predictor of early retirement decision, though the direction of the effect is reversed by gender. Wives were more likely to retire when husband were retired involuntarily, while husbands were more likely to stay in labor market. These findings helped to understand the retirement decision of aged couples in Korea and brought suggestion on labor market and care policies for aged couples.

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Occupational Labor Market Activities by College Majors: On the Crisis of Science and Engineering Majors (대학졸업자의 전공계열별 직업노동시장 성과: 이공계 위기의 노동시장 원인론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Hyung-Seog
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2006
  • Labor market participation and occupational status for workers majoring in(natural) science and engineering are estimated and compared with workers of other majors at three levels: employment, prestigious occupations, and good occupations. For this, we utilized 2% Public Use Sample of 2000 Korea Census. The results of two-stage probit models, which adjust sample selection bias, do not support the argument that graduates of science and engineering majors are relatively disadvantaged. Workers of engineering majors are more likely to have 'good occupations' at their early job careers, but their advantages fade away quickly as they are aging. Especially at their 40s, their probability of having 'good occupations' start to be likely lower than workers of social science majors. This may be due to low human capital accumulation rates at work places along with quickly outdated skills which are acquired in colleges.

Survey on Perceptions Regarding the Reform of Professional Qualifications in Employment Services (고용서비스 관련 전문자격 개편에 대한 인식 조사)

  • Sinchul Jang;Hanjin Jo
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.3_spc
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    • pp.351-365
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    • 2024
  • Although jobs in the employment service sector have been continuously expanding over the past 20 years, many in the labor market point out that the signaling and selection functions of job counselor qualifications are deteriorating because job counseling and psychology were developed mainly in the early 2000s. Therefore, in this study, a survey was conducted on current employment service workers on the establishment and improvement of employment service professional qualifications. According to the data analysis, employment service workers lack the current level of competence compared to their importance in all their jobs, and there is a limit to taking charge of all the expanded employment service jobs such as corporate support, administrative management, and labor market program planning and execution as a single job counselor. As for the direction of reorganization of employment service-related qualifications in the future, more than half agreed to establish new qualifications. Similarly, more than half of the respondents wanted to strengthen the qualifications of existing job counselors related to employment services.