• Title/Summary/Keyword: Early experiences

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Understanding Instructor's Challenges of Content Based Instruction : For Pre-service Teachers in Early Childhood Education (내용기반 교수법을 근거로 예비 유아교사 교육을 실시한 교수자의 어려움)

  • Ahn, Hyo-Jin;Kim, Eunhyun
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.181-200
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed at exploring how an instructor constructs meanings through content-based instruction (CBI) offered to pre-service teachers majoring in early childhood education. The course, early childhood mathematics education, was conducted during the spring semester in 2011. This study adopted a narrative inquiry, and data were collected through observations, interviews, and work samples. This study found that during the whole process from the preparation phase to the end-of-program evaluation, the instructor captured diverse challenging moments. During the preparation phase, she needed to have careful orchestration in designing lessons in order to overcome her feeling of pressure as a non-native speaker of English and design the integration of contents and English language learning to be truly powerful. In the phase of implementation, the lack of student motivation and building a good rapport between the instructor and the students were certainly challenges. The result of the student evaluations weakened her desire to implement CBI. The instructor incorporated diverse instructional strategies to overcome the obstacles. The instructor's experiences in this study will positively shape future educators' thinking and learning about meaningful and appropriate academic English instruction for content-area teaching of college students who were majoring in early childhood education.

Novel Algorithms for Early Cancer Diagnosis Using Transfer Learning with MobileNetV2 in Thermal Images

  • Swapna Davies;Jaison Jacob
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.570-590
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    • 2024
  • Breast cancer ranks among the most prevalent forms of malignancy and foremost cause of death by cancer worldwide. It is not preventable. Early and precise detection is the only remedy for lowering the rate of mortality and improving the probability of survival for victims. In contrast to present procedures, thermography aids in the early diagnosis of cancer and thereby saves lives. But the accuracy experiences detrimental impact by low sensitivity for small and deep tumours and the subjectivity by physicians in interpreting the images. Employing deep learning approaches for cancer detection can enhance the efficacy. This study explored the utilization of thermography in early identification of breast cancer with the use of a publicly released dataset known as the DMR-IR dataset. For this purpose, we employed a novel approach that entails the utilization of a pre-trained MobileNetV2 model and fine tuning it through transfer learning techniques. We created three models using MobileNetV2: one was a baseline transfer learning model with weights trained from ImageNet dataset, the second was a fine-tuned model with an adaptive learning rate, and the third utilized early stopping with callbacks during fine-tuning. The results showed that the proposed methods achieved average accuracy rates of 85.15%, 95.19%, and 98.69%, respectively, with various performance indicators such as precision, sensitivity and specificity also being investigated.

Meaning of Play ~ Learning in the Context of Early Childhood Curriculum (유아교육과정의 맥락 속에서 살펴본 '놀이~배움'의 의미)

  • Boo Yeun Lim
    • The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction (JLCCI)
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.265-287
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    • 2019
  • This study explored the meaning of 'play ~ learning in early childhood education. There have been various studies related to existing plays. But often play in early childhood is misunderstood as a way to learn or develop. Therefore, in this study, it is necessary to explore the continuous relation between play and learning and its meaning again. So, this study looked into the relationship and practice between play and learning in the context of early childhood curriculum. Play has the attribute of Dionysus pleasantness connected with the life of children. At this point, learning occurs internally in the play-eventified experiences of children. And the play and the learning connected with each other and forming the 'rhizome' relationship. Furthermore, the play of the children who live in the curriculum is a voluntary and competent learning in itself. This study is meaningful in that it examined the vivid mobility of the curriculum in play ~ learning of children. It is also meaningful that the facts were found in the lives of children who are spreading in various ways.

A Study on the Influencing Factors of Recognition and Attitude of Early Childhood Teachers for Integrated Education (통합교육에 대한 유아교사의 인식과 태도에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.5-29
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    • 2006
  • This study analyzed the effect of the teachers' personal variables to the teachers' recognition and attitude about the integrated education. The purpose of this study is to suggest the basic data of the strategic plan for the integrated education of the exceptional children. After survey of the daycare centers' teachers, I analyzed the impact of the individual variables experience, level, education level, experience of integrated education, disabled study - to the teachers' recognitions and behaviors of the integrated education. The results of this study are that personal variables showed different impacts according to the recognition and behaviors. However, integrated education experiences and disabled study experiences showed the important roles. Consequently, I suggest the disabled study and integrated education for the teachers.

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Effect of Adolescents' Abuse Experience on Suicidal Ideation: Focused on Moderated Mediation Effect of Self-esteem on Depression and Anxiety (청소년의 학대경험이 자살생각에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감에 의해 조절된 우울 및 불안의 매개효과 분석)

  • Kim, Ji Young;Lee, Kyunghee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.752-760
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating mediation effect of self-esteem on the relations among adolescents' abuse experiences, depression and anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Methods: The participants were selected using secondary data from a population in the 2012 Korea Welfare Panel Survey (KOWEPS). Data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 and SPSS Macro, and bootstrapping and hierarchical regression analysis were performed to analyze multilevel models. Results: First, analysis of the mediating effect of the adolescents' abuse showed that there was significant mediating influence between suicidal ideation and depression and anxiety. Second, hierarchical regression analysis showed that self-esteem had significant mediation effect on depression and anxiety in adolescents' suicidal ideation. Third, SPSS Macro showed that self-esteem also significantly moderated the mediating effect of adolescents' abuse experiences on suicidal ideation through depression and anxiety. Conclusion: The study results suggest that in future research on adolescent's abuse experience, the risk of suicide in depression and anxiety scores should be selected through evaluation of each individual's self-esteem scale. Coping strategies with immediate early intervention should be suggested.

Early Experiences of Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery in Pediatrics in a Single Center (단일기관 소아환자에서 단일절개복강경하수술의 초기경험)

  • Song, Ra-Yeong;Jung, Kyuwhan
    • Advances in pediatric surgery
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2013
  • Laparoscopic surgery has become popular in the past few decades, owing to less postoperative pain, fast recovery, and better cosmetic outcomes. The laparoscopic approach has been employed in pediatric surgery for the same reasons. After the first attempts of single incision laparoscopic appendectomy in pediatrics in 1998, single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) has recently been proven to be safe and feasible for the pediatric population. However, limitations have been reported for SILS, such as the wide learning curve, compared to standard laparoscopic surgery, and the restricted number of hospitals with surgical training programs including SILS. In this study, we intend to present our initial experiences with SILS in children, and to describe the technique, instruments used, and outcomes. This is a retrospective study of 71 pediatric patients who underwent SILS, at a tertiary medical center, between September, 2012 and August, 2013. Electronic medical records were reviewed for demographics, type of procedure, operation time, use of additional ports, conversion to open surgery, complications and hospital stay. Additional ports were inserted in 4 cases, for the purpose of traction. Postoperative complications were noted in 13 cases, which were mostly related to wound inflammation or formation of granulation tissue. According to our analyses, patients with complications had significantly longer use and more frequent use of pain killers. Notwithstanding the small sample size, many of the procedures performed in pediatric patients seem to be possible with SILS.

The Influence of Experiences in Close Relationships with Teachers for Young Children on Their Depression: Examining the Mediating Effect of Their Self-compassion (영유아교사의 친밀관계경험이 우울에 미치는 영향에서 자기자비의 매개효과)

  • Choi, Insuk;Chae, Jin-Young
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.201-218
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of experiences in close relationships with teachers for young children on their depression and to see whether there would be a mediating effect of their self-compassion. Methods: The subjects were 206 teachers recruited from Seoul and five different provinces who currently worked at the kindergarten and child care centers and agreed to participate in the survey. The data were analyzed by means of frequency, percentages, Cronbach's reliability coefficient and Pearson's correlation using SPSS 25.0 and model 4 provided in The PROCESS macro for SPSS 3.4 version. Results: The findings were as followed. First, the teachers' degrees of anxiety and avoidance for their close relationships were below the median scores. In contrast their degree of self-compassion was above the median score. In addition, their level of depression was relatively low. Second, both of the teachers' anxiety and avoidance for their close relationships had a positive impact on their depression and their self-compassion, and there were the partial mediating effect in both cases. Conclusion/Implications: These results imply that the early attachment experience connecting the experience in close relationships in the adulthood is important and that it is necessary to develop a program to enhance teachers' self-compassion to protect their psychological well-being.

A study on the Housing Life History of the Women in their 50's (50대 여성의 주거 생애사에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Shin, Soo-Young;Yoon, Chung-Sook
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the understanding of housing experiences of the women in their 50's in Korean social-cultural context and to explore their housing trajectory. The grounded theory was adopted in this study to address the research questions. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with the seven women in their 50's. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows. First, the their housing experiences of childhood is characterized by emotional and affective memory, whose sub-categories are nature and large family. Second, the respondents are categorized into two types according to their tenure of their first house after marriage. the respondents who started the housing careers with rental housing tend to move more frequently than the one who procured homeownership at the early stage of life course. Third, the respondents are satisfied with their present housing, consider it as their final housing but most of them are ready to sell their present house and move to smaller or cheaper house when their children need to money to buy the house for marriage.

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A Study on the Filipino Marriage and a Migrant Women's Married Life (필리핀 결혼이주 여성의 한국 결혼생활 현상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Kyoung;Shin, Dong-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.519-535
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to understand a migrant women's married life. The study examined migrant Filipino women's married lives, motives for marriage and migration to Korea, and their married life experiences. The results showed that these women get married to Korean men in pursuit of an economically better life to support their family in the Philippines through marriage migration. As for Filipino women's perceived difficulties in married life, they indicated hardships with redrawing the boundaries of nationality, as well as their husbands' faults or bad habits which are different from what they expected before marriage. Other difficulties mentioned were the peculiar culture of living with parents-in-law, and general difficulties in married life. This study showed that marriage migration results not from external pressure or motives but ultimately from their own decision in a social and cultural context. It was also implicated that Korea's superior position to the Philippines in international economic power has an effect on family relations. The boundaries of nationality are redrawn according to their married life. In addition, it was revealed that the Korean born children of migrant mothers who divorce because of difficulties in married life are in a very poor situation as their national identity depends on their mother's future marriage relations.

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Barriers of community networking practices in the context of family-centered case-management (가족사례관리 중심 지역사회협의체 운영의 장애요인 및 발전 방안)

  • Auh, Seongyeon;Koh, Sun-Kang
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.65-88
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    • 2017
  • The main purposes of this study are to appraise the family-centered case-management (FCCM) practices in terms of building the community networking efforts, and to propose the practical improvement suggestions to overcome the barriers in practicing the current Healthy Families Policy, FCCM. The blended methodology was employed by collecting the quantitative and qualitative data sets including an staff's on-line survey, in-depth interviews(site case studies), and FGIs. As results, the authors found, despite the building and maintaining functional community networks was the essential and critical condition for the FCCM policy deliveries, many staffs have faced hardships in FCCM practices such as building a new network or finding an available and apt network within their communities. The lack of previous experiences in case-management exaggerated the functional difficulties thus, the new staffs were more prone than the staffs with 2 or more years experiences to the misunderstanding about the missions and tasks related to FCCM. Authors suggested that various on-the-job-training should be provided to eliminate those obstacles to build and/or maintain the community network for FCCM. Also, it is necessary for the each institution's director or managers to understand the FCCM and its relation to community networking, and to support FCCM staff members.