• Title/Summary/Keyword: ETC adjustment

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The Development and Application of a Training Base for the Installation and Adjustment of Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems

  • Chuanqing, SUN
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2016
  • In recent years, the development and application of green energy resources have attracted more and more /$^*$ 'tention of people. The training room presented here is focused on the terminal applications of a photovoltaic power generation system (PPGS). Through introducing the composition and the general design principles, we aimed at leading the students to master the fundamental skills required for its design, installation and construction. The training room consists of numerous platforms, such as: PPGS, Wind and Photovoltaic Hybrid Power Generation Systems, Wind Power Generation Equipments, Simulative Grid-Connected Power Generation System, Electronic Technology Application of New Energy, etc. This enables the students to obtain their project and professional skills training via assembling, adjusting, maintaining and inspecting, etc., various component parts of the photovoltaic and new energy power generation systems, to further grasp the fundamental and related theoretical knowledge, and to further reinforce their practical and operational skills, so as to improve their problem-analyzing and problem-solving abilities.

A Survey on Child Rearing Conditions and Parent Education for Parents before and after Childbirth (자녀출산 전후의 부모들을 위한 양육여건 및 부모교육 실태 조사 - 대전광역시를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Young-Yae;Lee, Gab-Sook;Rha, Jong-Hye
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.463-495
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain a fundamental data for developing a policy concerning women and child rearing and a parent education program for young parents who are around their childbirth, a period crucially important both for the parents in terms of the role adjustment, career management, and family finance, and for the infants in terms of its physical and psychological well-being. The subjects were 509 mothers before and after childbirth currently living in the Metropolitan City of Daejeon. Data were obtained through questionnaires and interviews in two major areas of pregnancy-delivery-childcare and parent education. Data were analyzed using SAS, mostly through frequency analysis, percentiles, t-tests, and F-tests. Results of descriptive analyses were organized along the following areas and issues: Pregnancy(family planning, regular check-ups, difficulties, prenatal education, costs, etc.); delivery(type of delivery, delivery related experience, costs, clinic/medical institute of choice, worries/problems, help/supports, etc.); postpartum care(place, kinds of help and helper, costs, postpartum care facilities, etc.); childcare circumstances(place, carer, time schedules, childcare centers or facilities feeding and weaning, etc.); husband's attitudes and involvement in the overall process; working mothers(maternity leave, temporary retirement for child rearing, etc.); and, parent education(family planning, pregnancy, delivery, postpartum care, child rearing, areas or issues needing parent education, facilitative and hindering factors to ideal parenting, etc.). Differences between groups of pregnant mothers and postpartum mothers, working- and non-working mothers, groups of different income levels, mothers and fathers of different educational levels, mothers of first pregnancy(or childbirth) and experienced mothers were also analyzed. Several conclusions with suggestions were drawn in relation to the need for strong implementation as well as developing of policies on women and childcare and for developing a new parent education program for parents before and after childbirth.

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Adjustment of Creep Coefficient Using Sensitivity Analysis (민감도 해석을 통한 크리프 계수 오차 보정)

  • Park, Jong-Bum;Park, Bong-Sik;Chang, Sung-Pil
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.293-296
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    • 2008
  • Creep and shrinkage in concrete structures are very complex phenomena in which various uncertainties exist with regard to inherent material variations as well as modeling uncertainties. The creep and shrinkage models which are capable of predicting long-term structural response are specified in design codes such as ACI 209-92, CEB-FIP Model Code 90, etc. However, in the prediction formulas of creep and shrinkage effects of concrete, various kinds of parameters are involved to express the characteristics of concrete under consideration (i.e. the proportion of concrete, the shape of the structure, relative humidity, etc.). And the predicted values from each design code under same environment differ from each other. To predict the characteristics of concrete, the long-term experiments of creep and shrinkage is necessary but this is not suitable for a construction field. In this study, adjustment method of creep coefficient using sensitivity analysis is proposed to predict creep coefficient of concrete exactly and it is checked up on the validity of the predicting method by comparing to the assumed value and predicted one.

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A Study on the Development of Weight Controlling Health Behavioral Model in Women (여성의 체중조절행위 모형 구축)

  • Jeun, Yeun-Suk;Lee, Jong-Ryol;Park, Chun-Man
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.125-153
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    • 2006
  • This study was intended to describe women's weight controlling by creating a hypothetic model on the weight adjustment behavior and by examining a cause and effect relationship, and to contribute to countermeasures for practicing their promotion of health and improving the quality of life through creating a predictable model. The subject of study was women who utilize the beauty shop located in Seoul, Busan and Daegu and the study period was 12 weeks from July 10 to September 30 in 2004. Gathered 1093 person's general specialty related with weight adjustment and analyzed covariance to prove the hypothesis using statistics compiled from authentic sources. Also proved coincidence of the hypothetical model. Exogenous variables of the hypothetical model are composed of recognition of her body shape, fatness level, age, stress, and self-respect. Endogenous variables are health- control mind, recognized health state, self-efficacy, intention, and behavior of weight adjustment. There were 5 measured variables for exogenous variable(x). There were 8 measured variable(y) for exogenous variable. And coincidence $x^2=297.38$, standard $x^2(x^2/df)=7.08$, GFI=0.962, AGFI=0.917, NFI=0.875, TLI=0.794, CFI=0.889, RMSEA=0.075. The result of hypothesis had an epoch-making record that 20 out of 27 hypothesis was proved positive way. Generally weight adjustment has been highly seen in housewives, the married and the old age. Health control mind seems to be high as fatness level, age, and self-respect are high and low stress. Recognized health state is high as age and self-respect are high and low stress. However, it is not much related with recognition of her body shape and fatness level. If age, self-respect, health control mind, recognized health state and self-efficacy are high intention of behavior is also high, but intention of behavior has no relation with recognition of her body shape, fatness level and stress. If fatness level, age, self-respect, health control mind, recognized health state and self-efficacy and intention of behavior are high, execution of weight adjustment will be high. However, recognized health state and stress has no influence for weight adjustment. To increase the coincidence of hypothesis and take a simple model I modified a model and then I got the coincidence $x^2=215.62$, standard $x^2(x^2/df)=6.34$, GFI=0.970, AGFI=0.931, NFI=0.902, TLI=0.901, CFI=0.915, RMSEA=0.070. This result is a bit better than original hypothetical model's so that this model might be more suitable. In this modification model, the factors of weight adjustment seems to be high according to this order self-efficacy, recognized health state, age, intention, health control mind, self-respect, fatness level and stress. With this result I suggest ; 1. Enforcement of IR that everybody can be controlled weight adjustment herself and continuous education, which is related with regular habit (food, exercise, restriction of a favorite food and behavior training etc.) is also needed. 2. Because self-efficacy is influenced to execution of weight adjustment specific program which can increase self-efficacy should have to develop and we need to utilize it to take care of herself. 3. To protect fatness and be active weight adjustment the peculiar program including the concept of self-respect, recognized health state, health control mind and intention must be developed and not only women but also all of people should be educated. 4. This hypothetical model is forecasting women's weight adjustment behavior and can be utilized for fundamental data to increase those people's health.

Construction of a Web-based e-Teaching Portfolio for the Efficient Management

  • Kim, Yun-Hae;Park, Se-Ho;Ha, Jin-Cheol
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2012
  • This study presents an analysis of the current situation (management, approach, adjustment, transportation, and others) of teaching portfolio by examining the teaching portfolio managers (staffs, researchers, teaching assistants, etc.) of 6 universities in the southeast of Korea. The rationale for the study focus is that the existing teaching portfolio either suffers a problem in the transportation, approach, adjustment and/or management or is likely to raise a problem in the future. In order to solve this problem, this study builds a web-based e-teaching portfolio. According to the analysis results, the engineering education system was established in all 6 universities (Ed- note that '6 universities' has already been specified as the study sample). The teaching portfolio was partially digitalized in this system, despite some problems of converting analog data into digital data, which induced difficulties in constructing the overall e-teaching portfolio. Therefore, this study focused on constructing an e-teaching portfolio without developing any additional system by using the existing system positively, and also on determining the appropriate components among the existing teaching portfolio components. Accordingly, in order to convert the analog data into the digital data required for this study, we used a digital camera as the conversion device and converted the teaching portfolio components into those appropriate for the e-teaching portfolio. Finally, we constructed an existing system appropriate for the e-teaching portfolio by using these devices and components.

Study of Improvements to Expansion Methods of Sample O-D Survey Data and Synthesis of O-D Data (표본 O-D 조사자료의 합리적인 전수화 및 O-D함성 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 임성빈
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.37-58
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    • 1986
  • Since 1960's there have been conducted quite numbers of origin and destination (0-D) surveys in Korea, Most of them, however, were to be said not so successful. In this paper, it was investigated that why the previous 0-D surveys were failed, and that how it could be improved. The findings of this study are: 1. The collection of sample data itself was performed relatively well, but the problem was in the improper expansion methods which were applied. 2. To improve the expansion methods, it should be performed not only the dwelling unit-based sample surveys but also commercial vehicle survey, cordon line survey, screen line counts and other auxiliary travel surveys like transit patronage survey, vehicle miles survey etc. at the same time. 3. To expand the sample surveyed data in a proper way, the adjustment factors should take a disaggregate form and also should be applied not to the specific trips, but to the specific trip makers to avoid the bias which could be caused by the application of adjustment factors in a way that has been used previously. 4. If there is no considerable change in travel patterns, we can synthesize the present 0-D data with past surveyed sample data, using present statistic data in the same way which was developed in this paper when expanding and adjusting sample data.

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New Speed Adjustment Factor for Analyzing Level of Service at Multi-Lane Highway (다차로도로의 서비스수준 분석을 위한 속도보정계수 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Wongil;Kang, Woneui;Noh, Chang-Gyun;Park, Bumjin
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2012
  • PURPOSES : This study is to develop speed correction factor for more realistic Level-of-Service(LOS) at multilane highway. METHODS : In this study, we compared speed difference the degree of speed reductions in actual multilane road conditions with speed reduction considering speed correction factor presented in highway capacity manual using statistical techniques. And also we presents new speed correction factor analyzing collected data at national highway No.1 (Goyang~Wolrung). RESULTS : The result of analyzing and comparing new suggested speed correction factor with speed correction factor in Korea Highway Capacity Manual (KHCM) shows RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) in new speed correction factor (RMSE 1.5) is much lower than existing speed correction factor (RMSE 13.4). New suggested speed correction can be used for analyzing Level-of-Service at multilane highway. And also we suggests improvements for analysis procedure in analyzing Level-of-Service at multilane highway CONCLUSIONS : As a result of comparing differences, we draw the causes that effect the differences in speed and suggest new speed correction factor that consider traffic volumes. It can be more rational because it uses speed correction factor which can consider more realistic traffic conditions, etc.

The definition, problems and policy direction of structure reform in Korean coastal and offshore fisheries. (연근해어업 구조개선의 의의, 문제점과 추진 방향)

  • 신영태
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 1999
  • This paper focused on meaning, problems and prospect of structural reform of coastal and offshore fisheries in Korea. Structural reform can be defined as effective combination of production factors in order to enhance fisheries productivity and it can be realized mainly through fleet reduction, modernization of fishing vessels and fishing gear etc. However, the structural reform alone will not be sufficient to advance Koreanl fisheries facing with severe challenges from both inside and outside. Domestically, worsening status of fisheries resources, decreasing number of fishermen, worsening financial status of fisheries businesses and severe competition cause structural problem in fisheries sector and internationally the pressure from WTO and OECD to reduce tariff and subsides in fisheries poses severe challenges. The structural reform should be carried out in relation with the general adjustment programs across coastal and offshore fisheries such as M&A among fisheries businesses, adjustment of number of fishing permits and fishing areas. And the policy to enhance the fishing productivity is needed for recovery of fisheries resources and for the reduction of fishing efforts, that is, the approach which combines economic and resources concerns is needed. For the effective implementation of the reform, effect analysis of the reform program is needed and at the same time, eradication of illegal fishing, reduction of fishing fleet and reduction of fishing cost should be realized. However, the most important thing is the will and efforts of the government for successful reform. If the government does not exert sufficient efforts for the structural reform, Korea could be degraded into a backward country in fisheries.

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A Study on Alternative Medical Disput Resolution -With a Focus on Medical Dispute Mediation of Kca- (제소 전 의료분쟁 해결에 관한 연구 -한국소비자원 의료분쟁 조정을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Reay
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.71-89
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    • 2012
  • Just in case a patient's state couldn't get better or get even worse after medical practices, it is difficult for the patient's side to accept the result and it tends to think that its damage is caused by his doctor's malpractice. Medical practices of a doctor require highly advanced attention duty as a medical expert, because they are targeted at a human body of the best benefit and protection of the law. However, it is hard to prove the malpractice on the patient's side in medical dispute. Therefore, to solve a medical dispute quickly and fairly before the medical suit Korea Consumer Agency (KCA) has done a medical dispute adjustment business since 1999. For the past 5 years (2006~2010), the medical team of KCA had managed 4,171 cases as an injury relief, but it had dealt with them focusing on an injury relief business only after the occurrence of a medical accident. Afterwards, it is necessary to expand the range of its services in purpose of preventing the injury of consumers. If we can solve the problems -the clear statements about the cease of extinctive prescription in the fundamentals of comsumer act, the presence of parties directly concerned at comsumer dispute adjustment committee, and the effect of an agreement, etc. -, which have been founded in medical injury relief service of KCA and the management and procedures of the comsumer dispute adjustment committee of KCA and if we can also give KCA more workers and the proper budget of the government, we can expect KCA to become a more useful agency.

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European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EU의 세계화조정기금 연구)

  • Lee, Ki Hwan;Kim, Hee Kil
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.303-325
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    • 2012
  • This paper is to provide an analysis on the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund(EGF) program and the study of European Member State. Established in December 2006, the EGF was originally intended to help workers who were affected by redundancies resulting from globalisation. The EGF at present also provides support to workers who were made redundant as a direct result of the global financial and economic crisis. In general, EGF measures are defined as assistance actions for job search, training, upskilling, outplacement, business start-up, etc. The paper focuses on the cases implemented by EGF for redundant workers harmed by globalisation and by a direct result of the global financial & economic crisis, and also focuses on the statistical portrait of the EGF 2007-2011. In addition, the paper provides criteria & implications of the EGF in the changing international economy. Finally, we could learn the importance of the EGF program through the analysis in this paper. With criteria & implications of the EGF program, the effective application to keep workers in employment or help them back into jobs would help us get over difficulties.