• 제목/요약/키워드: ESP method

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Increasing Sulforaphane Formation in Broccoli Sprouts by Radish Sprouts Additions

  • Gi-Chang Kim;Mi Jang;Hab-Hwa Beak;In-Guk Hwang;Hae-Ju Kang;Byung-Soon Hwang;Ji-Young Kim;Chan-Mi Park
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.78-78
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    • 2020
  • Cruciferous plants such as broccoli and radish contain glucosinolate, which is a bioactive precursor that is most often used in Korean foods and is unique as a food ingredient. In addition, it contains various other phytochemicals and is promising as a health-oriented food material. In particular, Sulforaphane is a hydrolyzate of the glucosinolate, which has a more beneficial effect on the human body. Glucosinolate may be hydrolyzed by enzymes called myrosinase, which is voluntarily possessed by cruciferous plants. However, the ESP(Epithiospecifier protein) in broccoli sprouts could acts competitively with myrosinase, and convert to the less bioactive sulforaphane nitrile form. Therefore, we improved the yielding of sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts with a new method. We induce inactivation of the ESP protein by heat treatment. At this time, a myrosinase was introduced from the radish sprout because myrosinase in broccoli sprouts is also denatured by heat treatment. According to the results, we have confirmed by GC / MS that formation of sulforaphane increases more than 7 fold using set heating and mixing conditions.

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A Laboratory Study for Reclamation of Salt-Affected Soils by Gypsum Amendment and Water Management Practices (石膏處理 및 用水管理方法에 의한 鹽害土壤의 除鹽實驗)

  • Koo, Ja-Woong
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 1984
  • 石膏(改良劑)處理 및 用水管理方法에 依한 鹽害土壤의 除鹽效果를 分析하기 爲하여 浸出法(leaching method), 水洗法(rinsing method), 湛水法(ponding method ; 石膏混合處理 및 石膏非混合處理)에 依해서 3處理 3反復 4回連續抽出實驗이 遂行되었다. 나트륨減少量과 總鹽分減少率은 浸出法이 水洗法이나 湛水法에 比하여 더욱 效果的이었다. 石膏處理區의 除鹽率이 石膏無處理區의 除鹽率보다 比較的 높았으며 石膏處理區(에이커當 2톤 石膏處理區 및 4톤 石膏處理區) 사이에는 別差異가 없었다. 除鹽實驗後 나트륨吸着度(SAR)는 浸出法과 水洗法을 使用한 石膏處理區에서 $10(meq/l)^{1/2}$以下로 減少되었다. 連續抽出의 境遇 SAR은 水洗法을 使用한 石膏處理法에서 單位土壤깊이當 供給用水깊이의 比率($D_w/D_s$)이 3.0以上으로 될때 $10(meq/l)^{1/2}$以下로 減少되었고 浸出法을 使用한 石膏處理區에서는 $D_w/D_s$가 1.5以上일때 $10(meq/l)^{1/2}$以下로 減少되었다. 除鹽實驗後 飽和抽出液의 電氣傳導度(EC)는 全實驗區에서 4mmhos/cm以下로 減少되었다. 連續抽出의 境遇 EC는 水洗法을 使用한 石膏處理區에서 $D_w/D_s$가 3.0以上일때 4mmhos/cm以下로 減少되었고浸出法을 使用한 石膏處理區에서는 $D_w/D_s$가 1.5以上으로 될때 4mmhos/cm以下로 減少되었다. 排水가 比較的 良好한 土壤의 置換性나트륨百分率(ESP)은 除鹽實驗後 浸出法과 水洗法을 使用한 石膏處理區에서 15%以下로 減少되었고 排水가 不良한 土壤의 ESP는 水洗法을 使用한 石膏處理區에서 15%以下로 減少되었다. 나트륨吸着度, 電氣傳導度, 置換性나트륨百分率 等을 勘案하여 볼때 本鹽害土壤은 石膏處理浸出法 또는 石膏處理水洗法에 依하여 比較的 쉽게 改良될 수 있다고 判斷된다. 除鹽效果 및 改良劑費用等을 考慮하여 보면 排水가 比較적 良好한 鹽害土壤의 境遇 에이커當 2톤 石膏處理 浸出法이 效果的인 方法으로 보이며 排水가 不良한 鹽害土壤의 境遇에는 에이커當 2톤 石膏處理 水洗法이 比較的 效率的인 除鹽 方法이라고 思科된다. 排水가 不良한 鹽害土壤의 浸透率을 增加시키고 除鹽을 促進시키기 爲해서는 石膏等과 같은 改良劑의 供給이 必要한 것으로 看做되며 現場條件下에서도 表土層土壤의 除鹽을 爲해서는 石膏處理浸出法과 石膏處理水洗法이 效率的인 方法으로 期待된다.

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Torsional effects in symmetrical steel buckling restrained braced frames: evaluation of seismic design provisions

  • Roy, Jonathan;Tremblay, Robert;Leger, Pierre
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.423-442
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    • 2015
  • The effects of accidental eccentricity on the seismic response of four-storey steel buildings laterally stabilized by buckling restrained braced frames are studied. The structures have a square, symmetrical footprint, without inherent eccentricity between the center of lateral resistance (CR) and the center of mass (CM). The position of the bracing bents in the buildings was varied to obtain three different levels of torsional sensitivity: low, intermediate and high. The structures were designed in accordance with the seismic design provisions of the 2010 National Building Code of Canada (NBCC). Three different analysis methods were used to account for accidental eccentricity in design: (1) Equivalent Static Procedure with static in-plane torsional moments assuming a mass eccentricity of 10% of the building dimension (ESP); (2) Response Spectrum Analysis with static torsional moments based on 10% of the building dimension (RSA-10); and (3) Response Spectrum Analysis with the CM being displaced by 5% of the building dimension (RSA-5). Time history analyses were performed under a set of eleven two-component historical records. The analyses showed that the ESP and RSA-10 methods can give appropriate results for all three levels of torsional sensitivity. When using the RSA-5 method, adequate performance was also achieved for the low and intermediate torsional sensitivity cases, but the method led to excessive displacements (5-10% storey drifts), near collapse state, for the highly torsionally sensitive structures. These results support the current provisions of NBCC 2010.

Collection Efficiency of Electrostatic Precipitator using Moment Method (모멘트 방법을 이용한 전기집진기의 집진 효율)

  • 정창훈;이규원
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.345-353
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    • 2002
  • A study of polydispersed aerosol dynamics by Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) was carried out. The log-normal particle size distribution was assumed and moment method was considered. In order to apply moment method in Deutsch-Anderson equation, Cunningham slip correction factor and Cochet's charge equation were simplified for certain range of particle size. The three parameters, which explain the particle size distribution, such as total number concentration, geometric mean diameter, and geometric standard deviation were considered to derive the analytic solution. The obtained solution was compared with available numerical results (Bai et al., 1995). The comparison of the numerical and analytic results showed a good agreement.

Numerical Study of Particle Collection and Entrainment in Electrostatic Precipitator (집진기내 입자 포집과 비산 문제에 대한 수치적 연구)

  • Kim, Ju-Hyeon;Kweon, Soon-Cheol;Kwon, Ki-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Hwan;Lee, Ju-Hee
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2012
  • A numerical simulation for particle collection efficiency in a wire-plate electrostatic precipitator (ESP) has been performed. Method of characteristics and finite differencing method (MOC-FDM) were employed to obtain electric field and space charge density, and lattice boltzmann method (LBM) was used to predict the Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow according to the ion convection. Large eddy simulation (LES) was considered for turbulent flow and particle simulation was performed by discrete element method (DEM) which considered field charging, electric force, drag force and wall-collision. One way coupling from FDM to LBM was used with small and low density particle assumption. When the charged particle collided with the collecting plate, particle-wall collision was calculated for re-entertainment effect and the effect of gravity force was considered.

NETLA Based Optimal Synthesis Method of Binary Neural Network for Pattern Recognition

  • Lee, Joon-Tark
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.216-221
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    • 2004
  • This paper describes an optimal synthesis method of binary neural network for pattern recognition. Our objective is to minimize the number of connections and the number of neurons in hidden layer by using a Newly Expanded and Truncated Learning Algorithm (NETLA) for the multilayered neural networks. The synthesis method in NETLA uses the Expanded Sum of Product (ESP) of the boolean expressions and is based on the multilayer perceptron. It has an ability to optimize a given binary neural network in the binary space without any iterative learning as the conventional Error Back Propagation (EBP) algorithm. Furthermore, NETLA can reduce the number of the required neurons in hidden layer and the number of connections. Therefore, this learning algorithm can speed up training for the pattern recognition problems. The superiority of NETLA to other learning algorithms is demonstrated by an practical application to the approximation problem of a circular region.

A Study on the Development of IoT Inspection System for Gas Leakage Inspection in Kitchen Gas Range Built-in Method (주방 가스레인지 빌트인 방식에서 가스 누출검사를 위한 IoT 검사 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Dae Guk;Choi, Young Gyu
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.283-290
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    • 2022
  • In this study, an IoT inspection system that can be linked with a server was developed using a gas timer and ESP-01 Wi-Fi module installed on a gas valve in the home. The server environment of the gas leak IoT inspection system was installed with APM (Apache, PHP, MySQL) to collect gas pressure data by generation so that leakage checks could be performed. In order to control the gas leak IoT inspection system, the app inventory was used to manage the gas leak check value in real time. In addition, user convenience has been enhanced so that membership management, WiFi settings, and leakage check values can be checked through mobile apps. In order to manage subscribers by region, the user list was checked by logging in in in the administrator mode so that the information on whether or not the leak test was conducted and the results could be provided. In addition, when the user presses the gas leak check button, the pressure is automatically checked, and the measured value is stored in the server, and when a gas leak occurs, the leakage check is performed after alarm and repair so that it can be used if normal. In addition, in order to prevent overlapping membership, membership management can be performed based on MAC addresses.

Surgical correction of funnel chest: report of 2 cases (누두흉 치험 2례 보고)

  • 유회성
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.303-307
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    • 1982
  • Two patients with funnel chest deformity were corrected in the department of Thoracic Surgery, N.M.C. The first case was a 12 months old male suffering from recurrent upper respiratory tract infection and symmetrical funnel chest deformity, of which hollow cavity was measured 40 ml of water. He was corrected by method of sternal turnover. The result was satisfactory. The second case was a 16 years old male suffering from exertional dyspnea, recurrent upper respiratory tract infection, wheezing sound [esp., at night], and asymmetrical funnel chest deformity, of which hollow cavity was measured 80 ml of water. He was corrected by modified Ravitch method. Until postoperative 4 months, result was satisfactory. Thereafter, respiratory wheezing, exertional dyspnea and chest wall deformity were returned to pre-operative status.

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Characterization of Polyolefin Bumper Recycled by Chemical Removal Method using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (화학적 박리방법과 ESPI에 의한 재생된 폴리올레핀 범퍼수지의 물성평가)

  • 김현경;강기수;김경석;홍진후
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.295-298
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    • 1997
  • Recycl ing of PP/EPR based bumper coated with polyester urethane paint has been per formed by chemical decoating method. Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESP11 has been applied to characterize the deformation of polyolef in based bumper. In additon, physical properties and processability of recycled materials have been investigated by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, impact test and melt flower index measurement. The results show that the deformation ratio of recycled material is higher than that of virgin one. The morphological change of EPR, degree of distribution and dispersion during the recycling process seem to be the most important factor for the deformation and the mechanical properties of recycled materials. The experimental results obtained show that ESPI is very powerful technique to study the thermal mechanical property of polyolefin bumper system.

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Design of Rollover Prevention Controller Using Game-Theoretic Approach (미분게임 이론을 이용한 차량 전복 방지 제어기 설계)

  • Yim, Seongjin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.11
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    • pp.1429-1436
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    • 2013
  • This study presents an approach for designing a vehicle rollover prevention controller using differential game theory and multi-level programming. The rollover prevention problem can be modeled as a non-cooperative zero-sum two-player differential game. A controller as an equilibrium solution of the differential game guarantees the worst-case performance against every possible steering input. To obtain an equilibrium solution to the differential game with a small amount of computational effort, a multi-level programming approach with a relaxation procedure is used. To cope with the loss of maneuverability caused by the active suspension, an electronic stability program (ESP) is adopted. Through simulations, the proposed method is shown to be effective in obtaining an equilibrium solution of the differential game.