• Title/Summary/Keyword: ERP Utilization Performance

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An Practical Study on the Effect of ERP System Introduction Type on the Enterprise's IT·SW Utilization (ERP 시스템 도입유형이 기업의 IT·SW 활용에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구)

  • Yang, Heejung;Sung, Wookjoon
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.57-76
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    • 2021
  • Today's ERP system has become a core system of IT·SW that not only supports and manages enterprise resources efficiently, but also encompasses major business tasks. In other words, the ERP system is an essential strategic element for the survival of a company as a powerful means to innovate the management of an organization. This study analyzed the impact on the utilization of IT·SW from the perspective of the entire organization's process without limiting the performance evaluation of the ERP system itself, which is a core system of a company. The measurement data for evaluating the performance of the ERP system was the 2018 domestic company IT·SW utilization survey result report (subject to survey : 3,017 domestic companies with 10 or more employees). Based on this data, this study analyzed the impact of the ERP system on the entire enterprise's IT·SW utilization. In particular, attention was paid to whether there would be a difference in the use of IT·SW if the type of ERP system introduction was changed through the improvement of the business process of the company. Multiple regression analysis was performed using the statistical package SPSS 25. As a result, among the ERP system introduction types, the greatest degree of (+)influence on the company's IT·SW utilization is when the ERP package SW or ASP service is used as it is. Although the difference is insignificant, the second case was to build an ERP system through self-development or outsourcing, followed by customizing the package SW or system through self-development or outsourcing. Through the results of this study, it is expected that the organization will improve the business process and use the standard ERP package SW as it is without modification, thereby effectively enhancing the use of IT·SW of the company and leading to management performance.

A study on Effect of Utilization of ERP system on Business performance: Focusing on China Hefei's Universities (ERP시스템의 활용이 대학의 업무성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 중국 합비시의 대학교를 중심으로)

  • Jung, Choong Young;Joo, Hae Do
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.2805-2815
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    • 2014
  • This paper abstracts the key factors affecting business performance by ERP system at university in China and suggests how to use ERP system effectively at university. Main results are as follows: First, concern and support by CEO affects personal business performance of ERP. Second, ERP system education affects organizational business performance of ERP. Third, concern and support by CEO affects business enhancement performance of ERP.

Effect of the ERP Quality on the Performance and Causal-Effect Analysis between Outcome Variables in the Contract Foodservice Management Company (위탁급식 전문업체 전사적자원관리(ERP) 품질이 업무 성과에 미치는 영향과 업무 성과 변수 간 인과관계 분석)

  • Kim Hyun-Ah;Yang Il-Sun;Kim Jang-Mi
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.180-189
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    • 2005
  • The purposes of this study were 1) to analyze the effect of the ERP quality (system quality, information quality, service quality) on the performance (end user satisfaction, user's performance, system utilization) of business, 2) to conduct the causal-effect analysis between outcome variables (user's satisfaction, user's performance, system utilization) of ERP in the contract foodservice management company. The questionnaires were distributed to 260 end users (dietitians, foodservice management managers) in charge of managing the institutional foodservice such as the office (government agencies, factories), schools (universities, middle and high school) and hospitals which were managed by contract foodservice management company 'C' in Seoul and Kyunggi. The surveys were performed from July 26, 2004 to July 30. 2004. Two hundred and fifty (250) questionnaires were responded (response rate: 96.2%). The statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS Win (11.5). And the descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability test, pearson correlation, simple and multiple regression analysis were performed. The results showed that among the 3 factors (system quality, information quality, service quality), the system quality and information quality were proved to have an effect on the user's satisfaction and user's performance significantly (p < .05). The influence of ERP quality (system quality, information quality, service quality) on system utilization were testified to be statistically significant (p < .05). The user's performance were affected significantly by system utilization (p < 0.001) and end user's satisfaction (p < 0.001). As a conclusion, to improve user satisfaction, which is the ultimate performance variable of an ERP system, high quality of an ERP system is the pre-requisite. And the user satisfaction and performance of business would be higher with the better quality ERP system. When constructing ERP system for the contract foodservice management company, we should improve system utilization and user satisfaction altogether so that user's performance could be ultimately enhanced and we should make efforts to enhance the quality level of ERP. (Korean J Nutrition 38(2): 180~189, 2005)

An Empirical Study of ERP Systems Customizing and Performance of SMEs in Korea and China (한.중 기업의 ERP 시스템 커스터마이징 및 성과에 관한 실증연구)

  • Jin, Chang-Hai;Kwon, Young-Jik;Cui, Jun;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Su-Yeon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2011
  • This paper mainly focuses on an empirical study for performance analysis which is caused by customizing of ERP systems. To conduct this study, four companies are selected in Korea and China, two companies for each country. This paper actually considers four factors for performance analysis of ERP adoption such as financial performance, user satisfaction, competitiveness, and ERP systems adoption, and the analysis of utilization performance is based on nine factors in terms of customizing of ERP systems. As a result of the analyzed results, we conduct comparison analysis about ERP systems customizing of the companies in Korea and China and suggest how to optimally customize for successful ERP systems adoption and application.

A Study on the Effect of Performance and Business Management According to ERP Investment (경영정보시스템 도입비용에 따른 활용 및 경영기여에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 전자부품 제조업에서의 ERP도입 활용과 경영기여도를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Nae-Eul
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2013
  • The main purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing the implementation performance of ERP system from the investment such as hardware, software and consulting fee. The main goal of this study to analyze of ERP system implementation in various sections depending on the amount of investment and research about the contribution of ERP utilization on overall PCB business activities. Survey questionnaires were distributed via post and fax to PCB (Printed Circuit Board)Company in Korea. The results of this study can be summarized as follow. First, only 43.1% of respondents implemented ERP system at the enterprise level, which shows that ERP system does not completely play its role as a truly integrated system. Second, companies shows higher satisfaction rate with selectively invested on particular sub-modules. Third, the efficiency of ERP system can be maximized by improving efficiency on core areas through selective investments. Also, this can be maximized by performing overall investments on the general environment in addition to the direct investment on ERP. Lastly, 59.26% of respondents reported that the utilization of ERP has highly significant effects on the contribution of business whereas 29.63% respondents reported as significant effects on the business. These shows positive effects of ERP on the contribution of business.

A Study on the Performance of a Mother Company-Driven Informatization Project for its Suppliers: A Samsung Electronics Case (모기업 주도적 협력업체 정보화 사업 성과에 관한 연구: 삼성전자 사례)

  • Park, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Sang-Soo;Kim, Ho-Taek
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.225-243
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    • 2006
  • Recently mother company-driven informatization projects have been widely launched for the suppliers. Setting up a proprietary evaluation system for the level of informatization of the suppliers, a mother company provides both financial and consulting supports for the suppliers in order to enhance the utilization level of the ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system. With the utilization level enhanced, the whole collaboration network will create a competitive advantage to win over global competition. This paper investigates critical success factors for ERP operational performances through a Samsung Electronics case study. The result of the case study may provide valuable feedback to the strategic decision making and fundamental insights for these collaboration efforts.

조직시민행동이 정보시스템 사용성과에 미치는 영향: 흡수능력의 매개역할을 중심으로

  • Gil, Jin-Ho;Gwak, Gi-Yeong
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.525-540
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    • 2008
  • With the competitive pressure and the development of information and communication technology, many organizations have introduced various kinds of enterprise-wide systems like enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as strategic tools for the purpose of improving organizational performance. Despite their promised strategic benefits, however, their implementation has suffered from a high failure rate and difficulty in realizing the anticipated benefits. Previous studies have indicated that one of the most critical failure reasons is the lack of knowledge sharing and utilization across organizations. As a consequence, many information systems (IS) researchers have paid attention to examining the effect of absorptive capacity closely associated with knowledge sharing and transferring on IS usage performance. ERP systems implementation involves changes not only in systems but also in processes and other social dimensions, which can be related to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) requiring appropriate communications and interactions among organizational members. A lack of communications and interactions due to a lack of OCB might lead to weak absorptive capacity and thus negatively influence knowledge sharing across organizations, because OCB facilitates a successful collaboration among functional units and positively impacts individual's attitude toward radical organizational change. With this motivation, this study has two research objectives. First, it introduces and tests a theoretical model accounting for the relationships among performance of ERP system usage, absorptive capacity, and OCB. Second, it examines a mediating role of absorptive capacity between OCB and performance of EPR system usage. Theoretical and practical implications of the study ware discussed, along with its limitations.

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Factors Affecting Financial Performance of ERP System Based on BSC Framework: The Moderate Effect of Strategic Alignment and the Mediating Effect of Customer and Business Process Perspectives (BSC프레임워크 기반 ERP시스템의 재무 성과 영향요인: 전략적 연계성의 상호작용효과와 고객 및 비즈니스 프로세스 관점의 매개 효과)

  • Park, Ki Ho
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.93-112
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    • 2021
  • Purpose Recently, many organizations are actively adopting enterprise architecture (EA) as a methodology to manage IT assets and build IT-based business system. This study intended to empirically examine how the role of EA operating unit and utilization capability of organizational members impact on system performance at the post-adoption stage. A balanced score card (BSC) is being used as a framework for a company's key performance indicator (KPI). Design/methodology/approach This study tried to investigate the causal relationship between the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard as an influencing factor of the introduction of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on the financial value. In particular, the mediating effect between the customer's point of view and the business process point of view was investigated between the learning growth point of view and the financial point of view, and the interaction effect (regulating effect) of strategic linkage in the system introduction process was investigated. Findings The results of the study were first, that the organizational learning and growth perspective had a positive effect on the customer perspective, business process, and financial perspective. In addition, the customer perspective and the process perspective also had a positive influence on the financial perspective. Second, between the learning growth and financial perspectives, the customer perspective and the process perspective showed a partial mediating effect. Third, as for strategic linkage, the interaction effect between the customer perspective, the learning growth perspective, and the process perspective and the financial perspective was not significant. The results of this study are expected to provide a framework for performance evaluation to organizations that have introduced ERP systems.

RPA Log Mining-based Process Automation Status Analysis - An Empirical Study on SMEs (RPA 로그 마이닝 기반 프로세스 자동화 현황 분석 - 중소기업대상 실증 연구)

  • Young Sik Kang;Jinwoo Jung;Seonyoung Shim
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.265-288
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    • 2023
  • Process mining has generally analyzed the default logs of Information Systems such as SAP ERP, but as the use of automation software called RPA expands, the logs by RPA bots can be utilized. In this study, the actual status of RPA automation in the field was identified by applying RPA bots to the work of three domestic manufacturing companies (cosmetic field) and analyzing them after leaving logs. Using Uipath and Python, we implemented RPA bots and wrote logs. We used Disco, a software dedicated to process mining to analyze the bot logs. As a result of log analysis in two aspects of bot utilization and performance through process mining, improvement requirements were found. In particular, we found that there was a point of improvement in all cases in that the utilization of the bot and errors or exceptions were found in many cases of process. Our approach is very scientific and empirical in that it analyzes the automation status and performance of bots using data rather than existing qualitative methods such as surveys or interviews. Furthermore, our study will be a meaningful basic step for bot behavior optimization, and can be seen as the foundation for ultimately performing process management.

A Study on the Improved Proposal of SMB Enterprises IT Supporting Policy (중소기업 정보화 A/S지원사업의 정책 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kang Min-Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 2005
  • The South Korean Government had supported the IT implementation of 30,000 SMB(Small and Medium-sized) enterprises from '2000 to '2003 for the purpose of the competitiveness of SMB enterprises. However, the utilization rate of If package is very low. This paper recommanded the improved suggestion of the existed policies of the following service of the SMB industry's information technology implementation. There are industry-university cooperation program, efficient on-offline integration system, the development of SMB industry's IT performance measure evaluation index and so on.