• Title/Summary/Keyword: EM1

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Fluorescence Assay for High Efficient Mass Screening of the Herbicides Inducing Rapid Membrane Peroxidation (막과산화를 신속히 유발하는 제초제의 고효율 대량스크리닝을 위한 형광검정법)

  • Kim, Jin-Seog;Kwon, Ok Kyung
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.308-314
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to establish a fluorescence assay system for high efficient mass screening of the herbicides causing rapid membrane peroxidation, based on the fact that peroxide in cellular leakage could be fluorometrically determined through the fuorescent compounds formed after reacting with homovanillic acid (HVA) and peroxidase (HRP). The assay procesure established in this study was as follows. Only single disc (4 mm diameter) excised from cucumber cotyledon is placed on the well containing test solution ($200{\mu}L$) with 96-well microplate. The plate is shaking-incubated for 8 h under light condition. Then after removing the cucumber disc, HVA and HRP are supplied in the medium buffer and incubated for 5 min at room temperature. Fluorescence values are determined at Ex 320 nm/Ex 425 nm. The higher fluorescence values are obtained in the treatment of chemical having higher herbicidal activity. Using this assay with 96-well microplates, a large number of herbicides inducing rapid membrane peroxidation seemed to be screened more efficiently than spectrophotometric microtiter assay reported previously.

Molecular Typing of Staphylococcus aureus Strains from Domestic Animals and Humans by REP-PCR Analysis (REP-PCR을 이용한 국내 사람과 동물유래 Staphylococcus aureus 분리주의 Molecular Typing)

  • Woo Yong-Ku;Kim Shin
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2005
  • To select the rapid and efficient molecular subtyping method for epidemiologic monitoring of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) strains at clinical laboratory levels, a total 116 of S. aureus and MRSA (methicillin-resistant S. aureus) strains from diverse animal species [Korean cattle, goat, pig, dog, chicken, mouse] and also humans were analyzed. To evaluate the discriminatory ability (DA) of individual PCR methods, random amplified polymorphic of DNA [RAPD; 4M & RA primer], repetitive extragenic palindromic sequences PCR (REP-PCR), and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequences PCR (ERIC-PCR) methods were conducted and then compared on their Simpson's index of diversity (SID) values based on the dendrogram patterns, which was produced by software program (BiolD2+ & GelCompar II). In first, RAPD using the 4M primer (SID 0.915) was expressed more higher SID value than that of RA primer (SID 0.874). 4M primer was expressed more powerful DA than RA. Both REP-PCR (SID 0.930) and ERIC-PCR (SID 0.929) methods showed much more higher DA than that of RAPD. According to the present results, both REP-PCR and ERIC-PCR among the tested analysis methods were found as the most reliable and discriminative molecular subtyping method, because they expressed the highest DA for the present S. aureus and MRSA strains.

Recognition of Seawater Intrusion Using Reference IP Technique (참조채널 유도분극탐사기술에 의한 해수침투대 인지)

  • Lee, Sang-Kyu;Hwang, Hak-Soo;Hwang, Se-Ho;Park, In-Hwa;Shin, Je-Hyun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2002
  • Tracing the history of study, problems of seawater intrusion are commonly investigated with electrical techniques because seawater saturated zone is indicative of the low resistivity anomaly. There we, however, silt and mud layers in the western and southern coastal areas of Korea, so we may make a mistake in case we determine seawater intrusion only with resistivity survey. Hence, reference IP survey was carried out in Kimje, Jeollabuk-Do and Youngkwang, Jeollanam-Do in order to decide whether or not the area is under the influence of seawater intrusion. With the use of a electric field cable to minimize EM coupling, we obtained more accurate results by appling reference If technique measuring simultaneously wavelet of current as well as potential. With the aid of reference IP technique, it is possible that we can exactly evaluate seawater intrusion by discriminating seawater saturated area (no IP effect) from very highly conductive layer composed of clay mineral (high IP effect).

Vergleich des Zeichens von C. S. Peirce mit dem von W. v. Humboldt (퍼스와 훔볼트의 기호관 비교)

  • An Cheung-O
    • Koreanishche Zeitschrift fur Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft
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    • v.3
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    • pp.35-55
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    • 2001
  • In der Semiotik ist es sehr wichtig, den Rahmenbereich des Zeichens festzustellen, weil der Bereich des Zeichens je nach Wissenschaftler unterschiedlich ist. Dementsprechend muss jedes Forschungsergebnis in der Semiotik hinterfragt werden, um sichergehen zu $k\"{o}nnen$, ob es zur Semiotik $geh\"{o}rt$ oder nicht. Daher besteht $zun\"{a}chst$ die Notwendigkeit, zu bestimmen, was ein Zeichen ist. In diesem Zusammenhang versuchten wir in diesem Aufsatz, damit wir den Begriff 'Zeichen' besser erfassen $k\"{o}nnen$. das Zeichen von C. S. Peirce mit dem van W. v. Humboldt zu vergleichen. Zu Beginn dieses Aufsatzes stellten wir dar, was ein Zeichen ist. Dieser Vorgang ist notwendig, damit mit Hilfe des allgemeinen Begriffes des Zeichens ein Vergleich zwischen Peirce und Humboldt angestellt werden kann. Danach stellten wir die Zeichentheorie von Peirce vor. Nach Peirce ist die Sprache eine Untergattung von drei Zeichensorten, die Ikon, Index und Symbol genannt werden. Nach ihm gehbrt das Symbol zur Sprache. $F\"{u}r$ ihn ist der Interpretant im Zeichenbegriff am wichtigsten, weil ein Zeichen immer eines Interpretantes bedarf, der das Zeichen interpretiert. Aber der Interpretant ist kein Individuum, sondern ein interpretierendes $Bewu{\ss}tsein$, also eine traditionelle Gesellschaft, die ein Muster zum Interpretieren bietet. $Anschlie{\ss}end\;besch\"{a}ftigten$ wir uns mit der Theorie von Humboldt. Er benutzt verschiedene Zeichenbegriffe wie z.B. Schriftzeichen, Lautzeichen, Sprachzeichen, grammatische Zeichen, $h\"{o}rbare$ Zeichen, zeitliche Zeichen und $r\"{a}umliche$ Zeichen. Bei ihm ist die Unterscheidung zwischen Wort und Zeichen besonders wichtig, weil das Wort nicht zum Zeichen $geh\"{o}rt$, wie wir es normalerweise annehmen. Er behauptet, dass das Wort beim Produzieren motiviert ist. Daher ist nach ihm das Wort transsemiotisch. $Dar\"{u}ber$ hinaus muss das Zeichen und das Wort im Zusammenhang zwischen Sprache und Denken betrachtet werden. Wenn man das Wort als Zeichen betrachtet, ist das Wort ein Zwischending zwischen dem Sprechenden und dem Ding. Damit $k\"{o}nnen$ wir schlussfolgern; 1) Bei Humboldt ist das Zeichen em Mittel zum Denken, das sich vom transsemiotischen Wort unterscheidet. 2) Nach Peirce besteht ein Zeichen aus Ikon, Index und Symbol. Im Zeichen, das aus Reprasentamen, Interpretant und Objekt besteht, ist der Interpretant am wichtigsten, denn ein Zeichen, dass keinen Interpretant hat, ist kein Zeichen mehr, das interpretierbar ist.

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Surface ultrastructure of Parvatrema timondavidi (Digenea: Gymnophallidae) according to its developmental stages (Parvatrema timondavidi (Digenea: Gymnophallidae) 피낭유충, 유약충 및 성충의 표피 미세구조)

  • Yu, Jae-Ran;Park, Jin-Yeong;Chae, Jong-Il
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 1994
  • Surface ultrastructure of Pawctrema timonnauini developmental stages was studied using a scanning electron microscope. The metacercariae were collected from the marine clam, Topes phiLippinam and juvenile and adult worms were recovered at 1, 2, 3 and 7 days after experimental infection of mice. The metacercariae had a large oral sucker and characteristic lateral projections. Around the lip of the oral sucker many type I and type II sensory papillae were observed, and type III papillae were located symmetrically on the medial side of the lateral projection. Numerous type I papillae were grouped around the genital pore. The tegumental spines were distributed over the worm surface except the lip of the suckers and genital pore. The 1-day old worm had a well-developed ventral sucker, with 6 type II sensory papillae on its outer surface and another 6 type I papillae on the inner side. Two small type I papillae were seen on the anterior side of the ventral sucker. The genital pore was small and opened separately from the ventral sucker and 15 type I papillae were grouped around it. The 2-, 3-. and 7-day worms revealed that as they grew to be adults, the spine tips became multipointed, the genital pore formed a genital atrium, and the cytoplasmic process became well differentiated. In 2- and 3-day worms 10 type II papillae encircling the lip of the oral sucker, and additional 4 papillae at the dorsal side of 4 dorsal type II papillae were a characteristic feature. The distribution pattern of sensory papillae around the oral sucker and genital pore, and 2 type I papillae on the anterior side of the ventral sucker, was so peculiar in R timonnnuini, that they seem to be useful keys for taxonomic differentiation from other gymnophallids.

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  • Jung, Moon-Yong;Lee, Chang-Seop;Park, Joo-Chul;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.318-332
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of demineralized freeze-dried bone (DFDB) on mechanically exposed pulp of dog by evaluating the pulpal inflammation and healing process, formation of dental hard tissue, and structural changes of fibroblasts of the remaining pulp tissue. Teeth of 4 dogs, weighing 10kg, were used in this study. Class V cavities were prepared followed by exposed the pulp tissue mechanically by sterilized round bur. In control group, exposed pulps were capped with calcium hydroxide paste followed by sealed with IRM. In experimental groups, the exposed pulps of one group were capped with the collagen and those of the other group were capped with DFDB. All cavities were sealed with same manor as control group. The animals were sacrificed at the intervals of 3, 7, 14, and 28 days for histopathlogic evaluation. The specimens were observed by the light microscope and trans-electron microscope. The results were as follows: 1. Pulp necrosis was not observed in all groups. Inflammatory response was disappeared from 1 week in control group and group 2. But it was not disappeared until 2 weeks and also irregular arrangement of odontoblasts was showed at the lateral walls of root canal just beneath the amputated site of the pulp in group 1. 2. Dentinal bridge was formed incompletely at 2 weeks but it was formed completely at 4 weeks in control group. Odontoid tissue was also found in control group at 4 weeks from treatment. Amputated site of pulp was encapsulated with fibrous tissue and odontoblast and dentinal bridge was not found in group 1. Preodontoid tissue and reparative dentin which were formed by odontoblast differentiated around DFDB were found, but dentinal bridge was not found in group 2. 3. Cell with large basophillic-stained nuclei infiltrated to amputated site and DFDB at 1 week from treatment in control group and group 2. They were found more in group 2 than in control group. Odontoblasts arranged more regularly and reparative dentin was found more as time elapsed. 4. Dentin-formative odontoblasts which showed ultramicrostructure of cytoplasm with polarized nucleus, rEM, Golgi complex, secretory granules, secretion of organic matrix in control of group and group 2. In regards to above results, the demineralized freeze-dried bone(DFDB) induce odontoblastic differentiation and further come up to the dentin formation in amputated pulp.

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Effects of Dietary Flammulina velutipes Mycelium on Physico-chemical Properties and Nutritional Components of Chicken Meat (팽이버섯 균사체의 급여가 닭고기의 이화학적 특성과 영양성분에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Bum;Kim, Ji-Hee;Jeong, Su-Youn;Wang, Tao;Cho, Seong-Keun;Shin, Teak-Soon;Kang, Han-Seok;Kim, Youn-Chil;Kim, Seon-Ku;Lee, Hong-Gu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.893-903
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary Flammulina velutipes mycelium (FVM) on physico-chemical properties and nutritional components of chicken meat. Ninety-six broiler chicks (HanHyup No. 3, Korea) were divided into four groups: control (basal diet), T1 (supplemented with 1% FVM), T2 (3%), and T3 (5%). Broiler chicks in each group were slaughtered at 7 weeks of age, and their breast and thigh meat were collected. Lightness ($L^*$) and yellowness ($b^*$) in the T2 and T3 groups were higher than in the control group (p<0.05). The loss of breast meat during cooking was increased in the T1, T2, and T3 groups, and the water-holding capacity of the breast meat was also decreased in these three groups (p<0.05). The water-soluble protein solubility was lower in the T1, T2, and T3 groups than in the control group (p<0.05), but the salt-soluble protein solubility in these three groups was higher than that in the control group (p<0.05). The crude fat content of the breast meat was decreased and that of the thigh meat was increased as the level of FVM was increased (p<0.05). The unsaturated fatty acid content of the breast meat was higher in the T2 and T3 groups than in the control group (p<0.05). The free amino acid content was high in the T1, T2, and T3 groups compared to the control. In conclusion, these results showed that feeding with 3% and 5% FVM increased the L and b values in thigh meat, improved the salt-soluble protein solubility, and increased the content of unsaturated fatty acids and free amino acids.

Effect of Breed and Environment on Preweaning Body Weight and Postweaning Traits in Swine (돼지의 이유전체중(離乳前體重)과 이유후형질(離乳後形質)에 대한 품종(品種)과 환경(環境)의 효과(效果))

  • Han, Sung Wook;Sang, Byung Chan;Lee, Han Ok
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 1987
  • The study was conducted to determine the main effects of breed, sire, parity, farrowing year and month on preweaning body weight and postweaning traits. The data analysis were the record of 253 male pigs produced from 54 boars of Landrace, Hampshire, Large Yorkshire and Duroc purebreds at National Animal Breeding Institute from 1978 to 1983. The results obtained in this study are summarized as follows. 1. The effect of breed on preweaning body weight was highly significant at 1% level for body weight at birth, 21 days and 56days, and effect of parity was highly significant at 1% level for body weight at 56 days. 2. On preweaning body weight by breed, Duroc was superior with $1.593{\pm}0.001Kg$ for body weight at birth, and Landrace was superior with $6.227{\pm}0.199$ and $18.590{\pm}0.493Kg$ for body weight at 21 days and 56 days, respectively. 3. The effect of breed on postweaning traits were highly signicant at 1% level for average daily gain, feed efficiency, backfat thickness and days to 90Kg, and the effect of parity was significant at 5% level for backfat thickness. 4. On postweaning traits by breed, Duroc was superior with $876.275{\pm}8.198g$ and $2.754{\pm}0.198$ for average daily gain and feed efficiency, respectively, and Hampshire was thin with $1.969{\pm}0.198$ em for backfat thickness.

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Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus block with Arm-Hyperabduction (상지(上肢) 외전위(外轉位)에서 시행(施行)한 쇄골상(鎖骨上) 상완신경총차단(上腕神經叢遮斷))

  • Lim, Keoun;Lim, Hwa-Taek;Kim, Dong-Keoun;Park, Wook;Kim, Sung-Yell;Oh, Hung-Kun
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.214-222
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    • 1988
  • With the arm in hyperabduction, we have carried out 525 procedures of supraclavicular brachial plexus block from Aug. 1976 to June 1980, whereas block with the arm in adduction has been customarily performed by other authors. The anesthetic procedure is as follows: 1) The patient lies in the dorsal recumbent position without a pillow under his head or shoulder. His arm is hyperabducted more than a 90 degree angle from his side, and his head is turned to the side opposite from that to be blocked. 2) An "X" is marked at a point 1 cm above the mid clavicle, immediately lateral to the edge of the anterior scalene muscle, and on the palpable portion of the subclavian artery. The area is aseptically prepared and draped. 3) A 22 gauge 3.5cm needle attached to a syringe filled with 2% lidocaine (7~8mg/kg of body weight) and epineprine(1 : 200,000) is inserted caudally toward the second portion of the artery where it crosses the first rib and parallel with the lateral border of the muscle until a paresthesia is obtained. 4) Paresthesia is usually elicited while inserting the needle tip about 1~2 em in depth. If so, the local anesthetic solution is injected after careful aspiration. 5) If no paresthesia is elicited, the needle is withdrawn and redirected in an attempt to elicit paresthesia. 6) If, after several attempts, no paresthesia is obtained, the local anesthetic solution is injected into the perivascular sheath after confirming that the artery is not punctured. 7) Immediately after starting surgery, Valium is injected for sedation by the intravenous route in almost all cases. The age distribution of the cases was from 11 to 80 years. Sex distribution was 476 males and 49 females (Table 1). Operative procedures consisted of 103 open reductions, 114 skin grafts combined with spinal anesthesia in 14, 87 debridements, 75 repairs, i.e. tendon (41), nerve(32), and artery (2), 58 corrections of abnormalities, 27 amputations above the elbow (5), below the elbow (3) and fingers (17), 20 primary closures, 18 incisions and curettages, 2 replantations of cut fingers. respectively (Table 2). Paresthesia was obtained in all cases. Onset of analgesia occured within 5 minutes, starting in the deltoid region in almost all cases. Complete anesthesia of the entire arm appeared within 10 minutes but was delayed 15 to 20 minutes in 5 cases and failed in one case. Thus, our success rate was nearly 100%. The duration of anesthesia after a single injection ranged from $3\frac{1}{2}$ to $4\frac{1}{2}$, hours in 94% of the cases. The operative time ranged from 0.5 to 4 hours in 92.4% of the cases(Table 3). Repeat blocks were carried out in 33 cases when operative times which were more than 4 hours in 22 cases and the others were completed within 4 hours (Table 4). Two patients of the 33 cases, who received microvasular surgery were injected twice with 2% lidocaine 20 ml for a total of $13\frac{1}{2}$ hours. The 157 patients who received surgery on the forearms or hands had pneumatic tourniquets (250 torrs) applied without tourniquet pain. There was no pneumothorax, hematoma or phrenic nerve paralysis in any of the unilateral and 27 bilateral blocks, but there was hoarseness in two, Horner's syndrome in 11 and shivering in 7 cases. No general seizures or other side effects were observed. By 20ml of 60% urcgratin study, we confirm ed the position of the needle tip to be in a safer position when the arm is in hyperabduction than when it is in adduction. And also that the humoral head caused some obstraction of the distal flow of the dye, indicating that less local anesthetic solution would be needed for satisfactory anesthesia. (Fig. 3,4).

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Effects of BCG on the DNA Synthesis and Ultrastructure of Mouse Gastric Mucosal Epithelial Cells Inoculated with Ehrlich Carcinoma Cells (BCG가 Ehrlich 암세포를 이식한 생쥐의 위점막 상피세포의 DNA합성 및 미세구조에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Jeong-Sik;Ryoo, In-Sang;Park, Kyung-Ho;Park, Dae-Kyoon
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.205-218
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    • 2009
  • This experiment was performed to evaluate the morphological responses of the gastric epithelial cells of the mouse, inoculated with Ehrlich carcinoma cells in the inguinal area, following administration of BCG. Healthy adult ICR mice weighing 25 gm each were divided into normal and experimental groups (tumor control group and BCG-treated group). In the experimental groups, each mouse was inoculated with $1{\times}10^7$ Ehrlich carcinoma cells subcutaneously in the inguinal area. From next day after inoculations, 0.2 mL of saline or BCG (0.5 mL/25 g B.W.: $0.03{\times}10^8{\sim}0.32{\times}10^8$ CFU) were injected subcutaneously to the animals every other day, respectively. The day following the 7th injection of saline or BCG, each mouse was injected with a single dose of 0.7 ${\mu}Ci/g$ of methyl-$^3H$-thymidine (25 Ci/mmol, Amersham Lab., England) through tail vein. Seventy minutes after the thymidine injection, animals were sacrificed, and gastric tissues were taken and fixed in 10% neutral formalin. Deparaffinized sections were coated with autoradiographic emulsion EM-1 (Amersham Lab., England) in a dark room. The number of labeled epithelial cells in the gastric mucosae (mean number of labeled epithelial cells per 3.5 mm length of mucosa) were observed and calculated. And for electron microscopic observation, gastric tissues were prefixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde-1.5% paraformaldehyde solution, followed by post-fixation with 1% osmium tetroxide solution. On the light microscopic study, gastric mucosae had no morphological changes following the injection of BCG. On the electron microscopic study, in the BCG-treated mice, myelin figures and multivesicular bodies within the gastric epithelial cells were observed more frequently than in those of the normal control ones. On the autoradiographic study, number of the labeled cells of normal control, tumor control and BCG-treated mice were 380.2 (${\pm}31.35$), 426.1 (${\pm}28.43$) and 301.8 (${\pm}34.63$), respectively. In the BCG-treated mice, poorly-labeled cells containing only a few silver grains of 3H-thymidine were observed more frequently as compared in those of the normal control and tumor control ones. From the above results, BCG may suppress the DNA synthesis of the gastric epithelial cells, but does not results severe fine structural defect on the gastric epithelial cells. These results suggest that BCG is expected as one of the effective supplemental anticancer drugs.