• Title/Summary/Keyword: ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY

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A Study on the Efficiency and Its Determinants in Korea's Service Sectors Using DEA (자료포락분석(DEA)를 이용한 우리나라 서비스산업의 효율성과 결정요인 분석)

  • Bae, Se-Young
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.339-348
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    • 2021
  • This paper aims to analyze the production efficiency in Korea's ten service sectors using DEA and its determinants utilizing a truncated-Tobit regression model and a censored-Tobit regression model in 2010-2019. This paper found: First, the Korean service sector's production efficiency in general has been significantly low and polarized. Especially, the inefficiency resulted from the scale inefficiency in the 'sewerage waste management industry.' Second, in the determinants analysis, the results show the positive effect of the investment and R&D expenses on technical efficiency, while FDI and lobbying expenses illustrate the negative impact. Moreover, it seems that the larger the industry, the higher the efficiency. Thus, the future Korean government's economic policy for the service sectors requires a mixed and integrated policy of the macroeconomic aspect such as active investment and R&D activities with microeconomic aspect including a convergence of FDI and human capital.

Aircraft Fuel Efficiency Improvement and Effect through APMS (APMS 활용을 통한 항공기 연비향상 및 기대효과 )

  • Jae Leame Yoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2023
  • SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) technique for monitoring aircraft structural health and damage, EHM (Engine Health Monitoring) for monitoring aircraft engine performance, and APM (Application Performance Management) is used for each function. APMS (Airplane Performance Monitoring System) is a program that comprehensively applies these techniques to identify the difference between the performance manual provided by the manufacturer and the actual fuel mileage of the aircraft and reflect it in the flight plan. The main purpose of using APMS is to understand the performance of each aircraft, to plan and execute flights in an optimal way, and consequently to reduce fuel consumption. First, it is to check the fuel efficiency trend of each aircraft, check the correlation between the maintenance work performed and the fuel mileage, find the cause of the fuel mileage increase/decrease, and take appropriate measures in response. Second, it is to find the cause of fuel mileage degradation in detail by checking the trends by engine performance and fuselage drag effect. Third, the APMS is to be used in making maintenance work decisions. Through APMS, aircraft with below average fuel mileage are identified, the cause of fuel mileage degradation is identified, and appropriate corrective actions are determined. Fourth, APMS data is used to analyze the economic analysis of equipment installation investment. The cost can be easily calculated as the equipment installation cost, but the benefit is fuel efficiency improvement, and the only way to check this is the manufacturer's theory. Therefore, verifying the effect after installation and verifying the economic analysis is to secure the appropriateness of the investment. Through this, proper investment in fuel efficiency improvement equipment will be made, and fuel efficiency will be improved.

Comparison of Cultural Industry Efficiency between China and Korea (중국과 한국의 문화산업의 효율성 비교)

  • Qu, Tian You;Im, Kwang Hyuk;Kim, Sang Wook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.470-481
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    • 2020
  • Cultural industry's role in national economic growth has increased gradually and drawn increasing attention due to the immense window effect on other industries. Especially, China has fully pushed forward with the development of cultural industry to sophisticate industrial structure since the 2000's. In Korea, the cultural industry has played the leading role in the national economic growth through intensive investment relatively early compared with China. Under the circumstance, this study compared the cultural industry efficiency between China and Korea to examine cultural industry's impact on economic growth and its potentials. The greatest difficulty in comparing the cultural industry efficiency between China and Korea is the development of comparable statistical data. This study chose the number of businesses and the number of employees as the input variables for efficiency analysis and the sales of cultural industry, the output variable. Also, the efficiency was comparatively analyzed through DEA-Malmquist index. Integrated DB about local governments and basic data from KOSIS were used for Korean data and the National Bureau of Statistics of China's data were used for Chinese data. The analysis period was set to 2013-2017. According to analysis, the Malmquist index for Korea was 1.048 and China, 1.041. In other words, Korea improved the efficiency by 4.8% during the analyzed period and China, 4.1%. This result can be attributed to the fact that the cultural industry in Korea was reaching maturity during this period while the cultural industry in China was entering the growth period.

한국 농촌지역의 임신효율 (Reproductive Efficiency)에 관한 연구 : 충남 서산지역을 중심으로

  • An, Mun-Yeong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 1982
  • Recently in Korea, integration of F.P. & MCH programs for effective and efficient implementation of the health programs has been discussed actively. In fact, categorical health workers in fields have been trained and changed as an integrated health workers by government. But one of the most important problems that had to be solved for successful integration of F.P. and MCH programs, is that there must be a common indicator for the evaluation of the two health services (integrated indicator). We regarded reproductive efficiency (=R.E.) that had been proposed by Charlotter M$\ddot{u}$ller et al, as the good integrated indicator. The object of this brief article is to introduce the meaning of reproductive efficiency and to illustrate the usefulnesses of R.E. as the integrated health indicator by applying this indicator to the data from preliminary survey of Seosan demonstration project for integration of F.P. & MCH service supported by WHO. The results and conclusions are as follows 1) Definition of R.E. is the percentage of pregnancies that succeed in production normal, surving children after taking into account the frequency of all measurable types of adverse outcomes (End point for evaluation of survival is one year of age). 2) On the basis of the past pregnant history, reproductive efficiency of the 2,484 eligible women (15-44 years) was roughly 75% (But, in the concept of good births, it is not regarded whether the survived infant is normal health or not). 3) Compared with the results of the other two surveys of the rural area in Korea, reproductive efficiency has been slightly decreased than before, in spite of family planning and MCH services for past 20 years. Because the quantity of increased abortion rate overwhelmed that of the decreased infant mortality rate. 4) Reproductive efficiency has the object for measure many events during the period from the conception (Wanted pregnancy) to an normal surviving children as an 1 year of age. So these heterogenous adversities, ie, induced abortion, still births, spontaneous abortion, neonate & infant death, are aggregated as R.E. However, if the information of these important events and reproductive efficiency were given, R.E. is used as the comprehensive evaluation indicator for F.P. and M.C.H. after meticulous analysis the various components of R.E. 5) Economic loss for adverse outcomes of preg were pregnancy were calculated applying the medical cost at the relatively small sized hospital of small city. Economic loss for 100 cases of adverse outcome is 10,420,000 won, and economic loss for infant death is 46.1% of the total loss. So, it is rational to invest much more effort and than before to MCH programs.

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Research on Water-Energy-Food Comprehensive Utilization Efficiency in China (중국의 물-에너지-식량 종합 이용 효율성을 평가 연구)

    • Journal of Digital Policy
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2022
  • The World Economic Forum has included Water-Energy-Food among the three major risk groups in the world, and Water-Energy-Food is related to the development strategies of countries and the lives of their citizens. This study calculates the combined Water-Energy-Food use efficiency in China for 2011-2020 based on the SBM-Malmquist index. The results show that the overall combined Water-Energy-Food efficiency in China is low, but shows an upward trend. There is a clear variability in the combined Water-Energy-Food utilization efficiency in China, with an overall geographic distribution pattern of East > Middle > West. Only Beijing and Shanghai have reached the real above effective nationwide, and all other provinces have inefficiency between input and output. The Malmquist index of integrated Water-Energy-Food utilization efficiency is 1.136, with an up ward trend, and technical efficiency and technological progress lead the improvement of integrated Water-Energy-Food utilization efficiency in China at the sametime. The Water-Energy-Food issue should be raised to a strategic level as soon as possible, and policy support should be provided for its development. Each region should establish a cross-regional coordinating body to formulate targeted measures according to the province's food production and water distribution, so as to promote economic transformation from sloppy development to green development as soon as possible.

A Study on a Plan to Efficiently Construct an Expressway with Low Traffic Volume (교통량이 적은 고속도로의 효율적인 건설 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Jinsub;Hong, Sukkee;Park, Kuiyoung;Park, Namsik
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2016
  • OBJECTIVES : This study aims to review a plan to reduce the shoulder width of a deformed round-trip two-lane highway with low traffic volume. METHODS : Installation of a passing lane on a round-trip two-lane (one-way one-lane) highway, and reduction of a shoulder for a round-trip four-lane highway. RESULTS : It is necessary to establish a design criterion for various highways, because the plan to reduce the lane or shoulder width of a highway with low traffic volume was analyzed to have an economic efficiency of 6.8~7.0%. CONCLUSIONS : It is necessary to seek for a plan to establish a national trunk net early by efficiently using the limited financial resources to cope with the traffic demand elastically.

Determinants of Fathers' Child Care Time (부의 자녀 양육에의 참여 시간 결정요인 연구)

  • 허경옥
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 1994
  • This study investigated the factors influencing married men's time allocation in child care. A multidimensional theoritical approach employing the perspectives of economic efficiency time availability and role ideology was employed to explain variations in fathers' participation in child care. In addition the effects of several socio-demographic variables were investigated. The sample was drawn from the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH) conducted in 1987-1988 by the Center for Demography and Ecology in University of Wisconsin-Madison. Results indicated that the time availability perspective was significantly supported and the economic efficiency perspective was partially supported. On the other hand no singificant evidence was found for the effect of role ideology on fathers' child care time. Overall demographic variables had a nonsignificant effect (except in the case of age) on the amount of fathers' participation in child care.

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A Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Estimation of Efficiencies for Strawberry and Tomato Farming : Effect of Environmentally Friendly Farming (베이지언 확률프론티어 기법을 이용한 딸기 및 토마토 친환경재배의 효율성 분석)

  • Park, Ho-Jeong;Yang, Seung-Ryong
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.355-368
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    • 2016
  • There are growing interests in environmental friendly cultivation for the matter of health concern. This study analyzes an economic efficiency of strawberry and tomato farming by considering the role of environmentally friendly cultivation. The Database of Rural Development Administration is used for strawberry and tomato farming households. We adopt a Bayesian stochastic frontier model to resolve a small sample property of the data. Empirical finding is that environmentally friendly cultivation improves the revenue of farming but the effect on net profit is not conclusive which calls for future research.

On the Computational Efficiency and Stableness of Burg's Algorithm for Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis (최대엔트로피 스펙트럼 분석에 관한 Burg알고리즘의 계산효율과 안정성에 대하여)

  • Kim, Hee Joon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 1984
  • Burg's algorithm for maximum entropy spectral analysis is studied with respect to its computational efficiency and stableness. The Burg's method is not only less efficient than the Yule-Walker's method but also sometimes unstable due to its mathematical irrationality. This irrationality is demonstrated by analyzing an artificial time series, and more stable and effective method is proposed. An efficient procedure using Goertzel's algorithm to compute power spectral densities is also proposed.

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  • Roh, Hee-Ho;Hahn, Song-Yop;Rhee, Sung-Won
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1988.11a
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 1988
  • As the automic power plant is increased, load leveling energy storage system becomes more important. Pumped hydroelectric storage, used in the present, has too storage efficiency and difficulty in selecting site. But SMES(Superconducting Magnet Energy Storage) has high storage efficiency (90%), fast time response characteristics and ease of location. The general object of SMES with electric power system is the minimization overall production cost. This paper presents a method for the economic operation of SMES by Dynamic Programming.

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