• Title/Summary/Keyword: ECC bypass

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The Clinical Analysis of 91 Cases of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (관상동맥 우회술 91례의 임상적 고찰)

  • 김학제
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.453-463
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    • 1995
  • During 42 month period 91 consecutive patient underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. The mean age of these patient was 57 years [range from 28 to 78 years . There were 57 men and 34 women. The preoperative risk factors that include beyond the 50 % of total patients were male sex, obesity, hypo-high-density lipoproteinemia, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, hyper-low-density lipoproteinemia, hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension. Preoperatively 27 patients had stable angina pectoris and 39 patients of unstable angina pectoris. Twenty five patients had previous myocardial infarction history. The patterns of disease were 8 patients of single vessel involvement, 18 patients of double vessel involvement, 54 patients of triple vessel involvement and 11 patients of left main coronary artery disease. Fifty five patients were in Canadian Cardiovascular Society functional class III. Myocardial revascularization was performed under emergency conditions in 5 patients. Nine percent of patients had previous PTCA history. We performed 16 cases of sequential anastomosis, internal mammary artery harvest in 86 percent of total patients and total 284 distal anastomoses[mean 3.1 anastomosis per patient . The mean ACC time was 60.5 minutes and ECC time was mean 110 minutes. The combined surgeries were 16 cases of endarterectomy, 2 cases of LV aneurysmectomy, 1 case of Bentall operation, 1 case of repair of sinus of Valsalva, 1 case of ligation of coronary AV fistula and 1 case of excision of breast mass. The most common complication was wound infection[12 cases, 13 % . There was one hospital death due to postoperative respiratory failure and low output syndrome in patient with postinfarction VSD, LV aneurysm. Postoperative 88 patients were in Functional class I or II. The 99mTc-MIBI myocardial perfusion scan that used as evaluation of postoperative state was well correlated with patient`s symptoms instead of some disadvantages.

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A Clinical Evaluatuin on Open Heart Surgery of Congenital and Acquired Heart Disease (선천성 및 후천성 심질환의 개심술)

  • 김근호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 1979
  • The present study reports 41 cases of congenital and acquired heart diseases, who received open heart surgery under extracorporeal circulation [ECC] by Sarns Heart-Lung-Machine [HLM] at the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Hanyang University Hospital during the` period between July 1975 and February 1979. The priming of pump oxygenator was carried out by the hemodilution method using Hartman`s solution, whole blood, and fresh human plasma. The rate of hemodilution was in the average of 50.8 ml/kg. ECC was performed at the average perfusion flow rate of 85.0 ml/kg/min [2.43 L./ kg/2] and at moderate hypothermia. In the total cardiopulmonary bypass, arterial pressure ranged between 55 mmHg and 90 mmHg, but generally maintaining over 70 mmHg. Patient age ranged between 2 and 54 year old, in congenital heart diseases, between 2 and 28, in acquired heart diseases, between 17 and 54 Sex ratio of male to female was 20:21. The cases include a case of pulmonary valvular stenosis, 4 cases of atrial septal defect, 9 cases of ventricular septal defect, 9 cases of tetralogy of Fallot, 5 cases of pentalogy of Fallot, 3 cases of atypical multiple anomalies 7 cases of mitral stenosis or insufficiency, a case of myxoma in left atrium, and a case of ruptured aneurysm of Valsalva`s sinus. The surgical managements were 16 valvulotomy for pulmonary valvular stenosis, 2 Teflon patch graft closure and 5 simple suture closure of atrial septal defect, 16 Teflon patch graft closure and 5 simple suture closure of ventricular septal defect, 12 pericardial patch graft for infundibular stenosis of right ventricle, one anastomosis between left superior vena cava and right atrium, 2 open mitral commissurotomy, 5 mitral valve replacement using Starr-Edward`s ball valve, porcine xenograft by Hancock, by Carpentier-Edward, or Angell-Shiley, one removal of left atrial myxoma, and a repair of ruptured aneurysm of Valsalva`s sinus. Four [9.7%] out 41 cases expired postoperatively and the rest of 37 cases survived with satisfactory results. The causes of death were one coronary embolism in tetralogy of Fallot, 2 postoperative lower cardiac output in atypical multiple anomalies, and one right heart failure in large: ventricular septal defect with pulmonary hypertension.

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Clinical Analysis to the Early Results of the CABG (관상동맥우회술의 조기 성적에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Kim, Dae-Sig;Yang, Jin-Young;Koo, Won-Mo;Moon, Seung-Chul;Lee, Gun;Lee, Hyeon-Jae;Lim, Chang-Young
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.11
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    • pp.1043-1048
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    • 1998
  • Background: As coronary arterial disease is increasing, we evaluated the patients who underwent CABG(Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting) and thus report the early results and risk factors related to mortality and morbidity. Materials and methods: Between July 1996 and February 1998, 42 patients underwent CABG. We analyzed age, sex, preoperative ejection fraction, Canadian heart classification, prevalence factors of CAD(Coronary Artery Disease), angiographic findings, graft vessel numbers, IMA(Internal Mallary Artery) use, ECC* (extracorporeal circulation) time and morbidity. We also evaluated the mortality rate and the causes of death. Results: Complication was developed at 17cases. The average age of the complication group was 61±11.9 years and that of the noncomplication group was 51±10.5 years(p=0.004). ECC time was 198±42.5(min) in the complication group and 158±47.4(min) in the noncomplication group(p=0.008). The other factors had no correlation to the morbidity, statistically. The average follow up duration was 12.5 months and all the patients were alive except for the 2 expired cases. The mortality rate was 4.7%, among which one patient who underwent CABG with aortic valve replacement died due to multiorgan failure and the other died due to sepsis with pneumonia and wound infection. Conclusions: We conclude that the risk factors related to morbidity were age and ECC time, and that there were no correlations between other factors and morbidity.

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