• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dynamic-elastic Deformation

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Wave Response Analysis and Future Direction of Mega-Float

  • Park, Sung-Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.153-168
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    • 2001
  • In the country where the population concentrates in the metropolis with the narrow land, development of th ocean space is necessary. Recently, mega-float offshore structure is studied as one of the effective utilization of the ocean space. And very large floating structure are now being considered for various applications such as floating airports, offshore cities and so on. This very large structure is relatively flexible compared with real floating structures like large ships. when we estimate dynamic responses of these structures in waves, the elastic deformation is important, because vertical dimension is small compared with horizontal. And it is necessary to examine the effect of ocean wave eternal force received from the natural environment. In this study, the mat-type large floating structure is made to be analytical model. And the analysis of the dynamic response as it receives regular wave is studied. The finite element method is used in the analysis of structure part of this model. And the analysis is carried out using the boundary element method in the fluid part. In order to know the characteristics of the dynamic response of the large floating structures, effects of wavelength, bending rigidity of the structure, water depth, and wave direction on dynamic response of the floating structure are studied by use of numerical calculation.

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A Study on the Reduction Analysis of the Response of the Mega-Float Offshore Structure in Regular Wave (1st Report) (대형 부류해양구조물의 파낭중 응답의 저감해석에 관한 연구(제1보))

  • 박성현;박석주
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2000
  • In the country where the population concentrates in the metropolis with the narrow land, development of the ocean space is necessary. Recently, mega-float offshore structure has been studied as one of the effective utilization of the ocean space. And very large floating structures are now being considered for various applications such as floating airports, offshore cities and so on. This very large structure is relatively flexible compared with real floating structures like large ships. when we estimate dynamic responses of these structures in waves, the elastic deformation is important, because vertical dimension is small compared with horizontal. And it is necessary to examine the effect of ocean wave external force received from the natural environment. In this study, the mat-type large floating structure is made to be analytical model. And the analysis of the dynamic response as it receives regular wave is studied. The finite element method is used in the analysis of structural section of this model. And the analysis is carried out using the boundary element method in the fluid division. The validity of analysis method is verified in comparison with the experimental result in the Japan Ministry of Transport Ship Research Institution. In order to know the characteristics of the dynamic response of the large floating structures, effects of wavelength, bending rigidity of the structure, water depth, and wave direction on dynamic response of the floating structure are studied by use of numerical calculation.

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Dynamic analysis of nanosize FG rectangular plates based on simple nonlocal quasi 3D HSDT

  • Boutaleb, Sabrina;Benrahou, Kouider Halim;Bakora, Ahmed;Algarni, Ali;Bousahla, Abdelmoumen Anis;Tounsi, Abdelouahed;Tounsi, Abdeldjebbar;Mahmoud, S.R.
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.191-208
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    • 2019
  • In the present work the dynamic analysis of the functionally graded rectangular nanoplates is studied. The theory of nonlocal elasticity based on the quasi 3D high shear deformation theory (quasi 3D HSDT) has been employed to determine the natural frequencies of the nanosize FG plate. In HSDT a cubic function is employed in terms of thickness coordinate to introduce the influence of transverse shear deformation and stretching thickness. The theory of nonlocal elasticity is utilized to examine the impact of the small scale on the natural frequency of the FG rectangular nanoplate. The equations of motion are deduced by implementing Hamilton's principle. To demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method, the calculated results in specific cases are compared and examined with available results in the literature and a good agreement is observed. Finally, the influence of the various parameters such as the nonlocal coefficient, the material indexes, the aspect ratio, and the thickness to length ratio on the dynamic properties of the FG nanoplates is illustrated and discussed in detail.

Measurement of a Six-degree-of-freedom Dynamic Characteristics using Angle Sensor-Implemented Grating Interferometry (회절격자 간섭계를 이용한 초정밀 스테이지의 6 자유도 운동 특성 측정)

  • Lee, Cha-Bum;Kim, Gyu-Ha;Lee, Sun-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.906-912
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents the new method for a six-degree-of-freedom (DOF) motion measurement and those dynamic characterizations in an ultraprecision linear stage using angle sensor-implemented grating interferometry. It consists of a diffractive optical element, a corner cube, four separate two-dimensional position sensitive detectors, four photodiodes and auxiliary optics components. From the previous study, it was confirmed that the proposed optical system could measure a six-DOF motion error in a linear stage. In this article, six-DOF motion dynamic characteristics of the stage were investigated through the step response and with respect to the conditions with a different speed of a slide table. As a result, the natural frequency and damping ratio according to a six-DOF direction was obtained. Also, it was seen that the speed of slide table had an significant effect on a six-DOF displacement motion, especially, X, which was considered as the effect of friction mechanism and local elastic mechanical deformation in a slide guide.

Parallel Crack with Constant Velocity in Two Bonded Anisotropic Strip Under Anti-Plane Deformation (두 이방성 띠판에 내재된 면외변형하의 등속평행 균열)

  • Park, Jae-Wan;Kim, Nam-Hun;Choe, Seong-Ryeol
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.2 s.173
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    • pp.496-505
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    • 2000
  • A semi-infinite parallel crack propagated with constant velocity in two bonded anisotropic strip under anti-plane clamped displacement is analyzed. Using Fourier integral transform a Wiener-Hopf equation is derived. By solving this equation the asymptotic stress and displacement fields near the crack tip are determined, where the results give the more general expression applicable to the extent of the anisotropic material having one plane of elastic symmetry for the parallel crack. The dynamic stress intensity factor and energy release rate are also obtained as a closed form, which are the results applicable to the problem both of dynamic and static crack under the same geometry as this study. The stress intensity factor approaches zero at the critical crack velocity which is less than the shear wave velocity, but in typical case of isotropic or orthotropic material agrees with the velocity of shear wave. Also a circular shear stress around crack tip is considered, from which the stress is shown to be approximately symmetric about the horizontal axis. Referring to the maximum stress criteria, it could be shown that a brenched crack is formed by crack growth as crack velocity increases.

Study on dynamic behavior of a new type of two-way single layer lattice dome with nodal eccentricity

  • Satria, Eka;Kato, Shiro;Nakazawa, Shoji;Kakuda, Daisuke
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.511-530
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    • 2008
  • This paper discusses a feasibility of a new type of two-way system for single layer lattice domes with nodal eccentricity by investigating the dynamic behavior under earthquake motions. The proposed dome is composed of two main arches, intersecting each other with T-joint struts to provide space for tensioning membranes. The main purposes of this study are to calculate the nonlinear dynamic response under severe earthquake motions and to see the possibility of using this new type of two-way system for single layer lattice domes against earthquake motions. The results show that the main arches remain elastic except yielding of the joints of strut members that can be used to absorb some amount of strain energy at strong earthquake motion. Consequently, deformation of the main arches can be reduced and any heavy damages on the main arches can be minimized. A kind of damage-control characteristic appeared in this system may be utilized against severe earthquake motions, showing a possibility of designing a new type of single layer lattice dome.

Fabrication, Microstructures and High-Strain-Rate Properties of TiC-Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composites

  • 신현호;박홍래;장순남
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.259-259
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    • 1999
  • TiC ceramic particulate-reinforced titanium matrix composites were fabricated and the resultant densification, microstructure, and static and dynamic mechanical properties were studied. Comparing Ti with TiH₂powders as host materials for TiC ceramic reinforcement by pressureless vacuum sintering, TiH₂-started composites showed better sinterability and resistance to both elastic and plastic deformation than Ti-started ones. When TiH₂and TiH₂-45 vol.%TiC samples were hot pressed, TiH₂matrices transformed to alpha prime Ti and alpha Ti phase, respectively. It is interpreted that the diffusion of an alpha stabilizer carbon from TiC into the matrix is one of the plausible reasons far such a microstructural difference. The 0.2% offset yield strengths of the hot pressed TiH₂and TiH₂-45 vol.%TiC samples were 1008 and 1446 MPa, respectively, in a static compressive mode (strain rate of 1×$10^{-3}$/s). Dynamic compressive strengths of the samples were 1600 and 2060 MPa, respectively, at a strain rate of 4×10³/s.

Effect of Native and Acetylated Sweet Potato Starch on Rheological Properties of Composite Surimi Sol

  • Kim, Bae-Young;Kim, Won-Woo;Yoo, Byoung-Seung
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.245-248
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    • 2008
  • The effects of native sweet potato starch (NSPS) and sweet potato starch modified by acetylation (MSPS) on dynamic rheological properties of surimi sols were investigated by small-deformation oscillatory measurements. Dynamic frequency sweeps of surimi sols at $10^{\circ}C$ showed that the addition of NSPS and MSPS resulted in a reduction of storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G"). The tan $\delta$ values (ratio of G"/ G') of all samples were in the range of $0.15{\sim}0.54$ over a wide range of frequency, indicating that all surimi sols are more elastic than viscous. The characteristic G' thermograms of surimi sols during heating from 10 to $90^{\circ}C$ were influenced by the addition of starch. The tan $\delta$ values of all samples were maintained nearly constant above $45^{\circ}C$, showing that the G' is proportional to the G" irrespective of starch effects.

The G. D. Q. method for the harmonic dynamic analysis of rotational shell structural elements

  • Viola, Erasmo;Artioli, Edoardo
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.789-817
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    • 2004
  • This paper deals with the modal analysis of rotational shell structures by means of the numerical solution technique known as the Generalized Differential Quadrature (G. D. Q.) method. The treatment is conducted within the Reissner first order shear deformation theory (F. S. D. T.) for linearly elastic isotropic shells. Starting from a non-linear formulation, the compatibility equations via Principle of Virtual Works are obtained, for the general shell structure, given the internal equilibrium equations in terms of stress resultants and couples. These equations are subsequently linearized and specialized for the rotational geometry, expanding all problem variables in a partial Fourier series, with respect to the longitudinal coordinate. The procedure leads to the fundamental system of dynamic equilibrium equations in terms of the reference surface kinematic harmonic components. Finally, a one-dimensional problem, by means of a set of five ordinary differential equations, in which the only spatial coordinate appearing is the one along meridians, is obtained. This can be conveniently solved using an appropriate G. D. Q. method in meridional direction, yielding accurate results with an extremely low computational cost and not using the so-called "delta-point" technique.

Experimental investigation on a freestanding bridge tower under wind and wave loads

  • Bai, Xiaodong;Guo, Anxin;Liu, Hao;Chen, Wenli;Liu, Gao;Liu, Tianchen;Chen, Shangyou;Li, Hui
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.951-968
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    • 2016
  • Long-span cross-strait bridges extending into deep-sea waters are exposed to complex marine environments. During the construction stage, the flexible freestanding bridge towers are more vulnerable to environmental loads imposed by wind and wave loads. This paper presents an experimental investigation on the dynamic responses of a 389-m-high freestanding bridge tower model in a test facility with a wind tunnel and a wave flume. An elastic bridge model with a geometric scale of 1:150 was designed based on Froude similarity and was tested under wind-only, wave-only and wind-wave combined conditions. The dynamic responses obtained from the tests indicate that large deformation under resonant sea states could be a structural challenge. The dominant role of the wind loads and the wave loads change according to the sea states. The joint wind and wave loads have complex effects on the dynamic responses of the structure, depending on the approaching direction angle and the fluid-induced vibration mechanisms of the waves and wind.