• 제목/요약/키워드: Dyeing, Fastness

검색결과 558건 처리시간 0.025초

헥실기 이상의 알킬치환기를 가지는 디아미노안트라퀴논계 청색 분산염료의 합성과 순수폴리프로필렌 섬유에 대한 염색성 (Synthesis of Diamino-anthraquinonoid Blue Disperse Dyes having Alkyl Substituents Longer than Pentyl Group and their Dyeability toward Pure Polypropylene Fibers)

  • 곽동섭;김태경
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.106-112
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    • 2012
  • As a subsequent research of the previously reported$^{9)}$, a series of diaminoanthraquinoid blue dyes having hexyl, heptyl and octyl substituents were newly synthesized in order to investigate dyeability toward polypropylene fibers. As the length of alkyl groups introduced to the chromophore increased, the dyeability of the dyes toward polypropylene fibers also increased and then gradually decreased. From the result of dyeing, the hexyl-substituted dye showed the highest color strength and deep shade on pure polypropylene fibers. The good fastness rates to wash, rubbing and light were also obtained for all of the synthesized dyes.

치자 청색소를 이용한 면직물의 염색성 연구 (Study on the Dyeability of Cotton Fabrics Dyed with Natural Gardenia Blue Powder)

  • 고혜리
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2011
  • The natural dyeing of cotton fabric with gardenia blue powder was studied. Cotton fabrics were treated with chitosan in order to increase K/S values and colorfastness. K/S values were increased with increasing the concentration of gardenia blue powder, dyeing time and temperature, and the lower pH of dye bath. In case of chitosan finishing, K/S values were increased, and ${\lambda}_{max}$ shifted to 600nm at 400nm. The wash fastness was improved, but the abrasion fastness was lowered in the case of wet rubbing.

동물성 섬유에 대한 Lac 추출물의 염색성 (Dyeabilities of Lac Extract onto the Silk and Wool Fabrics)

  • 박문영;김호정;이문철
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제26권8호
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    • pp.1248-1253
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    • 2002
  • Coocus laccae(Laccifer lacca Kerr), usually known as Lac, is a kind of cocoon which is parasitic on the tree around India and China. It contains the laconic acid of red colored dyes and has been used for cosmetic or natural dyeing prior to the introduction of New World cochineal. Nevertheless, the characterization of lac has not been studied, very little informed. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of dyeing conditions fur Lac extract, such as pH of dye bath, concentration of Lac exact dyeing temperature and time, to find out the optimum conditions. The results were as follow. 1. The highest K/S values of the silk and wool was shown at PH 3 and PH 4. 2. K/S values of the silk came to nearly the adsorption equilibrium state at 40$^{\circ}C$ and the curve of wool showed a dramatic increase with the increase of temperature. 3. Dyed silk and wool fabrics showed good light fastness without using mordants.

염색이 용이한 메타 아라미드 편성물의 염색성에 관한 연구 (Dyeing Properties of Easily Dyeable m-Aramid Knit Fabric)

  • 이범훈
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2020
  • Heat and flame protecting cloth is usually made of meta aramid fiber because of its own properties. But the high inter molecular hydrogen bonding and high Tg is the reason of the difficulty to dye meta aramid fiber. Recently, it was commercialized that the easily dyeable meta aramid fiber(AMD) for improving dyeability. In this study, the dyeing properties of AMD dyed with cationic dyes were investigated. The K/S values of AMD were 5~10% higher than these of general meta aramid fiber(AM) in the case of 1%owf caused by the lower crystallinity of AMD. The difference between K/S values of AMD and AM was increased as increasing dyeing concentration. The washing and rubbing fastness grade of AM and AMD were similar and good to very good.

칡뿌리를 이용한 단백질 및 폴리아미드 섬유의 염색성 (Dyeing Properties of Protein and Polyamide Fabrics with Arrowroot Extract)

  • 이정은;이문철;최석철
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2000
  • In this article, arrowroot is extracted in distilled water, and its dyeing properties on wool, nylon, and silk were investigated. Also the effect of mordanting (Al, Cu, Sn, Fe and Cr compounds) on the wash fastness are measured. The wavelength of maximum absorption of the arrowroot extract appears at 250 and 300nm below pH 7, but they shifted to longer wavelength at higher pH values. It appears that the optimum condition of the dyeing of wool, nylon, and silk fabric with arrowroot extract is $60^\circ{C}$, 60 min, and pH 4.0. Mordant treatments are effective in improving wash fastness of polyamide fabrics.

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생물자원 폐기물을 활용한 친환경 가죽염색(III): 매리골드와 편백나무 잎 추출물의 복합염색에 의한 기능성 부여 (Eco-friendly Leather Dyeing Using Biomass Wastes(III): Imparting Functionality by Combination Dyeing with Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) and Hinoki Cypress(Chamaecyparis obtusa) Leave Extracts)

  • 이건희;신윤숙
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • In this study, eco-friendly functional leather was developed by recycling wastes such as eel skin, marigold(Tagetas erecta l.), hinoki cypress(Chamaecyparis obtusa). The hot water extracts of marigold and hinoki cypress leaves were freeze-dried at $-80^{\circ}C$ to prepare colorant powder. The dyeing of eel leather with marigold was carried out to investigate the effects of dyeing conditions, mordanting on dye uptake, color, morphological change, and color fastness. Considering shrinkage of eel leather caused by dyeing, the optimum dyeing conditions were $60^{\circ}C$ of dyeing temperature and 60 min of dyeing time at 1:100 of bath ratio, and color of the dyed eel leather was Y to YR Munsell series. In order to prevent the degradation of leather from microbe, we conducted combination dyeing with marigold and hinoki cypress leave colorants. In this case, the combination dyed eel leathers showed excellent antimicrobial activity with above 99% bacterial reduction rate against S. aurieus and K. pneumoniae. It was confirmed that all of the dyed eel leathers were sufficient to meet the Korean Standard for color fastness of leather products. It can be applied practically for the development of eco-friendly functional leather by utilizing some useful active components extracted from plant resources and by recycling food wastes.

Dispersant-free Dyeing of Polyester with Temporarily Solubilized Azo Disperse Dyes from Indole Derivatives

  • Lee, Jung-Jin;Lee, Won-Jae;Kim, Jae-Pil
    • Fibers and Polymers
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.66-70
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    • 2003
  • Temporarily solubilized azo disperse dyes based on 1,2-substituted indoles were synthesized and characterized. Dispersant-free dyeing of polyester by using the synthesized dyes has been investigated. The colour yields of the dyes on the polyester fabric were found to be highly dependent on the dyeing pH, optimum results being obtained at pH 5. The dyes exhibited good to excellent fastness properties on polyester while lightfastness was moderate.

아크릴/면 혼방직물의 염색성 (Dyeing Property of Acrylic/Cotton Fabric Blends)

  • Lee, Bong kyu;Park, Yoon Cheol;Kim, Jin Woo
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 1995
  • In order to study the dyeing property of acrylic and cotton blends with cationic and reactive dyes, staining on cotton of cationic dyes, stability of cationic dyes, and fastness properties in various conditions were investigated. The restlts obatined from this study are summarized as follows: 1. Cationic oxazine dyes showed good stability in comparison with cationic azo dyes. 2. Staining of cationic dyes on cotton was gradually increased with pH and neutral salt concentration, but decreased with dyeing time and dyeing temperture.

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검정팥 종피 추출물에 의한 천연염색 (Natural dyeing with aqueous Extracts of Black bean seed coat)

  • 차해숙;정양숙;배도규
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 검정팥 종피에 함유된 천연색소에 대한 연구의 일환으로, 천연염료로서의 적용을 위해 염색조건 즉 염색온도, 염색시간, 염색 pH, 욕비에 따른 K/S 값을 측정하여 적정 염색조건을 설정하고, 여러 매염제를 적용하여 색상변화에 미치는 영향 및 견뢰도를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. pH에 따른 염색성에서는 견직물의 경우 pH 4에서 가장 염착량이 많았고, 면직물의 경우에는 주어진 범위 내에서 는 pH가 높을수록 염착량이 많았다. 2. 염색온도와 시간에 따른 염색성은, 견직물의 경우, 염색온도 $40^{\circ}C$$60^{\circ}C$에서는 전반적으로 염착량이 낮고 시간에 따른 염착량의 차이도 크지 않았으나 염색온도 $80^{\circ}C$에서는 시간이 경과할수록 K/S 값이 크게 나타났다. 면직물의 경우도 견직물과 비슷한 결과로 온도가 높아질수록 염색시간이 경과될수록 K/S 값이 크게 나타났다. 3. 견직물에 대한 매염제 종류별 표면색의 변화에서는 Fe 매염포만 YR${\rightarrow}$Y 로 변화되었을 뿐 다른 매염제에서는 매염후에도 색상 변화는 크지 않았다. Sn 매염과 Ti 매염포는 무 매염포 보다 $L^*$값이 상승하였으나 나머지 매염제는 $L^*$값이 크게 감소되었다. 면직물에 대한 표면색의 변화는 견직물에서와 같은 경향으로 나타났으며, $L^*$값에 있어서는 견직물과 다르게 Ni 매염포만 무매염포보다 $L^*$ 값이 크게 나타났다. 4. 매염처리 전 견직물의 일광 견뢰도는 무매염이 4~6등급, Al 처리포는 4~5등급, Cu와 Sn은 3~4등급으로 나타났고 Fe는 2~3등급으로 가장 낮게 나타났으며, 세탁견뢰도에서는 무매염 2등급, 매염제 처리포는 전부 2내지 3등급으로 나타났다. 무매염 면직물의 일광견뢰도는 1~2등급, Fe 매염은 2~3등급, Cu 2등급 Al과 Sn은 1~2등급으로 매염처리에 의해 전혀 개선되지 않았으며, 세탁견뢰도의 경우 Cu매염이 4등급으로 양호하게 나타났으며 무매염, Al, Sn과 Fe는 3등급으로 나타났다.

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울금의 염색성과 항균성에 관한 연구 I (A Study on the Dyeability and Antimicrobial Activity of Turmeric I)

  • 이연순
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2006
  • Turmeric is aromatic, perennial herb, up to 1m high and distributed in East Asia. Parts used of it Rhizomes and is known to be used a medicinal stuff yellow dye stuff from past to nowadays in the Oriental region. The objectives of this study were to investigate and to compare to the dyeability of Turmeric according to pH, temperature, mordants, and the antimicrobial properties of wool dyed with turmeric. The results of this study are as follows: The wavelengths of the strongest absorption of Turmeric extract were 420 nm respectively. The extracted dye from Turmeric has affinity to wool. The dyeing rates are decreased according to diluting times and the dyeing rates are increased according to high temperature. The color of pH 3-7 is yellow green, over pH 9 is turned to orange yellow. The color of the non-mordant sample is yellow but it changed to bright yellow by Al, to orange yellow by Cu mordant, and to brown yellow by Fe mordant. The launder fastness and is not good, 2-4 grade and the light fastness is bad, 2-3 grade, but the dry-cleaning fastness is generally good, 4-5 grade. The fabrics dyed with Turmeric extract showed high antibacterial property on Staphylococcus aureus.

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