• 제목/요약/키워드: Drainage Tool

검색결과 77건 처리시간 0.028초

토양의 형태 및 물리적 특성을 고려한 고추재배 적지 기준 설정 (Suitability Class Criteria for Red Pepper with Respect to Soil Morphology and Physical Properties)

  • 정석재;박병식;장갑수;현병근;임상규
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.336-340
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    • 2004
  • 고추 주산단지인 충북 제천, 괴산, 경북 의성, 안동 전남 고창 및 강원 평창 등 6개 지역 119 농가포장을 중심으로 실시한 세부정밀토양조사 결과에 의해 밝혀진 토성, 배수 등급, 경사, 석력함량, 유효토심 등의 토양특성과 고추 수량을 비교하여 고추 재배지의 적지기준을 설정하였다. 고추재배지의 토양물리성과 고추수량을 비교하여보면 사양질의 토성, 양호한 배수, 7-15%의 경사, 석력함량 10-20%, 유효토심 100 cm 이상, 경반층 깊이가 100 cm 이상이며 암반노출이 없는 토양에서 수량이 가장 높았다. 고추의 역병 발병율은 점토함량이 많고, 배수가 불량하고. 포장의 경사가 완만하며 석력함량이 적을수록 높아지는 경향이었다. 충북 진천군에 고추 재배적지 기준을 적용한 결과 최적지 22.5,% 적지 21.3%, 가능지 16.0%, 저위생산지 40.2%로 나타났으며 타 지역도 적용할 수 있는 지리정보기반을 구축하였다.

과부하 맨홀의 손실계수를 고려한 흐름의 수치모형 (A Numerical Modeling of Surcharged Manhole Flow with the Consideration of the Energy Loss Coefficient)

  • 김경범;김정수;윤세의
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.521-528
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    • 2013
  • 일반적으로 도시배수 시스템은 개수로 흐름으로 설계 된다. 그러나 설계빈도를 초과하는 강우발생 시 배수 시스템의 합류부 또는 맨홀 등에서 부분적인 과부하 흐름이 발생되고 있다. 그러므로 이와 같은 과부하 흐름에 의해 발생하는 배수 시스템에서의 압력흐름에 대한 연구의 필요성이 제기 되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 설계빈도를 초과 하는 강우사상 그리고 예측할 수 없는 집중호우 시 맨홀에서의 과부하 흐름에 관한 연구를 수행 하였다. 배수 시스템에서의 압력흐름의 문제점은 과부하 맨홀로부터의 월류량에 의한 도시홍수 발생이다. 그러므로 배수 시스템은 개수로 흐름으로 설계 되어야 할 뿐만 아니라 과부하 흐름 발생 시 맨홀내의 에너지 손실을 고려한 압력흐름의 해석이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 과부하 맨홀의 에너지 손실을 고려하여 압력흐름을 해석 할 수 있는 수치모형을 개발하였다. 수치모형을 검증하기 위하여 수리모형실험 결과와 비교 검증하였고, 도시유출해석에 가장 널리 이용되는 SWMM의 결과와도 비교하였다. SWMM은 맨홀 내의 에너지 손실을 적절히 반영하지 못함으로써 맨홀 수심을 과소 산정하는 결과를 보인 반면, 본 연구 모형은 수리모형실험결과와 잘 일치하였다.

건설현장 절취사면의 산성암반배수 발생특성과 잠재적 산발생능력 평가 (Generation Characteristics and Prediction of Acid Rock Drainage(ARD) of Cut Slopes)

  • 이규호;김재곤;이진수;전철민;박삼규;김탁현;고경석;김통권
    • 자원환경지질
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2005
  • 건설 현장 절취사면에서 발생되는 산성암반배수(Acid Rock Drainage, ARD)는 암석에 함유된 황화광물의 산화에 의해 발생하며, 주변 환경, 구조물의 안정성과 수명, 경관에 악영향을 주고 있다. 우리나라의 지형은 70% 이상이 산 지이므로 토목공사과정에서 사면절취와 터널공사가 빈번히 이루어지고 있는데, 산성배수를 발생시킬 개연성이 있는 황 철석을 함유한 암석들은 전국에 분포한다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 암반을 대상으로 암석유형별 산성배수 발생특성을 파악하고 잠재적인 산발생능력을 규격화된 방법으로 평가하고자 하였다. 산발생능력 평가 결과 NP/MPA 비에 따라서 14개의 시료가 산성배수 발생 가능성이 높은군에, 4개의 시료는 산성배수 발생 가능성이 낮은군에 해당하였으며, 암 석의 종류와 산발생능력 평가 결과는 상관관계는 명확하지 않았다. 본 연구에서 대상으로 한 시료만으로 볼 때, 편마 암, 화강암의 경우 산성배수 발생 가능성이 낮은 군으로, 열수변질을 받은 화산암, 응회암, 탄질셰일, 금속광산 폐석시 료는 산성배수 발생 가능성이 높은 군으로 분류되었다. 물시료 분석 결과 일부 항목이 지하수의 생활용수 이용시 수 질기준을 초과하였다. 이는 주로 황철석의 산화로 인하여 발생한 산에 의해 배수가 낮은 pH를 유지하면서 중금속들 을 용출시켜 지속적으로 배출하기 때문이며, 고농도의 중금속을 함유한 산성배수가 계속 생산, 유입될 경우 연구대상 지역 부근 지하수와 하천수의 수질오염이 우려 된다.


  • Lee, Ju-Young;Krishinamursh, Ganeshi
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2005
  • The Brazos River is one of the longest rivers contained entirely in the state of Texas, flowing over 700 miles from northwest Texas to the Gulf of Mexico. Today, the Brazos River Authority and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality interest in drought protection plan, waterpower project, and allowing the appropriation of water system-wide and water right within the Brazos River Basin to meet water needs of customers like farmers and local civilians in the future. Especially, this purpose of this paper primarily intended to provide the data for the engineering guidelines and make easily geological mapping tool. In the Brazos River basin, many stream-flow gage station sites are not working, and they can not provide stream-flow data sets enough for development of the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for use in the evaluation of proposed and existing dams and other impounding structures. Integrated GIS-Spatial Interpolation (GIS-SI) tool are composed of two parts; (1) extended GIS technique (new making interface for hydrological regionalization parameters plus classical GIS mapping skills), (2) Spatial Interpolation technique using weighting factors from kriging method. They are obtained from the relationship among location and elevation of geological watershed and existing stream-flow datasets. GIS-SI technique is easily used to compute parameters which get drainage areas, mean daily/monthly/annual precipitation, and weighted values. Also, they are independent variables of multiple linear regressions for simulation at un gaged stream-flow sites. In this study, GIS-SI technique is applied to the Brazos river basin in Texas. By assuming the ungaged flow at the sites of Palo Pinto, Bryan and Needville, the simulated daily/monthly/annual time series are compared with observed time series. The simulated daily/monthly/annual time series are highly correlated with and well fitted to the observed times series.

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공간정보를 이용한 유역 관리시스템 개발 (Development of Management System for a Drainage Basin using Spatial Information)

  • 신사철;김성준;채효석;권기량;이윤아
    • 한국지리정보학회지
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2002
  • 한정된 수자원을 효율적으로 이용하고 유역단위의 수자원관리를 위해서는 유역의 특징과 여건을 반영하여 적절한 물관리 계획이 추진될 수 있도록 유역단위의 수자원정보 시스템이 구축되어야 한다. 본 연구는 각기 다른 기관에서 추진되고 있는 각종 정보화 자료를 수집하고, 이들의 활용을 극대화하기 위하여 각종 주제도를 통합 관리하여 수자원 및 수질분야에 있어서 운영되어야 할 시범 시스템을 개발하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 시범시스템은 PC기반의 윈도우즈 환경에서 ArcView 및 Visual Basic을 이용하여 GUI 시스템으로 구축되었다. 이러한 시범연구를 통하여 수자원분야의 GIS 및 원격탐사 활용에 따른 수치지도의 정확도 검증 및 향상방안, 문제점의 파악 및 해결방안, 효율적인 이용 및 각종 수문 모형과의 연계방안 등이 확보될 수 있으리라 사료된다.

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천안/아산권역내 곡교천의 수질분석 및 지리정보체계를 이용한 유역 오염원 관리방안에 관한 연구 (Water-Quality Analysis for Gokgyo Stream in Chonan Asan Region and Pollution Source Control Strategy Using GIS)

  • 황병기;이상호
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제9권6호
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    • pp.443-447
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    • 2000
  • Chonan and Asan city have been a focal point due to rapid development as the first station for Express Railroad and key cities West Coast Development Region. Gokgyo stream adjacent to the cities plays an important role as a drainage channel for an agriculture and a discharger of urban storm water. Waster quality of the stream has been deteriorating caused by pollution sources such as a untreated wastewater discharge and runoff from the watershed. In the study, we conducted 4 surveys in April, May, July, and September to understand the current state of water quality for the stream and to make it possibe to predict future water-quality variation for future development. The system runs on a personal computer under the windows enviroment and provides extensive graphic user interface(GUI) for user-friendly assessment. Using the pull-down menus provided by the GUI panel, the user is able to operate the system by pointing and clicking the icon to identify the state of water-quality at locations concerned. Furthermore, we developed an integrated watershed management system. The constructed system could be a useful tool as a decesion maker for pollution source control strategy.

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비투멘 유체 분리를 위한 오일처리공정의 설계와 평가 (Design and Assessment of an Oil-treatment Process for Bitumen Separation)

  • 정문;이상준;신흥식;조은비;황인주;강춘형
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this paper is to define criteria to be used as part of the engineering design for an oil sands plant equipped with the steam assisted gravity drainage process. In this effort, the oil treatment process of an oil sands plant on a pilot scale was focused for detailed investigation. The thermodynamic properties of the process fluid, which is mainly composed of bitumen and water, were estimated with the CPA model. The commercial tool aspen HYSYS was used for the analysis throughout this work along with the provided input data and some necessary assumptions. From the simulation results, the heat and mass balances for a 300 BPD plant were established in order to define standard data for its modular design. In particular, the basis of design for equipment size, heat transfer areas, capital cost and operation cost was extensively discussed.


  • Lee, Moung-Jin;Won, Joong-Sun;Lee, Saro
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2002년도 Proceedings of International Symposium on Remote Sensing
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    • pp.256-272
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to develop landslide susceptibility analysis techniques using artificial neural network and to apply the newly developed techniques to the study area of Boun in Korea. Landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial photographs, field survey data, and a spatial database of the topography, soil type, timber cover, geology and land use. The landslide-related factors (slope, aspect, curvature, topographic type, soil texture, soil material, soil drainage, soil effective thickness, timber type, timber age, and timber diameter, timber density, geology and land use) were extracted from the spatial database. Using those factors, landslide susceptibility was analyzed by artificial neural network methods. For this, the weights of each factor were determinated in 3 cases by the backpropagation method, which is a type of artificial neural network method. Then the landslide susceptibility indexes were calculated and the susceptibility maps were made with a GIS program. The results of the landslide susceptibility maps were verified and compared using landslide location data. A GIS was used to efficiently analyze the vast amount of data, and an artificial neural network was turned out be an effective tool to maintain precision and accuracy.

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  • Youn, Chi-Hyueon;Pandit, Ashok;Cho, Han-Bum
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2005년도 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.215-219
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    • 2005
  • A macro spreadsheet model, WEANES (Wet Pond Annual Efficiency Simulation Model), has been developed to predict the long-term or annual removal efficiencies of wet retention/detention basins. The model uses historical, site-specific, multi-year, rainfall data, usually available from a nearby National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) climatological station to estimate basin efficiencies which are calculated based on annual mass loads. Other required input parameters are: 1) watershed parameters; drainage area, pervious curve number, directly connected impervious area, and ti me of concentration, 2) pond parameters; control and overflow elevations, pond side slopes, surface areas at control elevation and pond bottom; 3) outlet structure parameters; 4) pollutant event mean concentrations; and 5) pond loss rate which is defined as the net loss due to evaporation, infiltration and water reuse. The model offers default options for parameters such as pollutant event mean concentrations and pond loss rate. The model can serve as a design, planning, and permitting tool for consulting engineers, planners and government regulators.

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ArcHydro를 이용한 GIS기반의 관개시스템 네트워크 모델링 (Network Modeling of Paddy Irrigation System using ArcHydro GIS)

  • 박근애;박민지;장중석;김성준
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2006년도 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.323-327
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    • 2006
  • During the past decades in South Korea, there have been several projects to reduce water demand and save water for paddy irrigation system by automation. This is called as intensive water management system by telemetering of paddy ponding depth and canal water level and telecontrol of water supply facilities. This study suggests a method of constructing topology-based irrigation network system using GIS tools. For the network modeling, a typical agricultural watershed included reservoirs, irrigation and drainage canals, pumping stations was selected. ArcHydro tools composed of edge, junction, waterbody and watershed were used to construct hydro-network. ArcHydro Model was then designed and the network was successfully built using the HydroID. Visualization using ArcHydro tools could display table property of each object. ArcHydro Model was linked to Agricultural Water Demamd and Supply Estimation System (AWDS) which developed by Korea Rural Community and Agriculture Corporation (KRC) to extract information of the study area. And menu of supply facilities information, demand analysis and supply analysis constructed for information acquisition and visualization of acquired informations.

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