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  • 제목/요약/키워드: Distribution innovation

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A Study of Production Technology of Digital Contents upon the Platform Integration : Focusing on Cross - Platform Game (플랫폼 통합에 따른 디지털콘텐츠 제작기술 경향연구 : 크로스 플랫폼게임(Cross-Platform Game) 사례를 중심으로)

  • Han, Chang-Wan
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.14
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2008
  • Cross platform game has brought about the expansion of game market, which results in technology innovation overcoming the limit of game consumption. The new model integrates both off and online game services. Gamers can now enjoy game service regardless of age, time, and space. If the technology evolution model of digital contents like cross-platform game engine can provide contents for several platform at the same time, the interactive service can be utilized into maximum level. It is also necessary to allocate, switch data as well as to innovate the transmission technology of data according to each platform. Providing the same contents for several platform as many as possible can be the most suitable strategy to enhance the efficiency and profits. However if the interactive service can be accomplished completely, the development of data switching technology and distribution should be made. To be a leader in the next digital contents market, one should develop the network engine technology which can embody the optimization of consumption in the interactive network service.

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A Study on Open Innovation and Performance of New Product Development (음식점 콘셉트와 스토리텔링에 의한 고객의 재방문에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ji Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.481-491
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed the customer's revisit concepts and storytelling by restaurant customers to identify the elements that can attract the attention of customers. The restaurant concept or advertising, restaurant decor will also have to change to emphasize the comparative advantage of the features in the menu of a restaurant or other restaurants / service that tells a story. Membership cards or money, or the same convenience and use of the restaurant non-monetary 'transition cost' can compensate for the negative emotions and low satisfaction level of restaurant customers and help them choose to revisit the restaurant. Therefore, if such a transition takes full account of the effects of the cost to the customer, it can be used as an effective means. In class restaurants, such as the food and customer service, the increased levels of the restaurant atmosphere and empirical elements, such as store concept and physical environment, can improve the positive consumer sentiment, strengthen the customer satisfaction and have a positive effect on the customers' revisit intention. It is also important to improve the level of visual texture using light. In addition, positive consumer sentiment can be induced using the store concept, the physical environment, and experiential elements. In other words, membership cards, mileage points, and various financial and non-financial inducements as a marketing tool will have a positive impact on the customer's revisit intention.

The differences of Product Attitude and Purchase Intention of Mobile Convergence among Consumers (소비자 유형별 모바일 컨버전스의 제품태도 및 구매의도의 차이)

  • Kim, Moon-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.366-374
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we present a new product strategy corresponding to the needs of the consumer segment in the mobile convergence industry, which is a field with a very high interest, and the implications are as follows. First, we believe that mobile convergence will lead the market for products that are regarded by consumers as innovative. Second, it can be seen that it is more attractive to consumers to dramatically improve existing functions than to add multiple functions that are not so important. Third, the type of convergence preferred by each type of consumer differs. For consumers who are less innovative, less professional and more technologically fatigued, it was shown that breakthrough improvements in existing technologies lead to better evaluations than adding multiple innovations. In addition, highly innovative consumers are more likely to appreciate the addition of a variety of mediocre features, such as less convergent innovations than the existing ones, as well as mobile convergence. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the product attitudes between the consumers with low technological fatigue and the highly innovate ones.

A Study on the Reduction Effects of Information Search Cost in Electronic Commerce Application (전자상거래 활용에 따른 정보검색비용 절감효과에 관한 연구)

  • 조원길
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.199-215
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    • 1999
  • A quantitative analysis was conduct on the economic effect of electronic commerce according to the method of constructing the internet. As a consequence, it was information retrieval cost that had the most cost retrenchment effect in connecting the internet by telephone, which saved about 353,700 won. And it was found that the dedicated line to electronic commerce saved 420,600 won of information retrieval cost and a considerable amount of 319,900 won of brokerage expenses and physical distribution expenses. In terms of value, it was found that the telephone line reduced the time of order process by 8.25%, whereas the dedicated line did so by 9.41% and therefore saved more time than the telephone line. It was found that the dedicated line convenient to use had the higher effect by about 1.2%, respectively than the telephone line in terms of the effective construction of corporate image and the increase of potential buyers. In terms of business management, the intensification of corporate competitiveness improved by 10.00% in case of less than 10 times and by 11.53% in case of 50 to less than 50 times. And it was found that the effect of profit increase as the number of inquiries was large. That is, it was found that the effect of profit increase was 10.88% when the number of inquiries was less than 10 times but it increased to 14.00% in case of 50∼1ess than 100 times. The limitation of this study is that because the size of samples through mail, interview and E-mail was not large, its results have some limitation in applying them to every firm. That is, since the improvement effect of the intrafirm business method, unnecessary repeated manual paperwork and the use effect of being able to maintain the close relationship with to the parties to trades in the process of prompt receipt and delivery of documents are long-term and indirect effects, they have some limitation in that they can not be measured as coefficients but only as scales. Thus, firms using electronic commerce have difficulty enjoying a uniformly identical effect. Therefore, to revitalize electronic commerce, it is thought that government, the academic community and the business world all need to make much research into and sustained investment in electronic commerce.

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Womenswear Collections based on Italian Fashion Market Trends-utilizing 1990's demographics data- (이태리 패션시장 트렌드 분석을 통한 여성복 컬렉션 기획-1990년대 통계자료를 중심으로-)

  • 김유경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.38
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    • pp.193-211
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    • 1998
  • Without a solid marketing system in placed, the fashion industry cannot flourish on out-standing design or technology alone. Even though the significance of collecting and analyzing information, merchandising, and retail distribution is recognized, these functions are not firmly rooted or prevalent in our industry. In contrast, Italy which possesses similar demographic traits such as the lack of natural resources and other physical factors has succeed-ed in globalizing its fashion market by responding swiftly and exercising flexiblity to its constantly changing consumer demand. This in turn has earned Italy the competitive edge in the global fashion arena. Italy's unique management skills and operation know-how, along with successful market strategies come into play in bringing competitiveness to Italy's fashion market. Firstly, smaller companies with ability to adopt swiftly to the ever changing market. Secondly, fashion friendly social environment. Thirdly, niche marketing through highly specialized system and differentiation. Fourthly, timeless innovation through intense corporate competition. Lastly, establishment of foundations to support the industry through diverse networking. The alone building blocks have formed a basis for erecting an unparalleled market with a reputation for excellence in design and quality in the global fashion world. This study has examined how Italy's fashion industry has evolved from an underdeveloped textile business into a cutting edge fashion in-dustry. Italy's unique business processes and practices were studied to come up with a collection and merchandising ideas in a niche market. By selecting this venue we are able to continuously grow and develop in a market with diverse consumer needs. To analyze the Italian fashion market, data from 3 institutions were utilized, namely, CIT-ER which has provided consumer trends and sales analysis, SITA,a data service provided statistics from the textile and apparel businesses, and NBI has also furnished valuable data. Italian consumer preference, buying behavior, consumer profile, retail channels and other related data from the above institutions has formed a backbone for market segmentation and target markets, and as a result, we were able to zero in on the type of consumer, produce, pricing and retail channels for our womenswear. Going forward the direction is to elevate product image and pretige, and create syn-ergy between related industries, and at the same note, in order to develop internationally recognized brands such as Max Mara and Benetton. Certain elements such as the specialization of the fashion industry, alon-g with fashion-related data base and systems support, and most importantly experts with acute fashion sense and capacity to analyze pertinent data are in need. I firmly believe that we can achieve Italy's level in the fashion market with support from the government and unrelenting effort within the industry itself, and hope that this report can prove to be useful.

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Mechanistic Analysis of Taxol-induced Multidrug Resistance in an Ovarian Cancer Cell Line

  • Wang, Ning-Ning;Zhao, Li-Jun;Wu, Li-Nan;He, Ming-Feng;Qu, Jun-Wei;Zhao, Yi-Bing;Zhao, Wan-Zhou;Li, Jie-Shou;Wang, Jin-Hua
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4983-4988
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: To establish a taxol-resistant cell line of human ovarian carcinoma (A2780/Taxol) and investigate its biological features. Methods: The drug-resistant cell line (A2780/Taxol) was established by continuous stepwise selection with increasing concentrations of Taxol. Cell morphology was assessed by microscopy and growth curves were generated with in vitro and in vivo tumor xenograft models. With rhodamine123 (Rh123) assays, cell cycle distribution and the apoptotic rate were analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM). Drug resistance-related and signal associated proteins, including P-gp, MRPs, caveolin-1, PKC-α, Akt, ERK1/2, were detected by Western blotting. Results: A2780/Taxol cells were established with stable resistance to taxol. The drug resistance index (RI) was 430.7. Cross-resistance to other drugs was also shown, but there was no significant change to radioresistance. Compared with parental cells, A2780/Taxol cells were significantly heteromorphous, with a significant delay in population doubling time and reduced uptake of Rh123 (p<0.01). In vivo, tumor take by A2780 cells was 80%, and tumor volume increased gradually. In contrast, with A2780/Taxol cells in xenograft models there was no tumor development. FCM analysis revealed that A2780/Taxol cells had a higher percentage of G0/G1 and lower S phase, but no changes of G2 phase and the apoptosis rate. Expression of P-gp, MRP1, MRP2, BCRP, LRP, caveolin-1, PKC-α, Phospho-ERK1/2 and Phospho-JNK protein was significantly up-regulated, while Akt and p38 MARK protein expression was not changed in A2780/Taxol cells. Conclusion: The A2780/Taxol cell line is an ideal model to investigate the mechanism of muti-drug resistance related to overexpression of drug-resistance associated proteins and activation of the PKC-α/ERK (JNK) signaling pathway.

Effect of Metal Salt Coagulant on Membrane Fouling During Coagulation-UF Membrane Process (응집-UF 막 공정의 적용시 금속염 응집제가 막오염에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Chul-Woo;Shim, Hyun-Sool;Sohn, In-Shik
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.523-528
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    • 2007
  • The objectives of this research are to investigate the mechanism of coagulation affecting UF, find out the effect of metal salt coagulant on membrane fouling. Either rapid mixing + UF or slow mixing + UF process caused much less flux decline. For PACl coagulant, the rate of flux decline was reduced for both hydrophilic and hydrophobic membrane than alum due to higher formation of flocs. In addition, the rate of flux decline for the hydrophobic membrane was significantly greater than for the hydrophilic membrane, regardless of pretreatment conditions. In general, Coagulation pretreatment significantly reduced the fouling of the hydrophilic membrane, but did little decrease the flux reduction of the hydrophobic membrane. When an Al(III) salt is added to water, monomers, polymers, or solid precipitates may form. Different Al(III) coagulants (alum and PACl) show to have different Al species distribution over a rapid mixing condition. During the rapid mixing period, for alum, formation of dissolved Al(III) (monomer and polymer) increases, but for PACl, precipitates of Al(OH)3(s) increases rapidly. This experimental results pointed out that precipitates of Al(OH)3(s) rather than dissolved Al(III) formation is major factor affecting flux decline for the membrane.

A Study on the Characteristics of Firm Agglomeration of Green Energy Industry in Daegyeong Region (대경권 친환경에너지산업 집적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Chil-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.689-705
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the geographical distribution and the clustering characteristics as an industrial cluster in order to provide alternative fundamental data for the preparation of the policies to facilitate the development of the Green Energy Industry. The main source of the data in this study is the outcome of a survey conducted to the firms and environment specialist from June 21st, 2010 to July 23rd, 2010. The Green Energy related companies in Daegyeong region are clustered around Pohang and Gumi, Gyeongbuk, and Dalseo District of Daegu Metropolitan City. The core element of the sustainability of the Green Energy Industry in the region is the inducement of the large-scale corporate presence in the region as well as the technical and geographical proximity. That is, the fact that there are sister companies established by the large scale corporate Daegyeong region as they have chosen this field for their new drive for growth. The major location factors are proximity, higher quality expectations from the local demands, technical availability, and competition with other companies of the same industry in the region, rather than the availability of the raw material. And the choke points for these companies are the financial support of R&D and the policy support of specialist training. The policy to facilitate the development of the industry in question in Daegyeong region, therefore, should shift from its previous focuses on infrastructure building and taxation benefits to financial supports for the technical research, human resource development in response to the needs of the companies. Also, programs to support the proficiency training for the already-hired work forces and development of new policies for the Green Energy Industry are needed to be introduced for the development of the Green Energy Industry in Daegyeong region.

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Physical Properties or Jujube (Zizyphus jujuba miller) and Jujube Branches (대추 및 대추가지의 물리적 특성)

  • 민경선;이상우;허윤근;서정덕;맹성렬
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2002
  • Mechanical and physical properties of various parts of jujube (Zizyphus jojoba Miller) such as fruits, leaves, secondary branches, and leafy stems were measured and analyzed. The physical dimensions of the fruits were measured using a digital caliper, and the detachment force of the fruit and leafy stems was measured using a force gauge. The physical characteristics of the secondary branches such as the modulus of elasticity and the torsional rigidity were tested using a universal testing machine (UTM). The physical characteristics of leafy stems such as length and weight were also measured using a digital caliper and a digital scale, respectively. The detachment force of leafy stems and the area of the leaf also measured. The terminal velocities of the jujube fruits, leaves, and leafy stems were measured using a custom made terminal velocity experiment system. Diameter of the major and minor axis of the jujube fruit, weight of the fruit, and detachment force of the fruit stem was average of 32.02 mm, 23.92 mm. 10.0 × 10\^6/ ㎥, 8.99 g, and 5.43 N. respectively. The detachment forces of the jujube fruits increased and the force-to-weight ratio of the jujube fruits decreased as the weight of the jujube fruits increased. The modulus of elasticity of the secondary branches of the jujube was average of 7.01 × 10\^8/ N/㎡ and decreased as diameter of the secondary branches increased. The average torsional rigidity of the secondary jujube branches was 5.2 × 10\^-/ N/㎡, and the torsional rigidity decreased as the secondary branch diameter increased. The distribution of the torsional rigidity data associated with the diameter of the branches, however. widely scattered and it was difficult to find any relationship between the diameter of the branches and the torsional rigidity of tile branches. The weight of the leafy stems, number of loaves attached to the leafy stems, diameter of the stem side of the leafy stems, diameter of the leafy stem end was average or 0.7 g, 6.6 ea, 12.2 cm, 4.5 mm, and 2.7 mm, respectively. The major and minor axis of the .jujube loaves, area of leaves, weight of the leaves. and detachment force of the leaves was average of 5.7 cm, 3.3 cm, 12.98 cm2, 0.20 g, and 4.39 N, respectively. The terminal velocity of the .jujube fruits increased as the weight of the fruits increased. The terminal velocity of the leafy stems, however, did not show a relationship with the weight of the leafy stems and the number of leaves attached to the leafy stem. The terminal velocity, however, slightly increased as the length of the leafy stems increased.

Three-Dimensional Approaches in Histopathological Tissue Clearing System (조직투명화 기술을 통한 3차원적 접근)

  • Lee, Tae Bok;Lee, Jaewang;Jun, Jin Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2020
  • Three-dimensional microscopic approaches in histopathology display multiplex properties that present puzzling questions for specimens as related to their comprehensive volumetric information. This information includes spatial distribution of molecules, three-dimensional co-localization, structural formation and whole data set that cannot be determined by two-dimensional section slides due to the inevitable loss of spatial information. Advancement of optical instruments such as two-photon microscopy and high performance objectives with motorized correction collars have narrowed the gap between optical theories and the actual reality of deep tissue imaging. However, the benefits gained by a prolonged working distance, two-photon laser and optimized beam alignment are inevitably diminished because of the light scattering phenomenon that is deeply related to the refractive index mismatch between each cellular component and the surrounding medium. From the first approaches with simple crude refractive index matching techniques to the recent cutting-edge integrated tissue clearing methods, an achievement of transparency without morphological denaturation and eradication of natural and fixation-induced nonspecific autofluorescence out of real signal are key factors to determine the perfection of tissue clearing and the immunofluorescent staining for high contrast images. When performing integrated laboratory workflow of tissue for processing frozen and formalin-fixed tissues, clear lipid-exchanged acrylamide-hybridized rigid imaging/immunostaining/in situ hybridization-compatible tissue hydrogel (CLARITY), an equipment-based tissue clearing method, is compatible with routine procedures in a histopathology laboratory.