• 제목/요약/키워드: Dissolved Gas

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CO Fermentation of Eubacterium limosum KIST612

  • Chang, In-Seop;Kim, Do-Hee;Kim, Byung-Hong;Shin, Pyong-Kyun;Sung, Ha-Chin;Lovitt, Robert W.
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 1998
  • Eubacterium limosum KIST612 was cultured on phosphate-buffered basal medium (PBBM) with carbon monoxide (CO) as the sole energy and carbon source. The initial growth rate of this strain was approximately 0.17~0.25 $h^-1$/ and the $K_s$ value for dissolved substrate was 0.14 mM. CO was limiting during the growth of the bacterium when the CO partial pressure was less than 0.6 atm (0.5 mM dissolved CO). The bacterial growth rate was reduced in the presence of acetate. When sufficient CO was supplied using a gas-lift reactor, the acetate concentration went up to 90 mM in 116 h. Based on these findings, it is suggested that a pressurized reactor be used to develop a process to convert CO-rich gases into multi-carbon compounds.

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Effects of Oxidation Reduction Potential and Organic Compounds on Anammox Reaction in Batch Cultures

  • Viet, Truong Nguyen;Behera, Shishir Kumar;Kim, Ji-Won;Park, Hung-Suck
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.210-215
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    • 2008
  • The present study investigates the effect of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and organic compounds on specific anaerobic ammonium oxidation activity (SAA) using batch experiments. The batch tests were based on the measurement of nitrogen gas production. The relationship between ORP and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration was found to be ORP (mV) = 160.38 + 68 log [$O_2$], where [$O_2$] is the DO concentration in mg/L. The linear relationship obtained between ORP and SAA ($R^2$ = 0.99) clearly demonstrated that ORP can be employed as an operational parameter in the Anammox process. At ORP value of -110 mV, the SAA was $0.272{\pm}0.03\;g\;N_2-N\;(g\;VSS)^{-1}\;d^{-1}$. The investigation also revealed inhibitory effect of glucose on the SAA while acetate concentration up to 640 mg COD/L (corresponding to 10 mM) had stimulating effect on the SAA. However, acetate concentration beyond 640 mg COD/L had inhibitory effect on the Anammox activity. The results indicated that nitrogen rich wastewaters containing low level organic matter could be better treated by Anammox microorganisms in real-world conditions after some acidification process.

Estimating for Properties of Insulating Degradation for Cellulose paper with Aging Temperature and Correlation by Statistical Treatment (셀룰로오스 절연지의 열화온도에 따른 절연특성 및 통계처리에 의한 상관관계 규명)

  • Kim, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Dae-Sik;Han, Sang-Ok
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.5
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    • pp.912-917
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    • 2010
  • It was known that oil-filled transformer's life depended on insulating paper which was applied to transformers for insulating of transformer. Therefore when paper was aged, its electrical, mechanical and chemical characteristics were changed. Especially if operating temperature was high, paper was quickly damaged. As cellulose paper which was mainly used for solid insulation of transformers was degraded, the cellulose polymer chains broke down into shorter lengths and gases such as CO, $CO_2$, $CH_4$, $C_2H_4$ and so on were produced from paper. Also by-product known as furan compounds were producted from paper and it were dissolved within insulating oil. In this paper accelerating aging cell was aged during 60 hours at 100, 150, 180 and $200^{\circ}C$, respectively, so evaluating the chemical characteristics of cellulose paper by thermal. An it were performed analysis such as tensile strength(TS), dissolved gas analysis(DGA) and high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Also for analyzing of correlation between insulating degradation characteristics, it was performed linear regression method as statistical treatment.

Microbial Differentiation and its Biochemical Bases (미생물의 분화와 그 생화학적 기구)

  • 김종협
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 1973
  • The microwave of 2450 MHz, generated by a household cooking oven, was evaluated for its applicability to melt various rehydrated media and to remove dissolved oxygen from tubed media for anaerobic culture. The effect on the sterilization of E. coli in selective media was also evaluated. The following results were obtained. 10 The microwave oven was useful in saving time for melting media and in eliminating heat and combustion gas from the laboratory, which were inevitable by-products in the conventional flame method. 2) Dissolved oxygen could be removed without boiling over by exposing the tubes of anaerobic culture medium after putting them in a wire basket in a beaker with water. 30 The count of E. coli during the melting of MacConkey and EMB agar were similar to those treated with open flame. The microwave treatment was not considered a possible mean to replace autoclaving even in these selective media.

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Particle Separation and Flotation Efficiency by Dissolved Carbon Dioxide Flotation Process (용존이산화탄소부상(DCF) 공정의 입자분리 특성과 부상효율)

  • Kwak, Dong-Heui;Kim, Seong-Jin;Jung, Heung-Jo;Park, Yang-Kyun;Yoo, Young-Hoon;Lee, Young-Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 2011
  • A series of laboratory experiments carried out to investigate the particle separation efficiency and flotation characteristics using $CO_2$ bubbles. The primary objective of this study was to find out the feasibility of $CO_2$ bubbles as an applicable unit of flotation process in tap-water and wastewater treatment plant. The fundamental measurements were conducted to characterize the $CO_2$ bubble from the physical viewpoint in water including bubble size distribution and rising velocity under various operational conditions. In addition, the removal efficiency of solid was experimented using the lab scale plant applied $CO_2$ bubbles, namely the dissolved carbon dioxide flotation (DCF) process. The DCF process using carbon dioxide bubble, which is an advantage as the decrease and the reuse of Green-House gas, can be a promising technology as an water treatment process. On the other hand, the further research to decrease the bubble size distribution of $CO_2$ is required to enhance the particle separation efficiency.

Control of the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in the Aeration Using Genetic Algorithms (유전 알고리즘을 이용한 폭기조내 용존산소농도 제어)

  • Kim, Chang-Hyun;Hur, Dong-Ryol;Kim, Sang-Hyo;Chung, Hyeng-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07d
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    • pp.2479-2481
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    • 2000
  • It is the time-varying dissolved oxygen(DO) dynamics that requires controlling for maintaining the DO concentration in the aeration tank. Many linear controllers have thus been applied. Because of the nonlinearity of the oxygen transfer function together with the time-varying respiration rate, however, the linear controllers are found to poorly perform in many cases. To overcome this limitation, a number of advanced controlling techniques have been developed and applied. In this study, designed GA-PI Controller using genetic algorithm(GA). Genetic algorithms(GAs) are search algorithms based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. As result of computer simulation, GA-PI controller shows the better control performance especially under the condition of the continuously changing DO set-point. This result represents that GA-PI controller can be a good measure to control the DO concentration in the SBR process which requires the sequential DO set-point change to accomplish the nitrification and denitrification in a single reactor.

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A Study on the Characteristics of the High Concentration Ozone Generator for the Semiconductor Wafer Cleaning with the Ozone Dissolved De-ionized Water (반도체 웨이퍼의 오존 수(水) 세정을 위한 고농도 오존발생장치 특성 연구)

  • 손영수;함상용;문세호
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.52 no.12
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    • pp.579-585
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    • 2003
  • Recently the utilization of the ozone dissolved de-ionized water(DI-O3 water) in semiconductor wet cleaning process to replace the conventional RCA methods has been studied. In this paper, we propose the water-electrode type ozone generator which has the ozone gas characteristics of the high concentration and high purity to produce the high concentration DI-O3 water for the silicon wafer surface cleaning process. The ozone generator has the dual dielectric tube structure of silent discharge type and the water is both used to electrode and cooling water. We investigate the performance of the proposed ozone generator which has the design goal of the concentration of 7[wt%] and ozone generation quantity of 6[g/hr] at flow rate of 1[$\ell$/min). The experiment results show that the water electrode type ozone generator has the characteristics of 8.48[wt%] of concentration, 8.08[g/hr] of generation quantity and 76.2[g/kWh] of yield and it's possible to use the proposed ozone generator for the DI-O3 water cleaning process of silicon wafer surface.

Evaluation of microplastics reduction effects using Dissolved Air Floatation and Brown-gas (용존공기부상법과 브라운가스를 이용한 미세플라스틱 저감효과 평가)

  • Kim, Taekyoung;Jeong, Hanseok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.474-474
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    • 2022
  • 미세플라스틱이 물 환경으로 배출되는 주요 경로로는 하수처리장 방류수와 강우유출수가 있다. 하수처리장 및 유역에서 배출된 미세플라스틱은 하천과 하구역을 거쳐 해양과 같은 대규모 수역으로 이동하는데, 이 과정에서 해양뿐만 아니라 담수호, 저수지 등과 같은 공공수역에도 미세플라스틱이 지속적으로 축적되고 있다. 특히 강우유출수에 포함된 미세플라스틱은 적절한 처리 과정 없이 하천으로 유입되는 경우가 많아 공공수역 내 미세플라스틱 저감 기술의 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 미세플라스틱 관련 기존 연구는 미세플라스틱의 분포 등 현황에 대한 모니터링 및 환경위해성과 관련한 것이 대부분이며, 미세플라스틱 저감기술 관련 연구 또한 일부 정수처리 및 하수처리 공정을 대상으로 하는 초기 단계의 연구가 진행되고 있을 뿐 공공수역에서의 미세플라스틱 저감기술 개발 관련 연구는 전무한 실정이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 기존의 물리·화학적 수처리 공정인 용존공기부상법(Dissolved Air Flotation, DAF)에 물의 전기분해 시발생하는 브라운가스를 활용하여 응집된 물질을 빠르게 부상시켜 수체 내 오염물질을 제거할 수 있는 기술을 통해 수체 내 미세플라스틱 저감효과를 분석하였다. 또한, 해당 기술을 공공수역인 저수지에 적용하여 오염물질과 함께 미세플라스틱을 제거할 수 있는지 검토하였다.

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Fabrication and Characteristics of Pd/Pt Gate MISFET Sensor for Dissolved Hydrogen in Oil (유중 용존수소 감지를 위한 Pd/Pt Gate MISFET 센서의 제조와 그 특성)

  • Baek, Tae-Sung;Lee, Jae-Gon;Choin, Sie-Young
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 1996
  • The Pd/Pt gate MISFET type hydrogen sensors, for detecting dissolved hydrogen gas in the transformer oil, were fabricated and their characteristics were investigated. These sensors including diffused resister heater and temperature monitoring diode were fabricated on the same chip by a conventional silicon process technique. The differential pair plays a role in minimizing the intrinsic voltage drift of the MISFET. To avoid the drift of the sensors induced by the hydrogen, the gate insulators of both FETs were constructed with double layers of silicon dioxide and silicon nitride. In order to eliminate the blister formation on the surface of the hydrogen sensing gate metal, Pt and Pd double metal layers were deposited on the gate insulator. The hydrogen response of the Pd/Pt gate MISFET suggests that the proposed sensor can detect the dissolved hydrogen in transformer oil with 40mV/10ppm of sensitivity and 0.14mV/day of stability.

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Technical Treatment on Foreign Invasive Marine Species of Living-things in ship′s Ballast-water (선박안정수의 해양외래침입생물체 처리 기술)

  • 소대화;장지도
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.7
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    • pp.1563-1568
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    • 2003
  • The introduction of invasive marine species of living things into new environments by ship's ballast water, attached to ships' hulls and via other vectors has been identified as one of the four greatest threats to the world's oceans by Global Environment Facility(GEF). Making use of the new technology of alpha-AL$_2$O$_3$ dielectric barrier layer, the strong electric-field gas discharge was introduced and obtained between micro-gap electrodes at high pressure (∼105㎩) of $O_2$ in air and $H_2O$ in seawater. The mixed air with $H_2O$ could be ionized and dissociated into large numbers of activated particles of OH, $O_2$+, O(1D), HO$_2$ and so on, and then dissolved into the ballast water to form dissolved hydroxyl radical with the concentration of ∼20mg/L. Therefore, the invasive marine species was treated effectively through the hydroxyl radical dissolved pipeline of ballast water by strong electric -field discharge.