• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital terrain analysis

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Design Route Analysis of Dangerous Road for Traffic Accident using GIS (GIS를 이용한 사고 위험도로의 설계노선 분석)

  • Lee, Kye-Dong;Jung, Sung-Heuk;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.591-598
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the government has improvement projects of dangerous road for the site that has very high accident rate due to bad geometric structures of the road. Although, route selecting of the road is a basic and important process, but the process of route selecting must consider the technical, safety and environment factor together. Also, the technology for the 3-dimensional terrain model can be used as an important factor in planning and designing for selecting alternative route projects. In the course of experimenting with the 3-dimensional topography generated by the combination of the digital map and drawing of route, the technology as been developed to offer the multi-dimensional access to the potential construction sites from the nearby main roads. This 3-dimensional digital elevation model has made it possible to make various terrain analysis base on GIS, which provides real-time virtual access to the designated construction sites for development planning and construction projects. Therefore, this study presents a reasonable plan for route selecting from some alternative routes through subjective evaluation and classify the methods linked basic design of road construction.

Comparison of Topographical Parameter for DTED and Grid DEM from 1:50,000 Digital Map (DTED와 1:50,000 수치지형도에 의한 격자 DEM의 지형 매개변수 비교)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jun;Shin, Ke-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2002
  • Topographic information is indispensable in the applications that require elevational data. These applications are exemplified by watershed partition, extraction of drainage networks, viewshed analysis, derivation of geomorphologic features, quantification of landslide-terrain, and identification of topographic settings susceptible to landsliding. Therefore, we study the accuracy of data on topographic parameters derived from digital elevation models(DEMs). This research wished to analyze the effect that data source and grid size get in topography parameter using gridded DEM. An analysis of topography parameter extract and compared drainage basin, watershed slope, stream network using DEM is constructed by digital map and DTED DEM. Especially, when extract stream network from gridded DEM, received much effects according to threshold value of flowaccumulation regardless of DEM grid size. Therefore, this study applied equal threshold value of flowaccumulation for two data sources, and compare and analyzed stream network.

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Comparison of Accuracy and Characteristics of Digital Elevation Model by MMS and UAV (MMS와 UAV에 의한 수치표고모델의 정확도 및 특성 비교)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Um, Dae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2019
  • The DEM(Digital Elevation Model) is a three-dimensional spatial information that stores the height of the terrain as a numerical value. This means the elevation of the terrain not including the vegetation and the artifacts. The DEM is used in various fields, such as 3D visualization of the terrain, slope, and incense analysis, and calculation of the quantity of construction work. Recently, many studies related to the construction of 3D geospatial information have been conducted, but research related to DEM generation is insufficient. Therefore, in this study, a DEM was constructed using a MMS (Mobile Mapping System), UAV image, and UAV LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), and the accuracy evaluation of each result was performed. As a result, the accuracy of the DEM generated by MMS and UAV LiDAR was within ± 4.1cm, and the accuracy of the DEM using the UAV image was ± 8.5cm. The characteristics of MMS, UAV image, and UAV LiDAR are presented through a comparison of data processing and results. The DEM construction using MMS and UAV can be applied to various fields, such as an analysis and visualization of the terrain, collection of basic data for construction work, and service using spatial information. Moreover, the efficiency of the related work can be improved greatly.

Analysis of Topographic Environment for Urban Forest Area in Taejon City Using Landsat - 5 TM and Digital Terrain Elevation Data (Landsat-5 TM과 수치지형데이타를 이용한 도시내 산림의 지형환경 분석 - 대전시를 중심으로 -)

  • 장관순
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 1996
  • The environment in urban are becoming worse and forest is being recognized the major part of city by the increase of population and facilities. This study was carried out to analyze topographic environment as the basis for reasonable management and utility of forest situated in Taejon city and its vicinities using Sandst-5 TM and digital terrain elevation data(DTED). Forest area was extracted by Landsat-5 TM data. Distribution of elevation, slope and aspect was derived from digital terrain elevation data. The research area to analyze ropographic environment for urban forest were Bomumsan, Bongsan, Kabhasan, Sikchangsan, and Kyechoksan. Forest, the largest area in Taejon covers 55.1% of totaf area. This is more 5 times than urban area. 70.8% of forest area in Taejon city is located in elevation of lower than 200m and 4.8% of that is located in elevation of upper than 400m. Distribution of elevation is 45.7% of total area for 100m to 200m in Kyechoksan and is 92.4% of total area for lower than 300m in Bomumsan. Elevation of upper than 300m is 20.4% of total area in Kabhasan and is 46.6% of total area in Sikchangsan. The slope of more 20 digree is over 50% of total area in every area except for Bonsan and 35.2% of total area in Sikchangsan and Kahasan than in Bomumsan and Kyechoksan.

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Construction of Land Information System using Three Dimensional Digital Elevation Model Algorithm (3차원 지형모델 알고리즘을 이용한 토지정보체계 구축)

  • Kang, Ho-Yun;Chang, Yong-Ku;Kang, In-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2001
  • Geography Information System is divided to many details fields such as Urban Information System, Land Information System, Military Information System etc. These detailed fields are connected each other and make National Geography Information System. Now Geography Information System is being used in many fields with Urban Information System. And information of all field is being constructed to network for share each other. Now Land Information System(LIS) is being constructed to two dimensional. But LIS can construct and utilize three dimensional geographic data by connecting Geography Information System and this effect will be greatest. Thus, the study of connecting cadastral map and digital terrain map must be continued. Through the study of connecting digital terrain map, the construction and analysis of three dimensional digital elevation model will be able to construct Land Information System effectively. To this study, the authors constructed integrated geographic data by uniting digital terrain map and cadastral map and constructed three dimensional digital elevation model. By connecting cadastral information database, the authors developed three dimensional Integrated Land Information System.

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Relationship between terrain/satellite image and geology of the southern part of the Bandung, Indonesia (인도네시아 반둥 남부 지역에서의 지형/위성영상 분석결과와 지질과의 상관성 연구)

  • 김인준;이사로
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is the analyses of the relationship between geology and terrain/satellite image in the southern part of the Bandung, Indonesia to provide basic information fur geological survey. For this, topography, geology and satellite image were constructed to spatial database. Digital elevation, slope, aspect, curvature, hill shade of topography were calculated from the topographic database and lithology was imported from the geologi-cal database. Lineament, lineament density, and NDVI were extracted the Landsat TM satellite image. The results showed the close relationship between geology and terrain and satellited image. Each sedimentary rocks seldom correspond with geology and analyses of topography but as a whole fur sedimentary rocks coincide with them. Tuff and volcanic breccia in the volcanic rocks correspond with the result of terrain analyses. Talus deposit is well matched with the analyses of topography/satellite image.

Generation of 3-Dimensional Landscape Map from Aerial Photos (항공사진을 이용한 3차원 경관도 제작)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Jeong, Soo;Kim, Won-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 1995
  • Three-dimensional landscape map is very useful in terrain analysis as it looks like real shape of terrain. When three-dimensional landscape map is needed, landscape photos achieved at a position of high elevation or by airplane are generally used. But, this approach can not fully satisfy the user's need to get pictures from various view points. In addition, because photos have some geometric displacement caused by the principle of central projection of camera, it is hard to get accurate locations from the photo. This paper aims to get three-dimensional landscape map similar to real terrain feature from vertical stereo aerial photos by digital photogrammetric techniques. This approach can provide a very useful data for three-dimensional terrain analysis as a function of Geo-Spatial Information System.

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Analysis of Very High Resolution Solar Energy Based on Solar-Meteorological Resources Map with 1km Spatial Resolution (1km 해상도 태양-기상자원지도 기반의 초고해상도 태양 에너지 분석)

  • Jee, JoonBum;Zo, Ilsung;Lee, Chaeyon;Choi, Youngjean;Kim, Kyurang;Lee, KyuTae
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2013
  • The solar energy are an infinite source of energy and a clean energy without secondary pollution. The global solar energy reaching the earth's surface can be calculated easily according to the change of latitude, altitude, and sloped surface depending on the amount of the actual state of the atmosphere and clouds. The high-resolution solar-meteorological resource map with 1km resolution was developed in 2011 based on GWNU (Gangneung-Wonju National University) solar radiation model with complex terrain. The very high resolution solar energy map can be calculated and analyzed in Seoul and Eunpyung with topological effect using by 1km solar-meteorological resources map, respectively. Seoul DEM (Digital Elevation Model) have 10m resolution from NGII (National Geographic Information Institute) and Eunpyeong new town DSM (Digital Surface Model) have 1m spatial resolution from lidar observations. The solar energy have small differences according to the local mountainous terrain and residential area. The maximum bias have up to 20% and 16% in Seoul and Eunpyung new town, respectively. Small differences are that limited area with resolutions. As a result, the solar energy can calculate precisely using solar radiation model with topological effect by digital elevation data and its results can be used as the basis data for the photovoltaic and solar thermal generation.

Implementation of 3D GIS technology for Cell Planning System (무선망 설계 시스템에서의 3D GIS 분석 기술 구현)

  • Jeong, Mi-Young;Jung, Hyun-Meen
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.751-752
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    • 2008
  • This paper introduces current technology trend of cell planning system in radio propagation and 3D GIS technologies which are implemented in Cell planning system "CellTREK" for accurate radio propagation analysis. It includes managing of DTM(Digital Terrain Model) data considering building height used by 3D propagation analysis module, and navigation module based on DirectX technology to estimate and eliminate the shadowing area by high rise buildings.

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Analysis of Ground Height from Automatic Correlation Matching Result Considering Density Measure of Tree (수목차폐율을 고려한 자동상관매칭 수치고도 결과 분석)

  • Eo, Yang-Dam
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.181-187
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    • 2007
  • To make digital terrain data, automatic correlation matching by stereo airborne/satellite images has been researched. The result of automatic correlation matching has a limit on extracting exact ground height because of angle of sensor, tree of height. Therefore, the amount of editing works depend on the distribution of spatial feature in images as well as image quality. This paper shows that the automatic correlation matching result was affected by density and height of tree.

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