• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital relief model

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A Study of DEM Generation in the Ganghwado Southern Intertidal Flat Using Waterline Method and InSAR (수륙경계선 방법과 위상간섭기법을 이용한 강화도 남단 갯벌의 DEM 생성 연구)

  • Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Ryu, Joo-Hyung;Hong, Sang-Hoon;Won, Joong-Sun;Yoo, Hong-Rhyong
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2006
  • Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of intertidal flat can be widely used not only for scientific fields, coastal management, fisheries, ocean safety, military, but also for understanding natural and artificial topographic changes of the tidal flat. In this study, we generated DEM of the Ganghwado southern intertidal flat, the largest tidal flat in the west coast of the Korean Peninsula, using waterline method and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). Constructed DEM which applied waterline method to the Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ images closely expresses overall topographic relief of tidal flat. We found that the accuracy was determined by the number of waterlines which reflect various tidal conditions. The application of InSAR to the ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT images showed that only ERS-1/2 tandem pairs successfully generated DEM in the part of northern Yeongjongdo, but construction of DEM in the other areas was difficult due to the low coherence caused by a lot of surface remnant waters. In the near future, Kompsat-2 will provide satellite images having multi-spectral and high spatial resolution within a relatively short period at different sea levels. Application of waterline method to these images will help us construct a high precision tidal flat DEM. Also, we should develop DEM generation method using single-pass microwave satellite images.

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Topographic Mapping using SAR Interferometry Method (레이다 간섭기법(SAR Interferometry)을 이용한 지형도 제작)

  • Jeong, Do-Chan;Kim, Byung-Guk
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.06a
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2000
  • Recently, SAR Interferometry method is actively being studied as a new technic in topographic mapping using satellite imageries. it extract height values using two SAR imageries covering same areas. Unlike when using SPOT imageries, it isn't affected by atmospheric conditions and time. But it is difficult to process radar imageries and the height accuracy is very low where relief displacements are high. In this study, we produced DEM(Digital Elevation Model) using ERS-1, ERS-2 tandem data and analysed the height accuracy over 14 ground control points. The mean error in height was 14.06m. But when using airborne SAR data, it Is expected that we can produce more accurate DEM which will be able to ue used in updating 1/10,000 or 1/25,000 map.

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A New True Ortho-photo Generation Algorithm for High Resolution Satellite Imagery

  • Bang, Ki-In;Kim, Chang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.347-359
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    • 2010
  • Ortho-photos provide valuable spatial and spectral information for various Geographic Information System (GIS) and mapping applications. The absence of relief displacement and the uniform scale in ortho-photos enable interested users to measure distances, compute areas, derive geographic locations, and quantify changes. Differential rectification has traditionally been used for ortho-photo generation. However, differential rectification produces serious problems (in the form of ghost images) when dealing with large scale imagery over urban areas. To avoid these artifacts, true ortho-photo generation techniques have been devised to remove ghost images through visibility analysis and occlusion detection. So far, the Z-buffer method has been one of the most popular methods for true ortho-photo generation. However, it is quite sensitive to the relationship between the cell size of the Digital Surface Model (DSM) and the Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) of the imaging sensor. Another critical issue of true ortho-photo generation using high resolution satellite imagery is the scan line search. In other words, the perspective center corresponding to each ground point should be identified since we are dealing with a line camera. This paper introduces alternative methodology for true ortho-photo generation that circumvents the drawbacks of the Z-buffer technique and the existing scan line search methods. The experiments using real data are carried out while comparing the performance of the proposed and the existing methods through qualitative and quantitative evaluations and computational efficiency. The experimental analysis proved that the proposed method provided the best success ratio of the occlusion detection and had reasonable processing time compared to all other true ortho-photo generation methods tested in this paper.

Analysis of Geomorphological Characteristics of Bukhan River Basin based on Hydrologic Unit Map (수자원 단위지도를 기반으로 한 북한강 유역의 지형학적 특성 분석)

  • Park, Geun-Ae;Kwon, Hyung-Joong;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3B
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    • pp.241-251
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    • 2006
  • This study analyzed the topographical characteristics by extracting property factors of stream (stream order, number of stream, stream length, mean stream length) and property factors of basin (basin area, basin length, total stream length, total number of stream, basin mean width, form factor, maximum stream order, basin density, stream frequency, relief ratio, mean elevation, mean, slope, maximum elevation) from DEM (digital elevation model) and stream network generated by 1:5,000 NGIS (national geographical information system) data for the Bukhan-river basin. In addition, topographical factors for upper, mid stream and lower stream were analyzed and the mutuality of the factors by linear and nonlinear regression curve was identified.

Building change detection in high spatial resolution images using deep learning and graph model (딥러닝과 그래프 모델을 활용한 고해상도 영상의 건물 변화탐지)

  • Park, Seula;Song, Ahram
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 2022
  • The most critical factors for detecting changes in very high-resolution satellite images are building positional inconsistencies and relief displacements caused by satellite side-view. To resolve the above problems, additional processing using a digital elevation model and deep learning approach have been proposed. Unfortunately, these approaches are not sufficiently effective in solving these problems. This study proposed a change detection method that considers both positional and topology information of buildings. Mask R-CNN (Region-based Convolutional Neural Network) was trained on a SpaceNet building detection v2 dataset, and the central points of each building were extracted as building nodes. Then, triangulated irregular network graphs were created on building nodes from temporal images. To extract the area, where there is a structural difference between two graphs, a change index reflecting the similarity of the graphs and differences in the location of building nodes was proposed. Finally, newly changed or deleted buildings were detected by comparing the two graphs. Three pairs of test sites were selected to evaluate the proposed method's effectiveness, and the results showed that changed buildings were detected in the case of side-view satellite images with building positional inconsistencies.

Development of Valuation Framework for Estimating the Market Value of Media Contents (미디어 콘텐츠의 시장가치 산정을 위한 가치평가 프레임워크 개발)

  • Sung, Tae-Eung;Park, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2016
  • Since the late 20th century, there has been much effort to improve the market value of media contents which are commercialized in a digital format, by fusing digital data of video, audio, numerals, characters with IT technology together. Then by what criteria and methodologies could the market value for the drama "Sons of the Sun" or the animated film 'Frozen', often referred to in the meida, be estimated? In the circumstances there has been little or no research on the valuation framework of media contents and the status of their valuation system development to date, we propose a practical valuation models for various purposes such as contents trading, review of investment adequacy, etc., by formalizing and presenting a contents valuation framework for the four types of media of movies, online games, and broadcasting commercials, and animations. Therefore, we develope computational methods of cash flows which includes production cost by media content types, provide reference databases associated with key variables of valuation (economic life cycle, discount rates, contents contribution and royalty rates), and finally propose the valuation framework of media contents based on both income approach and relief-from-royalty method which has been applied to valuation of intangible assets so far.

DEM_Comp Software for Effective Compression of Large DEM Data Sets (대용량 DEM 데이터의 효율적 압축을 위한 DEM_Comp 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Kang, In-Gu;Yun, Hong-Sik;Wei, Gwang-Jae;Lee, Dong-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.265-271
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    • 2010
  • This paper discusses a new software package, DEM_Comp, developed for effectively compressing large digital elevation model (DEM) data sets based on Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression and Huffman coding. DEM_Comp was developed using the $C^{++}$ language running on a Windows-series operating system. DEM_Comp was also tested on various test sites with different territorial attributes, and the results were evaluated. Recently, a high-resolution version of the DEM has been obtained using new equipment and the related technologies of LiDAR (LIght Detection And Radar) and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar). DEM compression is useful because it helps reduce the disk space or transmission bandwidth. Generally, data compression is divided into two processes: i) analyzing the relationships in the data and ii) deciding on the compression and storage methods. DEM_Comp was developed using a three-step compression algorithm applying a DEM with a regular grid, Lempel-Ziv compression, and Huffman coding. When pre-processing alone was used on high- and low-relief terrain, the efficiency was approximately 83%, but after completing all three steps of the algorithm, this increased to 97%. Compared with general commercial compression software, these results show approximately 14% better performance. DEM_Comp as developed in this research features a more efficient way of distributing, storing, and managing large high-resolution DEMs.

LiDAR Chip for Automated Geo-referencing of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery (라이다 칩을 이용한 고해상도 위성영상의 자동좌표등록)

  • Lee, Chang No;Oh, Jae Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.4_1
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2014
  • The accurate geo-referencing processes that apply ground control points is prerequisite for effective end use of HRSI (High-resolution satellite imagery). Since the conventional control point acquisition by human operator takes long time, demands for the automated matching to existing reference data has been increasing its popularity. Among many options of reference data, the airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data shows high potential due to its high spatial resolution and vertical accuracy. Additionally, it is in the form of 3-dimensional point cloud free from the relief displacement. Recently, a new matching method between LiDAR data and HRSI was proposed that is based on the image projection of whole LiDAR data into HRSI domain, however, importing and processing the large amount of LiDAR data considered as time-consuming. Therefore, we wmotivated to ere propose a local LiDAR chip generation for the HRSI geo-referencing. In the procedure, a LiDAR point cloud was rasterized into an ortho image with the digital elevation model. After then, we selected local areas, which of containing meaningful amount of edge information to create LiDAR chips of small data size. We tested the LiDAR chips for fully-automated geo-referencing with Kompsat-2 and Kompsat-3 data. Finally, the experimental results showed one-pixel level of mean accuracy.

Relationship Analysis between Lineaments and Epicenters using Hotspot Analysis: The Case of Geochang Region, South Korea (핫스팟 분석을 통한 거창지역의 선구조선과 진앙의 상관관계 분석)

  • Jo, Hyun-Woo;Chi, Kwang-Hoon;Cha, Sungeun;Kim, Eunji;Lee, Woo-Kyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_1
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    • pp.469-480
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to understand the relationship between lineaments and epicenters in Geochang region, Gyungsangnam-do, South Korea. An instrumental observation of earthquakes has been started by Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) since 1978 and there were 6 earthquakes with magnitude ranging 2 to 2.5 in Geochang region from 1978 to 2016. Lineaments were extracted from LANDSAT 8 satellite image and shaded relief map displayed in 3-dimension using Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Then, lineament density was statistically examined by hotspot analysis. Hexagonal grids were generated to perform the analysis because hexagonal pattern expresses lineaments with less discontinuity than square girds, and the size of the grid was selected to minimize a variance of lineament density. Since hotspot analysis measures the extent of clustering with Z score, Z scores computed with lineaments' frequency ($L_f$), length ($L_d$), and intersection ($L_t$) were used to find lineament clusters in the density map. Furthermore, the Z scores were extracted from the epicenters and examined to see the relevance of each density elements to epicenters. As a result, 15 among 18 densities,recorded as 3 elements in 6 epicenters, were higher than 1.65 which is 95% of the standard normal distribution. This indicates that epicenters coincide with high density area. Especially, $L_f$ and $L_t$ had a significant relationship with epicenter, being located in upper 95% of the standard normal distribution, except for one epicenter in $L_t$. This study can be used to identify potential seismic zones by improving the accuracy of expressing lineaments' spatial distribution and analyzing relationship between lineament density and epicenter. However, additional studies in wider study area with more epicenters are recommended to promote the results.

Preliminary Result of Lineament Analysis for the Potential Site Selection of HLW Geological Disposal (HLW 지층처분 광역 후보부지 선정을 위한 선형구조 예비 분석 결과)

  • Ko, Kyoungtae;Kihm, You Hong;Lee, Hong-Jin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2018
  • It is necessary to consider various geological parameters such as lithology, geological structure, earthquake, hydraulic geology, geochemistry, geological engineering, and geothermal in order to select potential sites for HLW(high-level radioactive waste) geological disposal. In particular, the geological lineament reflects the characteristics of various geological parameters and can be used as an important criterion for site selecting such as nuclear power plants and HLW repositories. In this paper, the Finnish lineament classification method for HLW disposal site selection through the lineament analysis was applied to the lineament data in the Korean peninsula. For this purpose, we used previous lineament data from the KIGAM(Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) and obtained new lineament data from the field geologists such as structural geologist, paleoseismologist, and geomorphologist. To ensure the reliability of the new lineament analysis data, we used high-resolution satellite images and hill-shade relief maps which were constructed by a digital elevation model. In the prevailing direction analysis from the acquired lineament data, the NNE-SSW direction was the most dominant, but the ENE-WSW and NNW-SSE directions also showed highly frequency depending on the experts. Applying the Finnish classification method, the geometrical development characteristics of the lineament corresponding to the Class 1 and 2 used for the wide-wide candidate site were compared. As a result of direction analysis for Class 1, the NNE-SSW direction was the most dominant and the WNW-ESE direction also showed a high frequency. In the case of Class 2, the NNE-SSW is the most prevalent and WNW-ESE or ENE-WSW direction also had highly frequency depending on the experts. Different lineament analysis results based on the same data are interpreted as a result of subjective experience and analytical criteria from the every experts. Therefore, it is necessary to establish integrated criteria and consider geophysical data for the publication of reliable nation-wide lineament map.