• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Space Modeling

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Realistic 3-dimensional using computer graphics Expression of Human illustrations (컴퓨터그래픽스를 이용한 사실적인 3D 인물 일러스트레이션의 표현)

  • Kim, Hoon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2006
  • A human face figure is a visual symbol of identity. Each different face per person is a critical information differentiating each person from others and it directly relates to individual identity. When we look back human history, historical change of recognition for a face led to the change of expression and communication media and it in turn caused many changes in expressing a face. However, there has not been no time period when people pay attention to a face more than this time. Technically, the advent of computer graphics opened new turning point in expressing human face figure. Especially, a visual image which can be produced, saved, and transferred in digital has no limitation in time and space, and its importance in communication is getting higher and higher. Among those visual image information, a face image in digital is getting more applications. Therefore, 3d (3-dimensional) expression of a face using computer graphics can be easily produced without any professional techniques, just like assembling puzzle parts composed of the shape of each part ands texture map, etc. This study presents a method with which a general visual designer can effectively express 3d type face by studying each producing step of 3d face expression and by visualizing case study based on the above-mentioned study result.

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An Approach to the BIM-enabled Assessment of Building Circulation using Quantitative Data and its Weight (동선관련 정성적 요구사항 평가를 위한 가중치를 적용한 BIM기반 정량데이터 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Jaeyoung;Lee, Jin-Kook
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2015
  • This paper describes a quantitative approach to the BIM-enabled assessment of building circulation by using quantitative data and applying its weight. Assessment of building circulation plays an important role before construction stage because of related requirements regulated by design guide, building codes, etc. and design decision making as well. In this paper, Qualitative issue is mainly dealt with that are usually excluded from rule checking objects due to their implicit definition such as 'comfortable circulation'. A weighting framework is suggested using weighted data of circulation properties such as 1) metric distance, 2) number of passing spaces, 3) number of turning spaces, 4) window area of passing space, etc.

The Case Study : The Efficiency of Using UAV and 3D-model for Mine Reclamation Work Monitoring (무인항공기와 3차원 지표모델의 광해방지사업 모니터링에 대한 효율성 고찰)

  • Kim, Seyoung;Yu, Jaehyung;Shin, Ji Hye;Lee, Gilljae
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2017
  • This study investigated the effectiveness of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and 3D modeling on mine reclamation monitoring. The high spatial resolution of 3.8 cm ortho-mosaic image and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) are constructed based on UAV air survey. The ortho-mosaic image effectively shows mine reclamation activities and recognize objects and topological changes in the image. The comparative analysis of 3D models between UAV based DEM and report based DEM reveals that total amount of $268,672m^3$ additional dumping of contaminated soil is equivalent to 710,000 ton. It concludes that a UAV based survey enables high accuracy spatial information extraction for mine reclamation activities with high efficiency. It is expected that UAV survey will be very effectively used for preliminary data acquisition and project monitoring for mine reclamation activities.

Modeling and Direct Power Control Method of Vienna Rectifiers Using the Sliding Mode Control Approach

  • Ma, Hui;Xie, Yunxiang;Sun, Biaoguang;Mo, Lingjun
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.190-201
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    • 2015
  • This paper uses the switching function approach to present a simple state model of the Vienna-type rectifier. The approach introduces the relationship between the DC-link neutral point voltage and the AC side phase currents. A novel direct power control (DPC) strategy, which is based on the sliding mode control (SMC) for Vienna I rectifiers, is developed using the proposed power model in the stationary ${\alpha}-{\beta}$ reference frames. The SMC-based DPC methodology directly regulates instantaneous active and reactive powers without transforming to a synchronous rotating coordinate reference frame or a tracking phase angle of grid voltage. Moreover, the required rectifier control voltages are directly calculated by utilizing the non-linear SMC scheme. Theoretically, active and reactive power flows are controlled without ripple or cross coupling. Furthermore, the fixed-switching frequency is obtained by employing the simplified space vector modulation (SVM). SVM solves the complicated designing problem of the AC harmonic filter. The simplified SVM is based on the simplification of the space vector diagram of a three-level converter into that of a two-level converter. The dwelling time calculation and switching sequence selection are easily implemented like those in the conventional two-level rectifier. Replacing the current control loops with power control loops simplifies the system design and enhances the transient performance. The simulation models in MATLAB/Simulink and the digital signal processor-controlled 1.5 kW Vienna-type rectifier are used to verify the fast responses and robustness of the proposed control scheme.

Analysis on the Current Virtual Workplace Design Trends, and a Proposal for the Design Directions of the Future Virtual Workplace - Based on 12 Current Virtual Workplace Platforms - (가상 업무 공간의 디자인 현황 분석 및 향후 디자인 방법에 관한 제언 - 12개의 현행 사례의 비교분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Kyung hyun;Eum, Yu jeung;Choi, Hyeok jin;Lee, Seung Hyun;Cha, Seung Hyun
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.80-92
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    • 2022
  • Recently, remote work has arisen due to the social atmosphere and advancement of digital technology. Although effective in premeditated communications such as conferences or meetings, the current technology such as messengers and video chats insufficiently supports impromptu communications like a chance encounter, daily conversation with colleagues, or brief instant meetings. This causes various problems such as a decrease in social belonging and an increase in social isolation. The virtual workplace, which emerged as an alternative to this technology, is merely replicating the workplace layouts in reality with an absence of the proper design guideline. Therefore, this paper aims to establish the foundation for the better design of the virtual workplace for remote-work employees. The research compared 12 current workplace cases with the analysis with 5 categories(Spatial Composition, Scale, Individual & Collaboration Workplace, Socializing Space), and discovered the following results: 1) some design principles of the real workplace can be applied on the virtual workplace design, 2) the architectural components of the virtual workplace can differ from them of the real. Based on the results, the research suggests both the appropriate design methodologies of the virtual workplace considering the design principles of the real office layouts, and the design direction for the future of the virtual workplace. This research will be the foundation for the future design of the virtual workplace.

Primary Solution Evaluations for Interpreting Electromagnetic Data (전자탐사 자료 해석을 위한 1차장 계산)

  • Kim, Hee-Joon;Choi, Ji-Hyang;Han, Nu-Ree;Song, Yoon-Ho;Lee, Ki-Ha
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.361-366
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    • 2009
  • Layered-earth Green's functions in electormagnetic (EM) surveys play a key role in modeling the response of exploration targets. They are computed through the Hankel transforms of analytic kernels. Computational precision depends upon the choice of algebraically equivalent forms by which these kemels are expressed. Since three-dimensional (3D) modeling can require a huge number of Green's function evaluations, total computational time can be influenced by computational time for the Hankel transform evaluations. Linear digital filters have proven to be a fast and accurate method of computing these Hankel transforms. In EM modeling for 3D inversion, electric fields are generally evaluated by the secondary field formulation to avoid the singularity problem. In this study, three components of electric fields for five different sources on the surface of homogeneous half-space were derived as primary field solutions. Moreover, reflection coefficients in TE and TM modes were produced to calculate EM responses accurately for a two-layered model having a sea layer. Accurate primary fields should substantially improve accuracy and decrease computation times for Green's function-based problems like MT problems and marine EM surveys.

The Journal of Targeted at the general public for the Modeling of Well-dying Program Development (일반인 대상 웰 다잉 교육프로그램 개발을 위한 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Ha;Ahn, Sang-Yoon;Lee, Chong Hyung;Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Moon-Joon;Park, Arma;Hwang, Hye-Jeong;Shim, Moon-Sook;Song, Hyeon-Dong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2014
  • Death education the subject of interest is the subject of the medical staff for the death of stress degree and acceptable approach to analyze the death centered on the hospital space education in order to take advantage of From April 2014 until April 30, 281 people who lived Daejeon were surveyed. Analysis of the results, if they are taken the death education, it was considered more important than none education. If Patient in an unrecoverable state, to the question of who to notify, guardian had the highest score. Suitable for end-of-life include home, healthcare, social welfare facilities in order. When you take advantage of the results, In order to understand and take care of the phenomenon of death, we accommodate health and medical treatment perspective, humanity perspective, social perspective. It is Study for Death education program that can be applied to public. It is significant as a basis material to popularize and generalize death education program.

Automatic Extraction of Roof Components from LiDAR Data Based on Octree Segmentation (LiDAR 데이터를 이용한 옥트리 분할 기반의 지붕요소 자동추출)

  • Song, Nak-Hyeon;Cho, Hong-Beom;Cho, Woo-Sug;Shin, Sung-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2007
  • The 3D building modeling is one of crucial components in building 3D geospatial information. The existing methods for 3D building modeling depend mainly on manual photogrammetric processes by stereoplotter compiler, which indeed take great amount of time and efforts. In addition, some automatic methods that were proposed in research papers and experimental trials have limitations of describing the details of buildings with lack of geometric accuracy. It is essential in automatic fashion that the boundary and shape of buildings should be drawn effortlessly by a sophisticated algorithm. In recent years, airborne LiDAR data representing earth surface in 3D has been utilized in many different fields. However, it is still in technical difficulties for clean and correct boundary extraction without human intervention. The usage of airborne LiDAR data will be much feasible to reconstruct the roof tops of buildings whose boundary lines could be taken out from existing digital maps. The paper proposed a method to reconstruct the roof tops of buildings using airborne LiDAR data with building boundary lines from digital map. The primary process is to perform octree-based segmentation to airborne LiDAR data recursively in 3D space till there are no more airborne LiDAR points to be segmented. Once the octree-based segmentation has been completed, each segmented patch is thereafter merged based on geometric spatial characteristics. The experimental results showed that the proposed method were capable of extracting various building roof components such as plane, gable, polyhedric and curved surface.

A Study on Pseudo-Range Correction Modeling in order to Improve DGNSS Accuracy (DGNSS 위치정확도 향상을 위한 PRC 보정정보 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Sohn, Dong Hyo;Park, Kwan Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2015
  • We studied on pseudo-range correction(PRC) modeling in order to improve differential GNSS(DGNSS) accuracy. The PRC is the range correction information that provides improved location accuracy using DGNSS technique. The digital correction signal is typically broadcast over ground-based transmitters. Sometimes the degradation of the positioning accuracy caused by the loss of PRC signals, radio interference, etc. To prevent the degradation, in this paper, we have designed a PRC model through polynomial curve fitting and evaluated this model. We compared two quantities, estimations of PRC using model parameters and observations from the reference station. In the case of GPS, the average is 0.1m and RMSE is 1.3m. Most of GPS satellites have a bias error of less than ${\pm}1.0m$ and a RMSE within 3.0m. In the case of GLONASS, the average and the RMSE are 0.2m and 2.6m, respectively. Most of satellites have less than ${\pm}2.0m$ for a bias error and less than 3.0m for RMSE. These results show that the estimated value calculated by the model can be used effectively to maintain the accuracy of the user's location. However;it is needed for further work relating to the big difference between the two values at low elevation.

3D Modeling Approaches in Estimation of Resource and Production of Musan Iron Mine, North Korea (3차원 모델링을 활용한 북한 무산광산일대의 자원량 및 생산량 추정)

  • Bae, Sungji;Yu, Jaehyung;Koh, Sang-Mo;Heo, Chul-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2015
  • Korea is a global steel producer and a major consumer while iron ore producing is very low compared to the demand. On the other hand, North Korea holds tremendous amount of iron reserves and, however, its producing rate is limited. Moreover, the data regarding mineral resources of North Korea is very limited and uncertain because of political isolation. This study estimated the amount of iron ore resource and production amount for the Musan Iron mine, the world-known open-pit mine of North Korea, using satellite imagery(Landsat MSS, ASTER) and digital maps between 1976 to 2007. As a result, the mining area of Musan mine was increased by $6.1km^2$ during the 30 years and the mining sector was estimated as $4.9km^2$. We estimated the iron resources and production amount of 0.7 and 0.2 billion metric tons, respectively based on 3D modeling and average iron ore density of Anshan formation in China. This amount indicates 8.1 million tons of annual average production and it coincides well with previous reports. We expect this study would be utilized significantly on inter-Korean exchange programs by providing trustable preliminary data.