• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Economics

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The Influences of Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-being at e-Sports Game on Life Satisfaction (정서지능과 e스포츠 게임에서의 심리적 웰빙이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hang;Kim, Joon-Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the effects of e-sports games on psychological well-being and life satisfaction of individuals by focusing on social and psychological aspects, recognizing e-sports games as subjective area activities based on psychological experiences as well as a means of leisure activities. To this end, 250 game users with actual experience in online games were analyzed using a structural equation modeling(SEM). The research results are as follows. First, except for other's emotion appraisal, which was a sub-factor of emotional intelligence of e-sports game users, self-emotional appraisal, use of emotion and regulation of emotion were found to have a significant positive effect on psychological well-being. Second, psychological well-being in e-sports games was found to have a significant positive relationship with life satisfaction, and psychological well-being was found to significantly mediate the relationship between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. The findings of this study imply that managerial implications for related organizations as a platform that could support individual psychological well-being in a situation where the stress level of young adults as well as teenagers in a non-face-to-face environment is increasing.

Effect of Foreign Investors' Trade Amount by Nationality on Korean Stock Market (한국주식시장에 대한 국적별 외국인 투자자 거래대금의 영향)

  • Cho, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.161-171
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    • 2021
  • According to the equity home bias theory, foreign investors are considered to have less information than native investors. However, as the economy becomes liberalized and overseas economic innovation has a great influence on the local economy, it is possible for foreign investors to invest as informed traders. This study analyzes whether information on trade amount by nationality has specific characteristics. The findings are summarized as follows. First, the increase in trading by foreign investors has negative effects on stock returns. There is no significant difference in these negative effects by nationality. This means that foreign investors show strong herd behavior regardless of nationality. Second, foreigners' investment activities increase stock price volatility, but the impact is not significant. Third, the behavior of foreign investors is still positive feedback. However, there are signs that positive feedback behavior may be changing, especially for funds from the United States and the Cayman Islands. Finally, tax haven zone funds have different investment strategies than other foreign investors. However, Cayman Islands funds, which are estimated to be closely related to Korea, are different from Luxembourg and Ireland funds. These findings undermine the fundamentals of the equity home bias theory.

A Study of Sales Increase and/or Decrease by Campaign Using a Differential Equation Model of the Growth Phenomenon

  • Horinouchi, Kunihito;Takabayashi, Naoki;Yamamoto, Hisashi;Ohba, Masaaki
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2014
  • With society becoming more advanced and complex, the required management engineering makes essential the development of human resources that can propose solutions for problems of new phenomena from a different perspective. As an example of such phenomena, we note a consumer electronics 'Eco-point' system campaign in this study. To mitigate global warming, revitalize the economy, and encourage the adoption of terrestrial digital compatible TVs, the consumer electronics Eco-point system campaign was implemented in May 2009 in Japan. In this study, we note a model which is constant term with exponential curve with notion of the growth phenomenon (Nakagiri and Kurita, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 2002). In our study, we call this model the 'differential equation model of the growth phenomenon.' This model represents a phenomenon with a hierarchical structure for capturing the properties of n species. In this study, we propose a new model which can represent not only the impact of largescale campaigns but also seasonal factors. Accordingly, we understand the phenomenon of fluctuation of sales of some products caused by large-scale campaigns and predict the fluctuation of sales. The final goal of this study is to develop human resources that can propose provision and solution for pre-consumption and reactionary decline in demand by understanding the impact of large-scale campaigns. As the first step of this goal, our objective is to propose a new regression method with different conventional perspective that can describe the fluctuation of sales caused by large-scale campaigns and show the possibility of new management engineering education.

Processes and Outcomes of Creative City Policies: Case Studies on the UK, France, Australia, Japan and Korea (창조도시정책의 추진과정과 성과에 대한 국제적 비교연구: 영국, 프랑스, 호주, 일본, 한국을 사례로)

  • Shin, Dong-Ho;Lee, Jeong Rock;Lee, Byung-Min;Bae, Jun-Gu;Na, Ju-Mong
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.583-596
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    • 2016
  • Since the 1970s, advanced industrial economies have been suffering from rapid de-industrialization. While the impacts were more serious in the areas specialized in heavy industries, these old industrial areas are struggling with problems of high unemployment, environmental contamination and destruction of urban landscape. To tackle such problems and rebuild urban economies, some authors, such as Richard Florida and Charles Lanrdry, have suggested a new economy centered on "creativity." Adopting this suggestion, many countries have been attempting to create creative cities. Authors of this paper individually conducted a case study research on a few selected cities of England, France, Australia, Japan and Korea. This paper synthesizes the results of such research to compare and analyse the processes and mechanisms contributed to developing the creative cities in each country and draw theoretical and policy implications from the individual research.

A Study on the Structural Relationship among Technological Determinants, Manufacturing Operations, and Performances for Implementing a Smart Factory in Small Businesses (중소 제조기업의 스마트공장 기술결정요인, 제조운영 및 성과 간 구조적 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Se-In;Yang, Jong-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.650-661
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    • 2020
  • The digital transformation of the 4th industrial revolution is leading to changes and innovations in the global economy. Various countries are focusing on reviving their manufacturing industries and economic recovery through smart factories. The purpose of this study is to empirically identify technological determinants for the successful implementation of the smart factory and to verify teose effects on manufacturing operations and the firms' operational/environmental performances. Five factors, including sensor network, platform technology, information system, intelligent automation, and safety, were defined as core technologies. The SEM analysis results of 157 small and medium-sized manufacturing firms that have implemented smart factories are as follows. First, sensor network, platform technology, and information system had significant effects on smart manufacturing operations. Second, smart manufacturing operations have improved firm performance. This study is valuable in that it has confirmed the effectiveness of government-funded projects and systemized key technologies for implementing smart factories. Meanwhile, it is helpful for practitioners to support an efficient and effective decision-making for the new adoption.

Measuring impac of electronic publications on scholarly communication using bibliometric analysis (전자출판물의 확산에 따른 학술커뮤니케이션 변화의 계량서지학적 분석)

  • Shin, Eun-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2003
  • Electronic publications, including e-journals, show a rapid expansion due to its several advantages for the academic and research community. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of e-journals on scholarly communication. The impact factors and immediacy indices were provided via JCR social science edition have been used to conduct a series of analysis on three subject fields, economics, law and psychology. The data from the last eight years show that the impact factors of e-journals have not changed, but immediacy indices have intensely increased in recent two years. Significant increase of immediacy indices is probably due to prevalence of e-journals or electronic sources of articles. The result reveals that e-journals play an important role in speeding up the scholarly communication. It is expected that the findings of this study can contribute to more efficient management of the digital libraries.

A Study on the Job Satisfaction in the Smart Work Environment (스마트워크 환경에서 직무만족에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Sangjo;Lee, Jong Man;Kim, Yong-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.393-401
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    • 2017
  • Assuming that Smart Work will have a positive effect on job satisfaction, and which, in turn, will improve productivity, domestic and international organizations have adopted and implemented Smart Work. However, leading companies have recently reduced or shut down operations of Smart Work. If Smart Work had really brought about the improvement of productivity, there would be no reason for organizations to take such action. Therefore, this paper reviews the relationship among Smart Work, job satisfaction and productivity. Based on the National Digital Science Library (NDSL) database, we select eight references related to Smart Work, and analyze them systematically. The previous empirical studies show that Smart Work produces a positive outcome for job satisfaction, which, in turn, improves productivity. However, we find that the previous research has a problem demonstrating the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity, because they has unclearly measured the concept of job satisfaction. This research deeply discuss this issue, and provides future research direction.

The Implementation of Graphic Window Library for RTOS Qplus-P (실시간 운영체제 Qplus-P용 그래픽 윈도우 라이브러리 구현)

  • Kim, Do-Hyung;Kim, Sun-Ja;Kim, Seung-Woo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.10A no.5
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    • pp.479-486
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    • 2003
  • As the Internet appliances like digital TV, Internet set-top boxes, and Internet phone, are showing up in the market, the economics of real-time operating system (RTOS), which is an essential for controlling those devices, is expanding faster than ever before. ETRI has developed describes RTOS called Qplus-P, targeting various platforms ranging from PDA to Internet set-top box and home server. This paper describes the implementation of graphic window library for Qplus-P. The Qplus-P graphic window library was implemented using tiny-X graphic server and gtk graphic toolkit, which are open source software. To port this library to various aliances, hangul processing, screen rotation, touch screen, and graphic acceleration functions are added to the tiny-X graphic server of the implementd graphic window library. Currently, Qplus-P graphic window is running on ARM-based appliances such as iPaq PDA, Samsung S3C2400 board, Zaurus PDA, and on Home Server that uses x86 processor. Qplus-P graphic library is provided as a of Qplus-P target builder.

Low Carbon.Green Growth Paradigm for Fisheries Sector (수산부문 저탄소.녹색성장 패러다임)

  • Park, Seong-Kwae;Kwon, Suk-Jae
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2009
  • Two of the most important topics of the 21st century are ensuring harmony between man and his environment and the emerging long-tail economy in which niche markets are becoming increasingly more important. Since the Industrial Revolution in 17th century, human beings have increasingly exploited the world's natural capital, such as the natural environment and its ecosystems. Now the world is facing limits to sustainable economic growth because of limits to this natural capital. Thus, most countries are beginning to adopt a new development paradigm, the so-called"Green Development Paradigm" which pursues environmental conservation in parallel with economic growth. Recently, the Korean government announced an ambitious national policy of Low Carbon & Green Growth for the next six decades. This is an important step that transforms the existing national policy into a new future-oriented one. The fisheries sector in particular has great potential for making a substantial contribution to this national policy initiative. For example, the ocean itself with its sea plants and phytoplankton has an enormous capacity for fixing carbon, and its vast areas of tidal flats have a tremendous potential for cleaning up pollutants from both the sea and the land. Furthermore, the fishing industry has great potential for the development of fuel-saving biodegradable technologies, and a long-tail economy based on digital technologies can do much to promote the production and consumption of green goods and services derived from the oceans and the fisheries. In order for this potential to be realized, the fisheries authority needs to develop a new green-growth strategy that is practical and widely supported by fishing communities and the markets, taking into account the need for greenhouse gas reduction, conservation of the ocean environment and ecosystems, an improved system for seafood safety, the establishment of strengthened MCS (monitoring control surveillance) system, and the development of coastal ecotourism. In addition, fisheries green policies need to be implemented through a well-organized system of government aids, regulations and compensation, and spontaneous (voluntary) orders in fishing communities should be promoted to encourage far more responsible fisheries.

The Effects of the Seam Type on Fabric Drape (솔기 유형이 직물의 드레이프성에 미치는 영향)

  • Paeng, Suk-Kyung;Jeong, Su-Jin;Chu, Mi-Seon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.418-424
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to reveal the effects of the seam type on the fabric drape to provide the basic knowledge for proper seam type according to the design of sewing products. Seven kinds of specimens were constructed with seam (no seam, welt seam with over-edged finish, welt seam with bias bound finish, plain seam with over-edged finish, plain seam with bias bound finish, french seam, and flat fell seam) in wrap direction of the fabric. Using a drape measurement system involving two 18 cm diameter supporting disks, and a digital camera, the images of draped specimens were captured and processed. Drape behavior was evaluated in terms of drape coefficient, node number, and drape profile. Significant differences were found in drape coefficient by the seam types. The specimens with french seam and flat fell seam showed higher drape coefficients compared to those with welt seam and plain seam. Node numbers in the drape profiles showed positive correlation with the weight of the specimens, however, no significant differences were observed in node numbers by the seam types. Significant differences were found in the length of the seamed part by the seam types. The specimens with french seam and flat fell seam showed longer length of the seamed part compared to those with welt seam and plain seam. The ratio of the maximum length in the seam direction to the maximum length perpendicular to the seam direction showed significant differences by the seam types.