• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Automation

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A Study on the Korean CALS Conception and Introduction Policy Trend (한국적CALS의 개념 정립과 도입정책방향에 대한 연구)

  • 김철환;김부국;임영석
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.5-26
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    • 1996
  • This paper aims to present a prospective trend to establish a proper CALS conception and an efficient CALS environment in Korea.. It is crucial at this point for Korea to develop a comprehensive CALS conception which considers our present economic and social situation, national security, and our national emotion. Korean CALS has been developed and led mainly by the government and private industry. It is now necessary to improve CALS conception in Korea by making CALS standard more interchangeable among international as well as domestic business fields through EDI and the automation of the industries along with the government. In this regard, this paper proposes three potential methods to accomplish this goal and discuss each of them in detail. First, we suggest to establish a proper CALS introduction policy on the government level. We propose an introduction policy with three phases such as introduction, spreading and target which will cover through the year 1996 to 2007. Second. we suggest to establish a proper CALS standardization policy by improving the acquisition of digital data and process, and modernizing infrastructure. Third, we suggest that the government should amend and enforce the necessary laws and acts for more efficient CALS implementation in Korea. Government should arrange for these acts to be applied not optionally but obligatorily to Korean enterprises so that they survive the harsh and competitive world market in the upcoming 21th century.

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Development of Data Automation Algorithm for GIS Service in Universal 3D Graphics Engine (범용 3D 그래픽 엔진의 GIS 정보 서비스를 위한 데이터 자동변환 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Hyeong Hun;Park, Hyeon Cheol;Choi, Hyeoung Wook;Gang, Su Myung;Choung, Yun Jae
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.581-592
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    • 2017
  • Geographic Information System (GIS) is a method of expressing objects in a space. Currently, many research and developments are being conducted to implement 3D GIS. In previous studies, 3D GIS applications have been developed using Unity 3D, which is a 3D engine with good development accessibility. However, it requires manual work to enter various formats of GIS data, making it difficult to immediately reflect GIS data that change frequently. To improve this problem, this study developed a method for automatically reading and outputting various GIS data from the existing Unity 3D application. The improved application could read Satellite Images, Aerial Photographs, Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and Shapefiles with no transformation through other commercial programs, and they could be implemented as 3D objects. This study automated the GIS data conversion which had been manually performed and as a result, the manpower, time, and resources required for 3D GIS implementation can be saved.

On-line coordination control of OLTC and Switched Shunt for enhancement of stability using local data in substation (변전소내 지역정보를 이용하여 안정도 향상을 위한 실시간 OLTC 및 커패시터 협조제어 알고리즘)

  • Kang, Sang-Gyun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2012
  • This paper suggest the on-line coordination control between on-load tap changers and Switched Shunts for ensuring the voltage stability using local data obtained from one substation. Inappropriate control of on-load tap changers that are able to maintain voltage profile might cause unintended result that is harmful to system stability, especially voltage stability. This paper utilizes Z-index that could inform the whole system condition from only one substation data. Simulation is performed using the HYPERSIM that is a digital simulator and matlab simulink to confirm the proposed algorithm.

Accuracy Evaluation and Terrain Model Automation of Reservoir Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System (무인항공시스템을 활용한 저수지 지형모델 생성 및 정확도 평가)

  • Kim, Jungmeyon;Park, Sungsik;Kim, Jaehwi;Ahn, Seungwoo;Park, Sungyong;Kim, Yongseong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2017
  • This study examines methods for creating terrain models of reservoirs and techniques for verifying the accuracy. Such methods and techniques use unmanned aerial vehicles which are capable of capturing high-resolution images repetitively, are highly economic, and capable of surveying wide areas. In addition, this study suggests methods of acquiring data for reservoir safety management, the methods which also employ the unmanned aerial vehicles. Therefore, this study helps solving problems that can arise when National Disaster Management System rebuilds a reservoir management database, such as a shortage of local government manpower. This study also contributes to providing element technology necessary for advancing the database.

Development of A Software Tool for Supporting Metal Mold Design Based on The Pro/E CAD System (프로엔지니어(Pro/E) 기반 금형설계 지원 소프트웨어 툴 개발)

  • You, Ho-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1014-1020
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    • 2012
  • This paper focuses on the development of a supporting S/W tool that can minimize designer's manual operations and errors in metal mold design based on a 3D solid model. The scope in this work includes the offset surface modeling, the computation of the padding force, the generation of material table, the decision of hole position, the estimation of the size of raw material, which are the essential parts of press die and mold design in automotive industry. The proposed system has been developed as a plug-in type using Pro/E API and Visual C++ in order to put the system into the menu functions of Pro/E which is one major 3D CAD systems in the manufacturing industry.

A Study of Blockchain Technology-based Electronic Voting in Shareholders' Meeting (블록체인 기술 기반의 주주총회 전자투표에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seog;Jeen, Sungkwang;Kim, Hyekyung;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2020
  • Electronic voting is one of information technology service to handle a wide range of functions, including registration, certification, input and results of voting, using electronic technology, depending on the degree of automation. It helps voters exercise their voting rights not only for individual suffrage but also for major corporate decisions as shareholders by expressing their opinions regardless of geographical and time constraints. Such electronic voting helps open and expand voting participation, but on the contrary, it is possible to identify who voted and what kind of vote, such voting cannot guarantee confidentiality. Therefore, if blockchain technology is applied to electronic voting, it can increase the speed of processing and confidentiality by encrypting voting information. In this regard, the study aims to identify institutional issues on how electronic voting can be activated at a company's shareholders' meeting, and to find ways to overcome the limitations of existing electronic voting by utilizing the technical characteristics of blockchain. This study proposes a consortium-type blockchain-based electronic voting system to enhance the convenience and reliability of electronic voting for shareholders' meetings. In addition, this paper suggests how to enhance shareholders' profits through electronic voting at shareholders' meetings, as well as its policy measures and future improvements.

Fine Seek Control of Extended Applicable Range for Optical Disk Drives

  • Ryoo, Jung-Rae;Jin, Kyoung-Bog;Doh, Tae-Young;Chung, Myung-Jin
    • Transactions on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2001
  • Optical disk drive has excellent advantage of random accessibility of which performance is measured by access time. However, due to the increased rotational velocity of the disk and constraints of mechanical structure, two-stage seek algorithm which executes coarse and fine seeks sequentially has been adopted in most commercial optical disk drives. Although the laser spot is moved to a target track by a single seek operation, the limited operation range of the fine actuator restricts the application of the fine seek algorithm below a few hundreds of tracks. Especially, excessive movement of the objective lens causes a failure in generation of track-cross pulse and results in an unstable seek operation. In this paper, a new control algorithm for extending the fine seek range is proposed with an appropriate control structure. The coarse actuator is utilized to reduce the misalignment between the objective lens and the laser beam axis, and the fine actuator is controlled to follow the reference velocity trajectory. The proposed algorithm is applied to a CD-ROM drive to show its feasibility and some experimental results are presented.

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Fault Detection System Design and HILS Evaluation for the Smart UAV FCS

  • Nam, Yoon-Su;Jang, Hu-Yeong;Hong, Sung-Kyung;Park, Sung-Su
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 2007
  • This paper is about a redundancy management system design for the Smart UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) which utilizes the tilt..rotor mechanism. In order to meet the safety requirement on the PLOC(probability of loss of control) of 1.7×105 per flight hour for FCS (flight control system) failures, a digital FCS is mechanized with a dual redundant structure. A fault detection system which is composed of a CCM(cross channel monitor) and analytic redundancy using the Kalman filtering is designed, and its effectiveness is evaluated through experiments. A threshold level and persistence count for managing redundant sensors are designed based on the statistical analysis of the FCS sensors. To increase the survivability of the UAV after the loss of critical sensors in the SAS(stability augmentation system) and to provide reference information for a tie-breaking condition at which an ILM(in-line monitor) cannot distinguish the faulty channel between two operating ones, the Kalman filter approach is investigated.

CALS Implementation Policy for Information-based Management of Small and Medium Companies (중소기업의 정보화를 위한 CALS 도입 정책 방안)

  • 김철환
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1997
  • This study aims to suggest CALS implementation strategies and policies for information-based management of small and medium companies in Korea. At the turning point from traditional document-based management to recent digital-based one, it is well known that implementation of CALS concept is crucial for advancing business management of small and medium enterprises In order to attack the aim, this paper critically analyzes the empirical difficulties and obstacles of the current information-based management of small and medium companies in Korea. On the basis of the above analysis, this paper suggests the strategic plans and policies of CALS implementation for small and medium enterprises in Korea as follows. First, government should provide the supporting policies and proper system so that the large enterprise can be linked with small and medium companies for sharing necessary information. Second, similar enterprises should be integrated on the basis of information and automation evaluation. Third, implementation strategies and plans should be advanced on the basis of the informationalized phases with respect to the technology level of small and medium enterprises. For more efficient CALS implementation, this paper also proposes the following subsidiary policies. First, it is substantially important to publicize the nation-wide spreading of CALS mind. Second, it is strongly recommended to educate and train CALS specialist on a consistant basis. Third, government should support the enterprises by providing sufficient fund for CALS implementation. Fourth, the ideal CALS implementation models for small and medium enterprises should be developed. Fifth, the consulting and training program for CALS implementation should be established through ECRC (Electronic Commerce Resource Center). My study was based upon the enterprises' responses to the questionaires I made

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Method of DNC System Communication for FMS Construction (FMS 구축을 위한 DNC 시스템 통신기법)

  • 이석희;배용환
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.805-815
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    • 1994
  • The development of automatic production systems has a trend toward Computer Integrated Manufacturing System(CIMS) in recent years. In hardware configuration, CIMS are composed of intelligent CAD/CAM work stations, multifunction CNC machining centers including material handling systems. The DNC systems present the key element of automation hierarchy in a FMS. A DNC system is one which connects a number of numerically-controlled machines to a common memory in a digital computer for part program storage with provision for on-demand distribution of part program data to machines using communication in hierarchical structure of central computer, control computer and cell controller. This paper describes the development of Behind-the-Tape-Reader(BTR) type DNC system using CYBER 180-830 as a central computer and IBM PC-386 cell control computer and NC lathe with FANUC 5T NC controller. In this system, the connection between central computer and cell control computer is done via RS-232C serial interface board, and the connection between cell control computer and FANUC 5T controller is done via parallel interface board. The software consists of two module, central computer communication module for NC program downloading and status uploading, NC machine running module for NC operating.