• Title/Summary/Keyword: Diagnosis and treatment

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The Effect of the Visit to Dementia Home Experience Program on the Awareness of Dementia (치매 가정체험프로그램 관람이 치매 인식에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, So Yeon;Kim, Deok Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to find that people's visit to a dementia home exhibition hall is effective at improving their perception of dementia. The satisfaction of visitors to the dementia home exhibition hall and a change in their perception of dementia after the visit were analyzed. The study subjects were 52 residents in S city. This study had been conducted from April, 5 to May, 25, 2018. The dementia home exhibition hall has welfare kits installed in an entrance, a rest room, a living, and a kitchen. Virtual reality experience program and the program of wearing clothes to experience an elderly person were performed together. As a result, the visitors' satisfaction was high overall, and their visit was educationally effective at improving their perception of dementia. After their visit to the hall, the residents showed high increases in the scores of the questions about the perception of dementia causes, dynamism & system, symptoms & diagnosis, and treatment & prevention. The residents with middle years and higher of age were more satisfied than those in other age groups with the introduction of dementia, and prevention methods, introduction of safe and comfortable home environment, and appropriateness of experience program. In this study, it was positive that the differentiated experience program which was not existed actively led the participation of the target person and attracted high education satisfaction in a short time. In the future, it will be necessary to develop an extended experience program, provide an environment for direct experience of dementia, and perform a continuous program to draw more citizens' attention.

Two Cases of Gitelman's Syndrome Diagnosed by Renal Clearance Study (신장청소검사를 이용하여 진단한 Gitelman 증후군 2례)

  • Kim, Tae Hwa;Kim, Seung Jun;Seo, Yu Kyung;Shim, Jung-Yeon;Jung, Hye Lim;Park, Moon Soo;Kum, Dong Hyuk
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.413-417
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    • 2002
  • Gitelman's syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hypomagnesemia, and hypocalciuria that has recently been reported to be linked to thiazide- sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter gene mutation. In this study, we performed renal clearance studies to differentiate Gitelman's from Bartter's syndrome and to confirm the diagnosis in two patients clinically diagnosed with Gitelman's syndrome. Each patient was hydrated by 20 mL/kg body weight of oral water within 30 minutes, which was followed by intravenous half saline. When urinary flow reached 10 mL/min, samples of urine and serum were obtained to calculate the osmolar clearance, free water clearance, chloride clearance, and distal fractional chloride reabsorption. Subsequently, furosemide or hydrochlorothiazide was administered. Samples were collected and the same parameters were calculated. In our patients, chloride clearance was increased more than 10 times after furosemide administration(2.1 : 25.7 and 2.2 : 27.4 mL/min/100 mL GFR), but not increased after hydrochlorothiazide treatment(2.1 : 1.6 and 2.2 : 2.6 mL/min/100 mL GFR). And the distal fractional chloride reabsorption was significantly decreased by furosemide injection (73% : 15% and 75% : 4.6%), whereas hydrochlorothiazide had no effect on it(73% : 63% and 75% : 78%). These findings indicate that our patients have a defect in thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter in the distal tubule, which is compatible with the pathophysiology of Gitelman's syndrome.

Percutaneous Ultrasound-Guided Cholecystocentesis for Treatment of Extrahepatic Biliary Tract Obstruction Concurrent with Pancreatitis in Two Dogs (개에서 췌장염이 병발한 간외성 담관계 페쇄 치료를 위한 경피적 초음파 유도하 담낭 천자술 2예)

  • Cho, Hang-Myo;Chun, Haeng-Bok;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Chun, Hye-Young;Kim, Tae-Hun;Kang, Ji-Houn;Han, Tae-Sung;Na, Ki-Jeong;Yang, Mhan-Pyo;Kim, Gon-Hyung;Chang, Dong-Woo
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2008
  • Two dogs were referred to Veterinary Medical Center, Chungbuk National University with the clinical signs of vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, and jaundice. Both dogs were diagnosed as extrahepatic biliary tract obstruction(EHBO) with concurrent pancreatitis based on dilated common bile duct and hyperechoic or mixed-echoic pancreas in abdominal ultrasonographic examination and serum biochemical abnormalities, such as high serum bilirubin, cholesterol, and increased cholestatic enzyme activity. Percutaneous ultrasound-guided cholecytocentesis(PUCC) was performed to examine bile and decompress the gall bladder. After PUCC with medical therapy, both dogs were steadily improved clinical signs of jaundice and anorexia. Also, cholestatic enzyme activity and serum bilirubin concentration decreased. Any complications that have been described in previous studies, such as peritonitis resulting from bile leakage and hemorrhage, were not identified. It is assumed that percutaneous ultrasound guided cholecystocentesis may be an useful diagnostic and therapeutic tool in canine gallbladder disease and can be used easily and safely to gain bile for diagnosis of bacterial cholecytitis.


  • Kim, Jong-Bae;Chung, Won-Gyun;Noh, Hie-Jin;Jang, Sun-Ok;Yoo, Jae-Ha;Han, Sang-Kwon;Chung, Jae-Hyung;Kim, Byung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.330-337
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    • 2003
  • This is a retrospective study on the care of odontogenic infections in admission patients with major bleeding disorders. The study was based on a series of 514 patients treated at Dong San Medical Center, Wonju Christian Hospital and Il San Health Insurance Hospital, from Jan. 1, 2000, to Dec. 31, 2002. The obtained results were as follows : 1. The cardiovascular disease was the most frequent cause of the systemic diseases with major bleeding disorders, and liver disease, cerebrovascular disease and renal failure were next in order of frequency. But, there was the most frequent dental consultation in the liver disease, owing to the many odontogenic infectious diseases. 2. Male prediction (66.3%) was almost existed in the odontogenic infectious patients with major bleeding disorders. But, there was slight female prediction (53.4%) in the cardiovascular disease. 3. The most common age group of the odontogenic infectious patients with major bleeding disorders was the fifty decade(27.2%), followed by the forty, sixty & thirty decade in order. 4. In the contents of chief complaints on the odontogenic infectious patients with major bleeding disorder, peak incidence was occurred as toothache (42.2%), followed by intraoral bleeding, ulcer pain, dental extraction in order. 5. In the diagnosis group of odontogenic infectious diseases, periodontitis, pulpitis and periapical abscess were more common. 6. In the treatment group of odontogenic infectious diseases, the most frequent incidence(44.2%) was showed in primary endodontic drainage(pulp extirpation, occlusal reduction & canal opening drainage) and followed by the incision & drainage, the medications & oral hygiene instruction, scaling, indirect pulp capping in order.

Two Cases of Respiratory Failure After Recovery of Cholinergic Crisis in Organophosphate Poisoning: The Intermediate Syndrome (유기인제 중독에서 콜린성 위기 회복후 급성 호흡부전을 보인 Intermediate Syndrome 2예)

  • Cho, Dae-Kyoung;Lee, Seung-Eun;Baik, Jae-Joong;Chung, Yeon-Tae;Chung, Keun-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 1999
  • Respiratory failure is the most serious manifestation and usual cause of death in acute organophosphate poisoning, and is common in acute cholinergic crisis. But the respiratory failure may appear suddenly in a patient who is recovering from the cholinergic crisis, even while receiving conventional therapy. These are case report of 37 years old male and 24 years old female with intermediate syndrome in organophosphate poisoning. The two patients ingested organophosphate(fenthion and mixture of DDVP with chlorpyrifos respectively) incidentally and in a sucide attempt respectively. After apparent recovery from the cholinergic crisis with a conventional therapy but before the expected onset of delayed polyneuropathy, the respiratory failure appeared suddenly with a muscular weakness, affecting predominantly the proximal limb muscles, neck flexors, territories of several motor cranial nerves. The two patients needed mechanical ventilatory support and recovery from the intermediate syndrome was complete in both patients, although one subsequently developed hypoxic encephalopathy. The clinical manifestation and electrophysiologic study support the clinical diagnosis of intermediate syndrome. The syndrome carries a risk of death. because of respiratory paralysis, if not recognized early and treated adequatedly. Prompt endotrachial intubation and mechanical ventilatory support is the cornerstone of treatment of the intermediate syndrome. Therefore, all patient should be observed in a hospital for up to 5 days after poisoning.

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Re-establishment of occlusal plane in a patient with a failed implant prosthesis (실패한 임플란트 보철수복물을 가진 환자의 교합평면 재설정)

  • Kang, Hyeon-Goo;Ko, Kyung-Ho;Huh, Yoon-Hyuk;Cho, Lee-Ra;Park, Chan-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2018
  • A non-physiological occlusal plane caused by continuous tooth loss, occlusal wear, and failure of a prosthesis may result in an unattractive appearance and functional problems, such as reduced masticatory efficiency and occlusal interference. Therefore, when undertaking prosthetic treatment for edentulous patients or patients with a collapsed occlusal plane, it is important to establish an occlusal plane that is compatible with masticatory function. The patient in this case report had undergone restoration of a completely edentulous maxilla using an implant-supported fixed prosthesis. On follow-up examination in the following 6 years, mechanical complications were observed in the existing implant prosthesis, including porcelain chipping, occlusal wear, and screw loosening. Moreover, due to occlusal wear and supraeruption of the opposing anterior teeth, as well as loss of some posterior teeth, the occlusal plane had collapsed. Following diagnosis, the patient underwent full mouth rehabilitation, involving additional implant installation in edentulous sites, recreation of the existing prosthesis, and prosthetic restoration of all remaining teeth.

PDA Transmission of Medical Images by CDMA (CDMA에 의한 의료영상의 PDA전송)

  • Lee, Myong-Ho;Lim, Jae-Dong;Ahn, Bung-Ju;Lee, Hwun-Jae;Lee, Sang-Bock
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to survey a development of the wireless transmission system of medical images for ubiquitous medicine. There have been many changes in medical equipments and medical record medical treatment and medical record within hospital and PACS(Picture Archiving Communication System) which is picture management system for patients can be typical cases. It is difficult to use these automated medical systems unless they are within hospital and in case of rapid image reading in the emergency cases or in absence of doctor, it is difficult to perform it immediately. The present study implemented an image transmission system using CDMA connection so that images in the server can be viewed at any time and in any place. Remote wireless diagnosis based on medical images using PDA is applicable to medical areas that require mobility, and the use of PDA can be an ideal alternative for point of care. The use of PDA enables prompt and accurate access to digital medical images, which in turn reduces medical accidents and improves the quality of medical services through high productivity and efficiency of medical practitioners' works. It also enables quick response to patients' demands and high-quality medical services and, consequently, patients' high satisfaction.

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Recurred Thyroid Carcinoma (재발성 갑상선 암)

  • Park Kyue-Il;Yoon Jung-Han;JeGal Young-Jong
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.72-81
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    • 1992
  • Thyroid cancer, the most common cancer of endocrine neoplasms, has tremendous variation in tumor biologic behavior. There is no consensus about treatment mode to prevent recurrences despite of recent advance in understanding characteristics of thyroid cancer. So, we have made a clinical analysis and follow-up study of recurred 27 cases among 189 cases treated under the diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma in the department of surgery, Chonnam University Hospital from February, 1982 to February, 1992 to clarify our experience about the characteristics of recurred thyroid cancer. The results were as follow: According to the pathological classification of recurred thyroid cancer, recurrence rate was 11.6% in papillary carcinoma, 15.6% in follicular carcinoma, 37.5% in medullary carcinoma, 66.7% in undifferentiated carcinoma, respectively, and the mean recurrence rate of thyroid cancer was 14.3%. The recurrence rate according to age was 28.6% in 8th decade and 17.9% in 4th decade. The recurrence rate according to sex was not singificant(15.6% in male: 14% in female). The mean period to relapse was 4 years 6 months in papillary carcinoma, 2 years 5 months in follicular carcinoma, 2 years 1 months in medullary carcinoma, 2 years 6 months in undifferentiated carcinoma. The recurrence rate according to previous operating methods, such as performing lymph node dissection or not, mode of thyridectomy, type of lymph node dissection was statisfically non-specific. Common recurrent sites of papillary and follicular carcinoma was cervical lymph node and remained thyroid tissue. Medullary and undifferentiated carcinoma was noted in multiregional or systemic involvement Reoperation was performed with complete resection of recurred or metastatic mass, such as radical neck dissection or mass extirpation from involved organs as possible. The postoperative complications were 2 cases of horseness, and 1 case with hematoma, transient hypocalcemia, wound infection, and pulmonary insufficency, respectively. 5-year survival rate was 85.5% in papillary carcinoma, 66.7% in follicular carcinoma. 50% in medullary carcinoma, and 50% in undifferentiated carcinoma. We concluded that recurrence in thyroid cancer give a reconsideration to previous conservative therapy and more extensive surgical procedures for thyroid cancer including lymphatic dissection are recommanded to prevent recurrences in selected cases if possible.

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A Study on Barium Mixed Radiation Shield using 3D Printer (3D 프린터를 이용한 바륨혼합형 차폐체에 대한 연구)

  • Gang, Heon-Hyo;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.627-634
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    • 2020
  • Instead of lead, we intend to develop shielding materials for morphological implementation by mixing barium sulfate, an eco-friendly substance, and PLA filament, a 3D printer material. The environmental substance, barium sulfate powder and PLA filament, a 3D printer material, were used, and the shielding was made with a 3D printer after being fused into an extruder to mix the powder powder of barium sulfate with PLA. To check the mixing ratio of barium sulfate powder and PLA filament, the mixing input was analyzed, and the absorption dose by thickness according to barium sulfate content was obtained to check the shielding function of the mixed shielding. In the evaluation of the mixture of sulfate barium powder particles and PLA filaments, it was mixed in the most appropriate proportion when the content was 30% in the apparent and electron microscopic observation photographs. In the absorption dose results by thickness according to barium sulfate content, the difference between the content of 0% and the content of each % was greatest at 0.5 cm in thickness and the lowest dose value at 3 cm in thickness when the barium content was 30%. In addition, as the barium content began to increase at 30%, the absorbed dose value increased again. Instead of conventional lead, barium sulfate, an eco-friendly substance, could be mixed with PLA, a filament material, to create morphological shielding. Based on this study, it is expected that the mixing ratio of barium to the mixture is the most appropriate 30%, and will be used as the basis for the implementation of morphological shielding using 3D printers in the diagnosis and treatment section.


  • Hong, Eun-Hye;Kim, Seong-Oh;Lee, Jae-Ho;Choi, Hyung-Jun;Son, Heung-Kyu;Choi, Byung-Jai
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.333-338
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    • 2008
  • Supernumerary teeth are characterized by an excess number of teeth, which can be responsible for a variety of irregularities in the primary and transitional dentition. Supernumerary teeth, especially in the maxillary anterior region, may prevent the eruption of adjacent permanent teeth and cause their ectopic eruption, diastema, root resorption, or formation of dentigerous cyst. Therefore, early diagnosis of supernumerary teeth is important for prevention of such complications, and adequate treatment should be given according to their location, number, and morphologic features. In this case, four supernumerary teeth in the maxillary anterior region were disturbing the eruption of adjacent permanent incisors. Two of them were located in proximity to the central incisor tooth germs that their immediate removal may injure the permanent tooth germs. In order to minimize such complications, surgical extraction of the four supernumerary teeth was performed in two stages. At first, only two inverted conical supernumerary teeth were extracted. The other two tuberculous supernumerary teeth, close to the permanent tooth germs, were extracted later after their natural dislocation. In that way, we could minimize affects on the neighboring permanent tooth germs and also the amount of alveolar bone removed during surgery.

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