• 제목/요약/키워드: Diagnosis and treatment

검색결과 6,703건 처리시간 0.04초

인터넷 기반 한의진단전문가 시스템(KHU-PIPE) 개발 (Development of Web-based Diagnosis Expert System of Traditional Oriental Medicine)

  • 최승훈
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.528-531
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    • 2002
  • In Traditional Oriental Medicine, there has been a growing needs for computerized diagnosis expert system, which can implement pre-diagnosis and correct the errors of practitioners. Therefore, we developed the expert system (KHU-PIPE : Kyung Hee University - Pattern Identification and Prescription Expert) for diagnosis and treatment. It has three characteristics as following. First. this system has the knowledge base which modified the standardized data designed by Chinese government during 1980s. Second, it provides the objective and standardized diagnosis as the results of pattern identification and their appropriate prescriptions for treatment. Third, it is applied to both LAN system and internet. Furthermore, it can be used as an educational methods for the practices of pattern identification and prescription, and provide the objective criteria for clinical studies and promote the Traditional Oriental Medicine as an evidence-based medicine.

한의(韓醫) 내상질환(內傷疾患)에 대한 진단치료(診斷治療) 모델의 유형화(類型化)작업 (A Typification of Diagnosis and Treatment Model for Internal Disease in Oriental medicine)

  • 김광중
    • 제3의학
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.57-89
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    • 1996
  • A Typification of diagnosis and treatment(DT) model must be done in order to generalize the objective stage to the result of treatment to internal disease in connection with the type of viscera and bowel symptom. We could find 108 DT models in internal disease from the combination of 18 types of viscera and bowel and 6 types of DT treatment processes. Thus, the typification of 108 models of DT can be viewed as a modeling processes of utilizing DT knowledge at each stage. We argue that objectivity in diagnosis and treatment of internal disease can be obtained practically from typification of DT model.

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화병 임상진료지침 III. (화병의 진단과 평가) (Clinical Guidelines for Hwabyung III. (Diagnosis and Assessment of Hwabyung))

  • 정인철;최우창;이상룡
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제24권spc1호
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The purpose of this guideline is to show the evidence-based guidelines of diagnosis and evaluation of Hwabyung by the synthesis and organization of existing research contents. Methods : We investigated the existing research on the concept of Hwabyung. Further, we investigated the diagnostic tools, self-diagnostic method, symptoms assessment tools, oriental medical diagnostic methods, treatment evaluation tools and other testing methods of Hwabyung. Results : There was a Hwabyung diagnostic interview schedule (HIBDS) in the standardized measure for the diagnosis of Hwabyung. In the symptoms assessment tools of Hwabyung, there was a self-report measurement tool of Hwabyung and measurement tool of Hwabyung to be evaluated by the interviewer. In the oriental medical diagnostic method, there was an instrument of pattern identification for Hwabyung. In the treatment assessment tool, there was an instrument of oriental medical evaluation for Hwabyung. In addition, MMPI, SCL-90R, Zung's self-rating anxiety scale (SAS), Zung's self-rating depression scale (SDS), State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) and etc. can be used for the diagnosis and assessment of Hwabyung. Conclusions : We expect 'Clinical Guidelines for the Treatment of Hwabyung' to be useful for the diagnosis and assessment of Hwabyung.

Recent Update of Advanced Imaging for Diagnosis of Cardiac Sarcoidosis: Based on the Findings of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography

  • Chang, Suyon;Lee, Won Woo;Chun, Eun Ju
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.100-113
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    • 2019
  • Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease characterized by noncaseating granulomas. Cardiac involvement is known to have poor prognosis because it can manifest as a serious condition such as the conduction abnormality, heart failure, ventricular arrhythmia, or sudden cardiac death. Although early diagnosis and early treatment is critical to improve patient prognosis, the diagnosis of CS is challenging in most cases. Diagnosis usually relies on endomyocardial biopsy (EMB), but its diagnostic yield is low due to the incidence of patchy myocardial involvement. Guidelines for the diagnosis of CS recommend a combination of clinical, electrocardiographic, and imaging findings from various modalities, if EMB cannot confirm the diagnosis. Especially, the role of advanced imaging such as cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging and positron emission tomography (PET), has shown to be important not only for the diagnosis, but also for monitoring treatment response and prognostication. CMR can evaluate cardiac function and fibrotic scar with good specificity. Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) in CMR shows a distinctive enhancement pattern for each disease, which may be useful for differential diagnosis of CS from other similar diseases. Effectively, T1 or T2 mapping techniques can be also used for early recognition of CS. In the meantime, PET can detect and quantify metabolic activity and can be used to monitor treatment response. Recently, the use of a hybrid CMR-PET has introduced to allow identify patients with active CS with excellent co-localization and better diagnostic accuracy than CMR or PET alone. However, CS may show various findings with a wide spectrum, therefore, radiologists should consider the possible differential diagnosis of CS including myocarditis, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, amyloidosis, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Radiologists should recognize the differences in various diseases that show the characteristics of mimicking CS, and try to get an accurate diagnosis of CS.

Varicose Veins and the Diagnosis of Chronic Venous Disease in the Lower Extremities

  • Jae Ho Chung;Seonyeong Heo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제57권2호
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2024
  • Varicose veins usually present in the superficial veins of the lower extremities and are one of the main clinical presentations of chronic venous disease (CVD). Patients' symptoms may vary according to the pathophysiology, location, and severity of CVD. The prevalence of CVD in Korea has been increasing gradually. However, due to its broad clinical spectrum and the subjective nature of its diagnosis using ultrasound, discrepancies in diagnostic and treatment quality may exist among treating physicians. There have been recent efforts to improve the quality of the diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins in Korea by standardizing the diagnostic criteria and the indications for treatment. This study is a comprehensive review of the clinical manifestations and diagnostic criteria of CVD based on the most recent international and domestic guidelines and reports.

열성 이영양성 수포성 표피박리증 환자 1례 보고 (A Case Study on Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa-mitis (RDEB-mitis))

  • 권강
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제20권1호통권32호
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    • pp.265-284
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    • 2007
  • Introduction : There are three major forms of Epidermolysis Bullosa(EB) - EB Simplex(EBS), Junctional EB(JEB) and Dystrophic EB(DEB). DEB is divided into two groups that Dominant DEB(DDEB) and Recessive DEB(RDEB). RDEB has two types that Hallopeau-Siemens(generalized type) and mitis(localized type). Objects : This study was carried out to observe the progress of Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa-mitis(RDEB-mitis) disease and find effective remedy. Methods: Both diagnosis and treatment were divided into three groups voluntarily. l. diagnosis - dermatic symptoms, mucosal symptoms, general symptoms 2. treatment - herbal medications, moxibustion, medicines used extemally(外用藥) Results : After treating 9 months, the condition of the patient grew better and the grades of severity of ROEB-mitis disease were lower at each diagnosis item. Conclusions : As above results, oriental medical treatments were very effective for this disease. But more case studies are necessary for establishing more effective diagnosis and treatment methods.

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보건소등록(保健所登錄) 결핵환자(結核患者)의 특성별(特性別) 치료기간(治療期間) 및 치료귀결(治療歸結)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A study on Duration of Treatment and Its Outcome by Characteracterstics of Tuberculosis Patients Registered at the Health Center)

  • 김광태
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.285-292
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    • 1974
  • It is well known fact that many tuberculosis patients have often experienced interuption of treatment while their treatment. Because most of cases were inproved subjective symptome by adequate treatment for 3-6 months and patients misunderstood to be heal completely by their own dicision, It become the cause of emergency of drug resistance and chronic incurable diseases. The author intended to clarify the duration of treatment and its outcome by some characteristics of tuberculosis patients. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The rate of treatment for tuberculosis patients by each duration with 1-6, 7-12, 13-13, 19-24 and 25 or more months were 16, 23, 20, 14 and 25 percents respectively. The duration of treatment increased in patients with advancing age, better educated and registered at health center between 7-12 months after diagnosis for tuberculosis. 2. The rate of complete treatment, defaulters, death and migration were 43, 13, 8, and 10 percents respectively. The rate of complete treatment were high in older, better educated and registered at health center between 7-12 months after diagnosis. The rate of defaulters were high in younger, no educated and registered within 1 month after diagnosis. The rate of death was high in older and migration was high in younger.

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약관절 장애의 보존적 치료효과(I I) (Effect of Conservative Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders(II))

  • Sung-Chang Chung;Youn-Joong Kim;Ji-Won Lee
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 1989
  • In this study, 94 patients with temporomandibular disorders were interviewed to evaluate the effect of the treatment they received at the department of Oral diagnosis and oral Medicine in Seoul national university Hospital. The treatment administered to the patient were patient education, relaxation procedures, physical therapy, occlusal splint therapy and selective grinding of teeth. The following results were disclosed : 1. 97.9% of the patients reported no pain or considerably less pain than they had reported at their first visits to the department. 2. 89.3% of the patients thought that the treatment provided was either complete or considerably successful. 3. TMJ and facial pain was resolved within average 3.0 months 4. Of the 70 patients who previously reported having jaw joint sound, 34 patients (48.6%) no longer reported int. 5. Of the 48 patients who previously reported having headache regularly, 3 patients (68.8%) no longer reported headache regularly. 6. Of the 66 patients who previously reported having masticatory muscle pain, 41 patients (62.1%) no longer reported masticatory muscle pain. 7. Analysis of the data did not disclose a subgroup or factor, such as age, the stage of internal derangement, capsulitis, bruxism, MPD, duration of symptoms, that could be correlated with the reduction of pain or the patient's perception of success of treatment.

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Cardiocirculatory, biochemical and hemostatic evaluation of dogs with hyperadrenocorticism at diagnosis and after treatment

  • Soares, Frederico Aecio Carvalho;Matheus, Juliana Pereira;Carvalho, Guilherme Luiz;Neuwald, Elisa Barp;Poppl, Alan Gomes;Valle, Stella Faria;Gonzalez, Felix Hilario Diaz
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제56권3호
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2016
  • Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is a common endocrinopathy among dogs that causes multisystemic signs. This study was conducted to evaluate cardiocirculatory, biochemical, and hemostatic parameters in dogs with HAC at diagnosis, in addition to verifying whether abnormal parameters could be controlled by initial treatment with trilostane. Fifteen dogs with HAC were assessed by systolic blood pressure measurement, electrocardiography, Doppler echocardiography, serum concentration of troponin I, and biochemical and hemostatic profile at diagnosis and after trilostane therapy. Unlike biochemical parameters, hemostatic and cardiocirculatory parameters were not significantly influenced by the onset of treatment. The authors believe that clinical treatment with trilostane for 3 to 4 months might not be sufficient for the stabilization of cardiocirculatory abnormalities such as hypertension. Therefore, dogs with HAC must receive cardiocirculatory monitoring at diagnosis and during drug treatment.

Analysis of Final Diagnosis of Patients with Suspected Nonodontogenic Toothache: A Retrospective Study

  • Jeong Yeop Chun;Young Joo Shim
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • 제49권3호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the final diagnosis and the pain characteristics of patients with suspected nonodontogenic toothache and to contribute to the knowledge on differential diagnosis. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted based on medical records from 185 patients. The following data were collected: age, sex, pain characteristics, radiographic results, initial diagnosis and treatment, and final diagnosis and treatment. The final diagnosis and the pain characteristics of the 3 most common final diagnoses were analyzed. Results: Myofascial pain (MFP) was the most prevalent diagnosed condition accounting for 37.8% of cases, followed by pulpal pain (P) at 31.4%, and trigeminal neuralgia (TN) at 18.9%. There were significant differences in age, onset of the pain, and pain intensity across the 3 groups (all p<0.01). TN group exhibited a lower frequency of spontaneous and continuous pain than the MFP and P groups (all p<0.001). The proportion of patients reporting pain alleviating and aggravating factors related to dental pain was significantly higher in the P group than in the MFP and TN groups (all p<0.001). A concordance rate of 57.0% was observed between the initial and the final diagnosis. Twenty-six patients underwent tooth extractions and 24 patients had root canal treatments. Conclusions: It is important to differentiate between dental pain and nonodontogenic toothache to avoid unnecessary dental treatments. Comprehending the pain characteristics of each condition, taking a thorough history taking, and performing diagnostic tests can help differential diagnosis.