• Title/Summary/Keyword: Development Life Cycle

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The Exploration of Model and Application for Family Life Welfare Service in Korea (가정복지서비스의 모형과 실천방안에 관한 탐색연구)

  • 이승미
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the model and application for family life welfare service in Korea. In order to explore the characteristics of family life welfare service, the object, the extent and approach for family life welfare service is examined. The model for family life welfare service is constructed on the base of definition for family life welfare-subsistence of family life, personal formation and development, the creation of community culture-, family life cycle and demand for family life welfare service. Lastly, the contents and politic supports for family life welfare service are examined.

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Gonadal Development and Reproductive Cycle of the Top Shell, Omphalius rusticus(Gastropoda: Trochidae)

  • Lee, Ju Ha
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2001
  • Gonadal development, reproductive cycle, gonad index, meat weight rate, and first sexual maturity of the top shell, Omphalius rusticus were Investigated monthly by histological observations. Specimens were collected from the west coast of Korea during the period from January to December in 1999. O. rusticus is dioecious and oviparous. The gonad is widely situated on the surface of the digestive g1and located in the posterior spiral meat part in the shell. The ovary and the testis were composed of a number of oogenic follicles and several spermatogenic follicles, respectively. Ripe oocytes were approximately 120-130 $\mu$m in diameter. The meat weight rate peaked in June (27.7%), and then rapidly decreased in September (19.5%). Monthly changes in the gonad index in both sexes reached the maximum in June, and then sharply decreased in September. Percentages of first sexual maturity of female and male snails ranging from 9.0 to 9.9 mm in shell heights were 58.3% and 54.5%, respectively, and 100% in those over 11.0 mm in both sexes participated in reproduction. Reproductive cycle of this species can be categorized into five successive stages: in females, early active (October to April), late active (December to June), ripe (April to September), spawning (July to September) and recovery (September to January): in males, early active (November to March), late active (December to June), ripe (April to September), spawning (July to September) and recovery (September to December). Gonadal development, gametogenesis, reproductive cycle, and spawning were closely related to the seawater temperature.

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The study on the CALS's character -From a ILS point of view- (CALS 성격 규명에 관한 연구 - ILS를 중심으로 -)

  • 손병식;김성권
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.43-67
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    • 1998
  • Logistics is by no means a new subject area. The concept of logistics goes way become more complex as technology advances, and logistics requirements have increased accordingly. In 1964, when ILS philosophy formally came into being, ILS was defined in general terms and did not describe what actions an ILS program should accomplish. ILS philosophy have been developed from 1964 through 1980. In 1982, United States Department of Defense formulated a new concept, CALS. CALS is the strategy that the US defense development to management the transition to integration and automated interchange in defense system engineering, manufacturing, and logistic support. Its goal is to use the inherent features of digitized data to revolutionize the function of data -gathering, data storage and data - transfer techologies associared with the development of defense systems. The Result will be systems that are cheaper, more reliable, and easier to maintain. To define CALS's character, the purpose of this papers compare two concepts - CALS and ILS. The elements of CALS consist of standads and EDI. The elements of ILS include LCC(Life Cycle Cost), LSA(Logistics Support Analysis), LSAR(Logistics Support Analysis Rcord), Aquisition Cycle.

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An Extension of Product Data Model for Calculating Product-level Carbon Footprint (제품수준 탄소배출이력 계산을 위한 제품자료모델 확장)

  • Do, Nam-Chui
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2011
  • The product-level carbon footprint (PCF) is a comprehensive and widely accepted metric for sustainable product development. However, since a full PCF study in general is time and cost intensive, it is not feasible for the product development team to synchronize the activity to the main product development process. In addition, the current dedicated life cycle assessment (LCA) tools for calculating PCF, separated from the main product data management systems, have limitations to provide timely PCF information for design decision makings and collaborations between design and environment engineers. This paper examines the possibility of the extension of the current product data model that can support the PCF calculation with PDM (Product Data Management) databases. The product data model can represent not only the content of products but also context or system information of the products. The product data model can be implemented as a PDM database that can satisfy the needs for handy and timely PCF calculations from the consistent product data for dynamic design decision makings and engineering collaborations.

Integrated Platform to Develop, Deploy, Manage, and Operate Mobile Application (모바일 앱 개발, 배포, 관리 및 운영을 위한 통합 플랫폼)

  • Oh, Sang-Hun;Cheun, Du-Wan;Kim, Soo-Dong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.213-236
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    • 2011
  • Mobile devices are widely accepted as a convenient machine which provides computing capability as well we cell phone capability. Because of limited resources on mobile devices, complex applications could not be deployed on the devices. Service-based mobile applications (SMAs) can provide a solution to overcome the limitation by subscribing cloud services. Since SMAs have complex structures than standalone applications, it is challenging to develop high quality SMAs, to manage both services and mobile applications, and to implement automated billing for subscribed services. Therefore, there is a great demand for a platform for super mobile computing, which supports all key activities in managing life cycle of SMAs. In this paper, we present technical aspects of a platform which is under development; Super Mobile Autonomous Reliable plaTform (SMART). We believe that it provides a number of practical features which are essential in supporting life-cycle of SMAs; development, deployment, management, and operation.

Knowledge-based Approximate Life Cycle Assessment System in a Collaborative Design Environment (협업설계 환경에서의 지식기반 근사적 전과정평가 시스템)

  • 박지형;서광규;이석호;이영명
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.877-880
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    • 2003
  • In a competitive and globalized business environment, the need for the green products becomes stronger. To meet these trends, the environmental assessment besides delivery, cost and quality of products should be considered as an important factor in new product development phase. In this paper. a knowledge-based approximate life cycle assessment system (KALCAS) for the collaborative design environment is developed to assess the environmental impacts in context of product concept development. It aims at improving the environmental efficiency of the product using artificial neural networks consisting of high-level product attributes and LCA results. The overall framework of the collaborative environment including KALCAS is proposed. This architecture uses the CO environment to allow users on a wide variety of platforms to access the product data and other related information. It enables us to trade-off the evaluation results between the objectives of the product development including the approximate environmental assessment in the collaborative design environment.

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