• Title/Summary/Keyword: Detergents

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Development of a Simple and Reproducible Method for Removal of Contaminants from Ginseng Protein Samples Prior to Proteomics Analysis (활성탄을 이용한 불순물제거에 의한 효과적인 인삼 조직 단백질체 분석 방법 개선 연구)

  • Gupta, Ravi;Kim, So Wun;Min, Chul Woo;Sung, Gi-Ho;Agrawal, Ganesh Kumar;Rakwal, Randeep;Jo, Ick Hyun;Bang, Kyong Hwan;Kim, Young-Chang;Kim, Kee-Hong;Kim, Sun Tae
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.826-832
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    • 2015
  • This study describes the effects of activated charcoal on the removal of salts, detergents, and pigments from protein extracts of ginseng leaves and roots. Incubation of protein extracts with 5% (w/v) activated charcoal (100-400 mesh) for 30 min at 4℃ almost removed the salts and detergents including NP-40 as can be observed on SDS-PAGE. In addition, analysis of chlorophyll content showed significant depletion of chlorophyll (~33%) after activated charcoal treatment, suggesting potential effect of activated charcoal on removal of pigments too along with the salts and detergents. 2-DE analysis of activated charcoal treated protein samples showed better resolution of proteins, further indicating the efficacy of activated charcoal in clearing of protein samples. In case of root proteins, although not major differences were observed on SDS-PAGE, 2-DE gels showed better resolution of spots after charcoal treatment. In addition, both Hierarchical clustering (HCL) and Principle component analysis (PCA) clearly separated acetone sample from rest of the samples. Phenol and AC-phenol samples almost overlapped each other suggesting no major differences between these samples. Overall, these results showed that activated charcoal can be used in a simple manner to remove the salts, detergents and pigments from the protein extracts of various plant tissues.

Incidence of Multiple Heavy Metal Resistance in a Bacillus Species

  • Singh, Kusum-Lata;Kumar, Ashok
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.497-500
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    • 1998
  • A new strain of Bacillus capable of growing upto pH 11 was isolated from a local pond polluted with detergents. This strain elicited unimpaired growth in media supplemented with heavy metals such as As, Cu, Cd, Hg, Ni and Zn. A MIC value of 200, 3, 1.60, 2.25, 7.50 and 3.70 mM was noticed for As, Cu, Cd, Hg, Ni and Zn respectively. Analysis of total DNA revealed the presence of a plasmid of 26 kb. This plasmid was lost by acriflavine treatment to the cultures. Such cured strains were found sensitive to heavy metals. Our findings suggest that incidence of heavy metal resistance is widely distributed and resistant strains could be isolated from heavy metal unpolluted sites.

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Extraction of β-glucosidase from Bagasse Fermented by Mixed Culture under Solid State Fermentation

  • Shata, Hoda Mohamed Abdel Halim;Farid, Mohamed Abdel Fattah
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.197-203
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    • 2014
  • Various parameters such as solvent selection, concentration, solid/liquid ratio, soaking time, temperature, stationary, shaking conditions, and repeated extractions were investigated in order to determine the optimum extraction conditions of ${\beta}$-glucosidase from bagasse fermented by mixed culture of Aspergillus niger NRC 7A and Aspergillus oryzae NRRL 447. Among various solvents tested, non ionic detergents gave the best results than the inorganic or organic salt solutions and distilled water. The optimum conditions for extraction of ${\beta}$-glucosidase were 30 min soaking time at $40^{\circ}C$ under shaking condition at 150 rpm, with solid/liquid ratio 1:15 (w/v), which yielded $2882.74{\pm}95.52U/g$ fermented culture (g fc) of enzyme activity. With repeated washes under the above optimum conditions, the results showed that enzyme extracted in the $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ washes represents about 90% of the total activity.


  • Yamaguchi, E.S.;Roby, S.H.;Francisco, M.M.;Ruelas, S.G.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.10b
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    • pp.267-268
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    • 2002
  • Engine testing of new low-sulfur, low-phosphorus anti wear components is expensive and time consuming so bench testing of potential candidates is highly desirable as a first step evaluation. Electrical contact resistance (ECR) has been shown to be a convenient method to assess antiwear film formation in a ball-on-flat bench wear test. Correlation of the bench test to fired engines was demonstrated for lubricants varying only in the type of detergent. Previous papers have examined film formation by one and two component formulations of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZnDTP) and detergents. In this study, the ECR technique is systematically extended to formulations including ZnDTP, detergent, and dispersant. Both type and level of components are considered and the implications for engine performance are discussed.

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Effects of Detergent and other Pollutants related Domestic Sewage on Water Pollution (세제 및 생활하수 관련 오염성분이 수질오염에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Mann-Young;Choi, Ung-Su;Kim, Jae-Yong;Kim, Kwang-Ryul
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.564-568
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    • 1993
  • By measuring the COD (chemical oxygen demend) of dish washing detergents being sold at market and pollutants connected with domestic sewage, we compared the amounts of water pollutants of one with other and carried out the experiments of ultimate biodegradation as against these samples. Also we combined our experimental results and circumstances of water pollution and wastewater treatments to the sewage system, compared the effects of synthetic detergent on water pollution with soap and the other pollutants and investigated results of our research.

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Identification and Partial Purification of Two Hydrogenase Isoenzymes from Escherichia coli (대장균으로부터 두 종류의 수소발생 동위효소의 확인과 부분정제)

  • 최석정;양철학
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.296-300
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    • 1991
  • The membrane-bound Escherichia coli hydrogenases were purified partially by the solubilization with detergents. the E. coli crude extract was solubilized with sodium deoxycholate and dialyzed against the buffer containing Triton X-100. Two different hydrogenases were obtained by the DEAE-cellulose, hydroxyapatite and Sephedex G-200 column chromatography. The one was unstable during purification and contained 70- and 47-kDa polypeptides as major proteins. The other showed high H2-evolving activity and had major polypeptides of Mr 31 and 27. Those polypeptides were detected by the two-dimensional electrophoresis.

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A study on the Components and Detergency of Commercial Shampoos (시판 Shampoo의 성분과 세척성)

  • Choi Sang Weon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.151-155
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    • 1978
  • General components and detergency of commercial shampoos have been investigated and the results are summerized in the following. Shampoos were analyzed for surfactants and additives by KS method and surfactants were confirmed by T.L.C. Considerable differences in amounts of non volatiles and surfactants were found. Three of them contain either lanoline or sterols as additives and in the three. propylene glycol was found in their liquid part. It was shown that predominant sufactant was anionic and in all, except one. a little ampholytic surfactant was detected. But, contrary to forecast, in only one a little of non ionic surfactant was detected. Detergency of shampoos was examined using artificially soiled wool muslin. Considerable difference was found, and all shampoos showed higher detergency than a synthetic powder type detergent for textiles. There were no significant correlation between detergency and amount of surfactants or suspending power of detergents.

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Purification ana properties of alkaline pretense produced by Bacillus sp. KCTC 1723

  • 정영희;민영희;고영희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology Conference
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    • 1986.12a
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    • pp.532.2-532
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    • 1986
  • Alkaline protease which is an important enzyme used in detergents, leather tanning and food industry was produced by alkalophilic bacterium, Bacillus sp. KCTC 1723 isolated from soil. The maximum productivity of the enzyme in alkaline medium containing 1% sodium bicarbonate was obtained by incubating for 3 days at 37$^{\circ}C$. The optimum pH of the enzyme was 11.5 and calcium ion was effective on stabilization of the enzyme at high temperature. The enzyme was not inhibited by metal chelating agent such as El)TA but inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate. Purification of the enzyme was carried out DEAE- and CM-cellulose column chromatographies and molecular weight of the purified enzyme was determined

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Biosurfactants : Their Structures, Properties, and Applications (생체 계면 활성제의 구조, 특성 및 응용)

  • Lim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1996
  • Surfactants are the surface-active molecules that display amphiphilicity, Because of this surface activity and amphiphilicity, surfactants have been used in wide industrial applications such as foods, detergents, cosmetics, medicine, polymers, paints, flotation, textiles. These days, their applications extend to high-technology industries such as microelectronics, magnetic recording material, advanced batteries, novel separations, etc. As new applications of surfactants are found and the demand of the surfactants increases, surfactant industry has been more pressed to face a formidable challenge, which is to develop surfactants that are envirionmentally friendly. In this regard biosurfactants may be alternatives to chemical surfactants, since biosurfactants are biologically compatible, more biodegradable, less toxic, and highly specific. Because of these excellent advantages over those of chemical surfactants, much efforts have been made in biosurfactant research. This article reviews biosurfactants in several aspects, that is, their definition, structures, properties, applications, and prospects.

Comparison with Biodegradation of Anionic Surfactants (계면활성제의 생분해 비교)

  • 최대웅;이광현;김인효
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 1995
  • The course of biodegradation of anionic surfactants, Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates(LAS), Sodium Lauryl Ethoxylate Sulfonate(SLES), and Sodium Lauryl Sulfonates(SLS), which are mainly used to make detergents and shampoo, was investigated. The degree of biodegradation was studied as a function of concentration, volumetric flow rate, and temperature in Naktong River. MethyleneBlue Active Substances(MBAS), Total Dissolved Organic Carbon(TOC), and Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD) were measured to evaluate the degree of biodegradation. The degree of biodegradation of LAS was highly dependent upon the concentration and was increased as the concentration was decreased and that of SLES and SLS was almost constant at the concentration of less than 200 ppm, but was much increased as the volumetric flow rate was increased or the temperature was increased.

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