• Title/Summary/Keyword: Detailed model

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Operational Analysis of DC Micro-grid using PSCAD/EMTDC Software (PSCAD/EMTDC를 이용한 DC Micro-grid의 동작 분석)

  • Lee, Ji-Heon;Kwon, Ki-Hyun;Han, Byung-Moon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.446_447
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes operational analysis results of the DC micro-grid using detailed model of distributed generation. Detailed model of wind power generation, photo-voltaic generation, fuel-cell generation was implemented with the user-defined model of PSCAD/EMTDC software that is coded with C-language. Various simulation results confirm that the DC micro-grid can operate without any problem in both the interconnected mode and the islanded mode. The operation analysis result confirms that the DC micro-grid make it feasible to provide power to the load stably.

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A Study on the Creation of Slope Instability Map Using Geographic Information Systems. (GIS를 이용한 사면위험도 작성기법 연구)

  • 유명환
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2000
  • The various types of geohazards like landslides resulted from civil construction (i.e. highway construction) must of analysed considering all the possible influential factor systematically. Thus, by using GIS, slope stability can be evaluated, and it can be used as a data for further detailed investigation. So the aim of this study is to present a data for decision making in selecting suitable point for remediation. For analysing slope instability, through appropriate definition and classification, landslide mechanism must be understood. In building GIS model, the selection of appropriate factors and their rating system should be made. For this, the characteristics and the mechanism of landslide have to be understood. And suitable coverage should be chosen for the model considering the slope conditions. In this study, field investigation in lst and 2nd Section, Chung-ang highway was carried out. From the field data, GIS model on slope instability was created. 5 coverages were used for it. From the result of this study, 12 unstable sections were found out and more detailed investigation is needed there.

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Numerical Modeling for Auto-ignition and Combustion Process of Fuel Sprays in High-Pressure Environment (고압 분무 연소장에서 연료 분무의 자발화 및 연소 과정 해석)

  • Yu, Y.W.;Kang, S.M.;Kim, Y.M.
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2000
  • The present study is mainly motivated to investigate the vaporization, auto-ignition and combustion processes in the high-pressure engine conditions. The high-pressure vaporization model is developed to realistically simulate the spray dynamics and vaporization characteristics in high-pressure and high-temperature environment. The interaction between chemistry and turbulence is treated by employing the Representative Interactive Flamelet (RIF) Model. The detailed chemistry of 114 elementary steps and 44 chemical species is adopted for the n-heptane/air reaction. In order to account for the spatial inhomogeneity of the scalar dissipation rate, the multiple RIFs are introduced. Numerical results indicate that the RIF approach together with the high-pressure vaporization model successfully predicts the ignition delay time and location as well as the essential features of a spray ignition and combustion processes.

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Use of Geographic Information System Tools for Improving Atmospheric Emission Inventories of Biogenic Source

  • Shin, Tae-joo
    • Environmental Sciences Bulletin of The Korean Environmental Sciences Society
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 1999
  • Biogenic source emissions refer to naturally occuring emissions from vegetation, microbial activities in soil, lightening, and so on. Vegetation is especially known to emit a considerable amout of volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere. Therefore, biogenic source emissions are an important input to photochemical air quality models. since most biogenic source emissions are calculated at the county-level, they should be geographically allocated to the computational grid cells of a photochemical air quality model prior to running the model. The traditional method for the spatial allocation for biogenic source emissions has been to use a "spatial surrogate indicator" such as a county area. In order to examine the applicability of such approximations, this study developed more detailed surrogate indicators to improve the spatial allocation method for biogenic source emissions. Due to the spatially variable nature of biogenic source emissions, Geographic Information Systems(GIS) were introduced as new tools to develop more detailed spatial surrogate indicators. Use of these newly developed spatial surrogate indicators for biogenic source emission allocation provides a better resolution than the standard spatial surrogate indicator.indicator.

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An Optimization Model for Concurring Landscape Detailed Design with Final Products (조경공사의 설계와 시공일치를 위한 최적 모형)

  • 이용훈;이기의;서옥하
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this paper is to minimize differences between landscape detailed design (hereafter 'design') and final landscape construction products in working sites (hereafter 'products'). Ten landscape sites constructed in recent two years were selected to examine the differences. Differences in quantities and quality between design and products were surveyed and the results were analyzed with the 'differential analysis method'. The method employed in this paper can be used as an optimization model to minimize the differences between design and products. This paper suggests that every landscape field should mark less than 13.672% calculated from the 10% of total amount for excellent construction products. This should be approved by the president, according to the Clause 20 of General Conditions of the Contract, divided by the ratio of quantities affecting mainly he average Difference in Value between Design and Construction(DVDC). This value can be the critical point from the differential analysis method for the optimal maximum DVDC between landscape design and final landscape construction products in fields.

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Numerical Study on Flame Structure and Pollutant Formation for Syngas Turbulent Nonpremixed Swirling Flames (석탄가스 난류 선회 비예혼합 연소기의 화염구조 및 공해물질 생성의 해석)

  • Lee, Jeongwon;Kim, Yongmo
    • 한국연소학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.289-291
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    • 2012
  • The present study numerically investigate detailed flame structure of the Syngas diffusion flames. In order to realistically represent the turbulence-chemistry interaction and the spatial inhomogeneity of scalar dissipation rate, the Eulerian Particle Flamelet Model(EPFM) with multiple flamelets has been applied to simulate the combustion processes and NOx formation in the syngas turbulent nonpremixed flames. And level-set approach is also utilized to account for the partially premixing effect at fuel and oxidizer injector in KEPRI nonpremixed combustor. Based on numerical results, the detailed discussion has been made for the precise structure and NOx formation characteristics of the turbulent syngas nonpremixed flames.

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An EMM Approach to Derive an Energy Integral for the Direct Method of Stability Analysis in Power Systems

  • Moon, Young-Hyun
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and information Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 1996
  • This paper presents a new approach to derive an energy integral based on an Equivalent Mechanical Model(EMM), which is developed by introducing imaginary springs for line resistances. The proposed EMM shows that phasor currents and voltages are directly analogous to the two-dimensional force and displacement vectors, respectively. Through rigorous energy analysis of the proposed EMM, an exact energy integral expression is derived for multimachine systems, and several useful theorems are developed to derive an energy integral for power systems with detailed generator models the energy integral exactly reflects the internal resistance, saliency and flux-decaying effects of the generator. Finally, an illustrative example is given for a multimachine system adopting the Eq'-model for generators, which shows that the consideration of a detailed generator model does not aggravate the complicacy of the direct method of stability analysis in multimachine systems.

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A Conditional Randomized Response Model for Detailed Survey

  • Lee, Gi-Sung;Hong, Ki-Hak
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.721-729
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we propose a new conditional randomized response model that has improved the Carr et al.'s model in view of he variance and the protection of privacy of respondents. We show that he suggested model is more effective and protective than the Loynes' model and Carr et al.' model.

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Designing and Implementing 3D Virtual Face Aesthetic Surgery System Based on Korean Standard Facial Data (한국 표준 얼굴 데이터를 적용한 3D 가상 얼굴 성형 제작 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Cheol-Woong;Kim, II-Min;Cho, Sae-Hong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.737-744
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    • 2009
  • This paper is to study and implement 3D Virtual Face Aesthetic Surgery System which provides more satisfaction by comparing the before-and-after plastic face surgery using 3D face model. For this study, we implemented 3D Face Model Generating System which resembles 2D image of the user based on 3D Korean standard face model and user's 2D pictures. The proposed 3D Virtual Face Aesthetic Surgery System in this paper consists of 3D Face Model Generating System, 3D Skin Texture Mapping System, and Detailed Adjustment System for reflecting the detailed description of face. The proposed system provides more satisfaction to the medical uses and stability in the surgery in compare with other existing systems.

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Seismic Analysis of APR1400 Grade Reactor Coolant Pump (APR 1400급 원자로냉각재펌프의 내진해석)

  • Ahn, Chang-Gi;Yu, Je-Yong;Park, Jin-Seok;Ham, Ji-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.325-330
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    • 2011
  • RCP(Reactor coolant pump) must be designed to preserve it's functions on normal or abnormal environments and seismic event same as operating basis earthquake(OBE) and safe shutdown earthquake(SSE). Generally, there are static and dynamic analytical method which can be applied by a floor response spectrum or time history analysis for the seismic qualification. Initially, It was accomplished a detailed structural FE-model for finite element analysis on the bases of 3-dimensional solid model which was made by the RCP drawing. As the result of dynamic characteristic using the detailed FE-model, it's shown about 12Hz natural frequency of 1st bending mode shape and maximum displacement has 11mm with the structural bending by single-point response spectrum(SPRS) method at all elevation. But maximum displacement has 7.6mm by multi-point response spectrum(MPRS) method which was applied to the three floor response spectrum at each elevation. Therefore, On a large heighten structures as RCP, The application by SPRS method causes to be more conservative results. Finally, A simpled equivalent beam model which was developed by use of iteration of detailed FE-model is shown the result more similar with those of natural frequencies and SPRS analysis. And maximum equivalent stress and displacement of the simpled beam has verified with 180MPa and 7.1mm each at 15sec as results by SSE time history method.

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