• Title/Summary/Keyword: Detailed model

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A Proposal of a Keyword Extraction System for Detecting Social Issues (사회문제 해결형 기술수요 발굴을 위한 키워드 추출 시스템 제안)

  • Jeong, Dami;Kim, Jaeseok;Kim, Gi-Nam;Heo, Jong-Uk;On, Byung-Won;Kang, Mijung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2013
  • To discover significant social issues such as unemployment, economy crisis, social welfare etc. that are urgent issues to be solved in a modern society, in the existing approach, researchers usually collect opinions from professional experts and scholars through either online or offline surveys. However, such a method does not seem to be effective from time to time. As usual, due to the problem of expense, a large number of survey replies are seldom gathered. In some cases, it is also hard to find out professional persons dealing with specific social issues. Thus, the sample set is often small and may have some bias. Furthermore, regarding a social issue, several experts may make totally different conclusions because each expert has his subjective point of view and different background. In this case, it is considerably hard to figure out what current social issues are and which social issues are really important. To surmount the shortcomings of the current approach, in this paper, we develop a prototype system that semi-automatically detects social issue keywords representing social issues and problems from about 1.3 million news articles issued by about 10 major domestic presses in Korea from June 2009 until July 2012. Our proposed system consists of (1) collecting and extracting texts from the collected news articles, (2) identifying only news articles related to social issues, (3) analyzing the lexical items of Korean sentences, (4) finding a set of topics regarding social keywords over time based on probabilistic topic modeling, (5) matching relevant paragraphs to a given topic, and (6) visualizing social keywords for easy understanding. In particular, we propose a novel matching algorithm relying on generative models. The goal of our proposed matching algorithm is to best match paragraphs to each topic. Technically, using a topic model such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), we can obtain a set of topics, each of which has relevant terms and their probability values. In our problem, given a set of text documents (e.g., news articles), LDA shows a set of topic clusters, and then each topic cluster is labeled by human annotators, where each topic label stands for a social keyword. For example, suppose there is a topic (e.g., Topic1 = {(unemployment, 0.4), (layoff, 0.3), (business, 0.3)}) and then a human annotator labels "Unemployment Problem" on Topic1. In this example, it is non-trivial to understand what happened to the unemployment problem in our society. In other words, taking a look at only social keywords, we have no idea of the detailed events occurring in our society. To tackle this matter, we develop the matching algorithm that computes the probability value of a paragraph given a topic, relying on (i) topic terms and (ii) their probability values. For instance, given a set of text documents, we segment each text document to paragraphs. In the meantime, using LDA, we can extract a set of topics from the text documents. Based on our matching process, each paragraph is assigned to a topic, indicating that the paragraph best matches the topic. Finally, each topic has several best matched paragraphs. Furthermore, assuming there are a topic (e.g., Unemployment Problem) and the best matched paragraph (e.g., Up to 300 workers lost their jobs in XXX company at Seoul). In this case, we can grasp the detailed information of the social keyword such as "300 workers", "unemployment", "XXX company", and "Seoul". In addition, our system visualizes social keywords over time. Therefore, through our matching process and keyword visualization, most researchers will be able to detect social issues easily and quickly. Through this prototype system, we have detected various social issues appearing in our society and also showed effectiveness of our proposed methods according to our experimental results. Note that you can also use our proof-of-concept system in http://dslab.snu.ac.kr/demo.html.

Adsorption of Arsenic onto Two-Line Ferrihydrite (비소의 Two-Line Ferrihydrite에 대한 흡착반응)

  • Jung, Young-Il;Lee, Woo-Chun;Cho, Hyen-Goo;Yun, Seong-Taek;Kim, Soon-Oh
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 2008
  • Arsenic has recently become of the most serious environmental concerns, and the worldwide regulation of arsenic fur drinking water has been reinforced. Arsenic contaminated groundwater and soil have been frequently revealed as well, and arsenic contamination and its treatment and measures have been domestically raised as one of the most important environmental issues. Arsenic behavior in geo-environment is principally affected by oxides and clay minerals, and particularly iron (oxy)hydroxides have been well known to be most effective in controlling arsenic. Among a number of iron (oxy)hydroxides, for this reason, 2-line ferrihydrite was selected in this study to investigate its effect on arsenic behavior. Adsorption of 2-line ferrihydrite was characterized and compared between As(III) and As(V) which are known to be the most ubiquitous species among arsenic forms in natural environment. Two-line ferrihydrite synthesized in the lab as the adsorbent of arsenic had $10\sim200$ nm for diameter, $247m^{2}/g$ for specific surface area, and 8.2 for pH of zero charge, and those representative properties of 2-line ferrihydrite appeared to be greatly suitable to be used as adsorbent of arsenic. The experimental results on equilibrium adsorption indicate that As(III) showed much stronger adsorption affinity onto 2-line ferrihydrite than As(V). In addition, the maximum adsorptions of As(III) and As(V) were observed at pH 7.0 and 2.0, respectively. In particular, the adsorption of As(III) did not show any difference between pH conditions, except for pH 12.2. On the contrary, the As(V) adsorption was remarkably decreased with increase in pH. The results obtained from the detailed experiments investigating pH effect on arsenic adsorption show that As(III) adsorption increased up to pH 8.0 and dramatically decreased above pH 9.2. In case of As(V), its adsorption steadily decreased with increase in pH. The reason the adsorption characteristics became totally different depending on arsenic species is attributed to the fact that chemical speciation of arsenic and surface charge of 2-line ferrihydrite are significantly affected by pH, and it is speculated that those composite phenomena cause the difference in adsorption between As(III) and As(V). From the view point of adsorption kinetics, adsorption of arsenic species onto 2-line ferrihydrite was investigated to be mostly completed within the duration of 2 hours. Among the kinetic models proposed so for, power function and elovich model were evaluated to be the most suitable ones which can simulate adsorption kinetics of two kinds of arsenic species onto 2-line ferrihydrite.

The Effects of amino acid balance on heat production and nitrogen utilization in broiler chickens : measurement and modeling

  • Kim, Jj-Hyuk;MacLeod, Murdo G.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Poultry Science Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2004
  • Three experiments were performed to test the assumption that imbalanced dietary amino acid mixtures must lead to increased heat production (HP). The first experiment was based on diets formulated to have a wide range of crude protein (CP) concentrations but a fixed concentration of lysine, formulated to be the first-limiting amino acid. In the second (converse) experiment, lysine concentration was varied over a wide range while CP content was kept constant. To prevent the masking of dietary effects by thermoregulatory demands, the third experiment was performed at 30 $^{\circ}C$ with the diets similar to the diets used in the second experiment. The detailed relationships among amino acid balance, nitrogen (N) metabolism and energy (E) metabolism were investigated in a computer-controlled chamber calorimetry system. The results of experiments were compared with the predictions of a computerised simulation model of E metabolism. In experiment 1. with constant lysine and varying CP, there was a 75 % increase in N intake as CP concentration increased. This led to a 150 % increase in N excretion. with no significant change in HP. Simulated HP agreed with the empirically determined results in not showing a trend with dietary CP. In experiment 2, with varying lysine but constant CP, there was a 3-fold difference in daily weight gain between the lowest and highest lysine diets. HP per bird increased significantly with dietary lysine concentration. There was still an effect when HP was adjusted for body weight differences, but it failed to maintain statistical significance. Simulated HP results agreed in showing little effect of varying lysine concentration and growth rate on HP. Based on the results of these two experiments, the third experiment was designed to test the response of birds to dietary lysine in high ambient temperature. In experiment 3 which performed at high ambient temperature (30 $^{\circ}C$), HP per bird increased significantly with dietary lysine content, whether or not adjusted for body-weight. The trend was greater than in the previous experiment (20 $^{\circ}C$).

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우리나라의 출산력과 가정경제행태에 관한 연구

  • 노공균;조남훈
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.17-45
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    • 1987
  • This study contributes to understanding women's labor market behavior by focusing on a particular set of labor force transitions - labor force withdrawal and entry during the period surrounding the first birth of a child. In particular, this study provides a dynamic analyses, using longitudinal data and event history analysis, to conceptualize labor force behaviors in a straightforward way. The main research question addresses which factors increase or decrease the hazard rates of leaving and entering the labor market. This study used piecewise Gompertz model, following the guide of the non-parametric analysis on the hazard rates, which allowed relatively detailed description on the distribution of timing of leave and entry to the labor market as parameters of interest. The results show that preferences and structural variables, as well as economic considerations, are very important factors to explain the labor market behavior of women in the period surrounding childbirth.

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Function of the Korean String Indexing System for the Subject Catalog (주제목록을 위한 한국용어열색인 시스템의 기능)

  • Yoon Kooho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.15
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    • pp.225-266
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    • 1988
  • Various theories and techniques for the subject catalog have been developed since Charles Ammi Cutter first tried to formulate rules for the construction of subject headings in 1876. However, they do not seem to be appropriate to Korean language because the syntax and semantics of Korean language are different from those of English and other European languages. This study therefore attempts to develop a new Korean subject indexing system, namely Korean String Indexing System(KOSIS), in order to increase the use of subject catalogs. For this purpose, advantages and disadvantages between the classed subject catalog nd the alphabetical subject catalog, which are typical subject ca-alogs in libraries, are investigated, and most of remarkable subject indexing systems, in particular the PRECIS developed by the British National Bibliography, are reviewed and analysed. KOSIS is a string indexing based on purely the syntax and semantics of Korean language, even though considerable principles of PRECIS are applied to it. The outlines of KOSIS are as follows: 1) KOSIS is based on the fundamentals of natural language and an ingenious conjunction of human indexing skills and computer capabilities. 2) KOSIS is. 3 string indexing based on the 'principle of context-dependency.' A string of terms organized accoding to his principle shows remarkable affinity with certain patterns of words in ordinary discourse. From that point onward, natural language rather than classificatory terms become the basic model for indexing schemes. 3) KOSIS uses 24 role operators. One or more operators should be allocated to the index string, which is organized manually by the indexer's intellectual work, in order to establish the most explicit syntactic relationship of index terms. 4) Traditionally, a single -line entry format is used in which a subject heading or index entry is presented as a single sequence of words, consisting of the entry terms, plus, in some cases, an extra qualifying term or phrase. But KOSIS employs a two-line entry format which contains three basic positions for the production of index entries. The 'lead' serves as the user's access point, the 'display' contains those terms which are themselves context dependent on the lead, 'qualifier' sets the lead term into its wider context. 5) Each of the KOSIS entries is co-extensive with the initial subject statement prepared by the indexer, since it displays all the subject specificities. Compound terms are always presented in their natural language order. Inverted headings are not produced in KOSIS. Consequently, the precision ratio of information retrieval can be increased. 6) KOSIS uses 5 relational codes for the system of references among semantically related terms. Semantically related terms are handled by a different set of routines, leading to the production of 'See' and 'See also' references. 7) KOSIS was riginally developed for a classified catalog system which requires a subject index, that is an index -which 'trans-lates' subject index, that is, an index which 'translates' subjects expressed in natural language into the appropriate classification numbers. However, KOSIS can also be us d for a dictionary catalog system. Accordingly, KOSIS strings can be manipulated to produce either appropriate subject indexes for a classified catalog system, or acceptable subject headings for a dictionary catalog system. 8) KOSIS is able to maintain a constistency of index entries and cross references by means of a routine identification of the established index strings and reference system. For this purpose, an individual Subject Indicator Number and Reference Indicator Number is allocated to each new index strings and new index terms, respectively. can produce all the index entries, cross references, and authority cards by means of either manual or mechanical methods. Thus, detailed algorithms for the machine-production of various outputs are provided for the institutions which can use computer facilities.

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The Healing Effect of 'Self-archetype' Manifested in the Analysis of 'Hunger' and 'Compulsive Overeating' : Investigation Focused on the 'Serpent' Imago ('배고픔'과 '폭식충동'을 주소로 하는 내담자의 분석과정에서 발현된 '자기원형'의 치유적 기능 : '뱀'의 상징을 중심으로 한 고찰)

  • Kim, Kye-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : In this study I made investigations how 'strange hunger' and 'compulsive overeating' threatening the ego could be resolved and healed. And I aim to present a healing model of psychotherapy and analysis as one of methods of treatment for 'eating disorder'. Methods : The analysands of this study were outpatients who visited the department of psychiatry of Yong-In Mental Hospital from March 2008 to February 2017 with 'hunger' and 'compulsive overeating' as their chief complaints. This study is based on the detailed records of the process of analysis including dreams and visions. Results : 1) Throughout the process of analysis that explore both consciousness and unconsciousness(dream, vision), hunger and compulsive overeating is improved and healed in all analysands. 2) The Imago of 'Snake' appeared in dreams and visions of all analysands. 3) By suffering impulse rather than acting it out, impulse transformes itself into 'Imago'. As impulse transforms into 'Imago' and reveals the 'meaning' of it, ego-threatening power of impulse weakens and mood is calmed. And as a result, synthesis of consciousness and unconsciousness and creative transformation of personality can be possible. Conclusions : In some people, 'hunger' and 'compulsive overeating' are 'creative impulses' that aim 'Self-realization' which can be fruited as creative transformation of personality and as creative transformation in the relation with the world. 'Creative impulses', which often can be experienced as instinctive impulse or emotional suffering unless ego realizes the meaning, reveal the meaning in dreams or visions through 'Imago' and 'Symbol'.

Validation of Food Intake Frequency from Food Frequency Questionnaire for Use as a Covariate in a Model to Estimate Usual Food Intake (식품의 일상섭취량 추정을 위한 식품섭취빈도의 활용가능성 및 타당도 연구)

  • Lee, Ja Yoon;Kim, Dong Woo
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2017
  • Although 24-hour recalls (24HR) capture detailed information on a person's food intake, this method suffers from difficulties in adequately measuring the usual intake of foods that are not consumed daily by most. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether frequency of Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) can be utilized in form of covariate when calculating usual intake of episodically-consumed foods and their distributions. Data used in this study was from the Korean National Healthy and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2012~2014 (3 years) and 10,945 subjects participated in this survey who performed both of 24HR and FFQ. In order to analyze the data, amount of intake in each food, which was reported in 24HR was recalculated according to 112 items in FFQ. We first assessed the relationship between FFQ frequency and the amount reported on 24HR. Second, we assessed the relationship between usual portion size of FFQ and the amount reported on 24HR. Our hypothesis was that people who reported high FFQ-reported frequency or FFQ-reported usual portion size would consume larger amounts of that food on 24HR than those with lower frequency or portion size of consumption of a food on the FFQ. For 59 of 112 individual foods (52.2%), there were statistically significant increasing relationships between FFQ frequency and consumption-day intake. Also, 102 of 112 individual foods (90.3%), there were statistically significant increasing relationships between FFQ usual portion size and consumption-day intake. For 10 of 13 food groups (grains, fruits, eggs, pulses, root and tuber crops, milk products, meat, beverage, alcoholic drink, vegetable, seaweeds and others), there were statistically significant increasing relationships between FFQ frequency and consumption-day intake. And there were statistically significant increasing relationships between FFQ usual portion size and consumption-day intake for all food groups. This study confirmed consistent correlation between reported FFQ frequency or usual portion size of food (group) consumption and consumption-day intake on 24HR. Therefore the frequency data may be utilized as important covariate when estimating usual intake of food or food groups.

Private Income Transfers and Old-Age Income Security (사적소득이전과 노후소득보장)

  • Kim, Hisam
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.71-130
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    • 2008
  • Using data from the Korean Labor & Income Panel Study (KLIPS), this study investigates private income transfers in Korea, where adult children have undertaken the most responsibility of supporting their elderly parents without well-established social safety net for the elderly. According to the KLIPS data, three out of five households provided some type of support for their aged parents and two out of five households of the elderly received financial support from their adult children on a regular base. However, the private income transfers in Korea are not enough to alleviate the impact of the fall in the earned income of those who retired and are approaching an age of needing financial assistance from external source. The monthly income of those at least the age of 75, even with the earning of their spouses, is below the staggering amount of 450,000 won, which indicates that the elderly in Korea are at high risk of poverty. In order to analyze microeconomic factors affecting the private income transfers to the elderly parents, the following three samples extracted from the KLIPS data are used: a sample of respondents of age 50 or older with detailed information on their financial status; a five-year household panel sample in which their unobserved family-specific and time-invariant characteristics can be controlled by the fixed-effects model; and a sample of the younger split-off household in which characteristics of both the elderly household and their adult children household can be controlled simultaneously. The results of estimating private income transfer models using these samples can be summarized as follows. First, the dominant motive lies on the children-to-parent altruistic relationship. Additionally, another is based on exchange motive, which is paid to the elderly parents who take care of their grandchildren. Second, the amount of private income transfers has negative correlation with the income of the elderly parents, while being positively correlated with the income of the adult children. However, its income elasticity is not that high. Third, the amount of private income transfers shows a pattern of reaching the highest level when the elderly parents are in the age of 75 years old, following a decreasing pattern thereafter. Fourth, public assistance, such as the National Basic Livelihood Security benefit, appears to crowd out private transfers. Private transfers have fared better than public transfers in alleviating elderly poverty, but the role of public transfers has been increasing rapidly since the welfare expansion after the financial crisis in the late 1990s, so that one of four elderly people depends on public transfers as their main income source in 2003. As of the same year, however, there existed and occupied 12% of the elderly households those who seemed eligible for the National Basic Livelihood benefit but did not receive any public assistance. To remove elderly poverty, government may need to improve welfare delivery system as well as to increase welfare budget for the poor. In the face of persistent elderly poverty and increasing demand for public support for the elderly, which will lead to increasing government debt, welfare policy needs targeting toward the neediest rather than expanding universal benefits that have less effect of income redistribution and heavier cost. Identifying every disadvantaged elderly in dire need for economic support and providing them with the basic livelihood security would be the most important and imminent responsibility that we all should assume to prepare for the growing aged population, and this also should accompany measures to utilize the elderly workforce with enough capability and strong will to work.


  • Kim, Tae-Won;Moon, Hong-Seok;Lee, Keun-Woo;Chung, Moon-Kyu
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.699-711
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    • 2006
  • Statement of problem. Elastomeric impression materials have been widely used to obtain an accurate impression. However there have not been enough studies on the influence of the thickness of the tray adhesives on the bonding strength between the trays and the elastomeric impression materials. Purpose. In order to understand the relationship between the thickness of the tray adhesive and the tensile bond strength and to suggest the thickness at which the bonding strength is strongest, tensile bond strength related to the thickness of adhesives of 3 different elastomeric impression materials were tested. Materials and methods. 3 impression materials, $Permlastic^{(R)}$. Regular Set(Kerr Corp., Romulus, Michigan, U.S.A.), $Impregum^{TM}$ $Penta^{TM}$(3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany), and Aquasil Ultra Monophase Regular Set Smart Wetting.(Dentsply Caulk, Milford, Delaware, U.S.A.), were used in this study, and tray adhesives from the same manufacturers of the impression materials were used, which were Rubber Base Adhesive, Polyether Adhesive, and Silfix, respectively. The tray specimens were prepared by autopolymerizing the tray material(Instant Tray Mix, Lang, Wheeling, Illinois, U.S.A.), and a PVC pipe was used to house the impression material. In group A, tray adhesives were applied in multiple thin layers of 1 to 5 and in group B, adhesives were applied only once, in the thickness equivalent to several applications. Lightness($L^*$) of the adhesion surface was measured with a spectrophotometer(CM-3500d, Konica Minolta, Sakai, Osaka, Japan). The tensile bond strength of the elastomeric impression material and the tray resin was measured with universal materials testing machines(Instron, Model 3366, Instron Corp, Nowood, Massachusetts, U.S.A.). A formula between the number of adhesive application layers and the lightness of the adhesion surface was deduced in group A, and the number of adhesive layers in group B was estimated by applying the lightness($L^*$) to the deduced formula. Results. 1. In group A, a statistically significant increase in tensile bond strength appeared when the number of application layers increased from 1 to 2 and from 4 to 5, and no significant difference was present between 2, 3, and 4 layers in Permlastic. In Impregum, the tensile bond strength was significantly increased when the number of adhesive layers increased from 1 to 3, but no significant difference after 3 layers. In Aquasil, the tensile bond strength significantly increased as the number of application layers increased up to 4 but showed no significant difference between 4 and 5. 2. In group B, the tensile bond strength was decreased when the thickness of the adhesive increased in Permlastic. Impregum showed an increased tensile bond strength when the thickness of the adhesive was increased. In Aquasil, the tensile bond strength increased as the number of adhesive application layers increased up to approximately 2.5 layers but it sharply decreased after approximately 4.5. Conclusion. From the study, the common idea that it is better to apply a thin and single coat of tray adhesive needs correction in more detailed ways, and instructions on some of the tray adhesives should be reconsidered since there were several cases in which the tensile bond strength increased according to the increase in the thickness of the adhesives.

Analysis of the Geological Structure of the Hwasan Caldera Using Potential Data (포텐셜 자료해석을 통한 화산칼데라 구조 해석)

  • Park, Gye-Soon;Yoo, Hee-Young;Yang, Jun-Mo;Lee, Heui-Soon;Kwon, Byung-Doo;Eom, Joo-Young;Kim, Dong-O;Park, Chan-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • A geophysical mapping was performed for Hwasan caldera which is located in Euisung Sub-basin of the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula. In order to overcome the limitation of the previous studies, remote sensing technic was used and dense potential data were obtained and analyzed. First, we analyzed geological lineament for target area using geological map, digital elevation model (DEM) data and satellite imagery. The results were greatly consistent with the previous studies, and showed that N-S and NW-SE direction are the most dominant one in target area. Second, based on the lineament analysis, highly dense gravity data were acquired in Euisung Sub-basin and an integrated interpretation considering air-born magnetic data was made to investigate the regional structure of the target area. The results of power spectrum analysis for the acquired potential data revealed that the subsurface of Euisung Sub-basin have two density discontinuities at about 1 km and 3-5 km depth. A 1 km depth discontinuity is thought as the depth of pyroclastic sedimentary rocks or igneous rocks which were intruded at the ring vent of Hwasan caldera, while a 3-5 km depth discontinuity seems to be associated with the depth of the basin basement. In addition, three-dimensional gravity inversion for the total area of Euisung Sub-basin was carried out, and the inversion results indicated two followings; 1) Cretaceous Palgongsan granite and Bulguksa intrusion rocks, which are located in southeastern part and northeastern part of Euisung Sub-basin, show two major low density anomalies, 2) pyroclastic rocks around Hwasan caldera also have lower density when compared with those of neighborhood regions and are extended to 1.5 km depth. However, a poor vertical resolution of potential survey makes it difficult to accurately delineate the detailed structure caldera which has a vertically developed characteristic in general. To overcome this limitation, integrated analysis was carried out using the magnetotelluric data on the corresponding area with potential data and we could obtain more reasonable geologic structure.