• Title/Summary/Keyword: Designer

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A Study of the Designing and Producing of Efficient Stage Costume Using Rented Costume - Focusing on the Western Clothes used in the Performance "Lee Jin" - (대여의상을 이용한 효율적인 무대의상 디자인 및 제작에 관한 연구 - 공연<리진>에 사용된 서양복을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Young-Sam;Woo, Bo-Kyung;Han, Na-Ra;Yin, Xiang-Lan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2009
  • This study intends to discuss the efficient stage costume design that uses costume-rentals and production method as a realistic alternative for production of stage costume of low budget performance. Directly participating in the costume design and production of the performance , this researcher applied the methodology of corroborative study on the basis of production process and results by referring to the papers and literature published by academic society for the theory necessary for study. Centering around the western costume in the stage costumes of , the scope of study was the costume of Paris, France prevalent at the end of the 19th century which is epochal background of performance. In spite of its merit of reducing production charge and production in the low budget performance, costume-rentals is subject to the lack of considering unitγ with other visual factors and limit in reflecting the creativity of costume designer. The following actions shall be taken to solve such problem. First, it is essential to set production direction and plan that meets budget and work concept. Second, it is required to highlight the characteristic factor of the age which is the background of work so as to grant the sense of age and to produce the visual unity of costume by supplementing the costume composition. Third, it is necessary to make large effect with low lost by using costume articles that can express the characteristics of the age. Fourth, it is required to efficiently reflect the transformation of design by minimizing the damage of costume through research on the sewing method and materials as well as creative idea. In this way, the efficient stage costume could be realized in the performance with low budget by approaching costume-rentals in the viewpoint of costume design, transforming it in accordance with work concept and adding the visual factors.

A Computer Graphics Program for 2-Dimensional Strut-tie Model Design of Concrete Members (콘크리트 구조부재의 2차원 스트럿-타이 모델 설계를 위한 컴퓨터 그래픽 프로그램)

  • Yun, Young Mook
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.531-539
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    • 2017
  • The strut-tie model approach has been recognized as an efficient methodology for the design of all types of concrete members with D-regions, and the approach has been accepted in design codes globally. However, the design of concrete members with the approach requires many iterative numerical structural analyses, numerous graphical calculations, enormous times and efforts, and designer's subjective decisions in terms of the development of appropriate strut-tie model, determination of required areas of struts and ties, and verification of strength conditions of struts and nodal zones. In this study, a computer graphics program, that enables the design of concrete members efficiently and professionally by overcoming the forementioned limitations of the strut-tie model approach, is developed. In the computer graphics program, the numerical programs that are essential in the strut-tie model analysis and design of concrete members including finite element analysis programs for the plane truss and solid problems with all kinds of boundary conditions, a program for automatic determination of effective strengths of struts and nodal zones, and a program for graphical verification of developed strut-tie model's appropriateness by displaying various geometrical shapes of struts and nodal zones, are loaded. Great efficiency and convenience during the application of the strut-tie model approach may be provided by the various graphics environment-based functions of the proposed program.

Korean Wrapping Cloths as a Decorative Art (한국 보자기의 장식성 연구)

  • Kim, Soon-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.1883-1896
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    • 2009
  • This paper explores the use of Korean wrapping cloths (bojagi) in the late Joseon period and the types of decorations applied to them. Korean wrapping cloths called bojagi are pieces of cloths used by households of all social classes for practical purposes such as wrapping presents and covering food. In addition to the basic purposes, the making of bojagi was also an activity to express the down-to-earth wishes and the satisfaction of creation by the designer. With regard to the decorative feature of Korean wrapping cloths, five types of, patchwork, embroidered, painted, printed, and oiled-paper wrapping cloths, were examined. The patchwork wrapping cloths (jogakbo) show the frugality of Joseon women in addition to the well-developed composition skill of lines and colors. The embroidered wrapping cloths were prepared for special rituals and ceremonies such as weddings. Painted wrapping cloths were decorated with a Chinese-colors technique (called dangchae) or sometimes with black ink painting. For printed wrapping cloths, various sizes of woodblock printings and roller printings were used. Although monotone black ink was the main color applied to the printing, there was also wrapping cloths made from chintz having brilliant fast colors. Oiled-paper wrapping cloths called sikjibo were in use only for covering food. Cut-out work was employed to decorate it.

A Study on Principle for Use of Multimedia in order to have Effective Communication in Information Design (정보디자인에서 효과적 커뮤니케이션을 위한 멀티미디어 사용원리에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Il-Soon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.13
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    • pp.255-267
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    • 2008
  • Recently in the field of information design use of multimedia Including animation has been rapidly increased. And its application is expanding in the field of design nevertheless relevant research in this field is scant. In particular research on which characteristics contribute to improvement for effect of information communication is negligible. Until now designers' interest was mainly focused on visual perfection of screen such as diversity and originality. Actually the aspect of recognition of design was mostly overlooked. But considering ultimate purpose of Information design is accurate communication of information thus there should be more endeavor for research on man's visual recognitive faculty and memory in order to Improve power of communication of information for the purpose of reducing confusion of user before its originality and diversity. For this reason this author in this treatise attempted to examine possible impact of multimedia in information design on recognition of user and communication based on theory of effectiveness of media and also attempted to identify how maximize its effect under different circumstances. Theories on effectiveness of media can be summed up as that well- advanced information of multimedia should be analysed from diverse standpoints on relevancy to tasks and recognitive relevancy rather than its simplification from the standpoint of richness of media. For optimal interface design unnecessary recognitive load should be eliminated and information should be structured by laking maximum advantage of working memory of limited quantity. Also there will be need for selection of proper media and suggestion of expressive method to enable building accurate and successful mental image. In this treatise this author attempted to contribute to designer's decision making in future through examining theories on effectiveness of media in connection with the question of which information technology should be used in order to heighten effect of information communication appropriate to information design.

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국내 사외보 편집디자인에 관한 연구-5개 그룹 사외보 편집디자인을 중심으로-

  • 남혜인
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 1998
  • Enterprise which is rapidly growing in Korea is hesitating because of economic depression lately. Large enterprise have been successfully growing with Korea economic growth for fifty years. But many of them have already gone bankrupt and face the crisis of management, many people look away from them. Large enterprise come to face the time which they strongly need the improvement of their image against the devalation of their one. It is more important to use external periodicals than excess PR advertisement for the improvement of the image. External periodicals is aimed at readers who is outside of company and company PR advertisement, the purpose of issuing external periodicals is to improve the image of enterprise by arranging organization, draw attention from people (PR) and produce profit by acceleration marketing. People is much interested in external periodicals(free) under the situation of IMF because they can easily get information from that. So the role of external periodicals become more important for enterprise PR. This paper shows the importance of the edit design in external periodicals. We analysed the edit design (five group) per composition factor, suggest the improvement plan. ·The distinction of cover. ·Clear, beautiful typographic arrangement. ·The specialty of Photo and illustration. · Characteristic & standard layout. Now external periodicals is getting important because it shows the idea and character of company to people (PR). So it need characteristic plan and creative layout with the impotance by the understanding of the executive in company and also more does creation & originality by edit designer day by day. External periodicals should be not only the improvement of the image but also leading information paper which sensitively cope which an age by news and editing which can match people's need.

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A Study on the Establishment of Corporate and Product Image Alignment (기업 이미지에 정합적(整合的)인 제품 이미지 구축 방법)

  • Kim, Hyun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2001
  • In order to sustain competitive advantage through strategic product differentiation in global market, this research aims to establishment of strategic design conditions for domestic manufacturing firms through the means of product image alignment and positioning, using visual character of product as the foundation for establishing corporate image. Case studies on how globally successful multinational companies manage design strategy and corporate culture uniformly for coherent product image management are reviewed. To establish product image alignment methodology for manufacturing firms, the criteria for product image positioning and aligned product image development process are developed in three stages. First, in image positioning stage, it is important to set the direction for corporate image and design strategy by identifying consumer needs through market trends analysis and forecasting as well as comparative positioning of the analysis results of the firms's own corporate image and that of the competitor's. Second, in awareness building stage, before building the product image alignment, firm-wide shared awareness of differentiated corporate and product image, establishment of designer's role as the consolidated manager of product image, sharing form language, and building the infrastructure for defining form information should be preceded. Third, in managing the aligned product image stage, the condition for setting up image information management guideline, management of decision making process for arriving at logical decisions on product form, development of guideline for increasing efficiency and its evaluation system, and co-development of related design should be induced. Further research on the product image alignment with corporate image should be conducted through various empirical studies on image and form, building an information system of related design language, and continuous assessment and management of applied solutions.

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An applied method of mathematical model in the product design process (수학적 Model의 제품 디자인 과정에의 응용방법)

  • 이수봉
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 1997
  • This study aims to promote understanding level for mathematical model, to improve methods and necessity of application in the process of product design and also to promote approaching and applying methods as a guideline for beginners. For the procedure and method of study first, it was emphasized by linking method and necessity of scientific analysis and a quality of product design and design process. Next, the corresponding relations between mathematical model and design probelem was desciebed, the mathematical model was examinated appeying process of product design. Lastly, approaching and applying methods for beginners was presented based on the discribed studied contents. As the result of the study, some points are by a result or problem : frist, the point that mathematical model is useful to grasp the design problems which various elements are complicately involved quantitatively and structurally, and its necessity can be especially utilized as a tool to justify and convince the convince the conclusion of the designer himself to the persons concerned. Second, the point that in order to apply mathematical model to the design process skillfully, first of all, the substance of all mathematical models which can be applid, and it is not easy to command in perfect method without using computer. Third, the point that since there are many kindsof mathematical models used is mathematical modeland the models which can be applidied to solve design problems differ in accordance with the design types and design process, its applying method can be presented as one kind of standardization or concretely. Fourth the point that in case of approaching mathematical model for the first time, it can start to select model corresponding with design type by stage of design process bassed on understanding for some mathematical knowledge and computer program.

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A study for varieties of image design-With the credits of cinema in 1990s- (영상 디자인의 다양성에 관한 연구-1990년대 국내외 영화 크레딧을 중심으로-)

  • 김인철
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20
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    • pp.253-262
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    • 1997
  • The era of film has begun as a few media critics had anticipated already. The interestings of visual designers has asked to being with images in the processing and changing of varied image culture are different from the era of print media. It is reason to being with images that are generalizing of video culture. Now the film of images that made from popular advertisings and goods influenced by films has come. At first to being with image to visual designers need to understand films and to join making films. In films, visual designers make strengthen in part of credit titles. Credit titles are elements in films with the form of text to help understanding in the beginning and closing part of films. Credit title design has begun first by American visual designer Saul Bass as p pioneer position and have made to be varied film credit technics of computer. The advanced of technics have to think aspects of meaning of titles in the film of '007' movie series through 60s &70s. In 80s more technics have developed to being varied credits to films. And after all, in 90s there are films with almost varied titles. In Korean films ars less varied than that of Amenrican's and of French, in this study I hope to develope more varied Korean credit titles in near future.

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A New Approach to Mobile Interaction - focused on optimized button layout for mobile phone - (모바일 인터랙션을 위한 새로운 접근 -휴대폰 버튼의 최적화 배치 방법을 중심으로 -)

  • Byun, Jae-Hyung;Moon, Joon-Ki;Yang, Sung-Ho;Kim, Myung-Suk
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2005
  • Button layout of mobile phone depends on the manufacturer and is going to be characterized in it's own way. So, there is not a standard layout except for numeric part. It is due to the lack of study on physical user interface and methodology to develop a design guideline. This study focuses on suggesting a methodology for development of button layout for mobile phone in term of physical user interface. The methodology of this study starts from scenarios of mobile phone usage. Operational sequences of 4 scenarios for 5 models are gathered based on the user manual. Proximity of each buttons is calculated according to the operational sequence. One of 5 models is selected and benchmarked by evaluating operational path. Considerations and directions are implicated to develop new solution alternatives. After evaluation of them, one of alternatives is suggested as an optimized button layout for mobile phone. This study focuses on an attempt to suggest a methodology of UI development in the matter of physical user interface, and a simple and easy way to be adopted and used at product designer level, compared to existing UI methodology for the expert.

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A Study on Utilization of Fonts for Headline of Newspaper Advertising (신문광고 헤드라인 서체 활용사례 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Kook;Won, Jong-Youn
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2006
  • The advertisement is an informative product in which a company or an organization has made a substantial capital investment in order to achieve their goals based on their carefully thought-out plans. David Ogilvy maintaned that making a headline of an advertisement is worth 80 percent completion of the advertisement. As he insisted, a headline is also the most important element in the printing advertisement. Therefore, the importance of selecting headline's font style is increased because, while creating a headline, it is necessary to consider the emotional aspects of the advertising object that attract the attention of people. Many researchers call 'typography' as 'frozen sound' or 'written sound' because typography not only works as a letter but also provide people with an emotional pleasure. An appropriate selection of headline's font style in the advertisement production makes both the client and the audience for the advertisement satisfied because it reduces the communication risk and makes design results more reasonable. It is difficult to find many decision-making methods for selecting headline's font style. Therefore, the author of this paper investigated the trend of the use of headline's font style in order to help the designer understand headline's font style as one of design factors. As a result of the research, it is possible to conclude that, while selecting the headline's font style, the attributes of a font consist of limited style, and more objective and systematic font selection methods are necessary.

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