• Title/Summary/Keyword: Depth interpolation

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A Study on the 3-D Information Abstraction of object using Triangulation System (물체의 3-D 형상 복원을 위한 삼각측량 시스템)

  • Kim, Kuk-Se;Lee, Jeong-Ki;Cho, Ai-Ri;Ba, Il-Ho;Lee, Joon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.409-412
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    • 2003
  • The 3-D shape use to effect of movie, animation, industrial design, medical treatment service, education, engineering etc... But it is not easy to make 3-D shape from the information of 2-D image. There are two methods in restoring 3-D video image through 2-D image; First the method of using a laser; Second, the method of acquiring 3-D image through stereo vision. Instead of doing two methods with many difficulties, I study the method of simple 3-D image in this research paper. We present here a simple and efficient method, called direct calibration, which does not require any equations at all. The direct calibration procedure builds a lookup table(LUT) linking image and 3-D coordinates by a real 3-D triangulation system. The LUT is built by measuring the image coordinates of a grid of known 3-D points, and recording both image and world coordinates for each point; the depth values of all other visible points are obtained by interpolation.

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Deformation estimation of truss bridges using two-stage optimization from cameras

  • Jau-Yu Chou;Chia-Ming Chang
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.409-419
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    • 2023
  • Structural integrity can be accessed from dynamic deformations of structures. Moreover, dynamic deformations can be acquired from non-contact sensors such as video cameras. Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) algorithm is one of the commonly used methods for motion tracking. However, averaging throughout the extracted features would induce bias in the measurement. In addition, pixel-wise measurements can be converted to physical units through camera intrinsic. Still, the depth information is unreachable without prior knowledge of the space information. The assigned homogeneous coordinates would then mismatch manually selected feature points, resulting in measurement errors during coordinate transformation. In this study, a two-stage optimization method for video-based measurements is proposed. The manually selected feature points are first optimized by minimizing the errors compared with the homogeneous coordinate. Then, the optimized points are utilized for the KLT algorithm to extract displacements through inverse projection. Two additional criteria are employed to eliminate outliers from KLT, resulting in more reliable displacement responses. The second-stage optimization subsequently fine-tunes the geometry of the selected coordinates. The optimization process also considers the number of interpolation points at different depths of an image to reduce the effect of out-of-plane motions. As a result, the proposed method is numerically investigated by using a truss bridge as a physics-based graphic model (PBGM) to extract high-accuracy displacements from recorded videos under various capturing angles and structural conditions.

The Development of Adjustment Coefficients for Linear Classifications in the Korean Holstein Dairy Cattle (국내 홀스타인젖소의 선형심사에 대한 보정계수 개발)

  • Song, C.E.;Sang, B.C.;Do, C.H.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2002
  • The environmental effects were studied to estimate age and lactation stage adjustment coefficients in the primary linear traits of Holstein dairy cattle in Korea. Calving year month, classifier, age-month at classification and lactation stage were the environmental factors which significantly affected the most of linear traits at the level of 0.01. F values of Stature, strength, body depth, thurl with and rear leg side view were relatively higher in the effects of age-month, and dairy form, rear udder height, rear udder width, and udder cleft had relatively higher F values in the effects of lactation stage. Udder depth were affected highly by both age-month and lactation stage. Through the least square means of traits and the interpolation and smoothing obtained by the regression analysis of log and exponential transformed adjustment coefficients, age-month and lactation stage coefficients were estimated, and applied to real data to check the variation in the age-month and lactation stage effects. The estimated mean squares showed that the variation in all the linear traits significantly were decreased for the adjusted factors without the significant changes of variation in calving year month and classifier. That udder depth adjusted for both the age-month and lactation stage resulted in the decreases of variation in the both effects.

3D Pointing for Effective Hand Mouse in Depth Image (깊이영상에서 효율적인 핸드 마우스를 위한 3D 포인팅)

  • Joo, Sung-Il;Weon, Sun-Hee;Choi, Hyung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2014
  • This paper proposes a 3D pointing interface that is designed for the efficient application of a hand mouse. The proposed method uses depth images to secure high-quality results even in response to changes in lighting and environmental conditions and uses the normal vector of the palm of the hand to perform 3D pointing. First, the hand region is detected and tracked using the existing conventional method; based on the information thus obtained, the region of the palm is predicted and the region of interest is obtained. Once the region of interest has been identified, this region is approximated by the plane equation and the normal vector is extracted. Next, to ensure stable control, interpolation is performed using the extracted normal vector and the intersection point is detected. For stability and efficiency, the dynamic weight using the sigmoid function is applied to the above detected intersection point, and finally, this is converted into the 2D coordinate system. This paper explains the methods of detecting the region of interest and the direction vector and proposes a method of interpolating and applying the dynamic weight in order to stabilize control. Lastly, qualitative and quantitative analyses are performed on the proposed 3D pointing method to verify its ability to deliver stable control.

Comparative Studies of Methods for Continuation and Derivatives of Potential Fields (포텐셜장(場)의 상하향연속(上下向連續) 및 미분법(微分法)에 대(對)한 비교연구(比較硏究))

  • Kwon, Byung Doo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 1981
  • Studies of model potential fields continued upward and downward show differences depending on the method of continuation. Beginning with a magnetic field computed over a buried vertical cylinder, the field was continued to various levels by a method introduced by Henderson (Lagrangian interpolation) and by a spectral method (frequency domain analysis). Resultant fields show (1) no significant differences in upward continued values, (2) in downward continuation, accurate values are obtained with the spectral method over the central part of the anomaly, and (3) accurate values are obtained with Henderson's method on the flanks of the anomaly, while oscillations usually characterize the spectral method in this region. Essentially the same observations are made for derivative calculations. Field oscillations are empirically predicted at levels continued to approximately two-thirds of the depth of the source. Our spectral computer program output yields marked oscillations at one-half of the depth of the source. Henderson's method shows no oscillations at this depth and only minor oscillations at the top of the body (some negative values appear on the flanks of the anomaly). The Henderson output is a smooth field even if continued below the top of the body. These results suggest that the presence of oscillations cannot be used to identify the top of a buried source without careful consideration of the method used to continue the field. Use of the derivative to outline and isolate anomalies must similarly include consideration of the method of calculation.

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Consider the directional hole filling method for virtual view point synthesis (가상 시점 영상 합성을 위한 방향성 고려 홀 채움 방법)

  • Mun, Ji Hun;Ho, Yo Sung
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2014
  • Recently the depth-image-based rendering (DIBR) method is usually used in 3D image application filed. Virtual view image is created by using a known view with associated depth map to make a virtual view point which did not taken by the camera. But, disocclusion area occur because the virtual view point is created using a depth image based image 3D warping. To remove those kind of disocclusion region, many hole filling methods are proposed until now. Constant color region searching, horizontal interpolation, horizontal extrapolation, and variational inpainting techniques are proposed as a hole filling methods. But when using those hole filling method some problem occurred. The different types of annoying artifacts are appear in texture region hole filling procedure. In this paper to solve those problem, the multi-directional extrapolation method is newly proposed for efficiency of expanded hole filling performance. The proposed method is efficient when performing hole filling which complex texture background region. Consideration of directionality for hole filling method use the hole neighbor texture pixel value when estimate the hole pixel value. We can check the proposed hole filling method can more efficiently fill the hole region which generated by virtual view synthesis result.

A Prospect on the Changes in Short-term Cold Hardiness in "Campbell Early" Grapevine under the Future Warmer Winter in South Korea (남한의 겨울기온 상승 예측에 따른 포도 "캠벨얼리" 품종의 단기 내동성 변화 전망)

  • Chung, U-Ran;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2008
  • Warming trends during winter seasons in East Asian regions are expected to accelerate in the future according to the climate projection by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Warmer winters may affect short-term cold hardiness of deciduous fruit trees, and yet phenological observations are scant compared to long-term climate records in the regions. Dormancy depth, which can be estimated by daily temperature, is expected to serve as a reasonable proxy for physiological tolerance of flowering buds to low temperature in winter. In order to delineate the geographical pattern of short-term cold hardiness in grapevines, a selected dormancy depth model was parameterized for "Campbell Early", the major cultivar in South Korea. Gridded data sets of daily maximum and minimum temperature with a 270m cell spacing ("High Definition Digital Temperature Map", HDDTM) were prepared for the current climatological normal year (1971-2000) based on observations at the 56 Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) stations and a geospatial interpolation scheme for correcting land surface effects (e.g., land use, topography, and site elevation). To generate relevant datasets for climatological normal years in the future, we combined a 25km-resolution, 2011-2100 temperature projection dataset covering South Korea (under the auspices of the IPCC-SRES A2 scenario) with the 1971-2000 HD-DTM. The dormancy depth model was run with the gridded datasets to estimate geographical pattern of change in the cold-hardiness period (the number of days between endo- and forced dormancy release) across South Korea for the normal years (1971-2000, 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100). Results showed that the cold-hardiness zone with 60 days or longer cold-tolerant period would diminish from 58% of the total land area of South Korea in 1971-2000 to 40% in 2011-2040, 14% in 2041-2070, and less than 3% in 2071-2100. This method can be applied to other deciduous fruit trees for delineating geographical shift of cold-hardiness zone under the projected climate change in the future, thereby providing valuable information for adaptation strategy in fruit industry.

Survey of coastal topography using images from a single UAV (단일 UAV를 이용한 해안 지형 측량)

  • Noh, Hyoseob;Kim, Byunguk;Lee, Minjae;Park, Yong Sung;Bang, Ki Young;Yoo, Hojun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.spc1
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    • pp.1027-1036
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    • 2023
  • Coastal topographic information is crucial in coastal management, but point measurment based approeaches, which are labor intensive, are generally applied to land and underwater, separately. This study introduces an efficient method enabling land and undetwater surveys using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). This method involves applying two different algorithms to measure the topography on land and water depth, respectively, using UAV imagery and merge them to reconstruct whole coastal digital elevation model. Acquisition of the landside terrain is achieved using the Structure-from-Motion Multi-View Stereo technique with spatial scan imagery. Independently, underwater bathymetry is retrieved by employing a depth inversion technique with a drone-acquired wave field video. After merging the two digital elevation models into a local coordinate, interpolation is performed for areas where terrain measurement is not feasible, ultimately obtaining a continuous nearshore terrain. We applied the proposed survey technique to Jangsa Beach, South Korea, and verified that detailed terrain characteristics, such as berm, can be measured. The proposed UAV-based survey method has significant efficiency in terms of time, cost, and safety compared to existing methods.

A Joint Application of DRASTIC and Numerical Groundwater Flow Model for The Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability of Buyeo-Eup Area (DRASTIC 모델 및 지하수 수치모사 연계 적용에 의한 부여읍 일대의 지하수 오염 취약성 평가)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ju;Park, Eun-Gyu;Kim, Kang-Joo;Park, Ki-Hoon
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we developed a technique of applying DRASTIC, which is the most widely used tool for estimation of groundwater vulnerability to the aqueous phase contaminant infiltrated from the surface, and a groundwater flow model jointly to assess groundwater contamination potential. The developed technique is then applied to Buyeo-eup area in Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea. The input thematic data of a depth to water required in DRASTIC model is known to be the most sensitive to the output while only a few observations at a few time schedules are generally available. To overcome this practical shortcoming, both steady-state and transient groundwater level distributions are simulated using a finite difference numerical model, MODFLOW. In the application for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability, it is found that the vulnerability results from the numerical simulation of a groundwater level is much more practical compared to cokriging methods. Those advantages are, first, the results from the simulation enable a practitioner to see the temporally comprehensive vulnerabilities. The second merit of the technique is that the method considers wide variety of engaging data such as field-observed hydrogeologic parameters as well as geographic relief. The depth to water generated through geostatistical methods in the conventional method is unable to incorporate temporally variable data, that is, the seasonal variation of a recharge rate. As a result, we found that the vulnerability out of both the geostatistical method and the steady-state groundwater flow simulation are in similar patterns. By applying the transient simulation results to DRASTIC model, we also found that the vulnerability shows sharp seasonal variation due to the change of groundwater recharge. The change of the vulnerability is found to be most peculiar during summer with the highest recharge rate and winter with the lowest. Our research indicates that numerical modeling can be a useful tool for temporal as well as spatial interpolation of the depth to water when the number of the observed data is inadequate for the vulnerability assessments through the conventional techniques.

Water Quality Prediction Model in a Lake by Finite Element Method;Application to Sapkyo Lake (유한요소법에 의한 호소의 수질예측모형;삽교 담수호에 적용하여)

  • Ryu, Byong-Ro;Ahn, Sang-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 1989
  • A 2-dimensional pollutant transport phenomenon in shallow reservoirs was analyzed by using a finite element method. The Galerkin's weighted residual method, based on linear interpolation, was used and a triangle was adopted as an element. The two dimensional Stock's equation and the advection-diffusion equation integrated over depth were used as governing equations. Also the Newton-Raphson method was introduced to solve the non-linear terms of the equation. The results calculated by the model are in good agreement with the analytical solution for a simplified channel where a known solution is avaiable. An actual application of the model is attempted for Sapkyo Lake with a consideration of the influx of the Sapkyo Chun, the Muhan Chun and kogkyo Chun. Further refined research is needed to evaluate the water quality in the other reservoirs.

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