• Title/Summary/Keyword: Depth Video

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Frame Error Concealment of Stereoscopic Video Plus Depth for 3D Video Communication (3 차원 영상 통신을 위한 스테레오스코픽 영상 및 깊이 프레임 오류 은닉 기법)

  • Chung, Tae-Young;Kim, Chang-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.376-377
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 스테레오스코픽 영상 및 깊이 프레임 오류 은닉 알고리즘을 제안한다. i) 좌측 컬러 프레임 오류 발생시 시간적 상관관계를 이용하여 프레임을 복원한다. iii) 우측 컬러 프레임 오류 발생시 깊이 정보 및 DIBR 기법을 이용하여 좌 우 시점간의 매칭 픽셀을 예측하고, 매칭된 픽셀의 움직임 벡터 및 밝기 차이를 이용하여 프레임을 복원한다. iii) 좌측 깊이 프레임과 iv) 우측 깊이 프레임의 오류 발생시 좌 우측 컬러 프레임의 움직임 벡터를 이용하여 손실된 프레임을 복원한다. 컴퓨터 모의 실험을 통해 제안하는 알고리즘의 스테레오스코픽 컬러 및 깊이 프레임 오류 복원 성능을 확인한다.

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The Analysis on 3-Dimensional Stereoscopic Video Production Using Anaglyph Method_Focused on the Animation 'YGGDRASIL' (애너글리프(Anaglyph)를 이용한 3차원 입체영상 제작 사례에 대한 분석 -애니메이션 <이그드라씰>을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Hyun-Jong
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2013
  • The study analyzes how to create stereoscopic image in 3-dimension animation 'Yggdrasil', produced in Autodesk Maya(3D animation software), using Anaglyph method that is the oldest in 3-dimension stereoscopic video production. The anaglyph method help to produce stereoscopic images easily and to give effective 3D effect encoding each eye's image using filters of different colors. In addition, space direction applied visual perception theory expresses necessary distance, depth and speed effectively in 'Yggdrasil'

An HDTV-Compatible 3DTV Broadcasting System

  • Hur, Nam-Ho;Lee, Gwang-Soon;You, Woong-Shik;Lee, Jin-Hwan;Ahn, Chung-Hyun
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2004
  • We introduce a high-definition three-dimensional television (3DTV) broadcasting system that is fully compatible with the existing transmission system of high-definition television (HDTV). Specifically, we developed high-definition 3DTV broadcasting subsystems including a 3DTV camera, 3DTV video multiplexer and demultiplexer, 3DTV receiver, and 3DTV outdoor broadcast van. To verify the developed subsystems, we performed experimental services of 3DTV broadcasting during the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan. According to our subjective evaluation test, 88% of 273 viewers rated the perceived depth of 3DTV as “Good,” and 36% of the viewers preferred 3DTV to other digital broadcasting services.

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Fast Mode Decision for Depth Video Using Encoded Color Video Information in Intra Prediction coding (화면 내 예측 부호화에서 컬러영상 정보에 기반을 둔 깊이영상의 빠른 모드 결정기법)

  • Jeong, Hye-Jeong;Kang, Jin-Mi;Chung, Ki-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2012.06c
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    • pp.430-432
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문은 깊이영상의 화면 내 예측 부호화 과정에서 속도를 개선하는 기법을 제안한다. 부호화 과정 중 최적 모드 결정에 중요한 역할을 하는 율-왜곡 비용은 부호화 모드와 밀접한 관련이 있다. 영상을 분석한 결과, 컬러 영상의 최적 모드의 블록 크기에 따라 울-왜곡 비용이 차이나는 특징이 있다. 따라서 깊이 영상의 화면 내 예측 시 먼저 부호화 된 컬러 영상의 율-왜곡 비용에 따라 $16{\times}16$ 블록 크기를 결정한다. 제안한 기법을 참조 소프트웨어에 적용하여 실험한 결과 PSNR 차이는 거의 없었고, 부호화 시간은 평균 60% 이상의 속도를 개선하였다.

Intelligent Activity Recognition based on Improved Convolutional Neural Network

  • Park, Jin-Ho;Lee, Eung-Joo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.807-818
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    • 2022
  • In order to further improve the accuracy and time efficiency of behavior recognition in intelligent monitoring scenarios, a human behavior recognition algorithm based on YOLO combined with LSTM and CNN is proposed. Using the real-time nature of YOLO target detection, firstly, the specific behavior in the surveillance video is detected in real time, and the depth feature extraction is performed after obtaining the target size, location and other information; Then, remove noise data from irrelevant areas in the image; Finally, combined with LSTM modeling and processing time series, the final behavior discrimination is made for the behavior action sequence in the surveillance video. Experiments in the MSR and KTH datasets show that the average recognition rate of each behavior reaches 98.42% and 96.6%, and the average recognition speed reaches 210ms and 220ms. The method in this paper has a good effect on the intelligence behavior recognition.

Asymmetric Threshold-Based Occupancy Map Correction for Efficient Coding of MPEG Immersive Video (MIV 의 효율적인 부호화를 위한 비대칭 임계값 기반 점유맵 보정)

  • Dong-Ha Kim;Sung-Gyun Lim;Jeong-yoon Kim;Jae-Gon Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.51-53
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    • 2022
  • MIV(MPEG Immersive Video)의 시험모델 TMIV 는 다시점의 비디오와 깊이(depth) 비디오를 입력 받아 시점 사이의 중복성을 제거한 후 남은 텍스처(texture)와 깊이로 텍스처 아틀라스(atlas)와 깊이 아틀라스를 각각 생성하고 이를 압축한다. 각 화소별 점유(occupancy) 정보는 깊이 아틀라스에 포함되어 압축되는데 압축 손실로 인한 점유맵 오류를 방지하기 위하여 임계값 T = 64 로 설정한 보호대역을 사용한다. 기존에 설정된 임계값을 낮추어 깊이 동적범위를 확대하면 보다 정확한 깊이값 표현으로 부호화 효율을 개선할 수 있지만 보호대역 축소로 점유맵 오류가 증가한다. 본 논문에서는 TMIV 의 부호화기와 보호화기에 비대칭 임계값을 사용하여 보호대역 축소로 인한 점유맵 오류를 보정하면서 보다 정확한 깊이 값 표현을 통하여 부호화 효율을 개선하는 기법을 제안한다. 제안기법은 깊이 동적범위 확대와 비대칭 임계값 기반의 점유맵 오류 보정을 통하여 CG 시퀀스에서 2.2% BD-rate 이득과 주관적 화질 개선을 보인다.

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Acquisition Workflow of Multiview Stereoscopic Video at Real and CG Environment (실사 및 CG 환경에서의 다시점 입체영상 획득 기술)

  • Jeong, Jun Young;Yun, Kug Jin;Cheong, Won-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.51-53
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    • 2022
  • 고정된 위치를 중심으로 회전운동만 체험할 수 있는 3 자유도(DoF: Degrees of Freedom)를 넘어 위치를 변경하며 운동시차까지 포함된 6 자유도를 지원하는 몰입형 미디어에 대한 연구가 지속해서 진행되고 있다. 특히 부드러운 시점 변경을 제공하기 위해 특정 위치에서 샘플링 된 여러 개의 텍스쳐(또는 컬러) 및 깊이맵 영상(MVD: Multiview Video plus Depth)으로 구성된 다시점 영상을 통해 실제로 획득되지 않은 위치에서의 영상을 만들어내는 가상시점 합성(virtual view synthesis) 기술이 많이 사용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 몰입형 미디어의 대표적인 데이터 형식인 다시점 영상을 실사 및 컴퓨터 그래픽스(CG: Computer Graphics) 환경에서 획득하는 방법에 관해 설명한다.

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3D Visual Attention Model and its Application to No-reference Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment (3차원 시각 주의 모델과 이를 이용한 무참조 스테레오스코픽 비디오 화질 측정 방법)

  • Kim, Donghyun;Sohn, Kwanghoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 2014
  • As multimedia technologies develop, three-dimensional (3D) technologies are attracting increasing attention from researchers. In particular, video quality assessment (VQA) has become a critical issue in stereoscopic image/video processing applications. Furthermore, a human visual system (HVS) could play an important role in the measurement of stereoscopic video quality, yet existing VQA methods have done little to develop a HVS for stereoscopic video. We seek to amend this by proposing a 3D visual attention (3DVA) model which simulates the HVS for stereoscopic video by combining multiple perceptual stimuli such as depth, motion, color, intensity, and orientation contrast. We utilize this 3DVA model for pooling on significant regions of very poor video quality, and we propose no-reference (NR) stereoscopic VQA (SVQA) method. We validated the proposed SVQA method using subjective test scores from our results and those reported by others. Our approach yields high correlation with the measured mean opinion score (MOS) as well as consistent performance in asymmetric coding conditions. Additionally, the 3DVA model is used to extract information for the region-of-interest (ROI). Subjective evaluations of the extracted ROI indicate that the 3DVA-based ROI extraction outperforms the other compared extraction methods using spatial or/and temporal terms.

The Necessity of Video Recording in Archaeology and the Visual Archaeology (고고학에서 영상의 필요성과 영상고고학)

  • Choi, Sung Rak;Cho, Woo Tack
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.88-104
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    • 2009
  • Changes in a society and visual media has a tight relationship. Photography represented the last 20th century in the visual media; while the 21st century we live in is represented by moving image(video). The change of visual media also brought changes to the archaeological recordings. As information is gathered from the field work in archaeology, it seems that use of video recording, a reliable way of collecting and recording data, will increase. The process of archaeological excavations can be considered as a contents itself. Also, video recording has many advantages when recording environmental surrounding of the sites and artifacts, for the reservation of the scenery, and as recorded heritage of the humankind. Video recording can be a tool of conversion to public archaeology to devote to its social and academic roles. Considering all of the above, studying ways to record and preserve visual materials is essential in the field of archaeology and we should be prepared for it. We strongly propose reinstatement of the visual archaeology, which should be studied in archaeological perspective. The direction of the study of visual archaeology can be summarized into two. First is the study on the video recording during field work and the archive of video recordings. Second is the study on the media as the tool of communication. More detailed and organized research should be considered in depth in the archaeological theory and methods.

Stereoscopic Free-viewpoint Tour-Into-Picture Generation from a Single Image (단안 영상의 입체 자유시점 Tour-Into-Picture)

  • Kim, Je-Dong;Lee, Kwang-Hoon;Kim, Man-Bae
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2010
  • The free viewpoint video delivers an active contents where users can see the images rendered from the viewpoints chosen by them. Its applications are found in broad areas, especially museum tour, entertainment and so forth. As a new free-viewpoint application, this paper presents a stereoscopic free-viewpoint TIP (Tour Into Picture) where users can navigate the inside of a single image controlling a virtual camera and utilizing depth data. Unlike conventional TIP methods providing 2D image or video, our proposed method can provide users with 3D stereoscopic and free-viewpoint contents. Navigating a picture with stereoscopic viewing can deliver more realistic and immersive perception. The method uses semi-automatic processing to make foreground mask, background image, and depth map. The second step is to navigate the single picture and to obtain rendered images by perspective projection. For the free-viewpoint viewing, a virtual camera whose operations include translation, rotation, look-around, and zooming is operated. In experiments, the proposed method was tested eth 'Danopungjun' that is one of famous paintings made in Chosun Dynasty. The free-viewpoint software is developed based on MFC Visual C++ and OpenGL libraries.