• Title/Summary/Keyword: Depressive experience

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Influence of Personal Characteristics, Childhood abuse and Stressful Experience on Suicidal Ideation in Middle School Students (중학생의 성격특성, 아동기 학대경험 및 스트레스가 자살생각에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seog Hee;Kim, Kyung Hee;Kim, Ji Su;Kim, Ki Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.386-394
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing suicidal ideation in middle school students. Methods: Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) results, personal characteristics, child abuse experiences, and stress were obtained from a sample of 657 middle school students from 3 conveniently selected schools in S city. Results: Suicidal ideation of participants was positively correlated with child abuse experience, stress, psychosomatic symptoms, antisocial personality and depressive tendencies, whereas sociability and self-esteem were negatively correlated with suicidal ideation. Significant factors influencing suicidal ideation included an antisocial personality tendency, stress related to the family environment, mental abuse, gender (female), depressive trend, running away from home, sociability, and stress related to academic performance. These factors explained 39.9% of the variance. Conclusion: These results suggest that earlier screening and intervention programs for depression and stress in middle school students will be helpful in reducing suicidal ideation. Further studies are needed in which other strategies that could prevent suicidal ideation in middle school students are examined.

Subjective Sleep Problems of Depressed Patients with Different Types of Life-Time Traumatic Stress Events: An Explorative Study (우울증 환자에서 외상 사건 경험과 주관적 수면 문제의 특성)

  • Kim, Min Seob;Huh, Hyu Jung;Chae, Jeong-Ho
    • Anxiety and mood
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2016
  • Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between subjective sleep problems and various types of traumatic events of patients with depressive disorder. Methods : A total of 411 patients diagnosed with depressive disorders were recruited in this study. The participants filled out Life Time Events Checklist (LEC), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). We used the independent t-test and analysis of covariance to compare each component of PSQI between depressive patients with and without traumatic experiences. Results : The groups of patients who experienced a serious accident at work, home or during recreational activity, sexual assault, other unwanted or uncomfortable sexual experience, life-threatening illness or injury, and sudden, unexpected death of a near and dear one showed lower scores in a few components of PSQI. Sleep disturbance was a common problem in all five groups. Lower subjective sleep quality and longer sleep latency was observed in three groups. There were no differences in the other components of PSQI among groups. Conclusion : This study showed that various types of traumatic events may have different effects on subjective sleep quality as a consequence of the traumatic event which they had experienced.

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Mental health according to allergic diseases and exercise in adolescents (청소년의 알레르기 질환과 운동량에 따른 정신건강)

  • Lim, Mi Ran;Lee, Eun Young
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and high intensity exercise on depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in adolescents. This is a secondary data analysis study using 15th Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. Data analysis was performed by chi-square and logistic regression analysis using SPSS 22.0. As a result, there were differences in allergic diseases, high-intensity exercise, smoking experience, and drinking experience in both depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation. After adjusting for smoking experience and alcohol experience, asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis were influencing factor for depression symptoms(OR:1.16, 95% CI:1.07-1.26; OR:1.16, 95% CI:1.11-1.21; OR:1.17, 95% CI:1.11-1.23) and for suicidal ideation(OR:1.32, 95% CI:1.20-1.47; OR:1.22, 95% CI:1.15-1.29; OR:1.21, 95% CI:1.14-1.29). However, high intensity exercise had decreased depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation(OR:0.90, 95% CI:0.86-0.94; OR:0.85, 95% CI:0.80-0.90). As a result of this study, it was found that allergic diseases and high-intensity exercise had a great effect on mental health in adolescents, and we may use it as basic data for prevention and research related to the mental health of adolescent.

The Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Modifiable Lifestyle Risk Factors in Office Workers

  • Jin, Youngyun;Ha, Changduk;Hong, Hyeryun;Kang, Hyunsik
    • Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2017
  • Background: This study investigated the relationship between depressive symptoms and physical fitness, obesity indices, and vitamin D status in office workers. Methods: The subjects were 514 adults with more 30 years of experience as office workers in the city of Seoul. Lifestyle risk factors, obesity indices, physical fitness, and serum vitamin D levels were assessed with a standardized protocol. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was used to assess depression status. Vitamin D status was assessed by measuring serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations. Based on the BDI scores, participants were classified into no depression (ND, $BDI{\leq}9$), mild depression (MiD, $10{\leq}BDI{\leq}15$), and moderate depression (MoD, $16{\leq}BDI{\leq}23$) groups. Results: Compared with the high cardiorespriatory fitness group, the low cardiorespiratory fitness (men OR=2.618, women OR=1.596) an middle cardiorespiratory fitness group (men OR=1.256, women OR=1.110) had significantly higher odds ratio for having depressive symptoms, even after adjustment for age, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease, alcohol intake, smoking, body mass index (BMI), percent body fat (%BF), and waist circumference (WC). Compared with the insufficient or deficient vitamin D group , the sufficient vitamin D group had significantly lower odds ratios for having depressive symptoms (men OR=0.121, women OR=0.114), even after adjustment for age, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease, alcohol intake, smoking, BMI, %BF, and WC. Conclusion: Vitamin D supplementation and outdoor activities should be key components of a lifestyle intervention against office workers' depression.

Risk Factors Associated with Medication Adherence in HIV/AIDS Patients (한국인 HIV/AIDS 환자의 복약순응도에 미치는 위험 인자 연구)

  • Kyung Sun Oh;Jin-soo Lee;Euna Han
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.254-260
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    • 2023
  • Background: Adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) is crucial for maintaining the HIV-RNA suppression in patients living with HIV/AIDS. This study aims to analyze the risk factors contributing to low medication adherence among individuals with HIV/AIDS by analyzing data from the Korean HIV/AIDS cohort study. Methods: The dependent variable is ART medication adherence. The depressive symptom and anxiety scores were collected as main independence variables. Covariates included gender, age, transmission route, alcohol and smoking information, and antiviral treatment regimen details. To predict the relationship between ordinal dependent variables and independent variables, an ordered logistic regression analysis was conducted, and odds ratios (OR) were calculated. Results: The results of the ordered logistic regression analysis showed that female was associated with a higher risk of low medication adherence (OR=2.91, 95% CI=1.08, 7.83). Among the subjects who were non-smokers and non-drinkers, the risk of low medication adherence was lower (OR=0.36, 95% CI=0.18, 0.70). Depending on the ART treatment group, individuals taking integrase inhibitor had a lower risk of medication adherence (OR=0.31, 95% CI=0.13, 0.76), and those experiencing depressive symptoms were related with a higher risk of low medication adherence (OR=1.97, 95% CI=1.12, 3.46). Conclusions: The encouragement and emotional support of healthcare professionals are essential for patients living with HIV/AIDS who experience depressive symptoms to maintain ART adherence. Additionally, further research is needed to ensure that HIV/AIDS infected female with concurrent depressive symptoms can achieve appropriate ART therapeutic effect.

The Influence of Forest Experience Program on Physiological and Psychological States in Psychiatric Inpatients (산림체험 프로그램이 정신과 입원환자의 심리·생리 상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Min-Hee;Wi, An-Jin;Yoon, Byoung-Sun;Shim, Bong-Sup;Han, Young-Hoon;Oh, Eun-Mi;An, Ki-Wan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.1
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2015
  • In modern society, we are disconnected from nature and under a lots of stress. And this is cause of the various diseases. Also than in the past, People experiencing mental health problems and Psychiatric Inpatient rates appear to have increased. This study was performed to investigated the influence of forest experience program on Psychiatric Inpatients's mood and depressive state, stress responses. The subject of this study were 25 patients in the N Hospital in Naju, who were divided into an experimental group (n=12) and a control group (n=13), and experiment was conducted form 20 to March 29, 2013. Its effect was verified by utilizing the K-POMS-B and BDI, saliva. According to results of this study, there were improvements in their depressive state and degree of stress state. There was a meaningful difference(p<0.01). However, Cotrol group, these difference were not found.

The Effect of Depression on the Use of Medical Service: Focusing on Patients with Chronic Physical Illness among Middle-Aged and Elderly Women (우울 경험이 의료서비스 이용에 미치는 영향: 중·노년기 여성 만성신체질환자를 대상으로)

  • Cho, Hyo Eun;Jung, Hyun Woo;Lee, Jun Hyup
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 2021
  • Background: Patients with the chronic physical illness are more likely to experience depression, and the accompany of chronic physical illness and depression is particularly high in middle-aged and elderly women. Considering that depression is associated with somatization and the decline of therapeutic compliance when accompanied by chronic physical illness, middle-aged and elderly women who experience depression among chronic physical illness may increase their use of medical services. This study is to identify the effect of depression on the use of medical services, especially among middle-aged and elderly women with chronic physical illness. Methods: This study used the 2016 Korean Health Panel. For analysis, it used T-test, negative binomial regression, and multivariate regression combining propensity score matching. Results: First, depressive groups had a higher number of medical service utilization and total medical expenditure than the non-depressive group. Second, depression significantly increased medical service utilization (β=0.17, p=0.04) at the 5% significance level. Also, depression significantly increased total medical expenditure (β=0.37, p=0.08) at the 10% significance level. Conclusion: For those who have chronic physical illness among middle-aged and elderly women, the experience of depression was confirmed to be a factor affecting the use of medical services. In the end, it is important to come up with policy countermeasures for middle-aged and elderly women accompanied by depression and chronic physical illness.

Mother's Experience of Caring Child with a Severe Atopic Dermatitis (중증 아토피 피부염 환아를 돌보는 어머니의 경험)

  • Chang, Eun-Young;Chung, Seung-Won;Lee, Ja-Hyung
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to understand mother's experience of caring child with a severe atopic dermatitis. Twelve participants were selected and collected on their caring difficulties using in-depth interview. Data were analyzed according to the method of Colaizzi. Significant statements were extracted from the data. From the significant statement, 18 clusters of themes and 7 categories were emerged. Eighteen cluster of themes formed 7 categories : Thinking of atopic dermatitis during 24 hour, Mom would cure you, You are atopic, I'm depressive, I need 12 or more bodies to take care of him/her, Great conversion of daily life, From a bitterness to a frailness, In peace with an atopic dermatitis. In this study, it was implicated that mothers were suffered from caring children with an atopic dermatitis and nurses need to have more interests in the maternal stress and their quality of life as well as provision of information.

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Relationship between Depression and Health Care Utilization (우울과 의료이용의 관계)

  • Hyo Eun Cho;Jun Hyup Lee
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2024
  • Background: Depressive disorders can be categorized into daily depression and clinical depression. The experience of depressive disorder can increase health care utilization due to decreased treatment compliance and somatization. On the other hand, the clinical depression group may also experience social prejudice associated with the illness, which can limit their access to health care utilization. In terms of the significance of health care utilization as a factor in individual and social issues, this study aims to compare the health care utilization of the clinical depression group with that of the non-depressed group and the daily depression group. Methods: The analysis utilized the inverse probability of treatment weighting based on the generalized propensity score. Results: As a result of the analysis, clinical depression and daily depression were higher among women, low-income groups, individuals with low education levels, and so forth. The clinical depression group was also higher among individuals who were not economically active, did not have private health insurance, or had multiple chronic diseases. The number of outpatient department visits in the depression group was significantly higher than in the non-depressed group. In addition, the number of outpatient department visits for the clinical depression group was significantly higher than that for the daily depression group. Outpatient medical expenses were higher in the depression group than in the non-depressed group, and there was no significant difference between the clinical depression group and the daily depression group. Conclusion: Health care utilization was higher in the depression group than the non-depressed group, it was also higher in the clinical depression group than the daily depression group.

A Study on the Menopause Experience : A Q Methodological Approach (폐경기 경험에 관한 연구 : Q 방법론적 접근)

  • 신혜숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.807-824
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    • 1995
  • This study was intended to provide women who are experiencing menopause with effective nursing care by exploring the menopause experience. The purpose of the research was to understand the subjective feelings of women about the question of what the menopause experience is. Q-Methodological method was used for that purpose. As the research method, Q-statements were collected preliminary to the study of through in -depth interviews and a literature review. For the study 34 Q-statements were selected. There were 21 women as subjects for the research. The 21 women sorted the 34 statements using the principle of Forced Normal Distribution. The principle of Forced Normal Distribution, which has nine scales to measure the individual opinions, was called Q-Factor Analysis by using PC Quanl Program to supply the material. As a result, there were four categories(self-com-passion type, self-regulation type, self-perception type, self-abandonment type) of special opinion about the menopause experience in these women. The first type was called Self-compassion This type' was associated with varying degrees of emotonal instability(psychological withdrawal). And type in menopause signifies loss of a socially valued status and may result in depressive symptoms. This type expresses the menopause experience as associated with negative reaction. The second type is called Self-regulation. This type overcomes the menopause experience more actively than the other types and do not express the menopause experience as one of suffering. This type make efforts by themselves to regulate the mono-pause experience. The third type is called Self-perception. This type perceives the experience of menopause which as typical menopausal syndrome (hot flashes and decreased vaginal lubrication, decreased estrogen producing atrophic changes of the labia and vaginal mucosa, making intercourse uncomfortable). The fourth type is called Self- abandonment. This type denies the experience of menopause. The meaning of menopausal experience is significantly related with a life accident or life load. Also, This type experiences pain in the musculoskeletal system. As a result, The meaning of the menopausal experience is affected by perceived subjective experience of the nurses, the need to understand each persons meaning of the menopause experience and to develop appropriate nursing interventions based on the typology of menopause experience. Finally. The result of the study will provide basic data for nursing intervention the menopausal women.

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