• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dengue fever

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Association of Intracellular $T_H1-T_H2$ Balance in CD4+ T-cells and MIP-$1{\alpha}$ in CD8+ T-cells with Disease Severity in Adults with Dengue

  • Kadhiravan, Tamilarasu;Saxena, Ankit;Singh, Amar;Broor, Shobha;Sharma, Surendra K.;Mitra, Dipendra K.
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.164-172
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    • 2010
  • Background: We tested the hypothesis that dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is associated with a $T_H1$-skewed immune response as opposed to dengue fever (DF). Methods: We estimated intracellular (in T-cells) and serum levels of designate $T_H1/T_H2$ cytokines [interferon-${\gamma}$ (IFN-${\gamma}$), interleukin-4 (IL-4), and tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$] and macrophage inflammatory protein-$1{\alpha}$ (MIP-$1{\alpha}$) at admission, 48h, and day 5 in 20 adults with dengue (DF=10, DHF=10) and 10 dengue-naive healthy controls. Results: At admission, intracellular IFN-${\gamma}$/IL-4 ratio in CD4+ T-cells and proportion of MIP-$1{\alpha}$-positive CD8+ T-cells were significantly higher in patients with DHF [7.21 (5.36~10.81) vs. 3.04 (1.75~4.02); p=0.011 and 6.2% (3.2~8.2%) vs. 2.4% (2.0~3.6%); p=0.023]. The latter showed a significant positive correlation with IFN-${\gamma}$/IL-4 ratio in CD4+ T-cells (Spearman's rho=0.64; p=0.003), percentage-change in haematocrit (rho=0.47; p=0.048), and serum alanine amino-transferase level (rho=0.61; p=0.009). Conclusion: We conclude that DHF is associated with a $T_H1$-skewed immune response. Further, MIP-$1{\alpha}$ in CD8+ T-cells is an important immunologic correlate of disease severity in dengue.

Dengue-related Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of the General Public in Singapore

  • Shaheen, Majid;Hu, Ye;Hui, Yik Tan;Lin, Xinying
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2019
  • Dengue infection is becoming a serious global health threat. Public awareness is a pre-requisite for the successful implementation of dengue prevention programs. The main purpose of this study was to investigate dengue-related information needs and seeking behavior of the general public in Singapore. Some areas covered by this study were: importance of dengue-related information needs, preferred channels for seeking information, and respondents' perceptions of using dengue-related information. A questionnaire was used for data collection and 152 individuals participated in this study. Data analysis showed that the most sought after information concerned: dengue-related medicines, primary symptoms of dengue infection, and different possible treatments. The popular channels for seeking information were: websites of hospitals and other health agencies, the social media, television, and newspapers. Medical staff, such as doctors and nurses, were trusted for providing accurate information. Although credibility of social media was considered low, respondents were using it due to its easy accessibility. The findings of this study will be useful to government health departments in Singapore as well as in other countries suffering from dengue, hospitals, and public welfare agencies involved in public health awareness campaigns.

A Study on Serologic Diagnosis for Dengue Virus Infection

  • Sang-Wook Park;Je-Hoon Yang;Hyung-Joon Bae;Hi-Joo Moon;Young-Dae Woo
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.269-273
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    • 2002
  • Dengue fever (DF) is an acute febrile illness caused by dengue viruses in the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus. DF has so far posed any problem in Korea, however it has been recently believed to be associated with oversea's traveler infected with dengue virus. Antibody titers of sera from DF patients against dengue virus were measured by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT), including the haematologic test. Three of patients with DF showed highly fluorescent and neutralizing antibody titers by IFA and PRNT assay. Two of them showed higher, remarkably. Meanwhile, one of them was tested and resulted in severe tirombocytopenia, elevated serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities as well as mild leucopenia, increased monocytes and basophils and depressed lymphocytes in haematological differential count.

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Development of a Real-Time Control & Management System with In-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device for Dengue Fever (실시간 뎅기열 관리를 위한 관제시스템 개발)

  • Changsun, Ahn;Yongho, Park;Jungdae, Moon;Jongchan, Park;Youngkon, Seo;Allen, Sohn;Yoonjong, Choi;Yanghwa, Ha;Bongsu, Jung;Youngjoo, Kim
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2023
  • Dengue virus transmission is a viral infection disease between humans and Aedes mosquitoes. Dengue is ubiquitous throughout the tropics and subtropical zones, where 1/3 of the global population live. The weather in Korea is also changing to subtropical weather, resulting in increased vulnerable Korean population to dengue virus transmission. It is important to control and prevent the dengue risk with track-recording & monitoring system. It is also required to have the control system to treat and monitor dengue patients with various cases such as regions, ages, genders according to the track-record of the disease. In this paper, we developed a Dengue Control & Prevention System, which can monitor and control dengue outbreaks in real-time with in-vitro diagnostic devices. Dengue Control & Prevention System is composed of in-vitro diagnostic device, which is a fluorescent immunoassay, and real-time monitoring system. In the future, we expect that our Dengue Control & Prevention System can be upgraded to have various disease information from Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency for government policies and diseases control in Korea.

Validation of Serum Aminotransferases Levels to Define Severe Dengue Fever in Children

  • Srivastava, Geetika;Chhavi, Nanda;Goel, Amit
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: We aimed to study the pattern of liver-injury in children with dengue fever (DF) and validate serum aminotransferase ${\geq}1,000IU/L$ as a marker of severe DF. Methods: Children admitted with DF were included. DF was defined by presence of clinical criteria and positive serological or antigen tests in absence of other etiology. DF severity was graded as dengue without or with warning signs and severe dengue. Liver-injury was defined as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) more than twice the upper limit of normal (boys, 30 IU/L; girls, 21 IU/L). Results: Of 372 children with DF, 144 (38.7%) had liver-injury. Risk of liver-injury and aminotransferase levels increased with DF severity (p<0.001). Recommended ALT and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) cut-off at ${\geq}1,000IU/L$ had sensitivity 4.8% (5/105), specificity 99.3% (265/267) for detection of severe DF. In children with ALT and AST <1,000 IU/L (n=365), the area under receiver operating curves for prediction for severe DF, were 0.651 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.588-0.714; p<0.001) for ALT and 0.647 (95% CI, 0.582-0.712; p<0.001) for AST. Serum ALT at 376 IU/L and AST at 635 IU/L had sensitivity and specificity comparable to ${\geq}1,000IU/L$ for defining severe DF. Conclusion: Liver-injury is common in DF. The ALT and AST levels increase with DF severity. ALT and AST levels of ${\geq}1,000IU/L$ could be lowered to 376 IU/L and 635 IU/L respectively for defining severe DF.

A Pediatric Case of Dengue Fever with Extreme Hyperglycemia Developed in a Family Who Returned from India (인도에서 귀국한 가족에서 발생한 심한 고혈당 동반 소아 뎅기열 1례)

  • Kim, Joon Young;Kim, Han Wool
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 2020
  • Dengue fever (DF) is endemic throughout tropical and subtropical regions; however, it is not endemic in Korea. Imported infectious diseases should be suspected when encountering returned travelers with non-specific symptoms such as fever, rash, and headache. Persistent vomiting, abdominal pain, hemorrhagic tendency, hepatic enzyme abnormalities, and proteinuria are risk factors for the development of severe DF in a patient with DF. Severe hyperglycemia is also known to be related to poor prognosis in acute illness, and with certain underlying diseases that present with hyperglycemia, such as diabetes, it is related to the progression of severe DF. We report a DF case with severe hyperglycemia in an adolescent returning from India. Pediatric DF cases reported in Korea were also reviewed.

Distinct Humoral and Cellular Immunity Induced by Alternating Prime-boost Vaccination Using Plasmid DNA and Live Viral Vector Vaccines Expressing the E Protein of Dengue Virus Type 2

  • George, Junu A.;Eo, Seong-Kug
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.268-280
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    • 2011
  • Background: Dengue virus, which belongs to the Flavivirus genus of the Flaviviridae family, causes fatal dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS) with infection risk of 2.5 billion people worldwide. However, approved vaccines are still not available. Here, we explored the immune responses induced by alternating prime-boost vaccination using DNA vaccine, adenovirus, and vaccinia virus expressing E protein of dengue virus type 2 (DenV2). Methods: Following immunization with DNA vaccine (pDE), adenovirus (rAd-E), and/or vaccinia virus (VV-E) expressing E protein, E protein-specific IgG and its isotypes were determined by conventional ELISA. Intracellular CD154 and cytokine staining was used for enumerating CD4+ T cells specific for E protein. E protein-specific CD8+ T cell responses were evaluated by in vivo CTL killing activity and intracellular IFN-${\gamma}$ staining. Results: Among three constructs, VV-E induced the most potent IgG responses, Th1-type cytokine production by stimulated CD4+ T cells, and the CD8+ T cell response. Furthermore, when the three constructs were used for alternating prime-boost vaccination, the results revealed a different pattern of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses. i) Priming with VV-E induced higher E-specific IgG level but it was decreased rapidly. ii) Strong CD8+ T cell responses specific for E protein were induced when VV-E was used for the priming step, and such CD8+ T cell responses were significantly boosted with pDE. iii) Priming with rAd-E induced stronger CD4+ T cell responses which subsequently boosted with pDE to a greater extent than VV-E and rAd-E. Conclusion: These results indicate that priming with live viral vector vaccines could induce different patterns of E protein-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses which were significantly enhanced by booster vaccination with the DNA vaccine. Therefore, our observation will provide valuable information for the establishment of optimal prime-boost vaccination against DenV.

Google Search Trends Predicting Disease Outbreaks: An Analysis from India

  • Verma, Madhur;Kishore, Kamal;Kumar, Mukesh;Sondh, Aparajita Ravi;Aggarwal, Gaurav;Kathirvel, Soundappan
    • Healthcare Informatics Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.300-308
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: Prompt detection is a cornerstone in the control and prevention of infectious diseases. The Integrated Disease Surveillance Project of India identifies outbreaks, but it does not exactly predict outbreaks. This study was conducted to assess temporal correlation between Google Trends and Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) data and to determine the feasibility of using Google Trends for the prediction of outbreaks or epidemics. Methods: The Google search queries related to malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya, and enteric fever for Chandigarh union territory and Haryana state of India in 2016 were extracted and compared with presumptive form data of the IDSP. Spearman correlation and scatter plots were used to depict the statistical relationship between the two datasets. Time trend plots were constructed to assess the correlation between Google search trends and disease notification under the IDSP. Results: Temporal correlation was observed between the IDSP reporting and Google search trends. Time series analysis of the Google Trends showed strong correlation with the IDSP data with a lag of -2 to -3 weeks for chikungunya and dengue fever in Chandigarh (r > 0.80) and Haryana (r > 0.70). Malaria and enteric fever showed a lag period of -2 to -3 weeks with moderate correlation. Conclusions: Similar results were obtained when applying the results of previous studies to specific diseases, and it is considered that many other diseases should be studied at the national and sub-national levels.

Critical Approach to Community-Based Health Program: A Case of Paraguay Dengue Prevention Program (지역주민참여 보건프로그램에 대한 비판적 접근: 파라과이 뎅기열 예방 프로그램 '밍가 암비엔탈'의 사례)

  • Gu, Gyoung-Mo
    • Iberoamérica
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzes how the health program is implemented by political and economic factors in the case of Minga Ambiental program in Paraguay. In the field of critical medical anthropology, the practice of health care programs explains that socio-cultural and political and economic factors can be the main variables besides the primary purpose of preventing and eradicating the disease. In the same vein, this study also analyzed how community-based health programs operate by various external factors. As a result, the Minga Ambiental program is a health program called Dengue Fever, which has been tended to be sustained and expanded by various actors, including politicians and corporations in countries and communities, despite concerns about effectiveness. In this case, this study found that health programs can be operated by political and economic relations different from their original purpose, and are intertwined in various social contexts by various actors in constructing health programs.

모기에 의한 피해와 류코사이토준병 예방대책

  • 조동인
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    • v.36 no.7 s.417
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 2004
  • 사람들이 모기를 싫어하는 이유는 많다. 모기는 사람과 가축에 각종 병원체를 옮기며, 또한 많은 스트레스를 주고, 이로 인한 정신적인 피해가 크기 때문이다. 가축에서는 가축이 수면을 제대로 취하지 못하게 하고, 질병을 일으켜서 경제적인 피해를 입히기도 한다. 모기로 인해 육계는 성장이 늦어지고, 산란계에서는 산란율이 떨어진다. 사람이 모기에 물리게 되면 간지럽고, 빨갛게 붓는 피부 알러지가 생기고, 잠잘 때 윙윙 소리를 내어 수면을 방해한다는 점, 그로 인한 불쾌감, 정신적 스트레스 등의 피해를 입는다. 그러나 무엇보다도 모기가 주는 가장 큰 피해는 각종 질병을 옮기고 다닌다는 것이다. 모기로 인해 옮겨지는 병으로는 뇌염(encephalitis), 마랄리아(malaria), 상피병(filaria), 황열병(yellow fever), 뎅기열(dengue fever) 등을 들 수 있다. 그 중에서도 국내에서 발병하는 병은 일본뇌염(Japanese encephalitis), 말라리아, 상피병 등이 알려져 있다. 가축에서 오는 모기 매개 질병은 소의 아까바네병, 유행열, 이바라기병 및 츄잔병, 아이노바이러스 감염증 등이 있고, 돼지에서는 사람에게 뇌염을 일으킬 수 있는 돼지일본뇌염이 있고 닭에서는 닭류코사이토준병이 있다.

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