• Title/Summary/Keyword: Degree of a map

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Assessment Method of Noise Exposed Population for Manufacture Type of Noise Map (소음지도제작방법에 따른 소음노출인구산정방법)

  • Park, In-Sun;Oh, Jong-Hwa;Park, Sang-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1129-1133
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    • 2007
  • Assessment of noise exposed population is a method for checking the degree of environmental noise and social influence in order to reduce the risks such as annoyance and disturbance that are generated by environmental noise. Also, this method suggests the preferential noise reduction policy and action plan by accurately assessing the area that noise causes harm to human health. Recently, a noise map, which can predict noise in comprehensive areas, is used for the assessment of noise exposed population, breaking from the methods using existing measures. In particular, countermeasure for the noise can be considered more effectively by using assessment methods of noise exposed population for specific noise levels, areas, and building types which are the main input factors in noise maps. In this study, Assessment methods of noise exposed population by using 2D noise map are compared with those by 3D noise map.

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Strategies for Minimizing Forest Disturbance During the Construction of Power Transmission Towers (송전선로 건설에 따른 산림훼손의 최소화 관리방안)

  • 이동근;강현경
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to minimize the forest disturbance around an entry road of a power transmission tower construction site between Taean and Sinsesan, Chungnam. The main study field was classified into existing materials and a GIS, remote sensing analysis, and a field examination. This information was used to identify the most suitable entry road using a degree of green naturality map, eco-naturality map, actual vegetation map, and a forest state map as the existing materials. Also, the study used an normalized difference vegetation index, altitude and slope map in order to make the evaluation materials which used an remote sensing image, and GIS. This data was used to choose an optimum area, and diagnosed the current condition of the vegetation with a field survey of the area. It analyzed vegetation structure, species diversity, the age of trees in a field examination. Subsequently, we proposed four area types based on the analysis results--preservation area, transplantation area, restoration area and development area. As a result, the preservation area was categorized into 8 grades, according to the degree of green naturality, large area of breast diameter at Pinus densiflora community, competition area of Pinus densiflora and Quercus spp. and Quercus spp. community of over 20 years old. A transplantation area established 46 optimum areas according to the GIS analysis and vegetation investigation results. Vegetation restoration plan for disturbance area should be made based on ecological value of existing vegetation to worthwhile area as Quercus spp. mixing forest proposed. The development area selected a ecological worthless place as an artificial forest where Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii growth is poor. This research results suggest that restoration of vegetation will be possible in the real world. Also, ecological restoration guidelines will be made through building and analyzing data base and routine monitoring of transplantation and restoration area.

A study on the Effective Use of Environmental Information System - focused on the accuracy of raw data - (환경정보체계의 효과적 이용에 관한 고찰 - 원자료의 정확성을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kyoo-Seock
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 1998
  • In Korea, the initial installation of GIS requires lots of cost, time, and human efforts. If the accuracy of GIS data does not meet the certain standard for use, the system may not work as expected. So, it needs to be investigated for the accuracy of raw data. However, there is little study for the accuracy of raw data in Korea. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review the data accuracy of raw data - geologic map, 1:5,000 and 1:25,000 scale topographic map, forest stand map, degree of green naturality(DGN) map, and detailed survey data of DGN map-, which are to be used in Environmental Information System(EIS) in Korea. After this study, some errors in data were surveyed and following conclusions were derived. (1) There is no map data, e. g, wildlife habitat map. (2) Some data are misinterpreted depending on the location in the geologic map. (3) Some data are not updated properly after change of topography in the topographic map or the elevation and location is different depending on the scale.. (4) Some data are not edited properly in the forest stand map, e. g. two attributes in one polygon. (5) DGN classification system does not reflect the characteristic of Korean vegetation community. So, it needs to be refined and restructured.

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Power Transformer Diagnosis Using a Modified Self Organizing Map

  • Lee J. P.;Ji P. S.;Lim J. Y.;Kim S. S.
    • KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering
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    • v.5A no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2005
  • Substation facilities have become extremely large and complex parts of electric power systems. The development of condition monitoring and diagnosis techniques has been a very significant factor in the improvement of substation transformer security. This paper presents a method to analyze the cause, the degree, and the aging process power transformers by the Self Organizing Map (SOM) method. Dissolved gas data were non-linearly transformed by the sigmoid function in SOM that works much the same way as the human decision making process. The potential for failure and the degree of aging of normal transformers are identified by using the proposed quantitative criterion. Furthermore, transformer aging is monitored by the proposed criterion for a set of transformers. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed method, a case study is performed and its results are presented.

Diagnosis of Power Transformer Using Modified Self Organizing Map (변형된 SOM을 이용한 유입변압기 열화진단)

  • Lee Jong Pil;Ji Pyeong Shik;Lim Jae Yoon;Kim Sung Soo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • summer
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    • pp.578-580
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    • 2004
  • Substation facilities have become large and complex in the electric power systems. Development of condition monitoring and diagnosis techniques have been very important to improve the security of substation transformers. This paper presents a method to analyze the cause and the degree of aging of power transformers by Self organizing map(SOM). Dissolved gas data were non-linearly transformed by sigmoid function to make determination of SOM close to that of human. Potential of a failure and the degree of aging of a normal transformer are identified by using the proposed quantitative criterion. Furthermore, transformer aging is monitored by the proposed criterion for a set of transformers. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed method, a case study is performed and its results are presented.

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A Study on the Failure Characteristics for the Rock Slopes (Centering Around Jungang Highway) (암반사면의 붕괴특성에 관한 연구(중앙고속도로를 중심으로))

  • Kim, Jong-Ryeol;Lee, Jin-Su;Hwang, Pung-Ju;Lee, Yong-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.765-776
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    • 2005
  • As a result of industrial advancement and land development, a number of highway slopes have been gradually formed and numerous problems related to their stability have been frequently caused. Generally, major factors for rock slope stability are lithology, slope inclination, slope height, degree of weathering, precipitation, condition of groundwater and so onl. Many complex factors are mostly involved in the collapse of rock slopes. In this study, a database for 94 collapsed Jungang highway slopes were set up using GIS program through literature search, site investigation, geological map and Korea tectonic province map. The analyses for the collapsed factor including sort of rock(by origin), tectonic province, highway direction, slope gradient and direction, degree of weathering, slope height were carried.

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Establishment on Management Plan of Environmental Noise with Noise Map (소음지도를 활용한 환경소음 관리계획 수립)

  • Sun, Hyosung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study is to prepare the effective management plan of environmental noise with a noise map, and the guideline on the management plan of environmental noise was suggested through the review of existing application examples. The management plan of environmental noise with a noise map includes the practical contents in the stages of subdivision of management areas, establishment of reduction measures, opinion collection, post investigation, and reformulation of management plan. First, the classification of management regions is performed considering the excess degree of noise standard and the facility type in the phase of subdivision of management areas. Second, the optimal management plan is established through the investigation of regional characteristics and various noise reduction measures in the phase of establishment of reduction measures, which includes the examination of noise reduction effects with a noise map and the budget planning with the costing of noise reduction measures. Third, the opinion survey with a local resident and a expert is carried out in order to prove the validity of the management plan in the phase of opinion collection, and the management plan is modified with gathered opinions. Fourth, the post examination plan with noise measurement is performed in order to verify the real effect of noise reduction measures according to the management plan in the phase of post investigation. Finally, the amendment of the management plan as well as the improvement of a noise map is carried out at a regular cycle in the phase of reformulation of management plan.

Analysis of Infiltration Area using Prediction Model of Infiltration Risk based on Geospatial Information (지형공간정보 기반의 침투위험도 예측 모델을 이용한 최적침투지역 분석)

  • Shin, Nae-Ho;Oh, Myoung-Ho;Choe, Ho-Rim;Chung, Dong-Yoon;Lee, Yong-Woong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2009
  • A simple and effective analysis method is presented for predicting the best infiltration area. Based on geospatial information, numerical estimation barometer for degree of infiltration risk has been derived. The dominant geospatial features influencing infiltration risk have been found to be area altitude, degree of surface gradient, relative direction of surface gradient to the surveillance line, degree of surface gradient repetition, regional forest information. Each feature has been numerically expressed corresponding to the degree of infiltration risk of that area. Four different detection probability maps of infiltration risk for the surveillance area are drawn on the actual map with respect to the numerically expressed five dominant factors of infiltration risks. By combining the four detection probability maps, the complete picture of thr best infiltration area has been drawn. By using the map and the analytic method the effectiveness of surveillance operation can be improved.

Causual Analysis on Soil Loss of Safety Class Oryun Tunnel Area in Landslide Hazard Map (산사태 위험지도에서 안전등급지역인 오륜터널 일대의 토사유실 원인분석)

  • Kim, Tae Woo;Kang, In Joon;Choi, Hyun;Lee, Byung Gul
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2016
  • At present, summer cloudburst and local torrential rainfalls have increased in this country, because of climatic change. Therefore, studies on prevention of soil loss have been actively proceeded, and Korea Forest Service has offered landslide hazard map. Landslide hazard map divides risks into 5 classes, by giving weight with 9 kinds of elements. In August 25 2014, soil loss occurred in the whole Oryun Tunnel, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, because of local torrential heavy rain. As a result of comparing with landslide hazard map, the area where soil loss occurred in reality is a safety zone on hazard map. Rainfall, soil map, geological map, forest type map, gradient, drainage network, watershed, basin shape, and efflux of the whole Oryun Tunnel where soil loss occurred were analyzed. As a result of an analysis, it is judged that soil, forest type, much efflux and peak discharge, degree of water network and basin shape of a place where landslide occurred are causes of soil loss. It is judged that efflux, peak discharge, and basin shape by the localized rainfall that is not considered in landslide hazard map of them are the biggest causes of soil loss. It is judged that efflux, peak discharge, degree of water network and basin shape by the rainfall are important through a study on a causual analysis on soil loss in the whole Oryun Tunnel where is one of occurrence area where a lot of propertywere lost by the record local torrential rainfalls. A localized torrential downpour should be prepared by considering these elements on judgement of a landslide hazard area.


  • Misong Chang;Sunyang Ko;Chong Gyu Lee;Sang-Min Lee
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.659-675
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    • 2023
  • Let K be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 and let f be a non-fibered planar quadratic polynomial map of topological degree 2 defined over K. We assume further that the meromorphic extension of f on the projective plane has the unique indeterminacy point. We define the critical pod of f where f sends a critical point to another critical point. By observing the behavior of f at the critical pod, we can determine a good conjugate of f which shows its statue in GIT sense.