• Title/Summary/Keyword: Deep/Superficial muscle

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A dual padding method for ischial pressure sore reconstruction with an inferior gluteal artery perforator fasciocutaneous flap and a split inferior gluteus maximus muscle flap

  • Ku, Inhoe;Lee, Gordon K.;Yoon, Saehoon;Jeong, Euicheol
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.455-461
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    • 2019
  • Background Various surgical management methods have been proposed for ischial sore reconstruction, yet it has the highest recurrence rate of all pressure ulcer types. A novel approach combining the advantages of a perforator-based fasciocutaneous flap and a muscle flap is expected to resolve the disadvantages of previously introduced surgical methods. Methods Fifteen patients with ischial pressure ulcers with chronic osteomyelitis or bursitis, who underwent reconstructive procedures with an inferior gluteal artery perforator (IGAP) fasciocutaneous flap and a split inferior gluteus maximus muscle flap from January 2011 to June 2016, were analyzed retrospectively. The split muscle flap was rotated to obliterate the deep ischial defect, managing the osteomyelitis or bursitis, and the IGAP fasciocutaneous flap was rotated or advanced to cover the superficial layer. The patients' age, sex, presence of bursitis or osteomyelitis, surgical details, complications, follow-up period, and ischial sore recurrence were reviewed. Results All ischial pressure ulcers were successfully reconstructed without any flap loss. The mean duration of follow-up was 12.9 months (range, 3-35 months). Of 15 patients, one had a recurrent ulcer 10 months postoperatively, which was repaired by re-advancing the previously elevated fasciocutaneous flap. Conclusions The dual-flap procedure with an IGAP fasciocutaneous flap and split inferior gluteus maximus muscle flap for ischial pressure ulcer reconstruction is a useful method that combines the useful characteristics of perforator and muscle flaps, providing thick dual padding with sufficient vascularization while minimizing donor morbidity and vascular pedicle injury.

Pelvic Compression Using a Compression Belt and Non-elastic Taping on Trunk and Hip Extensor Muscle Activity during Prone Hip Extension: A Comparative Study of Experienced and Non-experienced Low Back Pain Group (압박 벨트와 비탄력 테이프를 이용한 골반압박이 엎드려 고관절 신전 시 체간과 고관절 신전근의 근 작용에 미치는 영향: 요통 경험군과 요통 비경험군 비교 연구)

  • Park, So-hyun;Kim, Suhn-yeop
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2021
  • Background : Prone hip extension (PHE) is commonly used for exercises and tests in patients with low back pain. Previous studies have shown that pelvic compression belts (PCB) and non-elastic taping (NET) contribute greatly to improvements in lumbopelvic stability. This study aimed to compare the effect of two lumbopelvic stability methods such as PCB and NET on the trunk and hip extensor muscle activities during PHE tests. Methods: Subjects who experienced low back pain (low back pain group, LBPG; n=20) and those who did not experience low back pain (non-LBPG; n=20) participated in this study. The subjects were instructed to perform PHE with and without a PCB and NET. PHE tests were performed in the condition wherein the two stabilization methods were applied, and the actions of the muscles at that time were measured using surface electromyography (EMG). EMG data were collected from the hamstring, gluteus maximus, erector spine (ES), and multifidus (MF) muscles. The data were collected three times for 5 s with a 1-min rest between each of the three sets. Results: In the LBPG, EMG of the ES muscle was significantly reduced when NET or a PCB was applied (p<.05). There was no difference in the change in the ES muscle activity when NET and a PCB were applied. The ratio of MF/ES muscleactivity showed a significant increase in the LBPG with NET (p<.05). Conclusion: Both NET and PCB applied to subjects who experienced low back pain significantly reduced the ES muscle activity during PHE exercises and helped control the balance of the superficial and deep trunk extensor muscles.

Anomalous Course of the Facial Nerve Deep to the Retromandibular Vein : A Case Report (후하악정맥 내측으로 이상 주행하는 안면신경의 해부학적 변이 1예)

  • Lee, Sang-Joon;Park, Byung-Kuhn;Chung, Phil-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.253-255
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    • 2010
  • Identification and protection of the facial nerve is very important in the proper operation of the parotid tumor. Posterior approach which finds main trunk of the facial nerve by surgical landmark such as tragal pointer, tympanomastoid suture, and posterior belly of digastric muscle is most commonly used. In case of posterior located tumor, inferior approach may be used, in which the retromandibular vein is followed from the neck and inferior branch of the facial nerve is located. In general, the facial nerve lies superficial to the retromandibular vein. But we experienced the anomalous relationship of the facial nerve and the retromandibular vien. We report this case with a literature review.

Anatomical variation of quadratus plantae in relation with flexor digitorum brevis

  • Punnapa Raviteja;Mrudula Chandrupatla;Ramoju Harshitha;Marni Sameer Chowdary
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.562-565
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    • 2023
  • The muscles of the sole have been traditionally categorized into four layers, but it is more practical to divide them into peripheral and central groups. The peripheral groups include medial and lateral groups. The central plantar muscles are more numerous and divided into superficial and deep layers. During routine dissection in the Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bibinagar, Hyderabad, variations are been observed in the plantar intrinsic muscle in the left foot & right foot of a 53-year-old male cadaver. This is the first cadaveric report of a combination of discrepancies especially the inter-tendinous connection between quadratus plantae and flexor digitorum brevis. Similar observations in the literature were not found by us. It is important to identify and study these dissimilarities of muscles of the sole for surgeons, anatomists, radiologists and orthopaedics as these muscles and tendons are used in foot reconstructive procedures, and for the treatment of some congenital anomalies.

Effects of Biofeedback Based Deep Neck Flexion Exercise on Neck Pain: Meta-analysis (바이오피드백을 이용한 심부목굽힘근운동이 목 질환에 미치는 영향: 메타분석)

  • Park, Joo-Hee;Jeon, Hye-Seon;Kim, Ji-hyun;Kim, Ye Jin;Moon, Gyeong Ah;Lim, One-bin
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2021
  • Previous studies have reported that deep neck flexor (DNF) exercise can improve neck problems, including neck pain, forward head posture, and headache, by targeting the deep and superficial muscles of the neck. Despite the prevailing opinion across studies, the benefits of DNF can vary according to the type of neck problems and the outcome measures adopted, ranging from positive outcomes to non-significant benefits. A meta-analysis was conducted in this study to assess conclusive evidence of the impact of DNF exercise on individuals with neck problems. We used PUBMED, MEDLINE, NDSL, EMBASE, and Web of Science to search for primary studies and the key terms used in these searches were "forward head posture (FHP)," "biofeedback," "pressure biofeedback unit," "stabilizer," "headache," and "neck pain." Twenty-four eligible studies were included in this meta-analysis and were coded according to the type of neck problems and outcome measures described, such as pain, endurance, involvement of neck muscle, craniovertebral angle (CVA), neck disability index (NDI), cervical range of motion (CROM), radiographs of the neck, posture, strength, endurance, and headache disability index. The overall effect size of the DNF exercise was 0.489. The effect sizes of the neck problems were 0.556 (neck pain), -1.278 (FHP), 0.176 (headache), and 1.850 (mix). The effect sizes of outcome measures were 1.045 (pain), 0.966 (endurance), 0.894 (deep neck flexor), 0.608 (superficial neck flexor), 0.487 (CVA), 0.409 (NDI), and 0.252 (CROM). According to the results of this study, DNF exercise can effectively reduce neck pain. Thus, DNF exercise is highly recommend as an effective exercise method for individuals suffering from neck pain.

Primary Closure of Deep Penetrating Wounds under Local Anesthesia with Dental Lidocaine HCL 28 Ampules in Maxillofacial Regions -Report of two cases - (치과용 Lidocaine 28 앰플로 국소마취 하에 1차 봉합한 악안면 심부 관통성 열창 -증례 보고-)

  • Kim, Jong-Bae;Yoo, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 2001
  • The wide deep penetrating wound of maxillofacial region should be early closed under emergency general anesthesia for the prevention of complications of bleeding, infection, shock & residual scars. But, if the emergency general anesthesia wound be impossible because of pneumoconiosis, obstructive pulmonary disease & hypovolemic shock, early primary closure should be done under local anesthesia by use of much amount of the anesthetic solution. The maximum dose of dental lidocaine (2% lidocaine with 1 : 100,000 epinephrine) is reported to 7 mg/kg under 500 mg (13.8 ampules) in normal adult. But the maximum permissible dose of dental lidocaine can be changed owing to the general health, rapidity of injection, resorption, distribution & excretion of the drug. The blood level of overdose toxicity is above $4.0{\mu}g/ml$ in central nervous & cardiovascular system. The injection of dental lidocaine 1-4 ampules is attained to the blood level of $1{\mu}g/ml$ in normal healthy adult. The duration of anesthetic action in the dental 2% lidocaine hydrochloride with 1 : 100.000 epinephrine is 45 to 75 minutes and the period to elimination is about 2 to 4 hours. Therefore, authors selected the following anesthetic methods that the first injection of 6 ampules is applied into the deeper periosteal layer for anesthetic action during 1 hour, the second injection into the deeper muscle & fascial layer, the third injection into the superficial muscle and fascial layer, the fourth injection into the proximal skin & subcutaneous tissue and the fifth final injection into the distal skin & subcutaneous tissue. The total 26-28 ampules of dental lidocaine were injected into the wound as the regular time interval during 5-6 hours, but there were no systemic complications, such as, agitation, talkativeness, convulsion and specific change of vital signs and consciousness.

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Values of Three Different Preoperative Regimens in Comprehensive Treatment For Young Patients with Stage Ib2 Cervical Cancer

  • Zhao, Yi-Bing;Wang, Jin-Hua;Chen, Xiao-Xiang;Wu, Yu-Zhong;Wu, Qiang
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1487-1489
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    • 2012
  • Objective: To compare the clinical efficacy of concurrent chemoradiotherapy, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and intracavity brachytherapy in comprehensive treatment for young patients with stage Ib2 cervical cancer. Methods: One hundred and twelve young patients with stage Ib2 cervical cancer were enrolled retrospectively in our hospital from January 2003 to June 2005. They were categorized into three groups according to preoperative regimens, including the concurrent chemoradiotherapy group (Group 1, n=38), the neoadjuvant chemotherapy (Group 2, n=49), and the intracavity brachytherapy group (Group 3, n=25). Radical hysterectomy was performed following these regimens. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were given according to pelvic lymph node metastasis, deep cervical stromal invasion, intravascular cancer emboli, histological grading, vaginal stump and positive surgical margin. Results: The cancer disappearance and superficial muscle invasion rates were statistically significantly better in the concurrent chemoradiotherapy group than in the other two groups (P<0.01). No statistically significant difference was noted in the deep muscle invasion rate, surgical time and intraoperative blood loss among three groups, but significantly more postoperative complications occurred in the concurrent chemoradiotherapy group. The 2-year pelvic recurrence was statistically significantly lower in the concurrent chemoradiotherapy group compared to other two groups, while the 5-year survival was higher. Conclusion: Concurrent chemoradiotherapy is efficacious for young patients with stage Ib2 cervical cancer.

Immediate Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Free Flap (심부하복벽 천공지 유리피판을 이용한 즉시 유방재건술)

  • Kim, Jun-Hyung;Park, Ji-Ung;Cho, Sang-Hun;Eo, Su-Rak
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 2008
  • In the past decade, there has been increasing breast reconstructions after mastectomy, and the abdomen has been the gold standard for donor site. TRAM (transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous), MSTRAM (muscle sparing transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous), DIEP (deep inferior epigastric artery perforator), SIEA (superficial inferior epigastric artery) flap has been widely used nowadays. Among them, DIEP free flap spares the whole rectus abdominis muscle and anterior rectus sheath resulting in decreased donor site morbidity. Between March of 2006 and February of 2008, six patients had undergone immediate breast reconstructions using DIEP free flap. The mean age of patients was 48.5 years. All patients had unilateral breast reconstructions. We dissected two perforators which were included in the unilateral pedicle. Thoracodorsal artery and its venae comitantes were chosen as recipient vessels. For venous anastomosis, we used the GEM Microvascular Anastomotic Coupler System (Synovis Micro Companies Alliance, Inc., Birmingham, Ala.) in four cases. All flaps were survived completely except one who showed fatty abdomen in old age. She showed repetitive vascular spasm intraoperatively. None of the patients had abdominal hernia, bulge or weakness. We believe that DIEP free flap provides a reliable method for autologous breast reconstruction if the patients are selected appropriately and performed by a skillful surgeon.

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Study on the Anatomical Pericardium Meridian Muscle in Human (수궐음 심포경근의 해부학적 고찰)

  • Park, Kyoung-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This study was carried to identify the component of the Pericardium Meridian Muscle in human. Methods : The regional muscle group was divided into outer, middle, and inner layer. The inner part of body surface were opened widely to demonstrate muscles, nerve, blood vessels and to expose the inner structure of the Pericardium Meridian Muscle in the order of layers. Results We obtained the results as follows; He Perfcardium Meridian Muscle composed of the muscles, nerves and blood vessels. In human anatomy, it is present the difference between terms (that is, nerves or blood vessels which control the muscle of the Pericardium Meridian Muscle and those which pass near by the Pericardium Meridian Muscle). The inner composition of the Pericardium Meridian Muscle in human is as follows ; 1) Muscle P-1 : pectoralis major and minor muscles, intercostalis muscle(m.) P-2 : space between biceps brachialis m. heads. P-3 : tendon of biceps brachialis and brachialis m. P-4 : space between flexor carpi radialis m. and palmaris longus m. tendon(tend.), flexor digitorum superficialis m., flexor digitorum profundus m. P-5 : space between flexor carpi radialis m. tend. and palmaris longus m. tend., flexor digitorum superficialis m., flexor digitorum profundus m. tend. P-6 : space between flexor carpi radialis m. tend. and palmaris longus m. tend., flexor digitorum profundus m. tend., pronator quadratus m. H-7 : palmar carpal ligament, flexor retinaculum, radiad of flexor digitorum superficialis m. tend., ulnad of flexor pollicis longus tend. radiad of flexor digitorum profundus m. tend. H-8 : palmar carpal ligament, space between flexor digitorum superficialis m. tends., adductor follicis n., palmar interosseous m. H-9 : radiad of extensor tend. insertion. 2) Blood vessel P-1 : lateral cutaneous branch of 4th. intercostal artery, pectoral br. of Ihoracoacrornial art., 4th. intercostal artery(art) P-3 : intermediate basilic vein(v.), brachial art. P4 : intermediate antebrachial v., anterior interosseous art. P-5 : intermediate antebrarhial v., anterior interosseous art. P-6 : intermediate antebrachial v., anterior interosseous art. P-7 : intermediate antebrachial v., palmar carpal br. of radial art., anterior interosseous art. P-8 : superficial palmar arterial arch, palmar metacarpal art. P-9 : dorsal br. of palmar digital art. 3) Nerve P-1 : lateral cutaneous branch of 4th. intercostal nerve, medial pectoral nerve, 4th. intercostal nerve(n.) P-2 : lateral antebrachial cutaneous n. P-3 : medial antebrachial cutaneous n., median n. musrulocutaneous n. P-4 : medial antebrachial cutaneous n., anterior interosseous n. median n. P-5 : median n., anterior interosseous n. P-6 : median n., anterior interosseous n. P-7 : palmar br. of median n., median n., anterior interosseous n. P-8 : palmar br. of median n., palmar digital br. of median n., br. of median n., deep br. of ulnar n. P-9 : dorsal br. of palmar digital branch of median n. Conclusions : This study shows some differences from already established study on meridian Muscle.

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Musculocutaneus Island Flap Based on the Distal Vascular Pedicle of Gracilis Muscle (박근의 원위혈관경을 이용한 도서형 근피판술)

  • Chung, Duke-Whan;Lee, Yong-Wook;Cho, Chang-Hyun
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.96-102
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    • 1997
  • The gracilis that is frequently used as a donor of free muscle trasfer is appropriate in the muscular shape and vascular position. This muscle is belonged to the second type of muscle group by the classification of the pattern of muscular nutrient vessel. The adductor branch or first perforating branch of deep femoral artery which supplies the proximal 1/3 of this muscle is a dominant one and this is used for the microscopic anastomosis of muscle or musculocutaneous flap. The minor vascular pedicles which enter the distal 1/3 of this of this muscle are branches of the superficial femoral artery and it is 0.5mm in diameter, 2cm in length with two venae comitantes. These minor pedicles supplies distal half of the gracilis muscle. This island musculocutaneous flap using distal vascular pedicle can be used to cover the defect of soft tissue around the distal femoral supra-condylar area, knee joint and proximal tibial condyle area which cause limitation of motion of knee joint, or in the cases that usual skin graft is impossible. The important operative procedure is as follows; The dissection is carried proximally and distally and the entire gracilis muscle including proximal and distal pedicle is completely dissected. After temporary blocking of the proximal vascular pedicle, the adequate muscle perfusion by the distal pedicle is identified and it is rotated to the recipient site around knee joint. The advantages of this procedure are simple, no need of microscopic vascular anastomoses and no significant functional loss of donor site. Especially in the cases of poor condition of the recipient vessel, this procedure can be used effectively. From 1991 to 1996, we performed 4 cases; complete survival of flap in 3 cases and partial survival of flap with partial necrosis in 1 case. This procedure is though to be useful in the small sized soft tissue defect of distal femoral supra-condylar area, knee joint and proximal tibial condylar area, especially in the defect of anterior aspect which expected to cause limitation of motion of knee joint due to scar contracture. But the problems of this procedure are the diameter of distal vascular pedicle is small and the location of distal vascular pedicle is not constant. To reduce the failure rate, identify the muscular perfusion of distal vascular pedicle after blocking the proximal pedicle, or strategic delay will be helpful.

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