• 제목/요약/키워드: Decision factor

검색결과 1,639건 처리시간 0.029초

균형성과표를 활용한 전자의무기록시스템의 성과측정 모형개발 (Development of the Performance Measurement Model of Electronic Medical Record System - Focused on Balanced Score Card -)

  • 이경희;김영훈;부유경
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study are suggest to performance measurement model of Electronic Medical Record(EMR) and Key Performance Index(KPI). For data collection, 665 questionnaires were distributed to medical record administrators and insurance reviewers at 31 hospitals, and 580 questionnaires were collected(collection rate: 87.2%). Regarding methodology, Critical Success Factor(CSF) and index of the information system were derived based on previous studies, and these were set as performance measurement factors of EMR system. The performance measurement factors were constructed by perspective using BSC, and analysis on causal relationship between factors was conducted. A model of causal relationship was established, and performance measurement model of EMR system was proposed through model validation. Analysis on causal relationship between performance management factors revealed that utility cognition of the learning & growth perspective factor had causal relationship with job efficiency(${\beta}=0.20$) and decision support(${\beta}=0.66$) of the internal process perspective factors, and security had causal relationship with system satisfaction(${\beta}=0.31$) of the customer perspective factor. System quality had causal relationship with job efficiency(${\beta}=0.66$) and decision support(${\beta}=0.76$) of the internal process perspective factors, all of which were statistically significant(P<0.01). Job efficiency of the internal process perspective had causal relationship with system satisfaction(${\beta}=0.43$), and decision support had causal relationship with decision support satisfaction(${\beta}=0.91$) and job satisfaction (${\beta}=0.74$), all of which were statistically significant(P<0.01). System satisfaction of the customer perspective had causal relationship with job satisfaction(${\beta}=0.12$), job satisfaction had causal relationship with cost reduction(${\beta}=0.53$) of the financial perspective, and decision support satisfaction had causal relationship with productivity improvement(${\beta}=0.40$)of the financial perspective(P<0.01). Also, cost reduction of the financial perspective had causal relationship with productivity improvement(${\beta}=0.37$), all which were statistically significant(P<0.05). Suitability index verification of the performance measurement model whose causal relationship was found to be statistically significant revealed that $X^2/df=2.875$, RMR=0.036, GFI=0.831, AGFI=0.810, CFI=0.887, NFI=0.838, IFI=0.888, RMSEA=0.057, PNFI=0.781, and PCFI=0.827, all of which were in suitable levels. In conclusion, the performance measurement indices of EMR system include utility cognition, security, and system quality of the learning & growth perspective, decision support and job efficiency of the internal process perspective, system satisfaction, decision support satisfaction, and job satisfaction of the customer perspective, and productivity improvement and cost reduction of the financial perspective. In this study, it is expected that the performance measurement indices and model of EMR system which are suggested by the author, will be a measurement tool available for system performance measurement of EMR system in medical institutions.

제품개발에서 디자인의 선행적 결정인자(先行的 決定因子)에 대한 연구 - 다원적(多元的) 디자인 프로세스로의 접근 - (A Study on the Anterior Decision Design Factor in Product Development - An Approach to the Multi-Sequential Design Process)

  • 김현
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제13권
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 1996
  • 80년대의 거품경제 붕괴 후로는 가격, 용도, 품질, 실질 성 등 상품 기본가치를 중시하는 성숙된 소비사회로 전환될 수 있는 가치를 상품이 실현하고 있는 가이며, 딸서 기본에 충실하고 합리적인 차별화를 제시하는 등 소비자가 자신의 실생활에 있어서 중요하게 생각하고 있는 가치관과 조화를 이루는 상품성이다. 이러한 조건 속에서 소비자 수요의 단순한 발견에 의해 디자인 개념을 설정하는 것을 뛰어 넘어 소비자의 다양한 수요를 이끌어 갈 수 있고 기업의 시장 우위확보를 위한 경쟁력 제고 및 정체성 정립을 위한 방법의 하나로 디자인 인자 지향적 프로세스(factor oriented process)를 기초로 한 다원적 프로세스(multi-sequential process)를 제안한다. 이 인자 지향적 프로세스는 프로세스 내부의 요인 분석(分析) 및 특히 이들의 합성(合成)을 중시하여 이에 의해 새로운 해결안을 그 특성으로 하고 디자인 개발에 합리적인 근거를 제시하도록 한다. 이는 합성과정이란 분류된 인자의 특성에 의해 인자들을 체계적으로 조합하는 과정에 내재하는 제한 요소 사이의 상관관계를 분석하여 우위 인자(dominant factor)를 발견하고 이에 의해 가능한 몇 가지 코드를 만들어 디자인 개념의 방향을 제시하게 되어 디자인 모체를 만드는 과정이다. 다원적 디자인 프로세스란 폭 넓은 접근 방법으로 안으로는 제품 내에 존재하는 우위 인자의 규명에 의한 차별화된 대안들을 찾아내고 밖으로는 관련제품과의 연계성(連繫性)까지 고려한 선행 인자(anterior factor-다 가치 적 기준으로 디자인 방향을 결정해 주는 방향인자)를 찾아내 디자인 방향의 당위적 결정을 유도하는 디자인 프로세스이다.

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중재판정에 의한 집행판결의 절차와 그 문제점 (The Procedure for Decision of Enforcement by the Arbitration Award and Its Problems)

  • 김봉석
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.169-205
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    • 2003
  • Arbitration means the procedure that a party inquires a third party arbitrator for a resolution on the dispute on certain matters of interest to follow through with the commitment of the arbitration, and a series of procedures performed by the arbitrator of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board. Arbitration is implemented in accordance with the procedure determined by the Arbitration Act and Arbitration Regulations. In the event the parties reach to the reconciliation during the process of arbitration, the reconciliation is recorded in the form of arbitration award(decision), and in the event a reconciliation is not made, the arbitrator shall make the decision on the particular case. The arbitration award(decision) for reconciliation during the arbitration procedure (Article 31 of Arbitration Act, hereinafter referred to as the 'Act') or the mediation under the Arbitration Regulation of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (Article 18 of the Arbitration Regulations) shall have the same effectiveness with the decision rendered by a court that, in the event a party does not perform the obligation, the enforcement document is rendered under the Rules on Enforcement Document on Mediation Statement of various dispute resolution committees of the Supreme Court to carry out the compulsory enforcement. However, in the event that the party to take on the obligation to perform under the arbitration award (decision) rendered by the arbitrator (Article 32 of the Act) does not perform without due cause, a separate enforcement decision in accordance with the procedure determined under the Civil Enforcement Act shall be obtained since the arbitration award(decision) cannot be the basis of enforcement under the Civil Enforcement Act. And, in order to enforce the judgment compulsorily in accordance with the regulations under the Civil Enforcement Act under the foreign arbitration judgment (Article 39 of the A.1), it shall fulfill the requirement determined under the Civil Litigation Act (article 217 of Civil Litigation Act) and shall obtain a separate enforcement decision in accordance with the procedure determined under the Civil Enforcement Act (Article 26 and Article 27 of Civil Enforcement Act) since the arbitration judgment of foreign country shall not be based on enforcement under the Civil Enforcement Act. It may be the issue of legislation not to recognize the arbitration award(decision) as a source of enforcement right, and provide the compulsive enforcement by recognizing it for enforcement right after obtaining the enforcement document with the decision of a court, however, not recognizing the arbitration award(decision) as the source of enforcement right is against Clause 3 of Article 31 of the Act, provisions of Article 35, Article 38 and Article 39 that recognized the validity of arbitration as equal to the final judgment of a court, and the definition that the enforcement decision of a court shall require the in compulsory enforcement under Clause 1 of Article 37 of the Act which clearly is a conflict of principle as well. Anyhow, in order to enforce the arbitration award(decision) mandatorily, the party shall bring the litigation of enforcement decision claim to the court, and the court shall deliberate with the same procedure with general civil cases under the Civil Litigation Act. During the deliberation, the party obligated under the arbitration award(decision) intended to not to undertake the obligation and delay it raises the claim and suspend the enforcement of cancelling the arbitration award(decision) on the applicable arbitration decision within 3 months from the date of receiving the authentic copy of the arbitration award(decision) or the date of receiving the authentic copy of correction, interpretation or additional decision under the Regulation of Article 34 of the Act (Clause 3 of Article 36 of the Act). This legislation to delay the sentencing of the enforcement and then to sentence the enforcement decision brings the difficulties to a party to litigation costs and time for compulsory enforcement where there is a requirement of an urgency. With the most of cases for arbitration being the special field to make the decision only with the specialized knowledge that the arbitrator shall be the specialists who have appropriate knowledge of the system and render the most reasonable and fair decision for the arbitration. However, going through the second review by a court would be most important, irreparable and serious factor to interfere with the activation of the arbitration system. The only way to activate the arbitration system that failed to secure the practicality due to such a factor, is to revise the Arbitration Act and Arbitration Regulations so that the arbitration decision shall have the right to enforce under the Rules on Enforcement Document on Mediation Statement of various dispute resolution committees of the Supreme Court.

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기업의 소셜네트워크를 통한 비윤리적 바이럴 마케팅에 대한 청소년의 윤리적 판단 연구 (The Research on Adolescents' Ethical Decision on Unethical Viral Marketing through Social Network Service)

  • 조승호
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 기업의 비윤리적 바이럴 마케팅에 대해서 청소년들의 윤리적 판단과 그러한 판단에 어떠한 변인들이 영향을 주는 지 살펴보았다. 본 연구에서 청소년의 윤리적 판단에 영향을 주는 변인으로 경쟁심, 돈에 대한 태도, 개인주의를 고려하였다. 종속변인인 윤리적 판단은 두 가지 관점에서 접근하였다. 하나는 보편주의의 입장인 의무론적 관점과 다른 하나는 상대주의적 관점에서 접근하였다. 연구결과 경쟁심은 의무론과 상대주의적 윤리적 판단에 유의한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 개인주의, 돈에 대한 태도는 유의하지는 않았으나 상관관계를 고려해 살펴본 결과 돈의 대한 태도도 청소년의 윤리적 판단에 영향을 주는 것으로 판명되었다.

Diagnostic Classification Scheme in Iranian Breast Cancer Patients using a Decision Tree

  • Malehi, Amal Saki
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권14호
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    • pp.5593-5596
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    • 2014
  • Background: The objective of this study was to determine a diagnostic classification scheme using a decision tree based model. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a retrospective case-control study in Imam Khomeini hospital in Tehran during 2001 to 2009. Data, including demographic and clinical-pathological characteristics, were uniformly collected from 624 females, 312 of them were referred with positive diagnosis of breast cancer (cases) and 312 healthy women (controls). The decision tree was implemented to develop a diagnostic classification scheme using CART 6.0 Software. The AUC (area under curve), was measured as the overall performance of diagnostic classification of the decision tree. Results: Five variables as main risk factors of breast cancer and six subgroups as high risk were identified. The results indicated that increasing age, low age at menarche, single and divorced statues, irregular menarche pattern and family history of breast cancer are the important diagnostic factors in Iranian breast cancer patients. The sensitivity and specificity of the analysis were 66% and 86.9% respectively. The high AUC (0.82) also showed an excellent classification and diagnostic performance of the model. Conclusions: Decision tree based model appears to be suitable for identifying risk factors and high or low risk subgroups. It can also assists clinicians in making a decision, since it can identify underlying prognostic relationships and understanding the model is very explicit.

항공관련학과 전공자의 지각된 진로장벽이 진로결정수준에 미치는 영향 -진로스트레스의 매개효과를 중심으로- (The Effects of Recognized Career Barriers on Career Decision Level among Students of Majoring in Aviation -Focused on the Mediating Effect of Career Stress-)

  • 배신영
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2015
  • In this study, it examined whether recognized career barriers among students of majoring in aviation affected career stress and career decision level, and career stress moderated the impact of career barriers on career decision level. For this purpose, it conducted a survey of aviation-related college students in C university from Sep. 21th. 2015 to Oct. 8th. 2015. A total of 225 questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 statistical package program and frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, and correlation analysis were conducted. Findings indicated that career barriers partly influenced the career stress and career decision level. Also, career stress had an negative effect on career decision level. Lastly, career stress moderated the impact of career barriers on career decision level. The implication of this paper would be used as a fundamental material to guide for career direction to students majoring in aviation.

임상간호사의 전문직 자율성과 임상적 의사결정능력과의 관계 (Professional Autonomy and Clinical Decision Making Ability in Clinical Nurses)

  • 성미혜;엄옥봉
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.274-281
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between level of professional autonomy and clinical decision making abilities in clinical nurses, and to provide basic information for promoting competency nurses in making independent decisions. Method: Data were collected from July 1 to July 18, 2008, and participants were 202 clinical nurses in general hospitals. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics: frequency and percentage and Pearson correlation coefficients with the SPSS WIN 14.0 program. Results: The professional autonomy index for the nurses was 159.63 points. The clinical decision making ability index was 119.79 points. The most highly ranked factor in clinical decision making was search for information and unbiased assimilation of new information. There was a statistically significant difference in professional autonomy according to age, clinical experience, and type of duty. Relation between level of professional autonomy and clinical decision making showed a positive correlation. Conclusion: As a results show a significant correlation between professional autonomy and clinical decision making in clinical nurses, improvement in professional autonomy of clinical nurses, would be promoted through continuous support and training.

계층분석과정을 이용한 소비자의 구매행태에 따른 구매요인별 중요도에 관한 실증적 연구 (An Empirical Study on the Weight of Purchasing Factors according the Purchasing Style Using the AHP)

  • 김신중
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.259-270
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구에서는 소비자들의 구매행태를 현장방문쇼핑과 재택쇼핑으로 대별하여 소비자들의 구매행태에 따른 구매요인별 중요도를 AHP기법을 이용하여 평가해 보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 소비자들의 구매요인을 1단계에서는 제품관련 요인, 구매편리성에 관한 요인, 구매에 따른 소비자 위험에 관한 요인, 구매 활동시 즐거움에 관한 요인으로 분류하고, 각 요인별로 세부요인을 설정하여 총 22개의 세부요인에 대한 중요도 산출을 위하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 응답자를 구매행태에 따라 재택쇼핑 경험이 있는 집단과 없는 집단, 재택쇼핑 경험이 많은 집단과 적은 집단, 재택쇼핑 방식으로 TV재택쇼핑 방식을 이용하는 집단과 인터넷 재택쇼핑 방식을 이용하는 집단으로 분류하여 각 집단별 구매요인의 중요도를 산출하여 실물시장과 재택쇼핑시장의 경쟁전략 수립에 지침을 제공하고자 하였다. 분석 결과 집단별로 구매요인별 중요도에 차이가 존재하는 것으로 평가되었으며, 이러한 결과는 기업의 다양한 고객요구 충족을 위한 경쟁전략 수립의 기초로서 활용되어질 수 있을 것이다.

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소비자의 수단적 가치에 따른 의복구매 불만족 및 불평행동의 비교 (A Study on the Consumer Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior by Consumer Value)

  • 유태순
    • 복식
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    • 제33권
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    • pp.175-188
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    • 1997
  • the main purpose of this study was to inves-tigate the consumer dissatisfaction and com-plaining behavior in purchase and use by con-sumer value. The subjects participated this study were 204 female students. They were classified into 3 groups by important degree of instrumental value which is one of the 2 value categories that divided by the Rokeach. In order to assess consumer dissatishaction in purchase and use of clothing by those groups. The Clothing Purchase Dissatisfaction Inventory was used and The Consumer Complaining Behavior Inventory was adapted to asses consumer complaining behavior. The Clothing Purchase Dissatisfaction Inventory has 4 subscales(Price related factor Produt and Quality related factor Information and Service related factor Purchase decision-mak-ing related factor)and The Consumer Complaining behavior Inventory consisted in 3 subscales(Do nothing Private complaining Public complaining) Using SAS package in order to examine Clothing Purchase Dissatisfaction Inventory scores anaslysis of variance (MANOVA) was excuted And turkety test a kind of post-hoc multiple comparisons methods was adapted to compare Clothing Purchase Dissatisfaction In-ventory scores of each groups. in order to in-vestigate consumer complaining behavior by each groups and grade major pocket money a month the mean purchse price of clothing a month x2-test Frequency Percent were executed. Conclusion eached in this study are as fol-low: 1. Each group had differences in price re-lated factor Product nad Quality related fac-tor Information and Service related factor ex-cept Purchase decision -making related factor Groups which made much of value tend to dis-satisfy in price related facor Product and Quality related factor Information and Service related factor. 2. Group that made much of value had more high scores in private complaining complainto third party and the middle group had more high scores in private complaining . Group made little of value tended to do nothing. 3. Grade major pocket money a monty the mean purchase price of clothing a month didn't have difference signficantly in consumer behavior. but major had difference on private complaining.

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베이비부머의 라이프스타일에 따른 실버타운에 대한 인식과 선호 결정요인 (Determinant Factors and Recognition about Silver Town according to Baby Boomer's Life Style)

  • 서인애;홍형옥;이현정
    • 한국주거학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국주거학회 2011년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.220-225
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the lifestyle of babyboomer, the difference of recognition about silver town and preferable determinants according to lifestyle. By the Social Survey Research with questionnaire, data from 108 people of 46 years old ~ 65 years old who inhabited in Seoul City area were collected during October, 2010. Data were analyzed by the SPSS program Win 18.0, and frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA, factor analysis, regression were employed. The major findings were as follows. First, by the factors analysis on lifestyle, factors were named "interest about external", "inner-oriented", "pursuit of health", "prepare for later life", "social aspects". Second, by the frequency analysis on recognition about silver town, 97.2% of total respondents replied "at least heard about silver town", and 64.8% of total respondents recognized the necessity of silver town. While, intention to live in silver town was low (by 38.0% of total respondents). Third, by the regression analysis on preference tendency about silver town according to life style, factor of 'inner-oriented' in the decision about residential area and total household number, factor of 'pursuit of health' in the decision about monthly rent, factor of 'social aspects' in the decision about cost solution method were influential factors. In conclusion, to supply the house which had the diversity of baby bommer's life style, government and corporation's efforts to increase intention to live in silver town and to change the recognition about silver town are needed.

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