• Title/Summary/Keyword: Data processing

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The Trend of Cigarette Design and Tobacco Flavor System Development

  • Wu, Jimmy Z.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2002
  • In light of addressing consumer health concern, coping with anti-tobacco movement, and promoting new product, tobacco industry is actively pursuing to make a new generation of cigarettes with low tar and nicotine deliveries, and less harmful substances. Low tar and low nicotine cigarettes increases their market shares dramatically world wide, especially in KT&G, multinational tobacco companies, EU countries, even in China regulated by CNTC to set up yearly target to lower tar and nicotine deliveries. On the other hand, to design a new cigarette with reduced harmful substances begins to gain speed. The "modified Hoffmann list" publishes thirty plus substances in tobacco leaf and main smoke stream, which is the prime suspect causing health problems. Various ways and means are developed to reduce such components including new tobacco breeds, new curing method, tobacco leaf treatment before processing, selected filtration system, innovated casing system to reduce free radicals, as well as some non conventional cigarette products. In TSRC held this year, the main topic is related to reduce tobacco specific nitrosamines in tobacco leaf. The new generation of cigarette is in the horizon. It still needs a lot help to produce commercial products with satisfied taste and aroma characters. The flavor industry is not regulated by many governments demanding which ingredients might or might not be for tobacco use. However, most of the cigarette companies self impose a list of ingredients to guide flavor suppliers to design flavors. Unfortunately, the number of ingredients in those lists is getting shorter every year. It is understandable that the health is not the only reason. Some cigarette companies are playing safe to protect the company from potential lawsuit, while others are just copying from their competitors. Moreover, it is obvious that it needs more assistance from casings and flavors to design new generation of cigarettes with missing certain flavor components in tobacco leaf and main smoke stream. These flavor components are either non-existed or at lower level at new form of cured tobacco leaf or filtered in the main smoke stream along with reduced harmful substances. The use of carbon filters and other selected filtration system poses another tough task for flavor system design. Specific flavor components are missing from the smoke analysis data, which brings a notion of "carbon taste" and "dryness" of mouth feel. It is ever more demanded by cigarette industry to flavor suppliers to produce flavors as body enhancer, tobacco notes, salivating agents, harshness reducer, and various of aromatic notes provided they are safe to use. Another trend is that water based flavor or flavor with reduced ethanol as solvent is gaining popularity. It is preferred by some cigarette companies that the flavor is compounded with all natural ingredients or all ingredients should he GMO free. The new generation of cigarettes demands many ways of new thinking process. It is also vital for tobacco industry. It reflects the real needs for the consumers that the cigarette product should be safe to use as well as bearing the taste and aroma characters smokers always enjoyed. An effective tobacco flavor system is definitely a part of the equation. The global trend of tobacco industry is like trends of any other industries lead by consumer needs, benefited with new technology availability, affected by the global economy, and subjected for various rules and regulations. Anti-tobacco organizations and media exceptionally scrutinize cigarette, as a legal commercial product. Cigarette is probably the most studied commercial product for its composition, structure, deliveries, effects, as well as its new developmental trend. Therefore, any new trend of cigarette development would be within these boundaries. This paper is trying to point out what it would be like for tobacco industry in the next few yews and what concerns the tobacco industry. It focuses mostly on the efforts to produce safer cigarettes. It is such a vital task for the tobacco industry and its affiliate industries such as cigarette papers, filters, flavors, and other materials. The facts and knowledge presented in this paper might be well known for the public. Some of the comments and predictions are very much personal opinion for a further discussion.

A study on inspection methods for waste treatment facilities(II): Derivation of problems and improvement direction in inspection methods (폐기물처리시설의 세부검사방법 마련연구(II): 세부검사방법 문제점도출 및 개선방향 설정)

  • Pul-Eip Lee;Eunhye Kwon;Jun-Ik Son;Jun-Gu Kang;Taewan Jeon;Dong-Jin Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2023
  • In this study, in order to improve the installation periodical inspection method of waste treatment facilities, we conducted on-site surveys of waste treatment facilities classified into six fields, grasped the problems of inspection methods, and made improvements accordingly. And revised the inspection method for waste treatment facilities. As a result, in the field of incineration and incineration heat recovery, inspection methods such as total temperature measurement and one-year TMS data comparison using a thermal imaging camera were established. And for the safety of the inspected person, it was applied so that the waste can be replaced with a document without opening it. In the case of landfill facilities, the details regarding the use of video information processing equipment and the management of facilities covering the upper part of the landfill facility are presented in the law, but the items that do not have a inspection methods were applied to the inspection method. In the case of Food Waste Treatment Facility, inspection methods were put in place to ensure compliance with standards for foul-smelling fish in odor control, a major cause of complaints. As a result, 10 out of 18 improvement proposals were reflected in the incineration and sterilization grinding, cement kiln, and incineration heat recovery facilities, and 11 out of 12 improvement proposals were reflected in the landfill facility. In the case of food distribution waste treatment facilities, 10 out of 12 improvement proposals were reflected, and a total of 31 inspection methods were improved.

Archaeometric Significant and Manufacturing Characteristics of Comb-Pattern Pottery from the Daejuk-ri Shell Midden, Seosan, Korea (서산 대죽리 패총 출토 빗살무늬토기의 제작특성과 고고과학적 의미)

  • AN Deogim;LEE Chan Hee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.138-164
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    • 2022
  • The Neolithic shell midden in Daejuk-ri, Seosan, is distributed on the gentle slope of a low hill close to the west coast. The bedrock of the area consists mainly of schist with various mafic minerals, but shows a partial gneiss pattern. The site consists of loamy topsoil and clay loam subsoil, and the degree of siallization is relatively low. Although the pottery excavated from the shell midden shares mostly similar features, a variety of shapes and patterns coexist. The surface colors, thickness and physical properties are slightly different. The pottery can be subdivided into three types (IA, IB and II) according to the composition of the body clay, the temper and the existence of a black core. Types IA and IB are colorless mineral pottery with a non-black or black core respectively. TypeII is colored mineral pottery with a non-black core. Type I pottery also contains non-plastic colored minerals, but type II contains a large amount of biotite, chlorite, talc, amphibole, diopside and tremolite, which include a large amount of Mg and Fe. The studied pottery contains a small amount of organic matter. Considering the grain size and relatively poor sorting and roundness of the non-plastic particles, the pottery appears to be made by adding coarse non-plastic tempers for special purposes to the untreated weathered soil around the site. The three types of pottery seem to have been incompletely fired in general. While type IB has the lowest degree of oxidation, typeII shows the highest degree of redness and oxidation. It can be interpreted that these differences depend on the firing temperature and the ratio of non-plastic particles. Through a synthesis of the minerals, geochemical data and thermal history, it can be determined that the firing temperature ranged from 600 to 700℃. The pottery types of the Daejuk-ri Shell Midden have slightly different production conditions, mineral compositions, and physical properties, but have undergone similar production processes with basically the same clay materials. The clay is almost identical to the composition of the bedrock and weathered soil distributed in the Daejuk-ri area. Currently, there is an industrial complex in the area, so it is difficult to confirm the soil and geological distribution of the site. However, it is highly probable that the area around the site was self-sufficient for the clay and tempers required for the production of the Neolithic pottery. Therefore, it can be interpreted that the group that left the shell midden in Daejuk-ri lived near the site, visited the site for the purpose of collecting and processing shellfish, and discarded the broken pottery along with shells.

A Study of Postural Control Characteristics in Schoolchild with Intellectual Disability (초등학교 지적장애아동의 자세조절 특성)

  • Lee, Hyoung Soo
    • 재활복지
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.225-256
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to provide the basic data of the rehabilitation program for the schoolchild with intellectual disability by designing new framework of the features of postural control for the schoolchild with intellectual disability. For this, the study investigated what sensations the schoolchild are using to maintain posture by selectively or synthetically applying vision, vestibular sensation and somato-sensation, and how the coordinative sensory system of the schoolchild is responding to any sway referenced sensory stimulus. The study intended to prove the limitation of motor system in estimating the postural stability by providing the cognitive motor task, and provided the features of postural control of the schoolchild with intellectual disability by measuring the onset times and orders of muscle contraction of neuron-muscle when there is a postural control taking place due to the exterior disturbance. Furthermore, by comparatively analyzing the difference between the normal schoolchild and the intellectually disabled schoolchild, this study provided an optimal direction for treatment planning when the rehabilitation program is applied in the postural control ability training program for the schoolchild with intellectual disability. Taking gender and age into consideration, 52 schoolchild including 26 normal schoolchild and 26 intellectually disabled schoolchild were selected. To measure the features of postural control, CTSIB test, and postural control strategy test were conducted. The result of experiment is as followed. First, the schoolchild with intellectual disability showed different feature in using sensory system to control posture. The normal schoolchild tended to depend on somato-sensory or vision, and showed a stable postural control toward a sway referenced stimulus on somato-sensory system. The schoolchild with intellectual disability tended to use somato-sensory or vision, and showed a very instable postural control toward a sway referenced vision or a sway referenced stimulus on somato-sensory system. In sensory analysis, the schoolchild with intellectual disability showed lower level of proficiency in somato-sensation percentile, vision percentile and vestibular sensation percentile compare to the normal schoolchild. Second, as for the onset times and orders of muscle contraction for strategies of postural control when there is an exterior physical stimulus, the schoolchild with intellectual disability showed a relatively delayed onset time of muscle control, and it was specially greater when the perturbation is from backward. As for the onset orders of muscle contraction, it started from muscles near coax then moved to the muscles near ankle joint, and the numbers and kinds of muscles involved were greater than the normal schoolchild. The normal schoolchild showed a fast muscle contracting reaction from every direction after the perturbation stimulus, and the contraction started from the muscles near the ankle joint and expanded to the muscles near coax. From the results of the experiments, the special feature of the postural control of the schoolchild with intellectual disability is that they have a higher dependence on vision in sensory system, and there was no appropriate integration of swayed sensation observed in upper level of central nerve system. In the motor system, the onset time of muscle contraction for postural control was delayed, and it proceeded in reversed order of the normal schoolchild. Therefore, when use the clinical physical therapy to improve the postural control ability, various sensations should be provided and should train the schoolchild to efficiently use the provided sensations and use the sensory experience recorded in upper level of central nerve system to improve postural control ability. At the same time, a treatment program that can improve the processing ability of central nerve system through meaningful activities with organizing and planning adapting reaction should be provided. Also, a proprioceptive motor control training program that can induce faster muscle contraction reaction and more efficient onset orders from muscularskeletal system is need to be provided as well.

Estimation of Rice Heading Date of Paddy Rice from Slanted and Top-view Images Using Deep Learning Classification Model (딥 러닝 분류 모델을 이용한 직하방과 경사각 영상 기반의 벼 출수기 판별)

  • Hyeok-jin Bak;Wan-Gyu Sang;Sungyul Chang;Dongwon Kwon;Woo-jin Im;Ji-hyeon Lee;Nam-jin Chung;Jung-Il Cho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 2023
  • Estimating the rice heading date is one of the most crucial agricultural tasks related to productivity. However, due to abnormal climates around the world, it is becoming increasingly challenging to estimate the rice heading date. Therefore, a more objective classification method for estimating the rice heading date is needed than the existing methods. This study, we aimed to classify the rice heading stage from various images using a CNN classification model. We collected top-view images taken from a drone and a phenotyping tower, as well as slanted-view images captured with a RGB camera. The collected images underwent preprocessing to prepare them as input data for the CNN model. The CNN architectures employed were ResNet50, InceptionV3, and VGG19, which are commonly used in image classification models. The accuracy of the models all showed an accuracy of 0.98 or higher regardless of each architecture and type of image. We also used Grad-CAM to visually check which features of the image the model looked at and classified. Then verified our model accurately measure the rice heading date in paddy fields. The rice heading date was estimated to be approximately one day apart on average in the four paddy fields. This method suggests that the water head can be estimated automatically and quantitatively when estimating the rice heading date from various paddy field monitoring images.

Evaluation of Application Possibility for Floating Marine Pollutants Detection Using Image Enhancement Techniques: A Case Study for Thin Oil Film on the Sea Surface (영상 강화 기법을 통한 부유성 해양오염물질 탐지 기술 적용 가능성 평가: 해수면의 얇은 유막을 대상으로)

  • Soyeong Jang;Yeongbin Park;Jaeyeop Kwon;Sangheon Lee;Tae-Ho Kim
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1353-1369
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    • 2023
  • In the event of a disaster accident at sea, the scale of damage will vary due to weather effects such as wind, currents, and tidal waves, and it is obligatory to minimize the scale of damage by establishing appropriate control plans through quick on-site identification. In particular, it is difficult to identify pollutants that exist in a thin film at sea surface due to their relatively low viscosity and surface tension among pollutants discharged into the sea. Therefore, this study aims to develop an algorithm to detect suspended pollutants on the sea surface in RGB images using imaging equipment that can be easily used in the field, and to evaluate the performance of the algorithm using input data obtained from actual waters. The developed algorithm uses image enhancement techniques to improve the contrast between the intensity values of pollutants and general sea surfaces, and through histogram analysis, the background threshold is found,suspended solids other than pollutants are removed, and finally pollutants are classified. In this study, a real sea test using substitute materials was performed to evaluate the performance of the developed algorithm, and most of the suspended marine pollutants were detected, but the false detection area occurred in places with strong waves. However, the detection results are about three times better than the detection method using a single threshold in the existing algorithm. Through the results of this R&D, it is expected to be useful for on-site control response activities by detecting suspended marine pollutants that were difficult to identify with the naked eye at existing sites.

Basic Study on Historical Repair Techniques for Landscape Architectural Facilities - Focusing on Government-managed Spaces in Joseon Dynasty - (전통조경 시설물의 역사적 수리기법에 관한 기초연구 - 조선시대 관영공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Min-Seon;Oh, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.8-20
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    • 2023
  • Although the landscape architectural facilities need to be repaired according to historical and authentic techniques, the repair criteria of the standard specification for repairing cultural heritages still remain at a theoretical level, and there are little research analyzing detailed techniques from specific cases. This study discussed the repair techniques based on historical facts, around terraced flower beds, ponds, waterways and pavement in the government-managed spaces in the Joseon Dynasty. It analyzed the materials and finish of stone wall elements, the structural reinforcement and backfill materials, and topsoil surface protection measures, and drew out stones for foundation reinforcement, plastering material for agglutination, and stone processing techniques for the terraced flower beds. It examined the materials and structures of the rock revetment, foundation reinforcement and waterproofing techniques and drew out the outstanding characteristics of the foundation work, the recycle of used elements and the management of water quality, for the ponds. It primarily investigated the materials, foundation reinforcement and waterproofing techniques and discovered the repair techniques such as cover stone finishing methods, foundation and backfill materials, and flow reduction methods, for the waterways. Finally, it provided actual cases of the foundation composition, auxiliary materials and tools, and the use of cyperaceae and highlighted the existence of professional craftsmen called Bangjeonjang(方磚匠), for the pavement. This study is expected to be a staring point for discovering the repair techniques for landscape architectural facilities and used as basic data for revising specifications in the future.

The Impact Of Short-form Digital Marketing On Purchase Intention And Recommendation Intention Of Startup Companies: The Mediating Effect Of Brand Attitude (숏폼(Short-form)을 활용한 창업기업의 디지털마케팅이 구매의도와 추천의도에 미치는 영향: 브랜드태도의 매개 효과)

  • Park ilsu;Min kyungse;Hyeon byeonghwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.169-183
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    • 2024
  • As digital technology evolves and consumers shift their information processing to online, startups need new strategies to maximize their experience and market effectively. Short-form content, with its low production costs and rapid dissemination, has become a tool for startups to take a greater role in digital marketing. This study focuses on the importance of short-form content in the marketing strategy of startups, analyzes its impact on consumers' purchase intention and recommendation intention, and empirically examines its impact on brand attitude. The study categorized short-form content characteristics into playfulness, credibility, creativity, and interactivity to examine the impact of each characteristic on brand attitude, and further analyzed the impact of brand attitude on consumers' purchase intention and recommendation intention. The data was collected through a survey, and the empirical analysis yielded the following results. First, the playfulness, credibility, and interactivity of short form content positively influenced brand attitude. Creativity had no significant effect on brand attitude. Second, positive brand attitude had a positive effect on both purchase intention and recommendation intention, i.e., the more positive the perception of the brand, the more likely consumers were to purchase the product and recommend it to others. Third, brand attitude was found to mediate the relationship between short-form content characteristics and purchase intention and recommendation intention. This means that short-form content not only directly affects purchase and recommendation intentions, but also strengthens them by creating a positive attitude toward the brand. This suggests that startups can use short-form content marketing to increase brand awareness and build positive consumer attitudes to increase purchase and recommendation intentions.

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The Effect of Moisture Content on the Compressive Properties of Korean Corn Kernel (함수율(含水率)이 옥수수립(粒)의 압축특성(壓縮特性)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Han Man;Kim, Soung Rai
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 1986
  • In order to promote mechanization of corn harvesting in Korea, this study was conducted to find out the effect of moisture content on compressive properties such as force, deformation, energy and modulus of stiffness to the bioyield and the rupture point for Korean corn kernel. In this study, the loading positions of corn were flat, edge, longitude and the moisture contents were about 13, 17, 21, 25% in wet basis. The compression test was carreied out with flat plate by use of dynamic straingage for three varieties of Korean corn under quasi-static force when the loading rate was 1.125mm/min. The results of this study are summarized as follows; 1. When the moisture content of corn ranged from 12.5 to 24.5 percent, at flat position, the bioyied force was in the range of 13.63-26.73 kg and the maximum compressive strength was in the range of 21.55-47.65kg. Their values were reached minimum at about 17% and maximum at about 21% moisture content. The bioyield force was in the range of 13.58-6.70kg at edge position and the maximum compressive strength which was 16.42 to 7.82kg at edge position was lower than that which was 18.55-9.05kg at longitudinal position. 2. Deformation of corn varied from 0.43 to 1.37 mm at bioyield point and from 0.70 to 2.66mm at rupture point between 12.5 to 24.5% moisture content. As the moisture content increased, deformation was increased. 3. The moduli of resilience and toughness of corn ranged from 2.60 to 8.57kg. mm and from 6.41 to 34.36kg. mm when the moisture content ranged from 12.5 to 24.5 percent, respectively. As the moisture content increased, the modulus of toughness was increased at edge position and decreased at longitudinal position. And their values were equal each other at 22-23% moisture content. 4. The modulus of stiffness was decreased with increase in the moisture content. Its values ranged from 32.07 to 5.86 kg/mm at edge position and from 42.12 to 18.68kg/mm at flat position, respectively. Also, the values of Suweon 19 were higher than those of Buyeo. 5. It was considered that the compressive properties of corn at flat position were more important on the design data for corn harvesting and processing machinery than those of edge or longitudinal position. Also, grinding energy would be minimized when a corn was processed between about 12.5 to 17% moisture content and corn damage would be reduced when a corn was handled between about 19 to 24% moisture content in wet basis.

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Effect of the Suicide Prevention Program to the Impulsive Psychology of the Elementary School Student (자살예방 프로그램이 초등학교 충동심리에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Soo Jin;Kang, Ho Jung;Cho, Won Cheol;Lee, Tae Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the early suicide prevention program was applied to the elementary school students and compared the prior & post effect of the program, and verified the status of psychology change like emotional status, or temptation to take a suicide, and presented the possibility as a suicide prevention program. The period of adolescence is the very unstable period in the process of growth being cognitively immature, emotionally impulsive period. It is the period emotionally unstable and unpredictable possible to select the method of suicide as an extreme method to escape the reality, or impulsive problem solving against small conflict or dispute situation. Many stress of the student such as recent nuclear family, expectation of parents to their children, education problem, socio-environmental elements, individual psychological factor lead students to the extreme activity of suicide in recent days. In this study, the scope of stress experienced in the elementary school as well as idea and degree of temptation regarding suicide by the suicide prevention program were identified, and through prevention program such as meditation training, breath training and through experience of anger control, emotion-expression, self overcome and establish positive self-identity and make understanding Self-control, Self-esteem & preciousness of life based on which the effect to suicide prevention was analyzed. The study was made targeting 51 students of 2 classes of 6th grade of elementary school of Goyang-si and processed 30 minutes every morning focused on through experience & activity of the principle & method of brain science. The data was collected for 20 times before starting morning class by using Suicide Probability Scale(herein SPS-A) designed to predict effectively suicide Probability, suicide risk prediction scale, surveyed by 7 areas such as Positive outlook, Within the family closeness, Impulsivity, Interpersonal hostility, Hopelessness, Hopelessness syndrome, suicide accident. Analytical methods and validation was used the Wilcoxon's signed rank test using SPSS Program. Though the process of program in short period, but there was a effective and positive results in the 7 areas in the average comparison. But in the t-test result, there was a different outcome. It indicated changes in the 3 questionnaires (No.7, No.14, No.19) out of 31 SPS-A questionnaires, and there was a no change to the rest item. It also indicated more changes of the students in the class A than class B. And in case of the class A students, psychological changes were verified in the areas of Hopelessness syndrome, suicide accident among 7 areas after the program was processed. Through this study, it could be verified that different results could be derived depending on the Student tendency, program professional(teacher in charge, processing lecturer). The suicide prevention program presented in this article can be a help in learning and suicide prevention with consistent systematization, activation through emotion and impulse control based on emotional stress relief and positive self-identity recovery, stabilization of brain waves, and let the short period program not to be died out but to be continued connecting from childhood to adolescence capable to make surrounding environment for spiritual, physical healthy growth for which this could be an effective program for suicide prevention of the social problem.