• Title/Summary/Keyword: Data Security

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An effective detection method for hiding data in compound-document files (복합문서 파일에 은닉된 데이터 탐지 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, EunKwang;Jeon, SangJun;Han, JaeHyeok;Lee, MinWook;Lee, Sangjin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1485-1494
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    • 2015
  • Traditionally, data hiding has been done mainly in such a way that insert the data into the large-capacity multimedia files. However, the document files of the previous versions of Microsoft Office 2003 have been used as cover files as their structure are so similar to a File System that it is easy to hide data in them. If you open a compound-document file which has a secret message hidden in it with MS Office application, it is hard for users who don't know whether a secret message is hidden in the compound-document file to detect the secret message. This paper presents an analysis of Compound-File Binary Format features exploited in order to hide data and algorithms to detect the data hidden with these exploits. Studying methods used to hide data in unused area, unallocated area, reserved area and inserted streams led us to develop an algorithm to aid in the detection and examination of hidden data.

New Text Steganography Technique Based on Part-of-Speech Tagging and Format-Preserving Encryption

  • Mohammed Abdul Majeed;Rossilawati Sulaiman;Zarina Shukur
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.170-191
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    • 2024
  • The transmission of confidential data using cover media is called steganography. The three requirements of any effective steganography system are high embedding capacity, security, and imperceptibility. The text file's structure, which makes syntax and grammar more visually obvious than in other media, contributes to its poor imperceptibility. Text steganography is regarded as the most challenging carrier to hide secret data because of its insufficient redundant data compared to other digital objects. Unicode characters, especially non-printing or invisible, are employed for hiding data by mapping a specific amount of secret data bits in each character and inserting the character into cover text spaces. These characters are known with limited spaces to embed secret data. Current studies that used Unicode characters in text steganography focused on increasing the data hiding capacity with insufficient redundant data in a text file. A sequential embedding pattern is often selected and included in all available positions in the cover text. This embedding pattern negatively affects the text steganography system's imperceptibility and security. Thus, this study attempts to solve these limitations using the Part-of-speech (POS) tagging technique combined with the randomization concept in data hiding. Combining these two techniques allows inserting the Unicode characters in randomized patterns with specific positions in the cover text to increase data hiding capacity with minimum effects on imperceptibility and security. Format-preserving encryption (FPE) is also used to encrypt a secret message without changing its size before the embedding processes. By comparing the proposed technique to already existing ones, the results demonstrate that it fulfils the cover file's capacity, imperceptibility, and security requirements.

Economic Analysis of The Operational Policy for Data Backup with Information Security Threats (정보보호위협하에서 경제적인 데이터백업 운영 정책 분석)

  • Yang, Won Seok;Kim, Tae-Sung;Lee, Doo Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.270-278
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    • 2014
  • The stability and security management of IT data becomes more important because information security threats increases rapidly in Big Data era. The operational policy of the data backup considering information security threats is required because the backup policy is the fundamental method that prevents the damage of security threats. We present an economic approach for a data backup system with information security threats which damage the system. The backup operation consists of the differential backup and the batch backup. We present a stochastic model considering the occurrence of information security threats and their damage. We analyze the stochastic model to derive the performance measures for the cost analysis. Finally we analyze the average cost of the system and give numerical examples.

Design and Implementation of Web Security Module for a Safe Data Transmission in Heterogeneous Systems (이기종 시스템에서 안전한 데이타 전송을 보장하는 웹 보안 모듈의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Ki-Sung;Kim, Kwang;Heu, Shin
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1238-1246
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    • 2005
  • This thesis is written with web security module for safe data transmission between heterogeneous systems(ex. OS). Web system has allowed users to have great convenience and a lot of information. Though web service business has been progressed much, because of the limitation of it's own system, lots of loss, derived from data spillage which is the weakest point of security, has also followed. Suggested security module is realized by two module. One for server security module for web server, the other is client security module for client. The security structure, suggested on this thesis guarantee safe data transmission by only simple installation of modules in clients and servers. for speed sensitive transmission between web server and browser, Triple-DES, symmetric encryption system suitable for fast encryption communication, is adapted. To solve problems caused from key management, Diffie-Hellman's key exchange algorithm is adapted. By this method, all symmetric encryption troubles from key distribution and management, speed could be work out a solution. And Diffie-Hellman type algorithm secures Authentication for safe data Protection.

A Review of Security and Privacy of Cloud Based E-Healthcare Systems

  • Faiza Nawaz;Jawwad Ibrahim;Maida Junaid
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2024
  • Information technology plays an important role in healthcare. The cloud has several applications in the fields of education, social media and medicine. But the advantage of the cloud for medical reasons is very appropriate, especially given the large volume of data generated by healthcare organizations. As in increasingly health organizations adopting towards electronic health records in the cloud which can be accessed around the world for various health issues regarding references, healthcare educational research and etc. Cloud computing has many advantages, such as "flexibility, cost and energy savings, resource sharing and rapid deployment". However, despite the significant benefits of using the cloud computing for health IT, data security, privacy, reliability, integration and portability are some of the main challenges and obstacles for its implementation. Health data are highly confidential records that should not be made available to unauthorized persons to protect the security of patient information. In this paper, we discuss the privacy and security requirement of EHS as well as privacy and security issues of EHS and also focus on a comprehensive review of the current and existing literature on Electronic health that uses a variety of approaches and procedures to handle security and privacy issues. The strengths and weaknesses of some of these methods were mentioned. The significance of security issues in the cloud computing environment is a challenge.

A study on the security policy improvement using the big data (빅데이터를 이용한 보안정책 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Song-Young;Kim, Joseph;Lim, Jong-In;Lee, Kyung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.969-976
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    • 2013
  • The information protection systems of company are intended to detect all weak points, intrusion, document drain. All actions of people in company are recorded and can check persistently. On the other hand, what analyze security log generated by these systems becomes more difficult. Most staff who manages the security systems, and analyze log is more incomprehensible than a user or a person of drain for an information distribution process of the work-site operations and the management procedure of the critical information. Such a reality say the serious nature of the internal information leakage that can be brought up more. While the research on the big data proceeds actively recently, the successful cases are being announced in the various areas. This research is going to present the improved big data processing technology and case of the security field.

A Study on the attack technique using android UI events (안드로이드 UI 이벤트를 이용한 공격 기법 연구)

  • Yoon, Seok-Eon;Kim, Min-Sung;Lee, Sang-jin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.603-613
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    • 2015
  • Smart-phone Applications are consists of UI(User Interface). During using applications, UI events such as button click and scroll down are transmitted to Smart-phone system with many changes of UI. In these UI events, various information including user-input data are also involved. While Keylogging, which is a well-known user-input data acquisition technique, is needed a restrictive condition like rooting to obtain the user-input data in android environment, UI events have advantage which can be easily accessible to user-input data on user privileges. Although security solutions based keypad in several applications are applied, we demonstrate that these were exposed to vulnerability of application security and could be obtained user-input data using UI events regardless of presence of any security system. In this paper, we show the security threats related information disclosure using UI events and suggest the alternative countermeasures by showing the replay-attack example based scenarios.

Development of Internet of Things Sensor-based Information System Robust to Security Attack (보안 공격에 강인한 사물인터넷 센서 기반 정보 시스템 개발)

  • Yun, Junhyeok;Kim, Mihui
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2022
  • With the rapid development of Internet of Things sensor devices and big data processing techniques, Internet of Things sensor-based information systems have been applied in various industries. Depending on the industry in which the information systems are applied, the accuracy of the information derived can affect the industry's efficiency and safety. Therefore, security techniques that protect sensing data from security attacks and enable information systems to derive accurate information are essential. In this paper, we examine security threats targeting each processing step of an Internet of Things sensor-based information system and propose security mechanisms for each security threat. Furthermore, we present an Internet of Things sensor-based information system structure that is robust to security attacks by integrating the proposed security mechanisms. In the proposed system, by applying lightweight security techniques such as a lightweight encryption algorithm and obfuscation-based data validation, security can be secured with minimal processing delay even in low-power and low-performance IoT sensor devices. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system by implementing and performance evaluating each security mechanism.

A Study on the Mobile Application Security Threats and Vulnerability Analysis Cases

  • Kim, Hee Wan
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.180-187
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    • 2020
  • Security threats are increasing with interest due to the mass spread of smart devices, and vulnerabilities in developed applications are being exposed while mobile malicious codes are spreading. The government and companies provide various applications for the public, and for reliability and security of applications, security checks are required during application development. In this paper, among the security threats that can occur in the mobile service environment, we set up the vulnerability analysis items to respond to security threats when developing Android-based applications. Based on the set analysis items, vulnerability analysis was performed by examining three applications of public institutions and private companies currently operating as mobile applications. As a result of application security checks used by three public institutions and companies, authority management and open module stability management were well managed. However, it was confirmed that many security vulnerabilities were found in input value verification, outside transmit data management, and data management. It is believed that it will contribute to improving the safety of mobile applications through the case of vulnerability analysis for Android application security.

A Study of WiMAX Security threats and Their Solution

  • Woo, Seon-mi;Jeong, Gisung
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.66-74
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we have discussed and illustrated the security issues of WiMAX technology including vulnerabilities, threats and some security solution. Both physical layer and data link layer have been considered. Jamming is a major threat in physical layer, and in data link layer we study an authentication problem and see the problem of some unencrypted messages leading to lack of confidentiality. Some of these vulnerabilities have been solved in the recent amendment of 802.16 and some still remain. Moreover WiMax is a new technology yet.