• Title/Summary/Keyword: Data Representation

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Evaluation on Development Performances of E-Commerce for 50 Major Cities in China (중국 주요 50개 도시의 전자상거래 발전성과에 대한 평가)

  • Jeong, Dong-Bin;Wang, Qiang
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - In this paper, the degree of similarity and dissimilarity between pairs of 50 major cities in China can be shown on the basis of three evaluation variables(internet businessman index, internet shopping index and e-commerce development index). Dissimilarity distance matrix is used to analyze both similarity and dissimilarity between each fifty city in China by calculating dissimilarity as distance. Higher value signifies higher degree of dissimilarity between two cities. Cluster analysis is exploited to classify 50 cities into a number of different groups such that similar cities are placed in the same group. In addition, multidimensional scaling(MDS) technique can obtain visual representation for exploring the pattern of proximities among 50 major cities in China based on three development performance attributes. Research design, data, and methodology - This research is performed by the 2013 report provided with AliResearch in China(1/1/2013~11/30/2013) and utilized multivariate methods such as dissimilarity distance matrix, cluster analysis and MDS by using CLUSTER, KMEANS, PROXIMITIES and ALSCAL procedures in SPSS 21.0. Results - This research applies two types of cluster analysis and MDS on three development performances based on the 2013 report of Aliresearch. As a result, it is confirmed that grouping is possible by categorizing the types into four clusters which share similar characteristics. MDS is exploited to carry out positioning of both grouped locations of cluster and 50 major cities belonging to each cluster. Since all the values corresponding to Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hangzhou(which belong to cluster 1 among 50 major cities) are very large, these cities are superior to other cities in all three evaluation attributes. Twelve cities(Beijing, ShangHai, Jinghua, ZhuHai, XiaMen, SuZhou, NanJing, DongWan, ZhangShan, JiaXing, NingBo and FoShan), which belong to cluster 3, are inferior to those of cluster 1 in terms of all three attributes, but they can be expected to be the next e-commerce revolution. The rest of major cities, in particular, which belong to cluster 4 are relatively inferior in all three attributes, so that this automatically evokes creative innovation, which leads to e-commerce development as a whole in China. In terms of internet businessman index, on the other hand, Tainan, Taizhong, and Gaoxiong(which belong to cluster 2) are situated superior to others. However, these three cities are inferior to others in an internet shopping index sense. The rest of major cities, in particular, which belong to cluster 4 are relatively inferior in all three evaluation attributes, so that this automatically evokes innovation and entrepreneurship, which leads to e-commerce development as a whole in China. Conclusions - This study suggests the implications to help e-governmental officers and companies make strategies in both Korea and China. This is expected to give some useful information in understanding the recent situation of e-commerce in China, by looking over development performances of 50 major cities. Therefore, we should develop marketing, branding and communication relevant to online Chinese consumers. One of these efforts will be incentives like loyalty points and coupons that can encourage consumers and building in-house logistics networks.

Hardware-Based High Performance XML Parsing Technique Using an FPGA (FPGA를 이용한 하드웨어 기반 고성능 XML 파싱 기법)

  • Lee, Kyu-hee;Seo, Byeong-seok
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.12
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    • pp.2469-2475
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    • 2015
  • A structured XML has been widely used to present services on various Web-services. The XML is also used for digital documents and digital signatures and for the representation of multimedia files in email systems. The XML document should be firstly parsed to access elements in the XML. The parsing is the most compute-instensive task in the use of XML documents. Most of the previous work has focused on hardware based XML parsers in order to improve parsing performance, while a little work has studied parsing techniques. We present the high performance parsing technique which can be used all of XML parsers and design hardware based XML parser using an FPGA. The proposed parsing technique uses element analyzers instead of the state machine and performs multibyte-based element matching. As a result, our parsing technique can reduce the number of clock cycles per byte(CPB) and does not need to require any preprocessing, such as loading XML data into memory. Compared to other parsers, our parser acheives 1.33~1.82 times improvement in the system performance. Therefore, the proposed parsing technique can process XML documents in real time and is suitable for applying to all of XML parsers.

Evaluation of Droughts in Seoul Using Two-Dimensional Drought Frequency Analysis (이차원 가뭄빈도해석을 통한 서울지역의 가뭄 평가)

  • Yeon, Je-Mun;Byun, Sung-Ho;Lee, Jung-Kyu;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2007
  • Drought characteristics need to be preceded before establishing a drought mitigation plan. In this study, using a Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), a hydrologic drought was defined as an event during which the SPIs are continuously below a certain truncation level. Then, a methodology of drought frequency analysis was performed to quantitatively characterize droughts considering drought duration and severity simultaneously. The theory of runs was used to model drought recurrence and to determine drought properties like duration and severity. Short historical records usually do not allow reliable bivariate analyses. However, more than hundred years of precipitation data (1770 ${\sim}$ 1907) collected in Chosun Kingdom Age using an old Korean rain gage called Chukwooki can provide valuable information about past events. It is shown that a bivariate gamma distribution well represented the joint probabilistic properties of Korean drought duration and severity. The overall results of this study show that the proposed bivariate drought frequency analysis overcomes the drawbacks of the conventional univariate frequency analysis by providing a consistent representation of the drought recurrent property.

An Empirical Study on Real-Time Temperature and Concentration Measurement Through Optical Absorption Characteristic Analysis of Gas in a Large Combustion System (가스의 광 흡수 특성 분석을 통한 대형 연소시스템 내 실시간 온도 및 농도 계측에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Park, Jiyeon;So, Sunghyun;Park, Daeguen;Ryu, Changkook;Lee, Changyeop;Yoo, Miyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2020
  • It is practically difficult to accurately measure the temperature and concentration of a large combustion systems at industrial sites in real time. Temperature measurement using thermocouple, which are mainly used, is a point-measuring method that is less accurate and less reliable to analyze the wide area range of inner combustion system, and has limitations to internal accessibility. In terms of concentration analysis, most measurement methods use sampling method, which are limited by the difficulty of real-time measurement. As a way to overcome these limitations, laser-based measurement methods have been developed continuously. Laser-based measurement are line-average measurement methods with high representation and precision, which are beneficial for the application of large combustion systems. In this study the temperature and concentration were measured in real time by water vapor and oxygen generated during combustion using Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS). The results showed that the average temperature inside the combustion system was 1330℃ and the mean oxygen concentration was 3.3 %, which showed similar tendency with plant monitoring data.

Quantifying Uncertainty for the Water Balance Analysis (물수지 분석을 위한 불확실성 정량화)

  • Lee, Seung-Uk;Kim, Young-Oh;Lee, Dong-Ryul
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.4 s.153
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    • pp.281-292
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    • 2005
  • The water balance analysis for the long-term water resources plan is a simple calculation that compares water demands with possible water supplies. For a watershed being considered the reports on the performance of the water balance analysis, however, have shown inconsistent results and thus have not earned credibility due to the uncertainty of the data acquired and models used. In this research, uncertainties in the water scarcity estimate were assessed through probability representation based on the Monte Carlo simulation using Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS). The natural flow, municipal demand, industrial demand, agricultural demand, and return flow rate were selected as representative input variables for the water balance analysis, and their distributions were set based on the linear regression and the entropy theory. The statistical properties of the output variable samples were analyzed in comparison with a deterministic estimate of the water scarcity of an existing study. Application of LHS to three sub-basins of the Geum river basin showed the deterministic estimate could be overestimated or underestimated. The sensitivity analysis as well as the uncertainty analysis found that the return flow rate of the agricultural water is the most uncertain but is rarely sensitive to the output of the water balance analysis.

X-TOP: Design and Implementation of TopicMaps Platform for Ontology Construction on Legacy Systems (X-TOP: 레거시 시스템상에서 온톨로지 구축을 위한 토픽맵 플랫폼의 설계와 구현)

  • Park, Yeo-Sam;Chang, Ok-Bae;Han, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.130-142
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    • 2008
  • Different from other ontology languages, TopicMap is capable of integrating numerous amount of heterogenous information resources using the locational information without any information transformation. Although many conventional editors have been developed for topic maps, they are standalone-type only for writing XTM documents. As a result, these tools request too much time for handling large-scale data and provoke practical problems to integrate with legacy systems which are mostly based on relational database. In this paper, we model a large-scale topic map structure based on XTM 1.0 into RDB structure to minimize the processing time and build up the ontology in legacy systems. We implement a topic map platform called X-TOP that can enhance the efficiency of ontology construction and provide interoperability between XTM documents and database. Moreover, we can use conventional SQL tools and other application development tools for topic map construction in X-TOP. The X-TOP is implemented to have 3-tier architecture to support flexible user interfaces and diverse DBMS. This paper shows the usability of X-TOP by means of the comparison with conventional tools and the application to healthcare cancer ontology management.

A Study on Ontology of Digital Photo Image Focused on a Simulacre Concept of Deleuze & Baudrillard (디지털 사진 이미지의 존재론에 관한 연구 -들뢰즈와 보드리야르의 시뮬라크르 개념을 중심으로)

  • Gwon, Oh-sang
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.51
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    • pp.391-411
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this thesis is to examine ontology of digital photo image based on a Simulacre concept of Gilles Deleuze & Jean Baudrillard. Traditionally, analog image follows the logic of reproduction with a similarity with original target. Therefore, visual reality of analog image is illuminated, interpreted, and described in a subjective viewpoint, but does not deviate from the interpreted reality. However, digital image does not exist physically but exists as information that is made of mathematical data, a digital algorithm. This digital image is that newness of every reproduction, that is, essence of subject 'once existing there' does not exist anymore, and does not instruct or reproduce an outside target. Therefore, digital image does not have the similarity and does not keep the index instruction ability anymore. It means that this digital image is converted into a virtual area, and this is not reproduction of already existing but display of not existing yet. This not-being of digital image changes understanding of reality, existence, and imagination. Now, dividing it into reality and imagination itself is meaningless, and this does not make digital image with technical improvement but is a new image that is basically completely different from existing image. Eventually, digital image of the day passes step to visualize an existent target, nonexistent things have been visualized, and reality operates virtually. It means that digital image does not reproduce our reality but reproduces other reality realistically. In other words, it is a virtual reproduction producing an image that is not related to a target, that is to say Simulacre. In the virtually simulated world, reality has an infinite possibility, and it is not a picture of the past and present and has a possibility as the infinite virtual that is not fixed, is infinitely mutable, and is not actualized yet.

Verification of Navigation System of Guided Munition by Flight Experiment (비행 실험을 통한 유도형 탄약 항법 시스템 검증)

  • Kim, Youngjoo;Lim, Seunghan;Bang, Hyochoong;Kim, Jaeho;Pak, Changho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.44 no.11
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    • pp.965-972
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents results of flight experiments on a navigation algorithm including multiplicative extended Kalman filter for estimating attitude of the guided munition. The filter describes orientation of aircraft by data fusion with low-cost sensors where measurement update is done by multiplication, rather than addition, which is suitable for quaternion representation. In determining attitude from vector observations, the existing approach utilizes a 3-axis accelerometer as a 2-axis inclinometer by measuring gravity to estimate pitch and roll angles, while GNSS velocity is used to derive heading of the vehicle. However, during accelerated maneuvers such as coordinated flight, the accelerometer provides inadequate inclinometer measurements. In this paper, the measurement update process is newly defined to complement the vulnerability by using different vector observations. The acceleration measurement is considered as a result of a centrifugal force and gravity during turning maneuvers and used to estimate roll angle. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through flight experiments.

The Vegetational History of korea During the Holocene Period (홀로세 중 한국의 식생사)

  • 강우석
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 1994
  • The vegetational and environmental history of Korea during the Holocene period has reconstructed by the use of folral, palaeoclimatogical, archaeological data and written records. From 10,000 to 6,700 yeat B.P. in mid-eastern Korea, deciduous broadieaved trees gradually increased trees, notably at c.8,000 years B.P. From 6,700 to 4,500 years B.P., the vegetation remained dominated by Quercus and pinus(Diploxylon). Vegetational informations suggest the postglacial hypsithermal from c.8,000 to 4,500 years b.p. After 4,500 until 1,400 years B.P., the admixture of cryophilous trees in midland and thermophilous trees in south seems to imply the latitudinal divisions of vegetation and climate. The presence of cultivated rice pollen as well as non-arboreal pollen and spores indicates an increased rate of deforestation. From 1,400 years B.P., there was a sharp decrease in the representation of temperate trees, but the presence of the cryophilous genera Abies and pinus (Haploxylon) is noticea-ble and might be related to the occurrence of Little Ice Age. Fossil pollen diagram from western Korea and eastern Korea since 6,250 and 10,000 yeats B.P., respectively have enabled to compare vegetational dis-tribution patterns and changes in the Holocene period. In western Korea, Alnus- dominated vegetation continued from 6,250 to 1,500 years B.P., but pinus took over Alnus from 1,500 years B.P. In eastern Korea, however, Quercus and pinus dominated from 10,000 to 2,000 years B.P., but pinus be-came predominant from 2,000 years B.P. On a time- spatial basis, different vegetational distribution pattern can be recognised between western and east-ern Korea. The use of seven historical records which is unique to Korea also enabled to reconstruct the distributional pattern and temporal change of vegetation from 1425 to 1928.

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Recognition Effect of Cultural Contents : Focusing on Changes in Perception of Sexual Minority (문화콘텐츠의 인정 효과 : 성소수자에 대한 인식변화를 중심으로(1920-2017))

  • Lee, Hye-Mi;Ryu, Seoung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.84-94
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed domestic media articles from 1920 to 2017 using R 3.4, a big data analysis tool. In addition, it examines the sexual minority discourse reproduced through the media for about 100 years, focused on the role of the film as an art of struggling with the projective aversion to sexual minorities. sexual minorities in movies are not abominable. They are people we already know in our daily lives, and they are just different in sexual orientation. In general, sexual minorities are less likely to encounter in everyday life, so they are experienced and perceived through what the media present. It is noteworthy that the representation of sexual minorities in the media is formed as a major agenda of our society by publicizing the problems underlying society on the surface. It causes social issues to be raised by revealing and highlighting the problems that are regarded as alienated and avoided from the mainstream's gaze. The content provided by the media enables a three-dimensional experience of subjects who have not experienced it by themselves, and has a decisive influence in correctly recognizing and judging society. Media content suggests that it can be a powerful weapon of recognition struggle that can naturally fight against social hatred without using methods such as demonstrations or protests.