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Effects of External Environment of Franchisor on Corporate Performance -Focused on Entrepreneurship, Market Orientation and Organizational Structure- (프랜차이즈 본사의 외부환경이 경영성과에 미치는 영향 -앙트러프러너십, 시장지향성, 및 조직구조의 매개변수를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Tae-Yong;Yoo, Young-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.351-367
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    • 2011
  • Few previous researches have been studied in terms of franchisees' perceptions of franchisors' entrepreneurial activities within the boundary of restaurant franchising industry settings. The sampling frame for this study included 605 restaurant franchisees in the business-format franchising system in Korea and data were collected from 1 October 2009 to 28 February 2010. This study, from franchisees' views, investigated the relationship among franchisors' entrepreneurship, external environment, organizational structure(mechanistic-organic) and managerial performance, with structural equation modeling(SEM). The research findings were, firstly, external environment positively affected entrepreneurship which positively affected market orientation and managerial performance, and secondly, market orientation made franchisors select organic structure and heighten managerial performance. Also, external environment led franchisors to adopt organic structure and aggravated their managerial performance. The implications of these findings were as follows. Firstly, the more franchiors had initiatives, innovatedness and risk-taking attitudes, the higher they had managerial performances and market orientation. Secondly, franchisors should keep and heighten market share with keeping in mind with customer orientation, competition orientation, harmony between departments, long-term orientation and profitability. Thirdly, continuous and cautious environmental scanning was necessary because external restaurant environment made organizational structure being changed and managerial performance being aggravated.

Construction of BLAST Server for Mollusks (연체동물 전용 서열 블라스트 서버구축)

  • Lee, Yong-Seok;Jo, Yong-Hun;Kim, Dae-Soo;Kim, Dae-Won;Kim, Min-Young;Choi, Sang-Haeng;Yon, Jei-Oh;Byun, In-Sun;Kang, Bo-Ra;Jeong, Kye-Heon;Park, Hong-Seog
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.165-169
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    • 2004
  • The BLAST server for the mollusk was constructed on the basis of the Intel Server Platform SC-5250 dual Xeon 2.8 GHz cpu and Linux operating system. After establishing the operating system, we installed NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) WebBLAST package after web server configuration for cgi (common gate interface) (http://chimp.kribb.re.kr/mollusks). To build up the stand alone blast, we conducted as follows: First, we downloaded the genome information (mitochondria genome information), DNA sequences, amino acid sequences related with mollusk available at NCBI. Second, it was translated into the multifasta format that was stored as database by using the formatdb program provided by NCBI. Finally, the cgi was used for the Stand Alone Blast server. In addition, we have added the vector, Escherichia coli, and repeat sequences into the server to confirm a potential contamination. Finally, primer3 program is also installed for the users to design the primer. The stand alone BLAST gave us several advantages: (1) we can get only the data that agree with the nucleotide sequence directly related with the mollusks when we are searching BLAST; (2) it will be very convenient to confirm contamination when we made the cDNA or genomic library from mollusks; (3) Compared to the current NSBI, we can quickly get the BLAST results on the mollusks sequence information.

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Emergy Evaluation of the Korean Economy and Environment: Implications for the Valuation of Marine Ecosystem Services (한국 경제와 자연환경의 에머지 평가: 해양생태계서비스 가치평가 시사점)

  • Kang, Daeseok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.102-115
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    • 2015
  • Several emergy researches have been carried out to estimate the value of marine ecosystem services in Korea over the last decade. Their results cannot be compared mainly due to inconsistency in emergy-money ratios used to convert emergy unit into monetary unit. This study aimed at providing a standardized format for the emergy evaluation of the Korean economy and environment for different emergy evaluations to be compatible. Even though the area of the continental shelf increased in this study compared to those of previous studies, areaweighted average tidal range for the entire continental shelf of Korea resulted in smaller tidal range, decreasing the final emergy input from tide. However, emergy inputs from nonrenewable resources and purchased goods and services increased with new categorization and use of more detailed data, combined with updated unit emergy values. This led to higher emergy-money ratio for the Korean economy, indicating that previous emergy valuations might have overestimated the contributions of marine ecosystem to the real wealth of the Korean society. The base year for gross domestic product used in the emergy evaluation needs to be clearly indicated due to its impact on the calculation of the emergy-money ratio. A standardized emergy table for the Korean economy will contribute to ensuring consistency among future emergy researches on the valuation of marine ecosystem services.

Research on the Usage of Electronic Information Resources of the Humanities Scholars in Korea (인문학자의 전자정보원 이용행태에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Cheong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.5-28
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of the electronic information resources of humanities scholars in Korea and propose the planning of academic library and information services to serve their needs. To collect data, a postal survey was conducted during the period of November 2007 through January 2008. Out of 799 humanities scholars sampled from 25 universities, 132 responded with a completion rate of 16%. The major findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, the majority of humanities scholars distribute their time equally between research and education, and conduct independent research. Secondly, they use, to a certain degree, electronic information resources largely in text format, and depend upon the electronic collection of their academic libraries. Thirdly, with the exception of a couple of sources of electronic journal resources, the electronic resources that these humanities scholars regularly use vary so widely that none could be considered to be a common resource. Fourthly, they value the convenience of accessing and using electronic resources, but worry about the quality and scope of the contents. It is suggested that academic libraries (1) become the gateway for the electronic information that is available both inside and outside the library, (2) provide integrated search feature for and a 'single sign on' access to electronic resources, and (3) plan customized user education for specific subject fields in the humanities.

A Study on the Flow of Industrial Information in the Small-and Medium-Sized Industry (중소기업에서의 정보요구와 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Yong Gun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.18
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    • pp.55-98
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    • 1990
  • This research attempts to verify the hypothesis that the workers in the small-and medium-sized industries use more informal information channels than formal ones do to get the information necessary to industrial activities. Information sources are divided by the internal and the external ones and these are sub-divided by their acquiring channels, publishers and holding institutions. It is intended to investigate the information sources according to the use frequency, age, origin and format of documents used. The degree of benefit to the workers in their practical work through the use of information sources and the use frequency of information sources by the department and years of experience are also investigated. The data to test the hypothesis was collected through the questionnaires distributed to the workers in 300 sampled firms from June 5 to June 20, The following facts have been verified as the result : 1. Workers in industries acquire information mainly through the contacts with the colleagues or superiors in their departments, and the junior workers depend more on the colleague and superiors than senior workers are. 2. Among the documents published internally, the ones from the research and development departments are mostly used. The documents issued by the worker's own departments are also frequently used and the senior workers, the more frequently use the internal publications than the junior workers do. 3. Among the internal documents stored in various places in the industries, the documents kept in the worker's own departments are used most frequently. The senior workers the more use privately owned documents than the junior workers do. 4. As far as the external channels are concerned, information is obtained mainly through suppliers of equipment and raw materials and the use frequency of information channels varies according to department. The senior workers the more receive information through supporting institution, seminar and exhibition than the junior workers do. 5. Among the external publication, the ones published by the industrial supporting institutions are heavily used and the workers in research and developments frequently use the external publications. 6. The documents held in governmental industrial institutions and industrial supporting institutions are heavily used compared with the ones stored in other external institutions. The holding places of frequently used documents vary according to the working departments. 7. The degree of benefit to practical work performance resulted from the internal information use is less than by the use of external information. 8. The documents published more than five years ago are more used than the ones of less than five years, Korean and Japanese documents are used frequently and catalogues, patents and standards are used to a great extent. The documents are used differently in accordance with work departments.

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A Study on the Cross-Reference System based on Bibliographic Relations (서지적 관계유형에 기반한 참조시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Yang-Sook;Kim Tae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.65-83
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    • 1999
  • This study is intended to build a cross-reference system as syndetic device to provide bibliographic relations and to collocate variant access points through references, by developing a reference record format. To this end, the method of this study are as follows: First, the roles of references, which have long been used in traditional records, have been reviewed. Second, ways in which references are depicted not only by current cataloging rules but also by authority control systems are examined. Major characteristics of the reference record are summarized as fellows: 1) If variations either of an author name or of a title are made, or any related works are published, only a single reference record is created. This record uses existing authority records, and instead of adopting authority headings, it will expand the function of the explanatory reference as well as newly implementing a relational reference which can later be used as a reference record. 2) All the variations of identical personal or group names and of lilies are dealt as one access point. In place of current 'see' and 'see also' references, not drawing lines between authority heading(1XX field), 'see'(4XX field) and 'see also' reference(5XX field), all forms of names will be simply applied to record field '1XX'. 3) Any form of data elements, which are used as access points, will be described in '1XX' which has equal value. When a need arises to explain relationships between various access points, it can be met by applying the general explanation reference-name(666 field). Similarly, when there is a need to articulate bibliographic relationships between related works, they will be suggested through the title and relational reference. 4) The title and relational reference regulates related terms that each relation type contains its field, according to each relational type, by reclassifying entire fields in order to provide direct bibliographic relation types on reference records. 5) Pointers which are connected to each access point present reference control numbers.

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An Exploratory Study of Software Development Environment in Korean Shipbuilding and Marine Industry (조선해양산업 소프트웨어 개발환경 현황 연구)

  • Yu, Misun;Jeong, Yang-Jae;Chun, In-Geol;Kim, Byoung-Chul;Na, Gapjoo
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2018
  • With an increase in demand for the high added value of shipbuilding and marine industry based on the information and communications technology (ICT), software technology has become more important than ever in the industry. In this paper, we present the result of our preliminary investigation on the current software development environment in the shipbuilding and marine industry in order to develop reusable software component, which can enhance the competitiveness of software development. The investigation is performed based on the survey answers from 34 developers who are working in different shipbuilding and marine companies. The questionnaire is composed of items to gather the information of each company such as the number of employees and product domain, and actual software development environment such as operating system, programming languages, deployment format, obstacles for developing components, and the adoption of software development methods and tools. According to the results of the survey, the most important consideration to select their development platform was the number of available utilities and the technical supports, followed by performance, price and security problems. In addition, the requirements of various platforms supporting and the higher reliability, and the limitations of low development cost and manpower made it difficult for them to develop reusable software components. Finally, throughout the survey, we find out that only 15% of developers used software development processes and managed the quality to systematically develop their software products, therefore, shipbuilding and marine companies need more technical and institutional support to improve their ability to develop high qualified software.

Economic Evaluation System for Deteriorated Military Facilities (노후 군시설물의 경제성 평가 시스템)

  • Jang, Won-Suk;Lim, Tae-Kyung;Lee, Dong-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.181-192
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    • 2013
  • Given both structural safety and economic benefits of aging facilities, remodelling of the existing facilities is preferable to reconstruction. This recognition provides an opportunity to reduce the commitment of resources and national budget. However, when a subordinate troop asks for remodeling or reconstruction of a deteriorated facility, it is difficult to ensure the consistency and objectivity in the process of decision making for the alternatives due to the absence of systematic and quantitative rating methodology. Their economic evaluation methodology only exists in a manual format. Thus, further research is required for converting the methodology into an automated system in view of practicality such as rapid and accurate data processing. The contributions of this study are as follows: 1) Literature review found out a representative economic evaluation model focused on military facilities, and comparative analysis with a similar study identified the strength and weakness. 2) this study presented how to convert the theoretical framework which enables to solve a specific subject matter into an automated system. 3) it developed a user friendly interfaces which consist of four functional modules by considering the usability and accessibility of the system user. 4) the developed system was verified by a case study in terms of four kinds of performance indicators.

A Study on the Design Identity of Optical Shop Brands (안경원 브랜드의 디자인아이덴티티에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-Il;Son, Jeong-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.435-443
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the design identity visual elements of optical shop brand$\underline{s}$ in order to provide objective data necessary for optical shop brands' design development. Methods: This study examined the design identity concept of the optical shop brands and analyzed visual elements of brand design identity with a focus on the symbols of domestic franchise optical shops, type of a symbol mark, representation style of logo type, color usage, use or non-use of character, etc. Results: Many symbols were directly associated with the eyeglasses, such as eyeglasses and eyes, face and iris. Along with that, letters or figures were also observed. For the type of symbol, most types were found to have the designs that took spherical and word mark shapes. Particularly, the word mark type had English words more often than Korean words. For logo types, the gothic format was dominant. In relation to the thickness of letter, thick boldface type was commonly used. The combination of 2 degrees was the color frequency used most often in the optical shop brand design. For the frequency of color usage, black and red colors were used most often. Particularly, the orange color, as well as the black color, was also often used for the main color of symbols or logo types. Meanwhile, the characters were used only in some optical shop. Most characters were animals and expressed in the cartoon and graphical forms. Conclusions: Typifier, symbol mark, logo type, color, and character are the elements forming the basic development system for brand design identity. Systematic design is needed which clearly ensures the function and role along with the mutual consistency as a important visual component of the optical shop brand.

Driving Current Control for Time-Stable RGB LED Backlighting Using Time-Varying Transform Matrix (시변 변환 행렬을 이용한 시간에 안정된 RGB LED Backlighting 구동 전류 제어)

  • Park, Kee-Hyon;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a driving current control method for a back light unit (BLU), consisting of red, green, and blue (RGB) light-emitting diodes (LEDs), whereby an RGB optical sensor is used to check the output color stimulus variation to enable a time-stable color stimulus for light emission by the RGB LED BLU. First, to obtain the present color stimulus information of the RGB LED BLU, an RGB to XYZ transform matrix is derived to enable CIEXYZ values to be calculated for the RGB LED BLU from the output values of an RGB optical sensor. The elements of the RGB to XYZ transform matrix are polynomial coefficients resulting from a polynomial regression. Next, to obtain the proper duty control values for the current supplied to the RGB LEDs, an XYZ to Duty transform matrix is derived to calculate the duty control values for the RGB LEDs from the target CIEXYZ values. The data used to derive the XYZ to Duty transform matrix are the CIEXYZ values for the RGB LED BLU estimated from the output values of the RGB optical sensor and corresponding duty control values applied to the RGB LEDs for the present, first preceding, and second preceding sequential check points. With every fixed-interval check of the color stimulus of the RGB LED BLU, the XYZ to Duty transform matrix changes adaptively according to the present lighting condition of the RGB LED BLU, thereby allowing the RGB LED BLU to emit the target color stimulus in a time-stable format regardless of changes in the lighting condition of the RGB LEDs.