• 제목/요약/키워드: Dam Body

검색결과 247건 처리시간 0.027초

Fasad (Venesection): An important regimental therapy in Unani System of Medicine

  • Khan, Javed ahmad;Nikhat, Shagufta;Ahmad, Naseem;Zohaib, Sharique;Parray, Shabir ahmad
    • 셀메드
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.19.1-19.5
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    • 2017
  • Fasad i.e. venesection is an old classical method of treatment in the Unani system of medicine. Fasad is Arabic word which means "to open". In the process, complete evacuation which drains out blood and dominating humours mixed with blood from veins. Fasad is carried out when the kamiyat (quantity) of the blood is excess in the body and patient is either exposed to the risk of developing a disease or has actually developed one. In classical literature of Unani system of medicine, physicians wrote a lot about this procedure. The details of venesection is mentioned in the given paper on the basis of classical literature including history, indications, types, amount of blood to be venesected, time, person, procedure, complications and special focus has been made on the number of vessels to be venesected and their benefits with respected to disease and condition.

Prevalence of Anhidrosis in Thoroughbred Racehorses in Korea

  • Yang, Jae-Hyuk;Lim, Yoon-Kyu
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제53권6호
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    • pp.571-573
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    • 2011
  • The primary means of heat dissipation in horse results from the evaporation of sweat. Anhidrosis refers to a decreased ability or loss of ability to sweat in response to appropriate stimuli. This disease is fatal and causes poor performance, increased body temperature, collapse, convulsion and even death. There are some reports about this disease abroad but not in Korea. We performed intradermal epinephrine test to investigate the prevalence of anhidrosis in Thoroughbred racehorses (n=50). The prevalence was 22% and it was similar to that of other countries. There does not appear to be sex, foaling country, coat color, age or pedigree of dam predispositions. In this study, we found the presence of anhidrosis in Korea. Anhidrosis should be prevented for economical purposes and general animal welfare.

Influences of Sargassum meal in the diets on growth and body composition of ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) reared in seawater

  • Lee, Sang-Min;Kim, Kyong-Duck;Lim, Tae-Jun;Park, Huem-Gi;Lee, Jong-Kwan;Lim, Yong-Su
    • 한국어업기술학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국어업기술학회 2001년도 추계 수산관련학회 공동학술대회발표요지집
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    • pp.255-256
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    • 2001
  • Ayu (or called sweet fish or sweet smelt), Plecoglossus altivelis, is a diadromous fish migrated from freshwater to brackish water to spawn, hatched larvae migrated go to seawater and then back to freshwater to grow. In Asia, it has very high consumers demand due to its good taste and Savor. However, population of this species is currently decreasing because of river pollution, over-fishing and dam construction. (omitted)

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Landsat Images Applied for Analyzing Spatial Flow and Water Quality Patterns in a Korea Estuary Dam

  • Park, S.W.;Torii, K.;Aoyama, S.;Cho, B. J.
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2003년도 Proceedings of ACRS 2003 ISRS
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    • pp.1239-1241
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the results of Landsat-TM imagery applications for detecting spatial variations of the water environments in the Saemankeum (STLR) project areas. The simulated tidal flow patterns from a two -dimensional hydro - dynamic model and water quality data from STRL project were used for relationships with the satellite data. Unsupervised classification of the tidal water body reflects the overall flow patterns at a flooding tide. Regressive equations for water quality parameters were derived and used for supervised classifications. The results were found to be useful to synoptically evaluate the water environments during the construction stages of the STLR project.

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Pulse Wave Velocity(PWV)와 혈청지질수치를 포함한 심혈관 질환 위험 요인들과의 상관관계 연구 (The Relationship between Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) and Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease including Serum Lipid Values)

  • 정승환;엄은진;박우람;이범준;나병조
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.525-533
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : There are lots of reports that cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, cerebro-vascular accident, and coronary heart disease, is related to atherosclerotic changes. Increased serum levels of lipids could play a role in these changes. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between PWV and risk factors of cardiovascular disease, including serum lipid values. Methods : This study included 261 subjects ($49.32{\pm}11.79$ years, 112 male) who underwent PWV and serum lipid evaluation. We investigated the correlation between serum lipid values, blood pressure, body mass index (EMI) and PWV. Pearson's correlation and partial correlation analysis were applied to examine the relationship between PWV and risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Results : Serum triglyceride, total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure were significantly correlated with PWV. Partial correlation coefficient adjusted by age yielded significant correlation between serum triglyceride, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and PWV. Conclusion : In this study, it seems that there are significant relationships between PWV, triglyceride and blood pressure. We could suggest that PWV might have some relationships with Dam-eum and blood stasis in oriental theory.

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Genetic Variation in Growth and Body Dimensions of Jersey and Limousin Cross Cattle. 1. Pre- Weaning Performance

  • Afolayan, R.A.;Pitchford, W.S.;Weatherly, A.W.;Bottema, C.D.K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권9호
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    • pp.1371-1377
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    • 2002
  • During a 5-yr period, 1994-1998, pre-weaning and weaning data were collected on 591 calves produced by mating either straightbred Jersey, straightbred Limousin or $F_1$ (Limousin${\times}$Jersey) bulls to mature purebred Jersey or Limousin cows. Traits recorded included birth and weaning weight, height, length, girth, fat depth and a measure of muscle (ratio of stifle to hip width expressed as a percentage). All traits were analyzed assuming a model with sire and dam random effects that included effects of year and date of birth, sex, breed and year${\times}$sex interaction. Main effects were generally significant with few exceptions. Direct genetic effects were large for weight, height, girth and muscle with a breed trend from purebred Jersey (small) to purebred Limousin (large). At weaning, the maternal effect of the Jersey dam was positive for weight (10.9${\pm}$4.9 kg), girth (3.7${\pm}$1.0 cm) and muscle (6.0${\pm}$0.9%). Heterosis was highly significant and positive only for fat depth (1.5${\pm}$0.2 mm) with the $F_1$ progeny being the fattest, followed by the backcrosses, then purebred Jersey and purebred Limousin. Also, significant (p<0.001) but negative heterosis was observed for weight, girth and muscle. The change in ranking for fat depth relative to other traits is a reflection of the large heterotic effects relative to direct effects on fat depth. Epistatic effects were not significant on any trait at birth or weaning. This study has indicated the possibility of exploiting the positive heterotic and maternal effects for fat depth and muscularity to meet specific meat quality and quantity demand by consumers.

영주댐 유사조절지 상류의 용존유기물 (Dissolved Organic Matter) 특성과 물리·화학 및 생물학적 환경 요인과의 연관성 연구 (A Study on the Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter Associated with Ambient Biophysicochemical Factors in the Sediment Control Dam (Lake Youngju))

  • 오혜지;김도균;최지수;채연지;오종민;신경훈;최광순;김동균;장광현
    • 생태와환경
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    • 제54권4호
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    • pp.346-362
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    • 2021
  • 유사조절지는 하천 하류로 이동하는 모래 등을 조절하기 위해 설치된 인공 횡단구조물로, 하천의 유황을 변화시켜 수체 내 용존유기물질 변화에 영향을 줄 수 있다. 내성천 상류의 영주댐 유사조절지를 대상으로 3차원 형광 EEM (Excitation-Emission Matrix) 및 PARAFAC 분석(Parallel Factor Analysis) 기법을 통해 수중 용존유기물의 주요 성분을 분석한 결과, 4개의 휴믹 유사계열 성분(C1-C3, C5)과 3개의 단백질-트립토판 유사계열 성분(C2, C6-C7)이 검출되었으며 이 중 내·외부로부터 기원된 휴믹계물질(C1-C3)이 주를 이루는 것으로 나타났다. 유기물 성분의 총량과 성분별 조성비는 유광층 내 광량에 따른 수심별 차이를 보이지 않았다. 영주댐 유사조절지에서는 유입된 외부 유기물이 지속적으로 분해되어 내부 유기물로 전환되며 이로 인해 유기물 지수는 조사기간 중 내부 기원 유기물의 우점을 나타냈다. 수체 내 내부 기원 유기물의 증가는 식물플랑크톤 현존량, 특히 남조류의 상대풍부도 및 박테리아와 윤충류 현존량의 증가와 연동되는 경향을 보여 수체 내 부영양화로 인한 녹조 발생은 미생물 먹이망 활성화와 밀접한 관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 수중 유기물 특성에 대한 연구는 물리·화학적 측면에서의 수질 관리뿐만 아니라 생물학적 환경 요인과의 관계 분석을 통해 동·식물플랑크톤을 포함한 미생물 먹이망을 통한 물질 순환 이해에도 중요한 것으로 사료된다.

Estimation of Genetic Parameters of Body Weight Traits in Ghezel Sheep

  • Baneh, Hasan;Hafezian, Seyed Hasan;Rashidi, Amir;Gholizadeh, Mohsen;Rahimi, Ghodrat
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.149-153
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    • 2010
  • The present study was carried out to estimate genetic parameters for body weight traits in Ghezel sheep. The data set used was records of 9,221 lambs from 180 sires and 5,060 dams for birth weight (BW), 7,206 lambs from 167 sires and 4,497 dams for weaning weight (WW) and 6,112 lambs from 157 sires and 3,841 dams for 6-months weight (6 MW), which were collected from 1999 to 2007 (9-years) at Ghezel sheep Breeding Station in west Azarbaijan. Variance components and corresponding genetic parameters were obtained with univariate analyses fitting animal models using restricted maximum likelihood (REML) methods. The most suitable model for each trait was determined based on log likelihood ratio tests. Birth year, lamb gender, type of birth, age of dam and herd were significant sources of variation on BW, WW and 6 MW (p<0.01). Direct estimate of heritability for BW, WW and 6 MW was 0.24, 0.29 and 0.37, respectively. The estimate of maternal permanent environmental variance as a proportion of phenotypic variance was 0.09 and 0.05 for BW and WW, respectively. The results of this study showed that genetic progress for growth traits is possible by selection.

소아질환의 형상의학적 치료 (Treatments of Infantile Diseases in Hyungsang Medicine)

  • 정행규;강경화;이용태
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.561-566
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    • 2007
  • After researching on infantile diseases in Hyungsang medicine, the writer got the conclusions as follows. The infants who are excess of the Yang energy need to nourish the Eum- blood. The main causes of the infantile disorders are congenital defect and malfunction of internal organs by nature, as results of these they suffer from mental disorders or being undergrown. And after birth they get ill from internal injury or external affections, mainly epilepsy by retention of undigested food, fever, cough, asthma, nasal obstruction, dermatopathia, and affection by cold, etc. In Hyungsang medicine Dam-body is apt to get ill from deficiency of Eum-blood and bangkwang-body from deficiency of Yang-energy. And infants are hare to be moderate in food, so they become to diseases of the Spleen and stomach, especially infants with Yangmyung type get to epilepsy, cough, skin disorders, and obese for the reasonof overeating. Among main infantile symptoms congenital defects, infantile mental disorders, and convulsive diseases come from congenital defect and malfunciton of internal organs, so it must be treated the symptoms following the reasons. Above all infantile mental disorders are treated not to separate the spirit from the body. And fever, cough and asthma, affection by cold, skin diseases, poor appetite, and obese come from deficiency of Kidney or the deficiency and excess of the Spleen and stomach. In order to prevent from infantile diseases right antenatal training, taking medicine rightly, exercise and eating good habits are needed to give guidance. Seeing through the clinical cases in Hyungsang medicine, we come to know that the infantile mental disorders come out primarily for the reasons of the congenital defect, and the infantile epilepsy come from malfunction of internal organs, and the nasal obstruction and skin diseases come from deficiency of Kidney or the deficiency and excess of the Spleen and stomach.

Bisphenol A와 butyl benzyl phthalate 동시투여가 임신랫드와 차산자에 미치는 영향 (The Reproductive Toxicity by Combined Treatment of Bisphenol A and Butyl Benzyl Phthalate During Gestation, Lactation Period in Rats)

  • 최경호;황성희;권은아;김판기
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2004
  • This study was performed to evaluate developmental and estrogenic activity of bisphenol A (BPA) and butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) to the second generation of Sprague-Dawley rats ingested during gestational or lactational periods. Rats were given BPA 20$\mu\textrm{g}$/kg BBP 100mg/kg of pregnancy or lactation periods. Maternal body weight and neonatal body weight were recorded. The rats were sacrificed on day 21 after birth. Reproductive organs of dam and neonate were utilized for receptor binding assay. The plasma concentrations of BPA and MBep, one of the major metabolites of BBP were analyzed with HPLC. The co-administration of BPA and BBP induced slow weight gain compared with single administration in dams. Also, such mixture induced low neonatal body weights in next generation. The dams treated with BPA and BBP during lactational periods showed significant organ weight changes in liver and spleen. The dams exposed during lactational periods showed significant organ weight changes not only in liver and spleen but also in kidney, uterus and ovary. The F1 female rats exposed during lactation periods showed significant organ weight changes in liver, spleen, ovary. The F1 male rats showed significant organ weight changes in liver, kidney, epididymis, vesicular glands, prostate. However, no clear synergistic effects of BPA and BBP were noted. There was no significantly different ER$\alpha$ expression pattern between control and treated groups. However, ER$\alpha$ expression were increased in F1 male testis and female uterus. PI male showed distinct ER$\alpha$ expression, especially in the group of lactational combined exposure. Synergistic ER$\alpha$ expression was found by combined treatment of BPA and BBP. We could not find any evidences of synergistic effects on BPA and/or BBP combined administration on dams and their fetuses, except in ER$\alpha$ expression of F1 male.