• Title/Summary/Keyword: DSP (dual substituent parameter)

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Substituted Phenyl 2-Thiophenecarboxylates and Benzoates:Synthesis, NMR Spectra, and Aromaticity Index

  • Lee, Chang Gyu;Yu, Ji Suk;Park, Jong Seok
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2000
  • A series of m-, and p-substituted phenyl 2-thiophenecarboxylates and benzoates was prepared by the reaction of the corresponding acyl chlorides and phenols. Their $^1H$ and $^{13}C$ NMR chemical shifts were analyzed using single substituent parameter (S SP) and dual substituent parameter (DSP) methods. The relative aromaticity index of thiophene was estimated to be 0.92 from the plot of the chemical shift of the carbonyl carbons of the thienoyl esters against chemical shift of the carbonyl carbons of the benzoyl esters.

Development of new agrochemicals by qnantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) methodology. II. The linear free energy relationship (LFER) and descriptors (정량적인 구조-활성상관(QSAR) 기법에 의한 새로운 농약의 개발 II. 자유에너지 직선관계(LFER)와 설명인자들)

  • Sung, Nack-Do
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.231-243
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    • 2002
  • Starting with linear free energy relationships (LFER), drug design to mimic of the activated complexes at transition state, and hydrolysis mechanisms to control the potency and residual properties of pesticides were introduced and summarized for the necessity. In order to understand the searching or development of new agrochemicals by two dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (2D QSAR) methodology, a series of the various descriptors, steric constants, electronic constants including quantum pharmacological parameters and hydrophobic constants were classified and discussed for results of the several studied cases. In addition, the processes of development of new agrochemicals by QSAR techniques were introduced simply.

Linear Free Energy Relationship on the Chemical Shift of Imidoyl Proton in N-benzylideneaniline Derivatives by PMR Spectrometry (核磁氣 共鳴分光法에 義한 N-Benzylideneaniline 誘導體중 Imidoyl Proton 의 Chemical Shift 에 미치는 自由에너지 關係)

  • Nack Do Sung;Cheon Kyu Park;Moon kyu Park;Ki Sung Kwon;Kim, Tae Rin
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.277-282
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    • 1985
  • The effects of linear free energy relationship (LFER) on the imidoyl proton (H${\alpha}$)-substituent chemical shift (SCS) in case of varying para-substituted C-phenyl group in N-benzylideneaniline derivatives were studied. The H${\alpha}$-SCS values and LFER parameters such as ${\sigma}$,${\sigma}^+$, ${\sigma}_I$,${\sigma}_R, F and R were applied to the Hammett, Okamoto-Brown, and Taft, Swain-Lupton's dual substituents parameter (DSP) equations. The results were: (1) the blending coefficient values, ${\lambda}$ = 2.8∼3.2, it's means that the resonance effect (R) was larger than inductive effect (I) and field effect (F), and (2) the values of percent resonance and percent field effects were %R = 66.6 and %F = 33.4, respectively, yielding the ratio of resonance effect (R) to field effect (F) of 2 : 1.

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